how to get multidimantional array in laravel - laravel

'id' => 1,
'title' =>'BlackBerry Leather Smart Flip Case for BlackBerry PRIV',
'product_type' => 'Mobile',
'product_image' => array(
0 => array(
'product_id' => 1,
'image_src'=> 'https://22198_grande.jpg',
'variant_ids' => 11
'product_variant' => array(
0 => array(
'product_id' => 1,
'image_id' => 21,
'title' => "BlackBerry Leather Smart Flip Case for BlackBerry PRIV/black",
'price' => 250
I want to change this array to associative array format
title=>BlackBerry Leather Smart Flip Case for BlackBerry PRIV;
title=>BlackBerry Leather Smart Flip Case for BlackBerry PRIV/black;

Use laravel map function for this
$multiplied = $schoolkids->map(function ($kids) {
$test = $kids;
$temp = collect($kids->toArray());
return $temp->except(['id','class_id','org_id','section_id','parent_id', 'parent_info', 'class_name', 'classes', 'org_detail'])->merge($kids->orgDetail->toArray())->merge($kids->parentInfo->toArray())->merge($kids->classes->toArray());
$multiplied is the main query Kids is the first array function and if you want to remove some ids from array than use except function


Laravel 4 Database insert Error - preg_replace(): Parameter mismatch, pattern is a string while replacement is an array

In database seeder, I just want to insert some hard-coded data to the table.
$Pro1_id = DB::table('projects')->select('id')->where('projectName', '=', 'Project A')->get();
$data1_1 = array(
'id' => 1,
'projectID' => $Pro1_id,
'attributeID' => 1,
'levelID' => 2,
'percentage' => 20,
'risk_value' => 25186.86311,
'expectation_value' => 706455.9401,
$data1_2 = array(
'projectID' => $Pro1_id,
'attributeID' => 2,
'levelID' => 1,
'percentage' => 60,
'risk_value' => 530351.3397,
'expectation_value' => 392207.1248,
$data1 = [$data1_1, $data1_2];
However, I got the error:
[ErrorException] preg_replace(): Parameter mismatch, pattern is a
string while replacement is an array
It is so weird, because I did the same to another table, it worked.
'id' => Webpatser\Uuid\Uuid::generate(),
'projectName' => 'Project A',
'creator_id' => $pro1_creatorID,
'create_at' => \Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateString(),
'lastEditor_id' => $pro1_creatorID,
'edit_at' => \Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateString(),
'utility' => 1.597119661,
'exponential' => 4.94,
'projectValue' => 1225090.39
'id' => Webpatser\Uuid\Uuid::generate(),
'projectName' => 'Project B',
'creator_id' => $pro2_creatorID,
'create_at' => \Carbon\Carbon::create(2014, 12, 12)->toDateString(),
'lastEditor_id' => $pro2_creatorID,
'edit_at' => \Carbon\Carbon::create(2014, 12, 12)->toDateString(),
'utility' => 1.754989409,
'exponential' => 5.78,
'projectValue' => 293760.36
'id' => Webpatser\Uuid\Uuid::generate(),
'projectName' => 'Project C',
'creator_id' => $pro3_creatorID,
'create_at' => \Carbon\Carbon::create(2013, 10, 21)->toDateString(),
'lastEditor_id' => $pro3_creatorID,
'edit_at' => \Carbon\Carbon::create(2013, 10, 21)->toDateString(),
'utility' => 1.423114267,
'exponential' => 4.15,
'projectValue' => 1461924.67
I really don't understand why inserting into projects table works, but the one of the mapping table does NOT work.
They are exactly the same method.
I think your code is correct but when you insert the id in array, you are doing the wrong way.
$Pro1_id = DB::table('projects')->select('id')->where('projectName', '=', 'Project A')->get();
Here, $Pro1_id is Collection that contain value return from your query. Sometimes it might be one, but sometimes it might be 2 or 3.... So , your are doing the wrong way when you are inserting the id in the array. So , use foreach loop like this :
foreach($Pro1_id as $pro){
'id' => 1,
'projectID' => $pro->id,
'attributeID' => 1,
'levelID' => 2,
'percentage' => 20,
'risk_value' => 25186.86311,
'expectation_value' => 706455.9401,
For simple , get returns Collection and is rather supposed to fetch multiple rows.
For more info . Check this

How to add elements to a fieldset in magento horizontally rather than vertically

I am adding few check boxes in to magento using the fieldset option like the following.
$fieldset = $form->addFieldset('display', array(
'legend' => $helper->__('Schedule Sales Order Transfer'),
'class' => 'fieldset-wide'
for($i=01; $i*5<60; $i++){
$time = $i*5;
$fieldset->addField('min'.$time, 'checkbox', array(
'name' => 'Checkbox',
'checked' => false,
'onclick' => self::setAll("min"),
'onchange' => "",
'value' => ''.$time,
'disabled' => false,
'after_element_html' => '<small>'.$time.'</small>',
'tabindex' => 1
By doing so, all the check boxes are coming one below another. Is it possible to make it one adjacent to another i.e., horizontally?
Anybody Please suggest the solution ASAP...
Thank you,
In your Code return like <tr>...</tr><tr>..</tr>, so if you need to add custom css or js to achieve what you expected,
for($i=01; $i*5<60; $i++){
$time[$i]['value'] = $i*5;
$time[$i]['label'] = $i*5;
$fieldset->addField('Time', 'checkboxes', array(
'label' => $this->__('Time'),
'name' => 'time[]',
'values' => $time,
'value' => '1',
'tabindex' => 1
its return like <tr><td>label</td><td>value<ul><li></li>....<li></li></ul></td></tr>
then you continue your stuff.,
Note: I'm just suggest the possible ways

