dcmtk display image Qt example - image

I would like to be able to display in a Dicom image in a Qt project with the same render as a Dicom Viewer Program could give.
I was able to do it but with a very bad contrast. I heard you need to operate on the pixels but I'm not sure. Do you have a working example ?
EDIT: I add my code in case it helps you, I commented a lot of things because I noticed the result was exactly the same
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "ui_mainwindow.h"
#include <iostream>
#undef UNICODE
#undef _UNICODE
#include <dcmtk/config/osconfig.h>
#include <dcmtk/dcmdata/dctk.h>
#include <dcmtk/dcmimgle/dcmimage.h>
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QImageReader>
using namespace std;
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
//int sizeX = 600;
// int sizeY = 600;
//initialize random seed
//srand (time(NULL));
//QImage image = QImage( sizeX, sizeY, QImage::Format_RGB32 );
/*for( int l=0; l<sizeX; l++ )
for( int c=0; c<sizeY; c++ )
///Random color for each pixel
//image.setPixel( l, c, qRgb(rand() % 256, rand() % 256, rand() % 256) );
///Fixed color for each pixel
image.setPixel( l, c, qRgb(100, 150, 200) );
const char *file = "/home/x4rkz/project/Laura/QTImage/IMG00000";
DicomImage *image = new DicomImage(file);
if (image != NULL)
if (image->getStatus() == EIS_Normal)
Uint8 *pixelData = (Uint8 *)(image->getOutputData(8 )); // bits per sample
// Uint8 is a pointer to internal memory buffer
if (pixelData != NULL)
// do something useful with the pixel data
QImage img(pixelData,image->getWidth(), image->getHeight(), QImage::Format_Indexed8 );
/*QColor color;
QImage *img;
void *pDicomDibits;
uchar *px;
// uchar pixel[4];
const int width = (int)(image->getWidth());
const int height = (int)(image->getHeight());
if (image->isMonochrome()){
img = new QImage(width, height, QImage::Format_Indexed8);
// define gray palette here
for (int i=0; i<256; i++) {
color.setRgb(i, i, i);
img->setColor(i, color.rgb());
image->createWindowsDIB(pDicomDibits, 0, 0, 8, 0, 1);
unsigned char * pd;
pd=(unsigned char *)pDicomDibits;
for (int y=0; y < (long) height; y++)
px = img->scanLine(y);
for (int x=0; x < (long) width; x++)
px[x] = (unsigned char) (*pd);
QGraphicsScene * graphic = new QGraphicsScene( this );
graphic->addPixmap( QPixmap::fromImage( img ) );
/* }else
cout << "Non monochrome image" << endl;*/
} else
cerr << "Error: cannot load DICOM image (" << DicomImage::getString(image->getStatus()) << ")" << endl;
delete ui;
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include <QApplication>
#include <iostream>
#undef UNICODE
#undef _UNICODE
#include <dcmtk/config/osconfig.h>
#include <dcmtk/dcmdata/dctk.h>
#include <dcmtk/dcmimgle/dcmimage.h>
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QImageReader>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
MainWindow w;
return a.exec();
As you cant see, the result has no constrast.

As you cant see, the result has no constrast.
If the rendered image has such a low contrast, you should try to set an appropriate VOI (Value of Interest) window, e.g. using image->setMinMaxWndow(). See API documentation for details.


Implementation of parallel class using CUDA C++?

