How to render all data in relation in laravel - laravel

I am new in this situation, I wan't to get value of "otmain_many_otline" but I don't know how to get it, I think I should put it in array cause when I use this
$list->otmain_many_otline[0]->purpose I only get first data. My problem is I don't know the syntax how to render all data?
<table id="example1" class="table table-bordered table-hover">
#foreach($ot_list as $list)
class OTMain extends Model
protected $table = 'ot_main';
public function otmain_many_otline(){
return $this->hasMany('App\OTline', 'ot_main_id','id');
class OTLine extends Model
protected $table = 'ot_line';
public function otline_belong_otmain(){
return $this->hasOne('App\OTMain', 'ot_main_id');
$ot_list = OTMain::whereIn('created_by', $requestor_list)
->where('ot_status', 1)

Your otmain_many_otline relation is hasMany meaning that it will return you collection of related objects. Make sure to read official documentation on them.
If you need to get first related object then use method first(). In your case:
#foreach($ot_list as $list)
{{ $list->otmain_many_otline->first()->purpose }}
If you need to render all related objects you can also just iterate through omain_many_otline with another #foreach:
#foreach ($list->otmain_many_otline as $otline)
<p>{{ $otline->purpose }}</p>

You can simply do this:
#foreach($ot_list as $list)
#foreach($list->otmain_many_otline as $ot) // foreach for $otmain_many_otline
{{$ot->purpose}} ,


How to display data from 2 tables in Laravel?

Restaurant Model
class Restaurant extends Model
use HasFactory;
public $timestamps = false;
public function menus(){
return $this->hasMany(Menu::class, 'resto_id');
public function restoimages(){
return $this->hasOne(RestoImage::class, 'resto_id');
RestoImage Model
class RestoImage extends Model
use HasFactory;
public $timestamps = false;
protected $fillable = ['image','resto_id'];
public function restaurants(){
return $this->belongsTo(Restaurant::class, 'resto_id');
View File
<div class="card mb-4">
<div class="card-body">
<table id="datatablesSimple">
<th colspan="2">Operations</th>
#foreach($data as $item)
public function list(){
$data = Restaurant::with('restoimages')->get();
$restoimages = RestoImage::all();
return view('list', compact('data', 'restoimages'));
I have 2 tables, one is restaurants and other is resto_images. When an admin inserts new restaurant using a form. Record will be inserted in aboce 2 tables. resto_images table has column resto_id but when I tried to display image from resto_images table, it throws error (Attempt to read property "image" on null). Please correct me if I am wrong. Thanks in advance.
in your view, you can use the optional function of Laravel or check that there is real value in your relationship with a if,
<td>{{ optional($item->restoimages)->image}}</td>
<td>{{ $item->restoimages ? $item->restoimages->image : null }}</td>
Dont forget the img tag if you want to show the image and css attribute to resize the image.
If your images are directly in the public folder, then :
<td style="width:150px;height:100px;"> //some style to resize images
#if ($item->restoimages)
<img src="{{ asset($item->restoimages->image) }}" alt="">
<p>no image</p>
But if your images are in public/folderName, then :
<td style="width:150px;height:100px;">
#if ($item->restoimages)
<img src="{{ asset('folderName/' . $item->restoimages->image) }}" alt="">
<p>no image</p>

How to display this unserialize data to blade in Laravel

public function getcustomerorder($id)
$orderss = Orders::find($id);
$orders = $orderss->all();
$order->cart = unserialize($order->cart);
return $order;
return $orders;
The output of that from the controller is below:
[{"id":3,"cart":{"1":{"itemcode":"20062872","itemname":"AXE BS TWIST 50ML","quantity":4,"price":125},"2":{"itemcode":"20062881","itemname":"DOVE RO ORIGINAL 40ML","quantity":5,"price":50}},"firstname":"Joseph Vincent","lastname":"Limbaroc","phonenumber":"09197963942","email":"","street":"094 B Brgy. 40-D Bolton Ext. St.","street2":null,"city":"Davao City","province":"Davao Del Sur","zip":"8000","status":"new","created_at":"2020-04-20T05:15:09.000000Z","updated_at":"2020-04-20T05:15:09.000000Z"}]
How do I display the array of cart into blade using
#foreach($orders as $item)
<td>{{ }}</td>
Hi Sarvil you could change the structure of your JSON a little. You can make "cart" to be an array not an object but I hope this syntax will help you:
#foreach($orders as $item)
#foreach($item->cart as $item_cart)

