ElasticSearch: return some text surrounding a match on a full-text query? - elasticsearch

I have some full text search query on an article index:
"query": {
"multi_match": {
"query": article,
"fields": [ "text" ],
"minimum_should_match": "75%"
I want to know if I can change it to return only part of the text rather than the entire matched text. For example, let's say I search for "brown fox". Instead of returning the entire article, I just want to return a few words surrounding any match of "brown fox", so that a result might be ".. is said that any brown fox could jump over fences..", disregarding newlines.
Is this possible in ES?

As #Adam-t mentioned, highlighting in EC is the key to this answer. For future references I have added my search query where I was able to get the requested answer. I'm posting this answer because, I've also faced the same issue and it took me a while to find a proper solution.
Above search query will search for term "investors" through a large text and returns a response like below,
"highlight" : {
"content" : [
"*stocks closed at a near three-week high on Wednesday, led by blue-chips, but foreign <em>investors</em>",
"The dollar currency ended weaker. ** Local <em>investors</em> picked up select shares, with one of the two presidential"
fragment_size highlights the surrounding text with a default value of 100


Elasticsearch: Must include all words in search if all exist, but ignore one or two if they don't?

I hope what I'm trying to explain makes sense, and there is a way that I could achieve it.
Currently I am searching in 40 million documents, with a query like this:
GET /all/_search
"query": {
"match": {
"full_text": {
"query": "insert ten or twelve words here to search",
"operator": "and"
Now I want to only return docs that their 'full_text' includes all of the words in the query. I am able to achieve that with above snippet.
My question is, when there is no match at all, but for example removing "ten" would yield one result, is there a way to configure my search to do that? I.e. to tell ES "aim for 100% match, but if nothing found, 90% would do just fine" !
Hope this is clear :)
You can use minimum_should_match clause along with match query
"query": {
"match": {
"query": "insert ten or twelve words here",

Elastic exact matching and substring matching together

I know that Elastic have "keyword" type in order to find something with exact matching. Ex:
"address": { "type": "keyword"}
That's cool. exact matching works!
but I would like to have both "exact matching" and "sub-string" matching. So I decided to create the following mapping:
"address": { "type": "text" , "index": true }
If I have "text" type, how can I search exact matching string? (not sub-string). I've tried several ways but does not works:
GET testing_index/_search
"query" : {
"constant_score" : {
"filter" : {
"term" : {
"address" : "washington"
GET testing_index/_search
"query": {
"match": {
"address" : "washington"
I need just something universal mapping:
to find exact string
to find sub-strings
I hope elastic can do this.
By default, text fields use the default analyzer, which drops most punctuation, breaks up text into individual words, and lower cases them. For instance, the standard analyzer would turn the string “Quick Brown Fox!” into the terms [quick, brown, fox]. As you can imagine, this makes it difficult to write an exact match query against the text field. For your use case, I suggest one of 2 options:
store as keyword, and accomplish sub-string-like matching using wildcard or fuzzy queries. Wildcard queries, in particular queries with a leading wildcard, are notoriously slow, so proceed with caution.
store the field twice: one as keyword and one as text. Obvious downside here is bloating the size of the index.
For more background, see the "Term Query" Elasticsearch documentation, and in particular the section on "Why doesn’t the term query match my document?": https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-term-query.html

How can I achieve this type of queries in ElasticSearch?