I've been trying to parallelize my class and class constructor by using CUDA.
You can find the both serial version and parallelized version of my class. It compiles correctly and I wonder if there are any improvements in my parallelized code.
Serial Code Ray.h:
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <math.h>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <complex>
#include "arithmatic_operations.h"
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <device_launch_parameters.h>
class Ray
std::vector<std::vector<double>>Point = { { 0,0,0 } ,{ 0,0,0 } ,{ 0,0,0 } };
std::vector<std::vector<double>>Direction = { { 0,0,0 } ,{ 0,0,0 } ,{ 0,0,0 } };
double no_bounces = -1;
double length = -1;
std::vector<double>E_thei = { 0,0,0 };
std::vector<double>E_phii = { 0,0,0 };
std::complex<double> Er_the_the = 0;
std::complex<double> Er_phi_the = 0;
std::complex<double> Er_the_phi = 0;
std::complex<double> Er_phi_phi = 0;
double Ai = 0;
Ray(std::vector<double>OO, std::vector<std::vector<double>>DD, double delta)
//Point.push_back({ 0,0,0 });
this->Point[no_bounces + 1][0] = OO[0];
this->Point[no_bounces + 1][1] = OO[1];
this->Point[no_bounces + 1][2] = OO[2];
std::vector<double>first_row_DD = { 0,0,0 };
first_row_DD[0] = DD[0][0];
first_row_DD[1] = DD[0][1];
first_row_DD[2] = DD[0][2];
//Direction.push_back({ 0,0,0 });
this->Direction[no_bounces + 1][0] = DD[0][0] / norm(first_row_DD);
this->Direction[no_bounces + 1][1] = DD[0][1] / norm(first_row_DD);
this->Direction[no_bounces + 1][2] = DD[0][2] / norm(first_row_DD);
this->E_thei[0] = DD[1][0];
this->E_thei[1] = DD[1][1];
this->E_thei[2] = DD[1][2];
this->E_phii[0] = DD[2][0];
this->E_phii[1] = DD[2][1];
this->E_phii[2] = DD[2][2];
this->Ai = pow(delta, 2);
and below there is the code I parallelized:
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstddef>
#include <utility>
#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <device_launch_parameters.h>
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/host_vector.h>
#include <thrust/transform.h>
#include <thrust/functional.h>
#include <thrust/fill.h>
#include <thrust/copy.h>
#include <thrust/iterator/transform_iterator.h>
#include <thrust/iterator/zip_iterator.h>
#include <thrust/zip_function.h>
#include <thrust/execution_policy.h>
__device__ double square(double& x) { return x * x; }
struct myPow
double operator()(double& x) const { return square(x); }
struct CalculateNormValues
double operator()(const thrust::tuple<double, double, double>& t) const
double x = thrust::get<0>(t);
double y = thrust::get<1>(t);
double z = thrust::get<2>(t);
return (double)sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
struct Normalize
thrust::tuple<double, double, double> operator()(const thrust::tuple<double, double, double, double>& t) const
double x = thrust::get<0>(t);
double y = thrust::get<1>(t);
double z = thrust::get<2>(t);
double norm = thrust::get<3>(t);
return thrust::make_tuple(x / norm, y / norm, z / norm);
class Ray {
static constexpr int n_dims = 3;
static constexpr int cn_dims = 2;
using Container = thrust::device_vector<double>;
using Vectors = std::array<Container, n_dims>;
using Matrices = std::array<Container, n_dims* n_dims>;
using Complexes = std::array<Container, cn_dims>;
std::ptrdiff_t n_rays{};
Vectors E_thei;
Vectors E_phii;
Matrices Point;
Matrices Direction;
Complexes Er_the_the;
Complexes Er_phi_the;
Complexes Er_the_phi;
Complexes Er_phi_phi;
Container Ai;
Container no_bounces;
Container length;
Container normValues;
Ray(thrust::device_vector<double>& OO_0,
thrust::device_vector<double>& OO_1,
thrust::device_vector<double>& OO_2,
thrust::device_vector<double>& DD_00,
thrust::device_vector<double>& DD_01,
thrust::device_vector<double>& DD_02,
thrust::device_vector<double>& DD_10,
thrust::device_vector<double>& DD_11,
thrust::device_vector<double>& DD_12,
thrust::device_vector<double>& DD_20,
thrust::device_vector<double>& DD_21,
thrust::device_vector<double>& DD_22,
thrust::device_vector<double>& delta) :
n_rays{ static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(OO_0.size()) },
Direction{ std::move(DD_00), //Normalize direction components later
std::move(DD_02) },
Point{ std::move(OO_0),
std::move(OO_2) },
E_thei{ std::move(DD_10),
std::move(DD_12) },
E_phii{ std::move(DD_20),
std::move(DD_22) },
Ai{ std::move(delta) } //Multiply Ai values later
thrust::transform(Ai.begin(), Ai.end(), Ai.begin(), myPow()); //Multiplies Ai values
//Calculate normalized values
thrust::make_zip_iterator(thrust::make_tuple(Direction[0].begin(), Direction[1].begin(), Direction[2].begin())),
thrust::make_zip_iterator(thrust::make_tuple(Direction[0].end(), Direction[1].end(), Direction[2].end())),
//Normalize Direction
thrust::make_tuple(Direction[0].begin(), Direction[1].begin(), Direction[2].begin(), normValues.begin())),
thrust::make_tuple(Direction[0].end(), Direction[1].end(), Direction[2].end(), normValues.end())),
thrust::make_tuple(Direction[0].begin(), Direction[1].begin(), Direction[2].begin())),
The program compiles but I'd like to ask some questions.
When I use thrust::transform I know that the thrust library does the memory allocation and copying on the device for me. I wonder after the operation is done, does it copy back to the host? After
thrust::transform(Ai.begin(), Ai.end(), Ai.begin(), myPow());
if I write a line like this Ai[0]=5. Is this line executed on CPU or GPU?
My second question is I wonder if I can write a device function in my parallelized class by using __global__ and cuda threads. If the answer is yes, for example after moving device_vectors OO_1 and OO_2 to the member Point, If I want to do math on these device vectors in __global__ function since device_vectors are host only I need to copy them to C arrays and allocate memory on device and do the math right?

