Add Exception handler for Spring Web Client - spring

I use this code for REST API requests.
WebClient.Builder builder = WebClient.builder().baseUrl(gatewayUrl);
ClientHttpConnector httpConnector = new ReactorClientHttpConnector(opt -> opt.sslContext(sslContext));
How I can add connection exception handler? I would like to implement some custom logic? Is this feature easy to implement?

If I understand your question in the context of failing the connection because of SSL credentials, then you should see the connection exception manifest itself on the REST response.
You can take care of that exception via the Flux result you get on WebClient.ResponseSpec#onStatus. The docs for #onStatus says:
Register a custom error function that gets invoked when the given
HttpStatus predicate applies. The exception returned from the function
will be returned from bodyToMono(Class) and bodyToFlux(Class). By
default, an error handler is register that throws a
WebClientResponseException when the response status code is 4xx or
Take a look at this example:
Mono<Person> result = client.get()
.uri("/persons/{id}", id).accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
.onStatus(HttpStatus::is4xxServerError, response -> ...) // This is in the docs there but is wrong/fatfingered, should be is4xxClientError
.onStatus(HttpStatus::is5xxServerError, response -> ...)
Similarly for your question, the connection error should manifest itself after the call gets made and you can customize how it gets propogated in the reactive pipeline:
Mono<Person> result = client.get()
.uri("/persons/{id}", id).accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
.onStatus(HttpStatus::is4xxClientError, response -> {
... Code that looks at the response more closely...
return Mono.error(new MyCustomConnectionException());
Hope that helps.


Exception Handling for async WebClient request

Recently I have been working with WebClient. I am creating both a sync request and an async request. In a sync request, I am able to catch WebClientResponseException whereas when I try to catch WebClientResponseException (tried with generic Exception as well, didn't work) in an async request, it cannot be caught. I couldn't find any example on the internet. I am not sure if such exception handling is possible in async WebClient requests.
Here are the code examples:
Sync Request (Where the exception can be caught)
.header("Authorization", token)
catch(final WebClientResponseException e)
throw new MyCustomException ("");
Async Request (Where the exception cannot be caught)
.header("Authorization", token)
catch(ffinal WebClientResponseException e)
throw new MyCustomException ("");
Thanks in advance for any response.
Async means that the process will be transferd to another thread. bodyToFlux will do this and finish the execution, but you don´t have any control over that thread because, in your current thread, the function was executed and it doesn't trigger an issue.
This is similar to Promises in JS, where you should have a callback in case of any exception.
after bodyToFlux, you can add those callbacks.
.onErrorMap(ReadTimeoutException.class, ex -> new HttpTimeoutException("ReadTimeout"))
.onErrorReturn(SslHandshakeTimeoutException.class, new TextNode("SslHandshakeTimeout"))
.doOnError(WriteTimeoutException.class, ex -> log.error("WriteTimeout"))
onErrorMap, onErrorReturn and doOnError receive your callbacks and will execute the lambda methods in case of exception.
More info here:
Thanks to #CarlosCárdenas; the following changes worked for me when I locally tested it.
private static final Function<WebClientRequestException, MyCustomException>
ex ->
new MyCustomException(ex.getCause());
.header("Authorization", token)
.onErrorMap(WebClientRequestException.class, EXCEPTION_MAPPER)
.doOnError(MyCustomException.class, ex -> myExceptionHandlingMethod(ex));
Currently, I have an issue with the related unit test. It doesn't throw an exception when it should, so I cannot catch the exception. I think I'm missing something about testing asynchronous flow. My test looks like this:
void myTest()
// Given
final Executable executeMyMethod=
() -> myMethod(parameter1, parameter2);
// Then
// await().pollDelay(Duration.FIVE_SECONDS).untilAsserted(() -> assertTrue(true)); -> I’m not sure if it is needed or not
assertThrows(MyCustomException.class, executeMyMethod);

