When I edit a method of a class that existed when I launched the jupyter notebook (adding a print statement or something), the new code will be executed. But when I add a new method to the class, I need to relaunch the jupyter notebook to use it. Otherwise, it says that the method is not defined. It does not matter if I execute the import statement another time.
So apparently the interface (i.e. defined methods) stays cached and only the content is reloaded. How can I reload everything?
I have installed the project in development mode and I use %autoreload 2 in the notebook.
I need my package to get initialized when VS starts, without having to trigger it by invoking the Command I implemented in it.
I try those, but that does not work.
public sealed class VSIXProject1Package : AsyncPackage
My package is loaded, but the InitializeAsync method won't be called until I click on my command (command1) in the tools menu.
vscode v1.62.2. vscodego v0.29.0.
I have managed to confused vscodego.
I had initially created the app with a particular module name in "go.mod". Today I realized I should change the name slightly. I added two characters to the end of the module name.
As I have a handful of modules and packages, I had to change the import reference for those packages. This worked perfectly fine for all but one module. On the others, when I reentered the module after changing the main module name in "go.mod", there was an import with a red line under it. I changed the base module name in the reference to match the new name I set in "go.mod". That got rid of the red line.
However, in one module, something really odd is happening. Just like the other modules, the line initially had the red line. I changed the base module reference and saved. The red line went away, then after a second reappeared, and then I hovered to see the error message.
This is what it said:
could not import voltage/handlers (no required module provides package "voltage/handlers")
To be clear, the original name of the base module was "voltage". I changed it to "voltagems". Notice that although it says that "voltagems/handlers" is not working, it's saying that "voltage/handlers" (without the "ms") cannot be imported. The error message taken on its own is technically correct. There is no "voltage/handlers" package. It is "voltagems/handlers", and even though that's what I'm typing in the import, vscodego seems to think I typed "voltage/handlers".
Is there some way to tell vscode/vscodego to reexamine the project?
Try first a command palette, "Reload Windows" (or simply close and relaunch VSCode).
Check if reloading the project (and its dependencies/packages) would help.
When trying to create new jupyter notebook. Following error is popping
'_xsrf' argument missing from POST
The problem probably arose from having an open notebook idle for too long.
Try this:
Copy the changes you have made in that notebook, and restart Jupyter.
Then reopen, paste your changes, and you should be good to go!
Check with another browser (or newer version of it). I started to get that error on Opera (might be an old version) but worked well using Chrome.
for me restarting the kernel worked. Give it a try!
I'm trying to make the url in my program automatically update as you click links in the browser and whatnot. The problem is that the eventFilter doesn't seem to run.
Code can be found here
I cannot open a new window in QT. I new in QT so I think I am missing something. I only write the code below and settings windows just shows itself and closes. I have commented out destructor but still problem persists.
SettingsWindow s;
What do I do wrong ? By the way I cannot either debug it, debuger does not stop when it reaches to the first line for example.
This can't possibly be the only code you wrote.
However, judging from your description the first thing that comes to mind is probably a missing call to QApplication::exec(). Somewhere in the code you haven't shown here there's an instance of QApplication, probably named app. After calling show on your window, make sure there's a call to exec.
Since you are using a non-pointer var, your window is destroy when it go our of scope (at the end of the function). If you use a pointer when exiting the function the memory is not deleted so you Windows will still be shown. But you will not be able to clean memory when closing the window if you can't anymore access to your pointer.
Maybe you need to create your window as member of the calling class in order to be able to destroy the window AND clean memory once you don't need anymore to display it (for example in the calling class destructor).