How ffmpeg calls NDK camera

There is an android_camera.c file in the ffmpeg project. I want to call NDK camera through ffmpeg, take out YUV data, and write it to the file. Currently, the code has been blocking the function wait_for_image_format.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <libavutil/opt.h>
#include <libavcodec/avcodec.h>
#include <libavutil/channel_layout.h>
#include <libavutil/common.h>
#include <libavutil/imgutils.h>
#include <libavutil/mathematics.h>
#include <libavutil/samplefmt.h>
#include <libavformat/avformat.h>
#include <libavdevice/avdevice.h>
#include <libavutil/dict.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int ret;
AVFormatContext *fmtCtx = NULL;
AVPacket pkt1, *pcaket = &pkt1;
AVInputFormat *inputFmt = av_find_input_format("android_camera");
if (NULL != inputFmt) {
printf("input device name:%s\n",inputFmt->name);
} else {
printf("Null point!\n");
#if 1
AVDictionary *avdict = NULL;
AVDictionaryEntry *t = av_dict_get(avdict, "video_size", NULL, AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX);
av_dict_set(&avdict, "video_size", "hd720", 0);
av_dict_set_int(&avdict, "camera_index",1, 0);
av_dict_set_int(&avdict, "input_queue_size",2, 0);
//ret = avformat_open_input(&fmtCtx, "video=/dev/video1", inputFmt, avdict);
//ret = avformat_open_input(&fmtCtx, "android_camera", inputFmt, avdict);
fmtCtx = avformat_alloc_context();
if (NULL == fmtCtx) {
printf("Open input device seccess!\n");
//if (avformat_find_stream_info(fmtCtx, NULL) < 0) {
// printf("Could not find stream information\n");
ret = avformat_open_input(&fmtCtx, NULL, inputFmt, &avdict);
fmtCtx = avformat_alloc_context();
printf("avformat_alloc_contest error\n");
//ret = av_demuxer_open(fmtCtx);
printf("av_demuxer_open error\n");
fmtCtx->flags &= (~0x4);
av_read_frame(fmtCtx, pcaket);
//printf("packet size:%d\n",(pcaket->size));
FILE *fp = NULL;
fp = fopen("out.yuv", "a+");
if (NULL != fp) {
fwrite(pcaket->data, 1, pcaket->size, fp);
return 0;

