expect commands terminate too early - expect

I'm trying to write a script to automatically log into a server, run a few lines of command(to install Anaconda), and then exit. The script below executes nicely until the line this, which starts off fine but ends abruptly (after installing only 10 or so libraries) without giving any error message. Is it because a timeout setting for the expect script? Any ideas on how to fix it?
set f [open "/Users/user1/Downloads/servers.txt"]
set hosts [split [read $f] "\n"]
close $f
set f [open "commands.txt"]
set commands [split [read $f] "\n"]
close $f
foreach host $hosts {
spawn ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no USERNAME#$host;
expect "?assword:"
send "PASSWORD\r"
foreach cmd $commands {
expect "$ "
send "$cmd\r"
expect "$ "
send "exit\r"
where servers.txt is just a list of servers and commands.txt is the following:
wget https://repo.anaconda.com/archive/Anaconda3-5.2.0-Linux-x86_64.sh -O ~/anaconda.sh
bash ~/anaconda.sh -b -p $HOME/anaconda
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/anaconda/bin:$PATH"' >>~/.bash_profile
source .bash_profile

The expect script set timeout = 10 automatically. So you need to change the timeout at the beginning of the script using set timeout 120 or whatever time.


Loop through file and send commands over expect

I am trying to send commands from a file to a device over expect. I tried sending them one at a time from my local machine but all of my file paths were relative to local, not relative to the remote device. My solution was to try to upload the file to the device and load the commands from there. When I try to load the file I keep getting a permissions issue even though if I cat the file from the device I don't have a problem reading it. The file has 1 command per line.
/usr/bin/rsync -Pavr $1 $devicepath
expect <<- expect_feed
set send_slow {1 .001}
spawn ssh -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -p $PORT_SSH root#localhost
expect -re "password:"
send -s "password\r"
expect -re $PROMPT_ROOT
send -s "chmod 777 /var/root/file.txt\r"
expect -re $PROMPT_ROOT
set f [cat /var/root/file.txt]
set cmds [split [read $f] "\n"]
close $f
foreach line $cmds {
send -s "$line\r"
expect -re $PROMPT_ROOT
This yields:
root# cat: /var/root/file.txt: Permission denied
I also tried
set f [open /var/root/file.txt]
...but it gave the same error.
If the file you send over contains shell commands, treat it as such and simply source it on the remote host
/usr/bin/rsync -Pavr "$1" "$devicepath"
expect << 'EXPECT_FEED'
set send_slow {1 .001}
spawn ssh -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -p $env(PORT_SSH) root#localhost
expect -re "password:"
send -s "password\r"
expect -re $env(PROMPT_ROOT)
send -s ". /var/root/file.txt\r" ;# <<<<
expect -re $env(PROMPT_ROOT)
send "exit\r"
expect eof
I prefer to use quoted heredocs: shell variables can be passed to expect via the environment.
I'm assuming root's shell is a POSIX-type shell where . is the "source" command.
Thanks for the great suggestions. It is working like this.
It would probably work just as well without send slow now that it is sending one line at a time and waiting for a response.
The last command in the file is 'quit' in order to return to the root prompt, I suppose that could have been hard coded
export cmdpath
expect << 'EXPECT_FEED'
set send_slow {1 .001}
set commandfile [open $env(cmdpath)]
spawn ssh -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -p $env(PORT_SSH) root#localhost
expect -re "password:"
send -s "password\r"
expect -re $env(PROMPT_ROOT)
send -s ">the name of the process accepting commands<\r"
while { [gets $commandfile line] != -1 } {
expect -re $env(PROMPT)
send -s "$line\r" }
expect -re $env(PROMPT_ROOT)
send "exit\r"
expect eof

Trying to Create a remote login tool: "interact" in "expect << EOF" does not work

The use case of this script is I have various servers with different ssh keys. I am trying to write a script so when called will log into the specified server. An example of usage would be:
./ServerLogin.sh Server1
I feel that I am fairly close, but The last part of expect interact is tripping me up. This is a simplified version:
case $ServerName in
"Server1") IP="" ; keyPath="/path/to/key.pem" ; password="password" ; break ;;
*) echo "Server not recognized" ; exit ;;
/usr/bin/expect << EOD
spawn ssh -i $keyPath user#$IP
expect "*.pem': "
send "$password\r"
The result of this is it logs in and immediately closes. I want for the session to remain interactable.
Any ideas?
The problem is in expect << EOF. With expect << EOF, expect's stdin is the here-doc rather than a tty. But the interact command only works when expect's stdin is a tty. Your answer is one solution. Another solution is to use expect -c if you prefer not using a tmp file.
expect -c "
spawn ssh -i $keyPath user#$IP
expect \"*.pem': \"
send \"$password\r\"
After toying around with it some more, I found a working solution. Basically create the expect script and run it. Why it works like this and not in the original question is beyond me. But it works and I will use this for the time being. Thanks everyone for the help!
Working Solution:
case $ServerName in
"Server1") IP="" ; keyPath="/path/to/key.pem" ; password="password" ; break ;;
*) echo "Server not recognized" ; exit ;;
function WriteExp {
echo "#!/usr/bin/expect"
echo "spawn ssh -i $keyPath ubuntu#$IP"
echo "expect \"*.pem': \""
echo "send \"$password\\r\""
echo "interact"
WriteExp > $ServerName.exp
chmod 755 $ServerName.exp
/usr/bin/expect $ServerName.exp
# Cleanup the evidence
rm $ServerName.exp
Using just tcl/expect, instead of a hybrid of shell and it, makes for much cleaner code, without any of the potential issues posed by shell variable interpolation:
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
switch -- [lindex $argv 0] {
Server1 {
set IP
set keyPath /path/to/key.pem
set password "password"
default {
puts stderr "Server not recognized"
exit 1
spawn ssh -i $keyPath user#$IP
expect "*.pem': "
send "$password\r"

