Spring 5 WebFlux Mono and Flux - spring

In Spring 5 I just know Spring WebFlux Handler method handles the request and returns Mono or Flux as response.
public class HelloWorldHandler {
public Mono<ServerResponse> helloWorld(ServerRequest request) {
return ServerResponse.ok().contentType(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN).body(BodyInserters.fromObject("Hello World"));
But I have no idea what means Mono and Flux and how it works with the WebFlux Handler.
Can any one simply explain
1.What means Mono and Flux.
2.How it works with the WebFlux Handler.
Thanks in advance.

Webflux is all about reactive programming, which in summary means that business logic is only executed as soon as the data to process it is available (reactive).
This means you no longer can return simple POJO's, but you have to return something else, something that can provide the result when it's available. Within the reactive streams initiative, this is called a Publisher. A Publisher has a subcribe() method that will allow the consumer to get the POJO when it's available.
A Publisher (for example Publisher<Foo>) can return zero or multiple, possibly infinite, results. To make it more clear how many results you can expect, Project Reactor (the reactive streams implementation of Pivotal) introduced two implementations of Publisher:
A Mono, which will complete after emitting a single result.
A Flux, which will emit zero or multiple, possibly infinite, results and then completes.
So, basically you can see Mono<Foo> as the reactive counterpart of returning Foo and Flux<Foo> as the reactive counterpart of Collection<Foo>.
For example:
.just(1, 2, 3, 4)
.map(nr -> nr * 2)
Even though the numbers are already available (you can see them), you should realize that since it's a Flux, they're emitted one by one. In other cases, the numbers might come from an external API and in that case they won't be immediately available.
The next phase (the map operator), will multiply the number as soon as it retrieves one, this means that it also does this mapping one by one and then emit the new value.
Eventually, there's a subscriber (there should always be one, but it could be the Spring framework itself that's subscribing), and in this case it will print each value it obtains and print it to the console, also, one by one.
You should also realize that there's no particular order when processing these items. It could be that the first number has already been printed on the console, while the third item is hasn't been multiplied by two yet.
So, in your case, you have a Mono<ServerResponse>, which means that as soon as the ServerResponse is available, the WebFlux framework can utilize it. Since there is only one ServerResponse expected, it's a Mono and not a Flux.


At what point does the subscription take place? (spring webflux)

At what point does the spring webflux do the subscription? Everywhere I have read that there must be a subscription otherwise no change happens. In my short time with Spring Webflux, I have never seen a subscribe() neither in the controller or services.
My doubt is also when using flatMap(), map(),... etc.. at what point does the subscription take place?
What I have read does not really resolve my doubts.
public Flux method(){
myFlux.flatMap(data -> {
}).flatMap(e -> { .... });
I know this is an asynchronous issue, but each flatMap runs at the same time?...and so sometimes some data I have noticed is null.
It's the framework (spring-webflux) that subscribes to the returned Mono or Flux. For example if you use Netty (that's the default), then subscription happens here based on my debugging:
Also, this article might be of help to understand what happens when:
You need to call a .subscribe() or block() function after your flatmap. Here's an example.
Assuming that myFlux is of type Flux, the following will execute the subscription based on the example above
Here's an explanation on a separate StackOverflow thread.
But in your method function, you are returning a Flux object - so it's up to the consumer of the method() function how it wants to subscribe to the Flux. You shouldn't be trying to subscribe to the Flux from within
The answer is: it depends.
For example, if this is a Spring Controller method, then it is the framework itself that subscribes to the Mono or Flux.
If it is a method that is triggered from time to time by a Scheduler, then you must explicitly subscribe to the Mono or Flux, otherwise, no processing will take place.
This means that if your application only exposes a REST API and no processing need to be triggered in any other way, then it is very likely that you will never need to explicitly subscribe to a Mono or Flux because Spring will take care of that by you.