Protobuf ParseFromZeroCopyStream incurs high memory usage with repeated field

I have encountered a problem of high memory usage when using ParseFromZeroCopyStream to load file in which a large buffer is written. Besides, the code snippet below uses 60Gb++ of RAM but failed as the system froze after reaching its RAM limit.
FYI, I am using protobuf as DLL.
syntax = "proto3";
package Recipe;
option cc_enable_arenas = true;
message Scene
repeated int32 image_data = 1 [packed=true];
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <ostream>
#include <istream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdint>
#include "Scene.pb.h"
#include <google\protobuf\io\zero_copy_stream_impl.h>
#include <google\protobuf\io\gzip_stream.h>
#include <google\protobuf\arena.h>
int const _MIN = 0;
int const _MAX = 255;
unsigned int const _SIZE = 1280000000;
//unsigned int const _SIZE = 2000;
unsigned int const _COMPRESSION_LEVEL = 6;
void randWithinUnsignedCharSize(uint8_t * buffer, unsigned int size)
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
buffer[i] = i;
using namespace google::protobuf::io;
int main()
google::protobuf::Arena arena;
Recipe::Scene * scene = google::protobuf::Arena::CreateMessage<Recipe::Scene>(&arena);
uint8_t * imageData = new uint8_t[_SIZE];
randWithinUnsignedCharSize(imageData, _SIZE);
scene->mutable_image_data()->Resize(_SIZE, 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < _SIZE; i++)
scene->set_image_data(i, imageData[i]);
std::cout << "done saving data to repeated field.\n";
std::fstream output("data.txt", std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc | std::ios::binary);
OstreamOutputStream outputFileStream(&output);
GzipOutputStream::Options options;
options.format = GzipOutputStream::GZIP;
options.compression_level = _COMPRESSION_LEVEL;
GzipOutputStream gzipOutputStream(&outputFileStream, options);
if (!scene->SerializeToZeroCopyStream(&gzipOutputStream)) {
std::cerr << "Failed to write scene." << std::endl;
return -1;
delete[] imageData;
std::cout << "Finish serializing into data.txt\n";
google::protobuf::Arena arena1;
Recipe::Scene * scene1 = google::protobuf::Arena::CreateMessage<Recipe::Scene>(&arena1);
std::fstream input("data.txt", std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
IstreamInputStream inputFileStream(&input);
GzipInputStream gzipInputStream(&inputFileStream);
if (!scene1->ParseFromZeroCopyStream(&gzipInputStream)) {
std::cerr << "Failed to parse scene." << std::endl;
return -1;
std::cout << "scene1->imagedata_size() " << scene1->image_data_size() << std::endl;
return 0;

Transient scrollbar in Qt

I want to use transient scrollbar (Transient scroll bars appear when the content is scrolled and disappear when they are no longer needed) in Qt application. For this purpose I have inheritanced class QproxyStyle and reimplemented function styleHint. Code placed below.
File ScrollBar.h:
#include <QStyle>
#include <QCommonStyle>
#include <QProxyStyle>
class ScrollBarStyle : public QProxyStyle
int styleHint(StyleHint sh, const QStyleOption *opt, const QWidget *widget, QStyleHintReturn *hret) const;
File ScrollBar.c:
#include "ScrollBar.h"
int ScrollBarStyle::styleHint(StyleHint sh, const QStyleOption *opt, const QWidget *widget,QStyleHintReturn *hret) const
int ret = 0;
switch (sh) {
case SH_ScrollBar_Transient:
ret = true;
return QProxyStyle::styleHint(sh, opt, widget, hret);
return ret;
File MainWindow.h:
#include <QMainWindow>
#include <QTextEdit>
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);
File MainWindow.cpp:
#include <QTextEdit>
#include "MainWindow.h"
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent)
: QMainWindow(parent)
QTextEdit *l = new (std::nothrow) QTextEdit(this);
if (l == 0)
File main.cpp:
#include "ScrollBar.h"
#include <QApplication>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
MainWindow w;
ScrollBarStyle *style = new (std::nothrow) ScrollBarStyle;
if(style == 0)
return -1;
return a.exec();
But I have got a problem: transient scrollbar has been appearing only once (when text doesn't fit in the text area) then it has been disappeared and never come back visible.
So how can I fix this problem?
You have forgotten to set the style to application.

How to decode AAC using avcodec_decode_audio4?

