How to create a Scheduled Task in Alibaba Cloud? - alibaba-cloud

What if I want to run some tasks while some scaling activity happens like scaling up or scaling down.
I see that we have an option of Scheduled tasks. how to create one using the Alibaba cloud console?

The steps to creating a schedule task is the following:
Click on Scheduled Tasks under Auto-trigger task management, that will bring the page where you can create schedule task
Click Create Scheduled Task, it a new dialog box should pop-up asking for the scheduled task's details
Fill in the fields as required and continue.
As per their documentation
You can create up to 20 scheduled tasks according to input parameters.
You can refer to the official documentation on creating a scheduled task on Alibaba Cloud here:

You can create up to 20 scheduled tasks according to input parameters.
Procedure to schedule the tasks:
Click Scheduled task under Auto-trigger task management
Click Create a scheduled task
Enter the task name, execution time and recurrence
Select a scaling group and scaling rule to be triggered by the scheduled task and Click Submit.


Run task scheduler task 5 min after specific task starting

Is there any way to start task after sometime when specific task starts?
Two answers:
Put the task in a batchfile, add a wait for 5 minutes and then put the next task.
In the task scheduler, instead of the task itself, refer to the batchfile.
I just see there's something called INotify cron (there's a tag icron for that). Maybe this can help you.

How to write a conditional statement in vsts if previous task fails in a task group

We would like to send slack messages only if the previous task fails. How can we specify the previous task using task groups?
It is getting skipped!!!
Tried this but could not locate anything with the previous task.
There isn’t the task condition feature for the tasks in task group, also the task group doesn’t have the condition feature.
There is a related user voice: VSTS Task Group usage should have a conditional usage (You can submit a new user voice)
The workaround is that you can put the tasks out of the task group, which need to be run according to the condition statement.
On the other hand, there is Only when a previous task has failed condition:

Schedule Powershell script to run every hour

Please check this picture as following
I was looking at Window task scheduler to schedule my script to run each hour. The script will do some checks and will send an email .
I did not find options to schedule it for each 1 hour. I only found for every day, daily, weekly and so on.
Task scheduler does show the option to configure hourly trigger as shown below.
Another option you have is to run your PowerShell script as a Service and add the logic in your PowerShell script to trigger your main code once every hour.
Refer: Video: Running PowerShell scripts as a real Windows Service!
How To Create a User-Defined Service
Call it from scheduled task eg task would be to start PowerShell and run the specified script see Run a powershell script in the background once per minute
create the task then -> new trigger -> daily -> repeat task every hour is one way of doing it. Or do it on commandline

Windows Task Scheduler API 2.0 make task miss (only)next scheduled time

While using the Windows Task Scheduler API 2.0, how does one set or unset the option: "run task as soon as possible after a scheduled start is missed". I have already create multiple types of tasks using the API in c++, but I can't seem to find where you set this option...
I guess I found it: StartWhenAvailable .
I also would like to be able to run the task on demand within the api code.
I think I allow on demand running using: put_AllowDemandStart but how do I run it from withing the code?
I guess this is it : IRegisteredTask::Run
But... How do you make a task miss its next scheduled time?

Windows Server 2008 Task Scheduler - execute job as group

I want to set up some jobs in our task scheduler. Problem is that we do not want to use a user as run as user but an ant-group.
Is that possible?
I haven't found any documentation on this specific subject, some of the here say it has to be a user, others say it looks as if a group may be used.
As far as I know you can do it, by assigning a group to the task
Check this