suppress stacktrace from spring webclient/netty layer

In one of the apps my team manages, there's a GraphQL orchestration layer that calls a downstream service.
We use Spring's webclient for it.
WebClient Config.
WebClient.Builder webClientBuilder(MetricsWebClientCustomizer metricsCustomizer) {
final HttpClient httpClient = HttpClient.create(ConnectionProvider.fixed("webClientPool", maxConnections))
.tcpConfiguration(client ->
client.option(ChannelOption.CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, connectionTimeoutMillis)
.option(EpollChannelOption.TCP_KEEPIDLE, tcpKeepIdleInSec)
.option(EpollChannelOption.TCP_KEEPINTVL, tcpKeepIntvlInSec)
.option(EpollChannelOption.TCP_KEEPCNT, tcpKeepCount)
.doOnConnected(conn -> conn
.addHandlerLast(new ReadTimeoutHandler(readTimeoutInSec))
final WebClient.Builder webClient = WebClient.builder()
.clientConnector(new ReactorClientHttpConnector(httpClient));
return webClient;
.uri(uriBuilder -> buildUri())
This setup works well. However, I see a lot of
io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutException: null
Suppressed: java.lang.Exception: #block terminated with an error
at reactor.core.publisher. .blockingGet(
at reactor.core.publisher.Mono.block(
at com.xxxx.c.g.xx.client.Client.get(
at com.xxxx.c.g.xx.resolver.impl.xxQueryImpl.lambda$xx$171(
at io.micrometer.core.instrument.AbstractTimer.record(
Every timeout results in this chunky stacktrace. It's the same message that gets repeated. Does give any useful info. Is there a way to get WebClient/Netty print this once and ignore the rest?
BlockingSingleSubscriber.blockingGet seems to be doing this. Keeps track of previous exceptions.
Throwable e = this.error;
if (e != null) {
RuntimeException re = Exceptions.propagate(e);
re.addSuppressed(new Exception("#block terminated with an error"));
throw re;
} else {
return this.value;
I tried adding error handlers to the calling function bodyToMono(Result.class).doOnError("log").block();
This results in the line "log" from the doOnError consumer getting printed along with the chunky stacktraces.
Any ideas?
Full stacktrace:
Not sure if you've solved the issue yet, but I had the same problem. For anyone with a similar issue, I solved it by setting the following in the file:
# Logging Information
This disabled Reactor Netty internal logging, which was a bit verbose for what I needed.

Webclient Error Handling - Spring Webflux

I want to throw my custom exceptions with the following conditions:
If I am getting proper error response in json format, I want to deserialize it and throw my exception named CommonException inside onStatus()
If I am receiving an HTML content as part of response or deserialization didnt happen successfully then I want to throw GenericException which I am creating inside onErrorMap()
While throwing a GenericException, I want to pass the same HttpStatus code to upstream which I am getting from downstream response.
IdVerificationResponse idVerificationResponse = client.get()
.headers(headers -> headers.addAll(httpEntity.getHeaders()))
.onStatus(HttpStatus::isError, response ->
//Throw this one only if deserialization of error response to IdVerificationErrorResponse class happens successfully
.flatMap(error -> Mono.error(CommonException.builder().message(error.getCustomMessage()).build()))
.onErrorMap(error -> {
//Come over here only if there is an error in deserialization in onStatus()
//How to get the HttpStatus we are getting as part of error response from the downstream
HttpStatus httpStatus = HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST;
ApiErrorDetails errorDetailsObj = ApiErrorDetails.builder().errorCode("Error related to HTML")
.errorDetails("Error related to HTML").build();
ErrorDetails errorDetails = ErrorDetails.builder().errors(errorDetailsObj).build();
return GenericException.builder().errorDetails(errorDetails).httpStatus(httpStatus).build();
Currently onErrorMap() is getting called everytime and overriding the exception I am throwing inside onStatus()
Found the solution
IdVerificationResponse idVerificationResponse = client.get()
.headers(headers -> headers.addAll(httpEntity.getHeaders()))
.onStatus(HttpStatus::isError, response -> {
HttpStatus errorCode = response.statusCode();
return response.bodyToMono(IdVerificationErrorResponse.class)
.onErrorMap(error -> new Exception("Throw your generic exception over here if there is any error in deserialization"))
.flatMap(error -> Mono.error(new Exception("Throw your custom exception over here after successful deserialization")));

