Why does brew upgrade phantomjs tell me to update my xcode? - xcode

I have an older version of phantomjs:
phantomjs -v
I update the list:
$ brew update
Already up-to-date.
Then I try to upgrade phantomjs to latest version 2.1.1:
$ brew upgrade phantomjs
Error: Your Xcode (8.3.3) is too outdated.
And the error:
Error: Your Xcode (8.3.3) is too outdated. Please update to Xcode 9.4
(or delete it). Xcode can be updated from the App Store.
Why do I need to update Xcode in order to upgrade phantomjs to version 2.1.1?

Because it needs to compile the C and C++ in phantomjs. Homebrew requires a recent version of Xcode, along with recent macOS SDKs that come with Xcode, to do that.


Flutter cocoapods version conflict (Installed But Not Working)

so simply i am trying to archive my flutter project using Xcode to push it through apple store connect review process, i faced a problem that declare that the cocoapods version is old .. i am using cocoapods through cocoapods app not the gem ..
i simply uninstalled the app cause it's the lastest version of the app (Not of cocoapods) and then uninstalled any cocoapods related previous gems so that cocoapods is totally uninstalled on my machine (M1 Macbook Air) & installed the cocoapods gem using sudo gem install cocoapods .. on flutter doctor -v in my device ~ it shows me that cocoapods is installed but now working
[!] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS (Xcode 14.2) • Xcode at /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer • Build 14C18 ✗ CocoaPods installed but not working. You appear to have CocoaPods installed but it is not working. This can happen if the version of Ruby that CocoaPods was installed with is different from the one being used to invoke it. This can usually be fixed by re-installing CocoaPods. To re-install see https://guides.cocoapods.org/using/getting-started.html#installation for instructions.
and the weird thing that when i try to re-install cocoapods first i run
gem list --local | grep cocoapods
then i uninstall everything that shows up using sudo gem uninstall command after that when i try flutter doctor -v it still shows me that it's installed but not working, But how when I uninstalled the application and the gems and everything related
Take in mind that when i run pod related command after the gem and application uninstallation it shows me this [!] Unable to locate the CocoaPods.app application bundle. Please ensure the application is available and launch it at least once. zsh: illegal hardware instruction pod.. any Ideas Or Solutions?

Ruby Install failed on MacBook Pro M1

Am trying to install Ruby on MacBook M1 but it failed every time,
Command used: rvm install ruby 2.7.2 (none of the version worked)
Error running '__rvm_make install',
please read /Users/myName/.rvm/log/1641910054_ruby-2.7.2/install.log
There has been an error while running make install. Halting the installation.
And after checking logs, I found
*** Following extensions are not compiled:
Could not be configured. It will not be installed.
Check ext/gdbm/mkmf.log for more details.
Could not be configured. It will not be installed.
Check ext/openssl/mkmf.log for more details.
*** Fix the problems, then remove these directories and try again if you want.
I have also tried other version managers like asdf but no luck.
Background: HomeBrew installed successfully, paths also set, rvm also installed. Command line tools for Xcode also installed, using latest version of Xcode 13.2.1 and latest macOS Monterey 12.1.
I think maybe rvm just doesnt work properly on m1 yet? Try just using brew install ruby for now. It should work the same.

Brew upgrade not working on latest OSX High Sierra beta version

I am getting the following error when upgrading brew packages
Error: Your Xcode (8.3.3) is too outdated.
Please update to Xcode 9.0 (or delete it).
Xcode can be updated from
Since I am using the beta osx version
High Sierra
System Version: macOS 10.13
Kernel Version: Darwin 17.0.0
It seems like I have to upgrade the beta Xcode version (Xcode 9) too, which I have downloaded and installed successfully from apple website https://developer.apple.com/xcode/
Now, my question is how do I switch the Xcode version on my mac so that brew command uses the newly installed Xcode.
When I run xcodebuild -version I am getting the following output (installed from App store)
Xcode 8.3.3
Build version 8E3004b
whereas the beta version I have downloaded is from the apple website directly shows 9.0 beta 6
Since Xcode is downloaded from the website the full command to switch is the following (considering you've moved the app to the application folder)
sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode-beta.app
I had to reinstall brew:
Uninstall it:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/uninstall)"
Then you can install it again:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

Hyperloop error when processing Cocoapods dependencies

After downloading the hyperloop-examples files, and running appc ti build -p ios, I get errors when Hyperloop finds the CocoaPods dependencies.
The exact error text is:
[ERROR] An error occurred during build after 3s 372ms
[ERROR] pod install returned a non-zero exit code
The only change I had to make was to set sdk-version in tiapp.xml to 5.4.0.v20160608165242 instead of 5.4.0 (pulled this version of the SDK by running appc ti sdk install -b 5_4_X)
appc -v returns 5.2.2
appc ti -v returns 5.0.6
Also, if I remove the Podfile file, the app builds and runs on the simulator. Most of the samples work (obviously not the Third-Party Libraries one). I see in some of the other issues where people were able to get the cocoapod dependencies working, so this may just be a cocoapod issue with my machine.
pod --version returns 1.0.1
pod install provides the error:
Could not automatically select an Xcode project. Specify one in your Podfile like so:
Version 1.0.1 of cocoapods does not work with hyperloop right now. Uninstalled that version and installed 0.39.0 instead resolved the issue.
sudo gem install cocoapods -v 0.39.0
One way that worked for me:
Remove cocoapods
gem uninstall --all --executables cocoapods
Install it again
sudo gem install cocoapods
Make sure you're running latest node lts (4.5.0)
Re-open Appc Studio to see it works

brew doctor says "Your Xcode (3.2) is outdated Please install Xcode 4.6.2." but I already have it installed

brew doctor
gave me bunch of warnings, the last one is
Warning: Your Xcode (3.2) is outdated
Please install Xcode 4.6.2.
But I already have it installed on Mac OS X 10.8.3.
Try using the Xcode-select utility to set the default Xcode path:
sudo xcode-select -switch /path/to/Xcode.app
If this doesn't work you might also have to download and install the latest Xcode command line tools.
To uninstall older Xcode I did:
sudo /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools –mode=all
as described here, and the warning disappeared.