How to think in reactive programming manner and convert traditional oops application into reactive application

In the traditional way of writing an application, I have divided the application into a set of tasks and execute them sequentially.
Get a list of rules for a given rule group from Redis
Construct facts input and fire the rules.
compute a response for the request by hitting multiple rules (Rule group A might depend on the Rule group B result).
send the response back to the caller.
If I was to implement the above steps using the spring web flux reactive manner, how do I achieve it?
I have used ReactiveRedis to get the data from redis.
ReactiveRedisOperations.opsForValue().get(ruleGroupName) does not return anything until we subscribe() to it. But ReactiveRedisOperations.opsForValue().get(ruleGroupName).subscribe() makes the processing thread reactive and the execution goes to next line in the application without waiting for the Subscriber to execute.
As my next steps depend on the data returned by Redis, I have used the block() option to make it wait.
In the real-world how does one tackle a situation like this? Thanks in advance.
PS: New to spring web flux and reactive programming.
Instead of separating logical steps by putting them on a new line, like in imperative programming, reactive programming uses method composition and chaining (the operators).
So once you get a Flux<T> or a Mono<T> (here your rules from Redis), you need to chain operators to build up your processing steps in a declarative manner.
A step that transforms each input element <T> into a single corresponding element <R>, in memory and without latency, is typically expressed as a map(Function<T, R>) and produces a Flux<R>. In turn, chain further operators on that.
A step that either transforms 1 element <T> to N elements <R> and/or does so asynchronously (ie the transformation returns a Flux<R> for each T) is typically expressed as a flatMap(Function<T, Publisher<R>>).
Beyond that, there is a rich vocabulary of specialized operators in Reactor that you can explore.
In the end, your goal is to chain all these operators to describe your processing pipeline, which is going to be a Mono<RETURN_TYPE> or Flux<RETURN_TYPE>. RETURN_TYPE in webflux can either be a business type that Spring can marshall or one of the Spring response-oriented classes.

what is the difference between ResponseEntity<Mono> and Mono<ResponseEntity> as a return type of a rest controller

In Spring Webflux, what's the difference between ResponseEntity<Mono> versus Mono<ResponseEntity> as a return type of a rest controller?
When is the most appropriate to what?
Following up on this question, let's say I need to return a list, or let's say several elements of Foo, there are many examples of returning Flux.
Would it make sense to return ResponseEntity<Flux> or Flux<ResponseEntity>?
When I'm looking for this question, I found the same question posted here: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/issues/22614, but no answer, I searched spring docs, but find no info.
Thanks for the help.
Here are the various options you can make with a ResponseEntity return value:
ResponseEntity<Mono<T>> or ResponseEntity<Flux<T>> -- this makes the response status and headers known immediately while the body is provided asynchronously at a later point. Whether the body is Mono or Flux depends on how many values the response has.
Mono<ResponseEntity<T>> -- this provides all three -- response status, headers, and body, asynchronously at a later point. IT allows the response status and headers to vary depending on the outcome of asynchronous request handling.
Mono<ResponseEntity<Mono<T>>> or Mono<ResponseEntity<Flux<T>>> are also possible but less common. They provide the response status and headers asynchronously first and then the response body, also asynchronously at a second point later.
WebFlux supports using a single value reactive type to produce the
ResponseEntity asynchronously, and/or single and multi-value reactive
types for the body.
So the return type on an annotated controller would actually be a Reactive Publisher like Flux or Mono that emits an object representing the data to return.
Or also:
I think you can even just set a raw DTO type as the return type and Webflux will automagically wrap it in a publisher for you.
Valid Return Types
Example: https://github.com/oktadeveloper/okta-spring-webflux-react-example/blob/react-app/reactive-web/src/main/java/com/example/demo/ProfileRestController.java
Non-blocking Reactive Paradigm
When doing Reactive Programming you want to every layer to communicate via Flux/Mono. So you would get back a Flux from your ReactiveRepository and the service layer would also return a Flux to the Controller. Basically, in reactive programming everything is a Flux/Mono.
While SpringMVC and Spring Webflux annotated controllers look similar, they are vastly different internally. For instance, Webflux uses Jetty while SpringMVC uses Tomcat by default. Internally, Webflux is more like a non-blocking event-loop architecture while SpringMVC traditionally leverages a threadpool with 1 thread per request blocking for I/O.
Check out this article for more details on Spring WebFlux

Java 9 reactive streams. Why the need of Processor?