I changed in my code avcodec_decode_audio3 to avcodec_decode_audio4 and added the frame handling. But now I cannot decode AAC frames anymore.
Why does avcodec_decode_audio4 return -22 (invalid argument)?
Following the answer below, does this have something to do with the parameters in AVContext that need to be set?
I had to use avcodec_decode_audio4 because I updated my ffmpeg and then got the following error:
[NULL # 0xb14f020] Custom get_buffer() for use withavcodec_decode_audio3() detected.
Overriding with avcodec_default_get_buffer
[NULL # 0xb14f020] Please port your application to avcodec_decode_audio4()
According to Buffer error in avcodec_decode_audio4() this is a regression, is there any other solution for this than going back to ffmpeg < 0.8 ?
The decoder using avcodec_decode_audio4:
AVCodec *codec;
AVCodecContext *avCtx;
AVFrame * decoded_frame = NULL;
uint8_t *outbuf = static_cast<uint8_t *>(malloc(AVCODEC_MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE));
AVPacket avPacket;
codec = avcodec_find_decoder(CODEC_ID_AAC);
//set parameters
avCtx = avcodec_alloc_context3(codec);
avCtx->channels = 1;
avCtx->sample_rate = 44100;
if (avcodec_open2(avCtx, codec, NULL) < 0) printf("Could not open codec\n");
//Main decoder loop
return 0;
void my_frame_decoder() {
//get data
avPacket.size = numBytes;
avPacket.data = inputBytes;
int len;
while (avPacket.size > 0) {
int got_frame = 0;
if (!decoded_frame) {
if (!(decoded_frame = avcodec_alloc_frame())) {
printf("out of memory");
} else {
//-------------------->> returns always -22
len = avcodec_decode_audio4(avCtx, decoded_frame, &got_frame, &avPacket);
//do something with the decoded frame
avPacket.size -= len;
avPacket.data += len;
After hours of searching, i found out that the dec_ctx of the avcodec_decode_audio4 must be opened by a dec_codec initialised by av_find_best_stream()
1° av_find_best_stream(in_fmt_ctx, AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO, -1, -1,
&dec_codec, 0);<br>
2° dec_ctx = m_in_aud_strm->codec;<br>
3° av_opt_set_int(dec_ctx, "refcounted_frames", 1, 0);<br>
4° avcodec_open2(dec_ctx, dec_codec, NULL)<br>
5° avcodec_decode_audio4(dec_ctx, pFrame, &got_frame, &pkt);
I think the problem is the parameters set in your codec's context. Please refer to https://www.ffmpeg.org/doxygen/trunk/structAVCodecContext.html for setting the parameters, which has changed from avcodec_decode_audio3 to avcodec_decode_audio4.
No solution but a workaround is to go back to older builds. After testing various builds that work with avcodec_decode_audio3, I thought it might be useful for others to know that ffmpeg-0.10.14.tar.bz2 from https://ffmpeg.org/releases/ works.
<!-- language: c++ -->
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <wctype.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <iso646.h>
#undef NDEBUG
#include <assert.h>
// Use avcodec_send_packet() and avcodec_receive_frame().
//sample code
while (av_read_frame (FormatContext, packet_ptr) >= 0)
/* some code */
if (packet_ptr->stream_index == audiostream)
assert(NULL == decoded_frame);
decoded_frame = av_frame_alloc();
ret = avcodec_send_packet(pCodecCtx, packet_ptr);
if (ret < 0 && ret != AVERROR(EAGAIN) && ret != AVERROR_EOF)
av_packet_unref (packet_ptr);
if (decoded_frame)
decoded_frame = NULL;
if (0 <= ret)
packet_ptr->size = 0;
ret = avcodec_receive_frame(pCodecCtx, decoded_frame);
if (ret >= 0)
got_frame = 1;
got_frame = 0;
if (decoded_frame)
decoded_frame = NULL;
av_packet_unref (packet_ptr);
if(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLTP == pCodecCtx->sample_fmt)//AAC sample format for Libav released 10-October-2020 (ffmpeg 4.3.1)
//now get the PCM data ready to play or save
int nb_samples = decoded_frame->nb_samples;
int channels = pCodecCtx->channels;
if(channels > 2) //for this small sample only 2 channels...
channels = 2;//it will convert multichannel media files to 2 channels, remember this...more code need to be modified
int outputBufferLen = nb_samples * channels * 2;
int size_out //the size of the PCM data as sizeof(char)
char * buf = malloc(size_out);
short *outputBuffer=(short *)buf;
int in_samples = decoded_frame->nb_samples;
int i=0;
float * inputChannel0 = (float *)decoded_frame->extended_data[0];
// Mono
if (pCodecCtx->channels==1)
for (i=0; i<in_samples; i++)
float sample = *inputChannel0++;
if (sample<-1.0f) sample=-1.0f;
else if (sample>1.0f) sample=1.0f;
outputBuffer[i] = (int16_t) (sample * 32767.0f);//largest positive int16_t
// Stereo
float * inputChannel1 = (float *)decoded_frame->extended_data[1];
for (i=0; i < in_samples; i++)
float sample = *inputChannel0++;
if (sample<-1.0f) sample=-1.0f;
else if (sample>1.0f) sample=1.0f;
float sample2 = *inputChannel1++;
if (sample2<-1.0f) sample2=-1.0f;
else if (sample2>1.0f) sample2=1.0f;
outputBuffer[i*2] = (int16_t) ((sample) * 32767.0f);
outputBuffer[i*2+1] = (int16_t) ((sample2) * 32767.0f);
//use buf and size_out here then free the buf
av_packet_unref (packet_ptr);
if (decoded_frame)
decoded_frame = NULL;
Hope it helps...
