Wrapped structs referencing - go

I am little consfused about value type struct wrapped by pointer type struct.
package main
import (
type A struct {
id int
func (a *A) setId(val int) {
a.id = val
type B struct {
name string
func (b B) setNameViaValue(val string) {
b.name = val
func (b *B) setNameViaPointer(val string) {
b.name = val
func main() {
a := new(A)
I would expect that referencing through pointer type A struct(which addresses concrete memory) that wraps B value type struct will set inner value no matter what kind of refence to B is used (B/*B). This is also related to type definition. Can anyone also explain what is different when I define it like this? Is there any usecase scenario?
type A struct {
id int

Why doesn't setNameViaValue end up setting the name
If you declare a method with a value (non-pointer) receiver, then that method cannot "modify" the receiver cause it will actually receive a copy.
That's why the "name" is not set as you expected with the setNameViaValue method.
If you want to be able to set the name of B in that way, only setNameViaPointer is an option.
You can read more about the differences between method and value receivers here:
Why can you actually invoke the inner struct methods on the outer struct
That's because you "embedded" the inner struct in the outer one.
When you include a struct type name without giving it a field name, then all of the "inner" struct methods and fields are "promoted" to the outer one.
That means you can call a.setNameViaValue and it will be equivalent to doing a.B.setNameViaValue.
Is there any difference if I embedded as a pointer
If you define A this way:
type A struct {
id int
The "setNameViaValue" will still not work (that's only related to the method being defined over a value instead of a pointer receiver, it has nothing to do with how A references B).
You will need to initialize B explicitly when creating an A object, otherwise *B will end up being nil. (if you reference it as a value, it will be initialized as an empty B)
You can change what *B points to later on (if it was a value, then it will always reference the same "value")


How to create a copy of a struct only having interface it implements and it's value

Let's say I have this A struct that implements Setter interface:
type Setter interface {
Set(key string, value string)
type A struct {
m map[string]string
func (a *A) Set(key string, value string) {
a.m[key] = value
And I have one different struct that holds some implementation of Setter interface
type Holder struct {
val Setter
h := Holder{
val: &A{ map[string]string{} },
What i need is to get a copy of the h.val struct with all values saved.
I have already tried the following solution but it did not work, resulting with panic: assignment to entry in nil map
(We have defined the map when initiallizing h, so by running h.val.Set(k, v) we won't get any errors)
l := reflect.New(
l.Set("A", "B")
How can I create a copy of a struct without knowing which fields it consists of, only knowing the interface it implements and having it's value in a variable?
p.s. Adding Clone method to Setter interface is not a preferred solution
Adding Clone method to Setter interface is not a preferred solution
in all generality, since only the Setter implementation knows how it should be "cloned", there isn't much choice.
For example : should "cloning" an A struct create a new struct pointing at the same mapping ? or should it duplicate the mapping ?
If your intention is really to clone, you probably want the second, but you can see it will quickly fall outside the scope of a simple reflect operation.
If your code actually only deals with A structs, you may pass explicit A values. You will probably still need a .Clone() method or a Clone(a *A) function.
If your only issue is that a zero value for A is invalid, you can fix Set() :
func (a *A) Set(key string, value string) {
if a.m == nil {
a.m = make(map[string]string)
a.m[key] = value