I've been seeing in Java the reactive streams concept which tends to standardize javaRX and Spring reactive concepts. Everything good except the fact that in order to do some transformation of the streams you need to implement one ore more processor. My question is regarding the need of the Processor interface Processor which extends Subscriber, Publisher
It seems that you passed a fun where you do the transformation and you couple it to both producer and subscriber and that's it ! But some questions arise:
How do you handle the backpressure from the client/subscriber. If client ask for 10 elements you don't know in Processor how many elements you should ask further to Producer. I've seen examples asking for 1 or Int.MAX elements
What's the fuzz about it ? Because from what i've observed it just carries a fun where you do the transformation, the fun is passed to the constructor and it is call later when the item flows through it (and that's it). So couldn't we've achieved this directly in producer or subscriber ? (i know that you want separation of concerns but you can eliminate problem 1)
You can see a basic example here: https://www.concretepage.com/java/java-9/java-reactive-streams .
In the processor method onNext, you can see that processor asks for 1 element and this is bothering me: what about the backpressure from the subscriber side ? What if the subscriber asked for 100 elements once in a batch ? Shouldn't processor focus only on the processing side and it shouldn't asked for elements ?
public void onNext(Article item) {
Thanks !

Cannot use 'subscribe' or 'subscribeWith' with 'ReactorNettyWebSocketClient' in Kotlin

The Kotlin code below successfully connects to a Spring WebFlux server, sends a message and prints each message sent via the stream that is returned.
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val uri = URI("ws://localhost:8080/myservice")
val client = ReactorNettyWebSocketClient()
val input = Flux.just(readMsg())
client.execute(uri) { session ->
.doOnNext(::println) // want to replace this call
In previous experience with Reactive programming I have always used subscribe or subscribeWith where the call to doOnNext occurs. However it will not work in this case. I understand that this is because neither returns the reactive stream in use - subscribe returns a Disposable and subscribeWith returns the Subscriber it received as a parameter.
My question is whether invoking doOnNext is really the correct way to add a handler to process incoming messages?
Most Spring 5 tutorials show code which either calls this or log, but some use subscribeWith(output).then() without specifying what output should be. I cannot see how the latter would even compile.
subscribe and subscribeWith should always be used right at the end of a chain of operators, not as intermediate operators.
Simon already provided the answer but I'll add some extra context.
When composing asynchronous logic with Reactor (and ReactiveX patterns) you build an end-to-end chain of processing steps, which includes not only the logic of the WebSocketHandler itself but also that of the underlying WebSocket framework code responsible for sending and receiving messages to and from the socket. It's very important for the entire chain to be connected together, so that at runtime "signals" will flow through it (onNext, onError, or onComplete) from start to end and communicate the final result, i.e where you have the .block() at the end.
In the case of WebSocket this looks a little daunting because you're essentially combining two or more streams into one. You can't just subscribe to one of those streams (e.g. for inbound messages) because that prevents composing a unified processing stream, and signals will not flow through to the end where the final outcome is expected.
The other side of this is that subscribe() triggers consumption on a stream whereas what you really want is to keep composing asynchronous logic in deferred mode, i.e. declaring all that will happen when data materializes. This is another reason why composing a single unified chain is important. So it can be triggered after it is fully declared.
In short the main difference with the imperative WebSocketHandler for the Servlet world, is that instead of it being a handler for individual messages, this is a handler for composing the complete streams. Here the handling of an individual message is just one step of the overall processing chain. So the only place to subscribe is at the very end, where .block() is, in order to kick off processing.
BTW since this question was first posted a few months ago, the documentation has been improved to provide more guidance on how to implement a WebSocketHandler.