I have added a document like this to my index
POST /analyzer3/books
"title": "The other day I went with my mom to the pool and had a lot of fun"
And then I do queries like this
GET /analyzer3/_analyze
"analyzer": "english",
"text": "\"The * day I went with my * to the\""
And it successfully returns the previously added document.
My idea is to have quotes so that the query becomes exact, but also wildcards that can replace any word. Google has this exact functionality, where you can search queries like this, for instance "I'm * the university" and it will return page results that contain texts like I'm studying in the university right now, etc.
However I want to know if there's another way to do this.
My main concern is that this doesn't seem to work with other languages like Japanese and Chinese. I've tried with many analyzers and tokenizers to no avail.
Any answer is appreciated.
Exact matches on the tokenized fields are not that straightforward. Better save your field as keyword if you have such requirements.
Additionally, keyword data type support wildcard query which can help you in your wildcard searches.
So just create a keyword type subfield. Then use the wildcard query on it.
Your search query will look something like below:
GET /_search
"query": {
"wildcard" : {
"title.keyword" : "The * day I went with my * to the"
In the above query, it is assumed that title field has a sub-field named keyword of data type keyword.
More on wildcard query can be found here.
If you still want to do exact searches on text data type, then read this
Elasticsearch doesn't have Google like search out of the box, but you can build something similar.
Let's assume when someone quotes a search text what they want is a match phrase query. Basically remove the \" and search for the remaining string as a phrase.
PUT test/_doc/1
"title": "The other day I went with my mom to the pool and had a lot of fun"
GET test/_search
"query": {
"match_phrase": {
"title": "The other day I went with my mom to the pool and had a lot of fun"
For the * it's getting a little more interesting. You could just make multiple phrase searches out of this and combine them. Example:
GET test/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match_phrase": {
"title": "The"
"match_phrase": {
"title": "day I went with my"
"match_phrase": {
"title": "to the"
Or you could use slop in the phrase search. All the terms in your search query have to be there (unless they are being removed by the tokenizer or as stop words), but the matched phrase can have additional words in the phrase. Here we can replace each * with 1 other words, so a slop of 2 in total. If you would want more than 1 word in the place of each * you will need to pick a higher slop:
GET test/_search
"query": {
"match_phrase": {
"title": {
"query": "The * day I went with my * to the",
"slop": 2
Another alternative might be shingles, but this is a more advanced concept and I would start off with the basics for now.

Search in two fields on elasticsearch with kibana

Assuming I have an index with two fields: title and loc, I would like to search in this two fields and get the "best" match. So if I have three items:
{"title": "castle", "loc": "something"},
{"title": "something castle something", "loc": "something,pontivy,something"},
{"title": "something else", "loc": "something"}
... I would like to get the second one which has "castle" in its title and "pontivy" in its loc. I tried to simplify the example and the base, it's a bit more complicated. So I tried this query, but it seems not accurate (it's a feeling, not really easy to explain):
GET merimee/_search/?
"query": {
"multi_match" : {
"query": "castle pontivy",
"fields": [ "title", "loc" ]
Is it the right way to search in various field and get the one which match the in all the fields?
Not sure my question is clear enough, I can edit if required.
The story is: the user type "castle pontivy" and I want to get the "best" result for this query, which is the second because it contains "castle" in "title" and "pontivy" in "loc". In other words I want the result that has the best result in both fields.
As the other posted suggested, you could use a bool query but that might not work for your use case since you have a single search box that you want to query against multiple fields with.
I recommend looking at a Simple Query String query as that will likely give you the functionality you're looking for. See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-simple-query-string-query.html
So you could do something similar to this:
"query": {
"simple_query_string" : {
"query": "castle pontivy",
"fields": ["title", "loc"],
"default_operator": "and"
So this will try to give you the best documents that match both terms in either of those fields. The default operator is set as AND here because otherwise it is OR which might not give you the expected results.
It is worthwhile to experiment with other options available for this query type as well. You might also explore using a Query String query as it gives more flexibility but the Simple Query String term works very well for most cases.
This can be done by using bool type of query and then matching the fields.
GET _search
"bool": {"must": [{"match": {"title": "castle"}},{"match": {"loc": "pontivy"}}]

Analyzer to find , e.g: "starbucks" when mistakenly querying "star bucks"

How would I define an analyzer so a query recalls a document with term "starbucks" when mistakenly querying "star bucks"?
Or in general: how would I define an analyzer that is able to search for combined terms by omitting term-separators/ spaces, in the supplied query?
N-grams clearly don't work, since you'd have to know to split up the term 'starbucks' on indexing in 2 separate terms 'star' and 'bucks'. Splitting on syllables might be enough, but not sure if that's possible (or scales)
You can use Fuzzy Search.
Here is a full working sample:
PUT test1
POST test1/a
"item1": "starbucks"
POST test1/a
"item1": "foo"
GET test1/a/_search
"query": {
"fuzzy": {
"item1": "star bucks"