why pointer type can access all methods of embed type

The following is the source code to try the embed type.
Modify function is defined as func (f *F) Modify(f2 F). Could anyone explain why the Modify function is not shown in the first reflection loop? But in the second reflection loop, both Modify and Validate can be got from *s.
package main
import "fmt"
import "reflect"
type F func(int) bool
func (f F) Validate(n int) bool {
return f(n)
func (f *F) Modify(f2 F) {
*f = f2
type B bool
func (b B) IsTrue() bool {
return bool(b)
func (pb *B) Invert() {
*pb = !*pb
type I interface {
func PrintTypeMethods(t reflect.Type) {
fmt.Println(t, "has", t.NumMethod(), "methods:")
for i := 0; i < t.NumMethod(); i++ {
fmt.Print(" method#", i, ": ",
t.Method(i).Name, "\n")
func main() {
var s struct {
struct { main.F; *main.B; main.I } has 5 methods:
method#0: Invert
method#1: IsTrue
method#2: Load
method#3: Save
method#4: Validate
*struct { main.F; *main.B; main.I } has 6 methods:
method#0: Invert
method#1: IsTrue
method#2: Load
method#3: Modify
method#4: Save
method#5: Validate
Method sets
A type may have a method set associated with it. The method set of an
interface type is its interface. The method set of any other type T
consists of all methods declared with receiver type T. The method set
of the corresponding pointer type *T is the set of all methods
declared with receiver *T or T (that is, it also contains the method
set of T). Further rules apply to structs containing embedded fields,
as described in the section on struct types. Any other type has an
empty method set. In a method set, each method must have a unique
non-blank method name.
Struct types
A field or method f of an embedded field in a struct x is called
promoted if x.f is a legal selector that denotes that field or method
Given a struct type S and a defined type T, promoted methods are
included in the method set of the struct as follows:
If S contains an embedded field T, the method sets of S and *S both include promoted methods with receiver T. The method set of *S also includes promoted methods with receiver *T.
If S contains an embedded field *T, the method sets of S and *S both include promoted methods with receiver T or *T.
If a method m is defined for a type T, that method is available for both T and *T:
type T struct {}
func (t T) m() {}
func main() {
t.m() // valid: m defined for T
tp.m() // valid: m defined for *T
If a method is defined with a pointer receiver, it is only defined for *T and not for T':
func (t *T) n() {}
func main() {
t.n() // Valid: &t is passed to n
tp.b // valid
mp[1].n() // not valid. mp[1] is not addressable
pp[1].n() // valid: pp[1] is *T
The reason for this is simple: it prevents unintentionally modifying the copy instead of the indented object. If a method with pointer receiver was available for the value type as well, with the following code:
n, taking a pointer receiver, would have modified a copy of the value of mp[1], and not the value stored at mp[1]. The fact that methods with pointer receivers are not available for value types prevents that, and this becomes a compile error, because n is not defined for T, and mp[1] is not addressable, preventing the value to be converted to a pointer by the compiler.

Iterating through struct values from embedded struct

I have the following struct
type ChartOpts struct {
Name mypackage.Sometype
Repo mypackage.Anothertype
Then I create the following receiver for mypackage.SomeSpecialStructType as follows:
func (c SomeSpecialStructType) BindFlags() {
fields := reflect.TypeOf(c)
values := reflect.ValueOf(c)
num := fields.NumField()
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
switch v := values.Field(i).Interface().(type) {
case OrmosFlag:
fmt.Printf("%#T\n", v)
As (perhaps) becomes evident from the code, I want to leverage embedding so that the embedded type (that I was expecting to have access to the outer struct fields) can perform some operations on them.
The code does not works given that num is 0 here (makes since given that SomeSpecialStructType has zero fields, just a receiver)
I know I can just copy-paste the specific receiver on each and every ChartOpts struct I create (there will be plenty of them coming) but just trying to be DRY here.
Embedding is not inheritance. When you embed a struct type into another, you are essentially composing a new type, not extending the embedded type.
type Inner struct {
X int
type Outer struct {
Above, Outer is a struct containing Inner. When you declare a variable of type Outer, you can access the fields of the Inner struct by:
So in fact this is no different from:
type Outer struct {
Inner Inner
with the difference that the field name is omitted. So you can shortcut the field name when you access the variables.
in short: there is no way a method of an inner struct can access the embedding struct. If you need that, have a constructor method for the outer struct that sets a pointer in the inner struct. Also, pass around a pointer to the returned struct. If you copy the struct, the pointer needs to be adjusted.
type Outer struct {
type Inner struct {
X int
o *Outer
func NewOuter() *Outer {
return ret