laravel 5.2 relationship not showing

I have a Laravel 5.2 website and I am having trouble getting my relationship data to show. It was working fine before but I can't see my data. I am not getting any errors.
<table class="table table-striped">
<th>Pallet Count</th>
<th>Piece Count</th>
#foreach($cfs->hawbs as $hawb)
<a data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#{{$hawb->hawb}}">
<td>{{$hawb->weight_no}} {{$hawb->weight_type}}</td>
<div id="{{$hawb->hawb}}" class="collapse">
Insert more info here
public function getCfsStep(Request $request, $step)
$cfs = DB::table('cfs_deliveries');
$account = Account::pluck('name', 'id')->all();
return view('cfs.step_' . $step, compact('account', 'cfsDelivery'), ['cfs' => $request->session()->get('cfs')]);
CFSDelivery Model
public function hawbs()
return $this->hasMany('App\Hawb', 'cfs_delivery_id');
Hawb Model
public function cfsDelivery()
return $this->belongsTo('App\CfsDelivery');
I'm now getting this error:
Undefined property: Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::$hawbs (View: /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/dsd-cms/resources/view‌​s/cfs/step_3.blade.p‌​hp

Laravel Trying to get property of non-object when i get data

i get this error when i get section data and the problem with section result part
the book part and author part working good
when i remove section part it working with out section_name
Laravel Framework version 5.1.25 (LTS)
Trying to get property of non-object (View: C:\xampp\htdocs\lib\resources\views\libraryViewsContainer\summary.blade.php)
my Book Model
class Book extends Model
public function section()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Section','id');
public function author()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Author','books_authors_relationship','book_id','author_id')->withTimestamps();
my BooksController
public function summary(){
$all_results = Book::with('section')->with('author')->get();
return view('libraryViewsContainer.summary',compact('all_results',$all_results));
my summary blade
<div class="container">
<h1 class="well text-center">Library Summary</h1>
<table class="table">
<th style="width: 25%">Section Name</th>
<th style="width: 25%">Book Title</th>
<th style="width: 25%">Book Description</th>
<th style="width: 25%">Authors</th>
#foreach($all_results as $bookModel)
<a href="/section/{{$bookModel->section->id}}">
<span class="label label-info">{{$bookModel->section->section_name}}</span>
<?php $authors = $bookModel->author; ?>
#foreach($authors as $author)
<a href="/author/{{$author->id}}">
<span class="label label-danger">{{$author->first_name}} {{$author->last_name}}</span>
In controller, method "with" can be written like $all_results = Book::with('section', 'author')->get();
Method compact() takes the variable names, not the variables.
return $all_results before view to see your results to get whether you're getting the values correctly or not.
the error was in Book model
i changed
public function section()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Section','id');
return $this->belongsTo('App\Section');
and it worked thanks for all help me

Laravel: Undefined variable

im having a problem with my code.
I want to show the record of the student who login but im having an
undefined variable on my view.blade
Here's my Model
class Attendance extends Eloquent {
public function users()
return $this->belongsTo('User', 'id');
Here's my Controller
public function viewstudentAttendance()
$students = Auth::user()->id;
//load view and pass users
return View::make('student.view')
->with('attendances', $students);
Finally here's my view.blade
<title>View Attendance</title>
{{ HTML::style('css/bootstrap.css'); }}
#if ($students->count())
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered">
<th>First name</th>
<th>Last name</th>
#foreach ($students as $students)
<td>{{ $students->id }}</td>
<td>{{ $students->firstname }}</td>
<td>{{ $students->lastname }}</td>
{{ HTML::script('js/bootstrap.js'); }}
There are no attendance recorded yet
I think the problem is with my view or how i declare the variable? Please help? :(
public function viewstudentAttendance() {
//This code turns ID ONLY Check the website out for a code that retrieves data so you can loop it.
$students = Auth::user() - > id;
//Code that counts number of student
$studentCount = XXX(Google It)
//load view and pass users
return View::make('student.view') - > with('attendances', $students);
//Return StudentCount too
Inside your blade template, use :
#if ($studentCount > 10)
instead of
#if ($students->count())
Your students is returning ID, how could you "Count"
Inside your blade you kept doing if($students) bla bla, just to let you know it's attendances
->with('attendances', $students);
Attendances is the variable your blade will see, $student is the data you are pushing into attendances for blade