how to user expect and send with a request and sleep

When the password appeare
I want to use expect to autoinput the result of a request after 5s
macOS shell expect
expect << !
set timeout -1
spawn bundle exec fastlane fastlane-credentials add --username sakura
expect "*Password*"
sleep 5
send `curl http://localhost/a.txt`
the sleep can't effect
the curl http://localhost/a.txt used before the Password,I want to after
In tcl language, send command interpret at every first time, so the sleep will not work for interact with your process. Put sleep before expect should work, but U need save password in temp file as a storage. More detail, example codes show as:
set timeout -1
spawn bundle exec fastlane fastlane-credentials add --username sakura
sleep 5
send_user "[exec curl -s http://localhost/a.txt -o /tmp/_passwd.txt]"
set fp [open "/tmp/_passwd.txt" r]
set passwd [read $fp]
close $fp
send_user "[exec rm -f /tmp/tmp/_passwd.txt]"
puts $passwd
expect "*Password*"
send '$passwd\r'

expect not taking ssh arguments while/for loop [duplicate]

I have list of filenames in a text file,need to transfer each file into server using scp command.I am reading filenames from Read.sh and passing each file name to transfer.sh script but scp is not executing command in this transfer script.If I run transfer.sh alone with passing args its working fine.
while read p; do
echo $p
./transfer.sh "$p"
done <List.txt
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
# get filename from command-line
set f [lindex $argv 0]
spawn scp "$f" user#
expect "password"
send "123\r"
I just run Read.sh as
spawn scp /home/mbox140/Desktop/test.sh mbox140#
user#'s password:
Its not executing next statement.Please suggest me any solution.
Try the below script , The changes are that the Transfer.sh is wrapped into bash.sh.
and the reason it waits in the password may be because you are expecting a wrong pattern , try "Password" instead of "password" and after send command, expect for the terminal pattern so that the scp finishes
while read p; do
echo $p
/usr/bin/expect << EOF
spawn scp $p user#
expect "Password"
send "123\r"
expect "*#*"
done <List.txt

Redirect grep output to file in server

I am attempting to write a script that greps for something in a number of servers and appends the output of all of them into a single file. The servers are password protected. I use expect to enter the servers and pass the grep command but I am hoping to get the output of each of them to end up in a single file.
Here is an overview of what I want to do:
spawn ssh xxx#server1
expect "password: "
send "PASSWORD\r"
expect "$ "
send "grep <something> /some/log/file >> file.txt"
expect "$ "
send "exit\r"
... then continue doing this in dozens more servers with the output of the grep command appending to file.txt each time. I don't mind where the file.txt actually is. It can be on my local computer or any of the servers.
The best I've come up with would be to put each of these in a file on the server the grep is being done on and then scp all those files to local and appending them all. This seems incredibly wasteful though, so I am looking for a way to send the output to a server or to local from a server.
It would be both easier to automate and more secure if you used public key authentication instead of password authentication to get to the servers. Then you could simply loop over them like this:
for host in server1 server2 server3 ...; do
ssh -n "$host" 'grep <something> /some/log/file'
done >file.txt
Since you have password access, you can easily put a public key in .ssh/authorized_keys to enable key access first. You can do it with your expect script:
spawn ssh xxx#server1
expect "password: "
send "PASSWORD\r"
expect "$ "
send "mkdir -p .ssh\r"
expect "$ "
send "cat >>.ssh/authorized_keys <<EOF"
send "(public key goes here)\r"
send "EOF\r"
expect "$ "
send "chmod 0700 .ssh\r"
expect "$ "
send "chmod 0600 .ssh/authorized_keys\r"
expect "$ "
send "exit\r"
If for some reason you must use a solution with password-entry, you can append to a file with expect with something like:
log_user 0 # to not see the output on screen
set fh [open foo.log a] # open the file for appending
set servers {user#server user#server2 […]}
foreach s $servers {
spawn ssh user#server
send "command"
expect "$ " { puts $fh "$expect_out(buffer)"}
close $fh
