How can I view specific instances of errors in Sentry - sentry

For instance:
I search for errors that happened to a specific user by searching for their email address in the search bar. That brings me back a list of errors. When I click on one of the errors it shows me a similar error that happened to a different user. How can I find the exact error that occurred for the user I searched for?
Thanks in advance,

Assuming you're talking about Sentry 9 (current version). Inside of an issue, go to the events tab:
And there should be another search box to search for concrete events within that issue.

Piggy-backing off of Markus' answer, I'd add that the syntax for this events search screen is different than the main search.
I found this issue:
The syntax of event.timestamp is mentioned, however it doesn't work on the event page (perhaps because the event is implied?).
These examples work for zooming into a specific time and device:
timestamp:>2022-08-15 timestamp:<2022-08-17
timestamp:>2022-08-16T09:00:00 timestamp:<2022-08-16T16:18:00


To fix this issue, replace the usage of navigator.userAgent, navigator.appVersion, and navigator.platform with feature detection,

Anyone encountered this issue before? Any suggestion on how to deal with this? I am currently working on REDUX.
A page or script is accessing at least one of navigator.userAgent, navigator.appVersion, and navigator.platform. Starting in Chrome 101, the amount of information available in the User Agent string will be reduced.
To fix this issue, replace the usage of navigator.userAgent, navigator.appVersion, and navigator.platform with feature detection, progressive enhancement, or migrate to navigator.userAgentData.
Note that for performance reasons, only the first access to one of the properties is shown.
1 source
This has been resolved. I was able to find where my issue was. Was missing the logout function to pass on another function.

Google play Console: Property incorrect_psl_declaration.TITLE not found

I just pushed my new updates on play store and all over sudden am getting this error, I have tried to research online for answers but I get non, any help what this error means and how to fix it?
Any help and guidance on how to fix this is highly appreciated
I'm glad to see others have been impacted and it was not just me!
It seems to be a bug with the Google review system. Best thing to do is contact them via the link to their form in the footer of the email you received.
Update 2:
I did not take any action and passed the review process today.
Update 1:
I received the reply I have screenshot below, which does not help much. I asked what the notification was about and he did not address the issue at all, so now I don't know what to do. However he did confirm that my app was currently in the review queue, so maybe we just need to wait. Maybe the email notification with errors can be ignored. I will wait a few days to see if my app passes review without taking any further action.
I've just updated my Data Safety forms adding Device or other identifiers because my app request Ad Id, BSSID etc.
I've faced the same issue, and the solution is :
You need to check if you're using third-party libraries (in my case, IronSource and AdMob) that collect the user data.
If you're using IronSource you need to fill the Data Safety from here :
After you fill the Data Safety, hit the save button and wait for the review to complete.

Google picker does not work without filter being applied for some users

we have an integrated with google picker(read-only scope,Docs view) it use to work fine but recently some users are getting blank screens as soon as the pop up shows but when they select some filter everything starts working fine after that no problems.
using developer tools i see all apis returning 200 for that first request
but there were no docs in response(i believe this is the api responsible for bringing docs in picker '')
when there are no docs returned in above api google is calling another api i assume it is to log error's probably(//
this api has following error params in it
&error=Cached and requested query mismatch
&line=Not available
has anybody else faced the similar problem
what do error "Cached and requested query mismatch" means in context of drive docs
Fyi - most accounts facing this problem seems like are of company domain for ex ""(this is a google account with company domain)
Filters Image
Thanks for your help.
not sure but looks like issue was may be related to google bug
for me the code that was not working was:
replaced this code with below code which works as expected
var view = new google.picker.DocsView();

ExtJS-6 Dataview Extension Issue

I have extended a view.View to isolate just some of the events that are fired from the store (code is found at
The problem I am having is that when a record is added, it should fire a custom event for the controller to pick up; however, I am getting an error in the console
TypeError: owner.up is not a function
I am somewhat at an impasse at this point as I have attempted debugging the issue and the only thing I can come up with is that the error is occurring at the:
In the globals.AltStdView class. Can someone please advise me on what I am incorrectly doing? Thanks!!
Firstly,; is wrong. getView is supposed to be a method.
Secondly, added is already an event used by the framework for components. You should pick a different name.
Couple of Issues here,
As #Evan mentioned, me.getView is a function. So it should be me.getView().
You are firing an "added" event which is actually inbuilt event of DataView and because of this listeners of added event are throwing errors as event args different. So i renamed the event to 'recordadded'
After applying the above fixes, here is the working fiddle.

Displaying Error Page in WP7 app

Just want to check I have not missed anything obvious. There is no way to Navigate the user to a "ooops something bad has happened" page from the UnhandledException handler is there?
What is everyone else doing
I know I can "handle" the error and popup up messagebox but I would prefer a whole page offering them the oppurtunity to file a bug report.
The samples I have seen simply set the RootFrame directly but I have seen that just makes for a messy UI with what looks like a Page displayed on top of another page
If you get an UnhandledException it occurs while your applicaiton is about to be shut down. The best you can do in this situation is warn the user that something went wrong (using a messagebox or similar) but be prepared that this may not be displayed to the user for long, depending on the actual exception.
Rather than try and continue executing application functionality when an unhandled exception occurs, simply save the details of the exception. Then, when the application is next started, display a message to the user to indicate that "the last time that app ran there was a problem". You can also use this opportunity to send exception details to yourself/ your web reporting service so you can analyse the issues and fix/prevent them in a future version.
You can call RootFrame.Navigate(your errorPage) to navigate to your custom error page in the UnhandledException handler.
Basically, using a custom MessageBox to show a nice easy-going error info and providing an button to send bug report is very common. And this article is MSDN pointed out that errorinfo not be a separate page in best practice.