Export only subset of methods implemented by embedded struct

Is it possible to export only a subset of methods implemented by an embedded struct?
Is this a very go-unlike way to reduce copy - and - pasting of code and there is a more idiomatic way to do this?
type A struct {
func (a *A) Hello() {
func (a *A) World() {
type B struct {
type C struct {
func main() {
b := B{}
c := C{}
// B should only export the Hello - function
// C should export both Hello - and World - function
This is how embedding works, there's nothing you can do about it. (Actually there is, see dirty trick at the end.)
What you want may be achieved with interfaces though. Make your structs unexported, (B => b and C => c), and create "constructor" like functions, which return interface types, containing only the methods you wish to publish:
type b struct {
type c struct {
type Helloer interface {
type HelloWorlder interface {
func NewB() Helloer {
return &b{}
func NewC() HelloWorlder {
return &c{}
You might want to call the interfaces and functions different, this is just for demonstration.
Also note that while the returned Helloer interface does not include the World() method, it is still possible to "reach" it using type assertion, e.g.:
h := NewB() // h is of type Helloer
if hw, ok := h.(HelloWorlder); ok {
hw.World() // This will succeed with the above implementations
Try this on the Go Playground.
Dirty trick
If a type embeds the type A, (fields and) methods of A that get promoted will become part of the method set of the embedder type (and thus become methods of type A). This is detailed in Spec: Struct types:
A field or method f of an anonymous field in a struct x is called promoted if x.f is a legal selector that denotes that field or method f.
The focus is on the promotion, for which the selector must be legal. Spec: Selectors describes how x.f is resolved:
The following rules apply to selectors:
For a value x of type T or *T where T is not a pointer or interface type, x.f denotes the field or method at the shallowest depth in T where there is such an f. If there is not exactly one f with shallowest depth, the selector expression is illegal.
What does this mean? Simply by embedding, B.World will denote the B.A.World method as that is at the shallowest depth. But if we can achieve so that B.A.World won't be the shallowest, the type B won't have this World() method, because B.A.World won't get promoted.
How can we achieve that? We may add a field with name World:
type B struct {
World int
This B type (or rather *B) will not have a World() method, as B.World denotes the field and not B.A.World as the former is at the shallowest depth. Try this on the Go Playground.
Again, this does not prevent anyone to explicitly refer to B.A.World(), so that method can be "reached" and called, all we achieved is that the type B or *B does not have a World() method.
Another variant of this "dirty trick" is to exploit the end of the first rule: "If there is not exactly one f with shallowest depth". This can be achieved to also embed another type, another struct which also has a World field or method, e.g.:
type hideWorld struct{ World int }
type B struct {
Try this variant on the Go Playground.

Implicit interface conversion in golang

Here is an example of the idea I want to demonstrate.
package main
import "fmt"
// interface declaration
type A interface {
AAA() string
type B interface{
Get() A
// implementation
type CA struct {}
// implementation of A.AAA
func (ca *CA) AAA() string {
return "it's CA"
type C struct {}
// implementation of B.Get, except for returning a 'struct' instead of an 'interface'
func (c *C) Get() *CA {
return &CA{}
func main() {
var c interface{} = &C{}
d := c.(B)
fmt.Println("Hello, playground")
In this example
interface B has a method Get to return an interface A
struct C has a member function Get to return a pointer to struct CA, which implements interface A
The result is Go can't deduce interface B from struct C, even their Get method is only different in returning type, which is convertible.
The reason I raise this question is when interface A, B and struct C, CA are in different packages, I can only:
refine the Get method of C to func Get() A, which introduce some dependency between packages.
refine both Get method of interface B and struct C to func Get() interface{}
I want to avoid dependency between packages and try not to rely on interface{}, can anyone give me some hint? What's the best practice in Go?
Your current *C type does not implement the interface B, therefore you can't assign a value of *C to a variable of type B nor can't you "type assert" a value of B from something holding a value of type *C.
Here's what you can do. Since you're already using a struct literal (&C{}), you may declare c to be of type *C of which you can call its Get() method, and you can convert the return value of C.Get() to A (because the return value does implement A):
var c *C = &C{}
var a A = c.Get() // This is ok, implicit interface value creation (of type A)
// Or without the intermediate "a", you can simply call:
it's CA
it's CA
Or refactor:
The problem is that you have an interface (B) which you want to implement, which has a method which returns another interface (A). To implement this B interface, you have to have dependency to the package that defines A, you can't avoid this. And you have to declare C.Get() to return A (instead of a concrete struct type).
You may move A to a 3rd package and then the package that defines C will only have to depend on this 3rd package, but will not depend on the package that defines B (but still will implicitly implement the interface type B).