Magento AvS_fastsimpleimporter multiple addresses

Is it possible while creating new users with AvS_Fastsimpleimporter to add more than the standard address ?
Currently my array "data" looks like this
'email' => $kunde['email'],
'_website' => $_website,
'_store' => $_website . 'store',
'confirmation' => '',
'created_at' => $created_at,
'created_in' => 'Import',
'disable_auto_group_change' => 0,
'firstname' => $kunde['name_1'],
'group_id' => 3,
'kontonummer' => $kunde['kontonr'],
'kundennummer' => $kunde['kundennr'],
'lastname' => $lastname,
'password_hash' => $password_hash,
'store_id' => 0,
'website_id' => $country['id'],
'_address_city' => $kunde['ort'],
'_address_country_id' => $kunde['land'],
'_address_fax' => $kunde['fax'],
'_address_firstname' => $kunde['name_1'],
'_address_lastname' => $lastname,
'_address_postcode' => $kunde['plz'],
'_address_street' => $kunde['strasse'],
'_address_telephone' => $_address_telephone,
'_address_vat_id' => $kunde['ust_id'],
'_address_default_billing_' => 1,
'_address_default_shipping_' => 1,
And i want to add a second address with the AvS_Simpleimporter.
I tried to add a second array in data like this:
array_push($data, array(
'email' => null,
'_website' => null,
'_address_city' => checkRequiredInput($address['ort']),
'_address_country_id' => $address['land'],
'_address_firstname' => checkRequiredInputVadr($address['name_1']),
'_address_lastname' => checkRequiredInputVadr($address['name_2']),
'_address_postcode' => checkRequiredInput($address['plz']),
'_address_street' => checkRequiredInput($address['strasse']),
'_address_default_billing_' => 0,
'_address_default_shipping_' => 0,
And then executing with
$importer = Mage::getModel('fastsimpleimport/import');
But this currently doesn't work. The second address is added as an extra array to data like this
.... data array
'_address_default_billing_' => 1
'_address_default_shipping_' => 1
[0] => 'email' => bla bla
'_website' => bla bla
and so son
Any help ?
Multiple addresses are imported as additional rows. Hence you need to:
'_address_country_id' => array($country1,$country2),
'_address_city' => array($city1, $city2),

Cakephp How to Make Request data contain only the selected field values

Iam Using Cakephp 2.4.6 version. Currently I am facing a problem with some fields in the forms. I have a group of horizontal controls in which the first control is a checkbox which hold the id value.if id is selected then only i want to get all other controls in that row.
is there any way other than getting all values into ajax and send thorough ajax.
TFmPlanProgram' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
't_fm_program_id' => '42',
'number_of_time' => '10'
(int) 1 => array(
't_fm_program_id' => '43',
'number_of_time' => '10'
(int) 2 => array(
't_fm_program_id' => '44',
'number_of_time' => '15'
(int) 3 => array(
't_fm_program_id' => '0',
'number_of_time' => ''
(int) 4 => array(
't_fm_program_id' => '0',
'number_of_time' => ''
This is my array. in that you can see that 3 and 4 having no id value. but it is passed to the server. i want to pass only the selected ID's.
You can try this before calling $this->TFmPlanProgram->save();
foreach($this->request->data['TFmPlanProgram'] as $key => $value){

How do I create a configurable product with associated products?

The following code does create a configurable product, however, when I open the product in the backend, the following message appears:
Select Configurable Attributes
"Only attributes with scope "Global", input type "Dropdown" and Use To Create Configurable Product "Yes" are available."
A single checkbox is displayed ("Colour Group"), which must be selected before continuing.
When I click "Continue", all of the product data is there as expected EXCEPT for the associated products.
//Mage Product
$mpr = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
->setAttributeSetId(4) // You can determine this another way if you need to.
->setShortDescription('short description')
'use_config_manage_stock' => 1,
'is_in_stock' => 1,
'is_salable' => 1,
$productData = array(
'7039604' =>
array('0' => array('attribute_id' => '85', 'label' => 'ROYAL','value_index' => '28563', 'is_percent' => 0, 'pricing_value' => '')
,'1' => array('attribute_id' => '192', 'label' => '14', 'value_index' => '28728', 'is_percent' => 0, 'pricing_value' => '')
$attributeData = array(
'0' => array(
'id' => NULL
,'label' => 'Color'
,'position' => NULL
,'values' => array(
'0' => array('value_index' => 28563, 'label' => 'ROYAL', 'is_percent' => 0, 'pricing_value' => '0', 'attribute_id' => '85')
,'attribute_id' => 85
,'attribute_code' => 'color'
,'frontend_label' => 'Color'
,'html_id' => 'config_super_product__attribute_0')
,'1' => array(
'id' => NULL
,'label' => 'Rivers Size'
,'position' => NULL
,'values' => array(
'0' => array('value_index' => 28728, 'label' => '14', 'is_percent' => 0, 'pricing_value' => '0', 'attribute_id' => '192')
,'attribute_id' => 192
,'attribute_code' => 'rivers_size'
,'frontend_label' => 'Rivers Size'
,'html_id' => 'config_super_product__attribute_1')
Add this code before $mpr->save();
$SKU = "any-simple product sku enter here";
$productid = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')
And set simple product sku in $SKU variable. and i have check that when i select global variable then after i see associated product in configure product.
Its work fine !!!
If you are getting redirected to select attribute page, this means that attribute data you set in this sample is not saved correctly.
Try viewing catalog_product_super_attribute after script run (new rows should be added).
