showmessage.jar not found 404 - oracle

I'm new in Oracle Forms, i try to execute an application developped in Oracle Forms with Java Web Start, so this application need a jar file named "showmessage.jar", when i check the folder "$ORACLE_HOME/forms/java" i found the file but when i try to access to it via browser i have an 404 error.
I tried to rename the jar file and i can access to it, i don't know why ?
If anyone had an idea about this issue, Please help me.

In the rwserver.conf file, you can set what folders Forms (and Reports!) has access to.
Configuring file access
This link describes the "write" access, but this is also how "read" access is configured (I haven't tried this with environment variables):
# Single Target Directory


Link to storage folder not working on hosting

In my local project I save the images in the storage path and load normally with asset('storage/...');
Everything works smoothly. I do not have full access to the hosting to upload the project. only access via FTP, no ssh access. When the project is unpacked on the hosting, the storage link in the public folder brings all the files as a folder. I removed it and because I don't have ssh access I declared a route to execute the command.
Route::get('storage-link', function(){
echo (Artisan::output());
When running the route, it even prints the message that it normally shows when the command is run in the console, saying that the link between the folders was created.
The problem is that the images do not load.
if I pass the folder to the public and call it without going through the link to the storage folder asset('/cars/photo.jpg') it shows it correctly.
I hope you can help me. Thanks in advance.

How to host Spring boot application on cpanel?

I have a Spring boot application and i want to host it in my VPS server (cpanel).
I'am using the last version of cpanel & WHM with easyapache 4.
I exactly followed the steps on this website :
But, nothing on the result. I got Error 404 when i access to my domain name.
If anyone can help me on this or anyone done this before could give the exact steps to follow.
Thank you.
I had difficulty with that too, use the link in the attachment that you will have an orientation, but it may be that not everything is 100% the same. If you have any questions during the process, you can contact!
change the name of the .war file to ROOT.war , and follow all the procedures described in the link;
In the "" file, add the "server.port" configuration for the port you found in the link (step 2, part 1).
ex: server.port=10003
Open the file "ea-tomcat85/logs/catalina.out" to see the errors thrown

404 Error in Magento extension when deployed in production

This one is puzzling me for 2 days now. I've found a solution for a 404 in admin, but it is not the same that is happening here. I have exactly the same version of Magento in my local copy and production server: The extension works great in local. I packaged it using Magento Connect and installed in production the same way. All files are there. It shows in the menu and in Configuration section, but when I click the menu to go to the report, I get the beloved 404. I loged out and in, flushed cache zillion times (including deleting the files manually) but nothing changed.This are the URLs in both envs:
As you can see is exactly the same. I don't know wahy then I'm getting the error. Can somebody point what can I do to solve this? DO I need to check any setting? What can cause this?
This is a var_dump that I get in the router _validateControllerClassName() method:
string(115) "/home_path/public_html/app/code/community/Surpassweb/SalesTaxes/controllers/Adminhtml/SalestaxesController.php"
string(100) "/home_path/public_html/app/code/community/Surpassweb/SalesTaxes/controllers/IndexController.php"
This is the output of Alam's 404 module:
Controller Name
Controller Name: adminhtml_salestaxes
The controller name adminhtml_salestaxes matches the following controller file, but this file does not exist.
The file is there and has 755 permissions.
This is the first line in may controller:
class MyCompany_SalesTaxes_Adminhtml_SalesTaxesController extends Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action {
Thanks for your time.
Are you absolutely sure the file is there? Named the same? With the same character capitalization? And that you're not in a production setup with multiple frontend webservers?
If you'll indulge me — copy the path of the controller from the Better 404 page to your computer's clipboard. Then type
$ ls -l [PASTE]
into your terminal window. My bet if the file won't be there. Also try
$ls -l app/code/community/Surpassweb/SalesTaxes/controllers/Adminhtml/
to see what files are there.
Looking at the information you provided, Magento is looking for a file named
I don't know what your actual file is named, but looking at the class name
leads me to believe it might be incorrectly named SalesTaxesControlle.php. Notice the T in sales taxes is capitalized, vs the lowercase t Magento is looking for.
For some reason magento isn't registering the route to your app.
Either apache doesn't know to let magento handle it or magento doesn't know what to do with it.
Check your htaccess files and virtual host configs for the two environments.
Right off the bat I can see they're not exactly the same. One is http and one is https.
Those are probably two different virtual host configs and could be slightly different.
Next I would make sure the config xml for your module is included in magento/app/etc/modules/ folder. Make sure the module is enabled. There should be a line for that in your modules config xml file.
If you deployed it to the local vs community folder, check the magento/app/etc/local.xml and make sure disable_local_modules is set to no.
Good luck. Troubleshooting in live is always fun.

Can't get access to file on localhost under Windows

Periodically after branch downloading from github Yii shows such an issue:
copy(Z:\home\localhost\www\insur\insurance\assets\c75d288a\css\_notes\dwsync.xml) [<a href='function.copy'>function.copy</a>]: failed to open stream: Permission denied
(/_notes/dwsync.xml - is a file created by DreamWeaver automatically for developer's notes).
I can't figure out following:
Why Yii tries to implement copy($path,$dst.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file); for that file (it's here: [site_root]\yii\framework\utils\CFileHelper.php(130))?
Why an access error is possible on Windows localhost?
What exactly is an error source - Windows, Apache or Yii (or maybe DW)?
What is solution?
So a real Guru needed!
I believe that here is one!
Generally Yii Assets Manager will try to publish (or republish) copies of diffirent resources (img, css, js, ..etc) used by your app (made by you or nativly in the framework, e.g Gii module stuff)
An access error can happen in localhost if you didn't set needed permission to web-server process. But in this exact case i think the web-server can not find the folder from the begining.
It is a joint crime between Yii & Apache. Yii CAssestsManager expects an assets folder, Apache can't find it and complains
Proposed Solution:
Make sure you have a folder named assets in your App Root and make sure it's writable by the web server process!!
To understand more about Yii Assests check this wiki-post

moving modx to new server - clear cache

I moved website to new server, domain stay the same, files structure stay the same, but path to public_html has beed changed. Database has been also moved.
I tried to clean cache, but i dont think I made it. This is error i get:
Could not find action file at: /home/account_name/domains/
account_name is different now.
I havent access to the old server, so I cant login and clear cache. I tried to do it using php script I found, but it didnt help.
Moving to new server documentation - there is welcome.php error and how to fix it, but since I haven't access to website from old server, I can't do it.
Also I can't login and clear cache in admin panel, because this message in when i wan get access to it.
I also change in db, in modx_workspaces->path from {core_path} to home/account_name/domains/, but didn't help.
How can i clear cache or if it's not the case, what should I do to make it work?
I have change location in settings:
In .htaccess I couldn't find path to website, I didn't change anything.
I remove all content from core/cache/, except one file (.gitignore), and if I go to it's blank page, no content at all. And still can't log in.
Clear the cache on the new server manually VIA FTP or from a shell.
Change that modx_workspaces thing back
did you change all your settings in core/config/ ?? if not do so, that is where you will set most of your paths & database credentials.
you have a backup? good!
Now upgrade to the same version of modx, that should fix all your path issues. [make sure you are not logged into the manager while trying to upgrade]
When moving the site to the new server rather watch two things:
the right paths into this files
the folder /core/cache/ is empty. They can be cleaned simply by removing the contents via ftp.
and correct the value in the database back to {core_path}