How to get response json from Spring WebClient

I've been trying to follow the simplest tutorials out there for how to use WebClient, which I understand to be the next greatest thing compared to RestTemplate.
For example,
So when I try to do the same thing with which is supposed to return some json,
WebClient webClient = WebClient.create();
I have absolutely no idea how to proceed from the resultant DefaultClientResponse object. It shouldn't be this convoluted to arrive at the physical response body, but I digress.
How do I get the response body with the code I provided?
In the form you currently have it, and explaining the behaviour..
WebClient webClient = WebClient.create();
the block() starts the request by internally synchronously subscribing to the Mono, and returns the resulting ClientResponse. You could also handle this asynchronously by calling subscribe() on the Mono returned by the exchange() method, instead of block().
In this current form, after the block() you now have all the metadata (ie. from the response header) about the response in a ClientResponse object, including the success status. This does not mean that the response body has finished coming through. If you don't care about the response payload, you could confirm the success and leave it at that.
If you further want to look at the response body, you need to convert the response body stream into some class. A this point you can decide whether you want to read everything into a single Mono with bodyToMono or into a stream of objects (Flux) with bodyToFlux, such as in the case where the response is a JSON array that can be parsed into individual separate Java objects.
However, in your case, you just want to see the JSON as-is. So converting to a String is sufficient. You would just use bodyToMono which would return a Mono object.
WebClient webClient = WebClient.create();
String responseJson = webClient.get()
Here you use block() to wait for the response payload to arrive and be parsed into a String, but you could also subscribe to the Mono to receive it reactively when it is complete.
One thing to note is that retrieve() can be used instead of exchange() to shortcut the ClientResponse. In this case you let default behavior handle error responses. Using exchange() puts all the responsibility on the application for responding to error responses on the ClientResponse. Read more in the Javadoc. The retrieve() version would look as follows. No need to block() as you only care about the response data.
WebClient webClient = WebClient.create();
String responseJson = webClient.get()
Here is how you make a request with RestTemplate
String json = new RestTemplate()
Here is how you make a request with requests
import requests
json = requests.get("")
Here is how you make a request with WebClient
String json = WebClient.create()

How do I get the HTTP status code of a given URL via Spring?

I am working in a Spring #Component class and I am trying to get the HTTP status code of a particular URL for further processing. I have a function as follows:
fun getStatus() : String
val webClient = WebClient.create("")
val result = webClient.get()
.exchange().map { res -> res.rawStatusCode() }
return "statusGotten"
However, rather than getting the Int value of the status code (e.g. 200, or 401), I am simply getting: "MonoMap".
I am new to both Spring and Web Programming in general, so I'm a little confused how to proceed from here. I'm aware that "result" is being returned as a "Mono", but I'm less clear about what a "Mono" is, or how I might transform it into something with more scrutable properties, as even looking at "result" in the debugger doesn't shed any light as to whether the HTTP request was actually sent or was successful:
Am I calling the webclient incorrectly? Or merely failing to parse the resultant data in a meaningful way? Any suggestions on how or where I might learn more about the underlying topics would be much appreciated as well.
If you need a blocking way to do this is easy just
public void myTest(){
WebClient client = WebClient.builder().baseUrl("").build();
ClientResponse resp = client
System.out.println("Status code response is: "+resp.statusCode());
But for this you can use directly the RestTemplate instead the webclient... the recomended way to do this is non blocking what means you should return a Mono with the status and consume outside your method like for example:
public Mono<HttpStatus> myMethod(){
WebClient client = WebClient.builder().baseUrl("").build();
return client
.map( clientResp -> clientResp.statusCode());
The way of consume this Mono depends of your code...
