I have a number that I received from a C program that came to me as a negative number:
It's supposed to be this number:
I realized that this must be due to some conversion from an signed integer to an unsigned integer. Now that I have this negative number in Ruby, how can I convert it back to the unsigned version?
Put the negative integer in an array. Call pack with an argument of 'L' which represents "32-bit unsigned, native endian (uint32_t)". Call unpack with the same argument. Finally, get the number out of the array.
#=> 2523334522
I need to convert 2 bytes to an integer in VB6
I currently have the byte array as:
bytArray(0) = 26
bytArray(1) = 85
the resulting number I assume should be 21786
I need these 2 turned into an integer so I can convert to a single and do additional arithmetic on it.
How do I get the integer of the 2 bytes?
If your assumed value is correct, the pair of array elements are stored in little endian format. So the following would convert the two array elements into a signed short integer.
Dim Sum As Integer
Sum = bytArray(0) + bytArray(1) * 256
Note that if your elements would sum to more than 32,767 (bytArray(1) >= 128), you'll see an overflow exception occur.
You don't have to convert to an integer first, you can go directly to a single, using the logic shown by #MarkL
Dim Sngl as Single
Sngl = (bytArray(1) * 256!) + bytArray(0)
Edit: As #BillHileman notes, this will give an unsigned result. Do as he suggests to make it signed.
I am working on GwBasic and want to know how 'CVI("aa")' returns '24929' is that converts each char to ASCII but code of "aa" is 9797.
CVI converts between a GW-BASIC integer and its internal representation in bytes. That internal representation is a 16-bit little-endian signed integer, so that the value you find is the same as ASC("a") + 256*ASC("a"), which is 97 + 256*97, which is 24929.
MKI$ is the opposite operation of CVI, so that MKI$(24929) returns the string "aa".
The 'byte reversal' is a consequence of the little endianness of GW-BASIC's internal representation of integers: the leftmost byte of the representation is the least significant byte, whereas in hexadecimal notation you would write the most significant byte on the left.
I used to implement something acting as a very large integer using char. But it suddenly occurred to me that I can use unsigned int, which is more straight-forward to implement.
For example, I use every unsigned int to store at most 9 999 999, and make use of the most significant digit as a buffer to increment to the "next" unsigned int.
Thus, I can use 4 byte for 7 digits, instead of 4 digits while using char.
So, why do not we implement a big integer class with unsigned int?
Who says you don't use uint for BigInteger? The C# BCL implementation of BigInteger (in System.Numerics) uses uint[] to store its bits.
In general, it will be more efficient to use the bits to represent a number, rather than the bits to represent the character digit of a number.
I want to convert the data in a wire to an integer. For example:
wire [2:0] w = 3'b101;
I want a method that converts this to '5' and stores it in an integer. How can I do that in a better way than this:
for(i=0; i<=2; i=i+1)
Also, how do I convert it back to binary once I have the value in an integer? This seems a clumsy way. Thank you.
Easy! Conversion is automatic in verilog if you assign to an integer. In verilog, all the data types are just collection on bits.
integer my_int;
always #( w )
my_int = w;
As Marty said : conversion between bit vectors and integers is automatic.
But there are a number of pitfalls. They are obvious if you keep in mind that an integer is a 32 bit signed value.
Don't try to assign e.g. a 40 bit value to an integer.
Default bit vector are unsigned so a 32 bit vector may become negative when it is an integer.
The opposite is also true: a negative integer e.g. -3 will become an 8 vector with value 8'b11111101
I don't know why you want to convert to an integer and back. I just want to point out that arithmetic operations are fully supported on signed and unsigned bit vectors. In fact they are more powerful as there is no 32-bit limit:
reg [127:0] huge_counter;
always #(posedge clk)
huge_counter <= huge_counter + 128'h1;
Also using a vector as index is supported:
wire [11:0] address;
reg [ 7:0] memory [0:4095];
assign read_data = memory[address];
I tried to read from a file where numbers are stored as 16-bit signed integers in big-endian format.
I used unpack to read in the number, but there is no parameter for a 16-bit signed integer in big-endian format, only for an unsigned integer. Here is what I have so far:
number = f.read(2).unpack('s')[0]
Is there a way to interpret the number above as a signed integer or another way to achieve what I want?
I don't know if it's possible to use String#unpack for that, but to convert a 16bit-unsigned to signed, you can use the classical method:
>> value = 65534
>> (value & ~(1 << 15)) - (value & (1 << 15))
=> -2
Use BinData and there's no need for bit twiddling.
Found a solution that works by reading two 8bit unsigned integers and convert them to a 16bit big-endian integer
bytes = f.read(2).unpack('CC')
elevation = bytes[0] << 8 | bytes[1]
Apparently since Ruby 1.9.3 you can actually suffix the s with endiannes like so: