Cloudera Manager [Exhausted available authentication methods ] - cloudera-manager

I'm trying to install Cloudera Manager on a single node and I faced this problem, it's shown in the details that an [Exhausted available authentication methods]
Could you help me please?


Cluster CDH installation stuck at download

I am trying to set up a cluster on 3 nodes on a Cloud Server with Cloudera Manager. But at Cluster installation step, it gets stuck at 64%. Please guide me on how to go forward with it and where to see logs of the same.
Following is the image of the installation screen
Some cloud companies have policies in which they if lots of data requests are coming, they remove the IP from public hostings for sometime. This is done to prevent DDoS attacks.
A solution can be to ask them to raise the data transfer limit.

cloudera navigator multi-tenancy capability

In short, can Cloudera Navigator be configured for a multi-tenancy context ?
In detail, we have a datalake (Hadoop cluster) with many business entities, and we want that each business ventity view, manage and access only it own data using the cloudera navigator.
I didn't find any information on the net, and the ui seems to not provide such option.
thanks in advance
You may use Cloudera Manager to create Kerberos principals and keytabs which you may configure to access required directories.
Read: Configuring Authentication in Cloudera Manager
At the current version, Cloudera navigator is not multi-tenancy enabled.
So, at short time one of the solution is custom dev using the Cloudera navigator API coupled with other technologies.

Adding Hbase service in kerberos enabled CDH cluster

I have a CDH cluster already running with kerberos authentication.
I have a requirement to add HBase service to the running cluster.
Looking for a documentation to enable hbase service since its kerberos enabled. Both command line and GUI options welcome.
Also, its good if there is a testing method like small table creation steps like that.
Thanks in advance!
If you add it through Coudera Manager-Add Service wizards, CDH takes care automatically (create/distribute Kerberos keytabs and add services)

Cloudera Manager Installation failing

I am trying to create a small cluster for testing purposes on EC2 using Cloudera Manager 5.
These are the directions I am following,
It is getting to the point where it executes, "Execute command SparkUploadJarServiceCommand on service spark" and it fails.
The error is "Upload Spark Jar failed on spark_master".
What is going wrong and how can I fix this?
Thanks for your help.
Adding the findings as an answer.
You have to open all the required ports for your Cloudera Manager to install it's components correctly.
For a complete guide of ports you need to open refer to:
If you are running Cloudera Manager in EC2 you can create a security group that allows all traffic/ports between the Cloudera Manager and its nodes.

Query regarding Cloudera Manager on EC2

I have some query regarding Cloudera Manager(Free Edition) on EC2. I am not sure this is the correct place to ask the question. If I am wrong please also let me know. Is there a place where I can put my questions regarding cloudera manager and Hadoop?
Current I am creating hadoop cluster using cloudera manager. I have m3.Xlarge EC2 Instances but the wizard does not have option to select m3.xlarge instance. Secondly, I have RHEL OS where as wizard does not have option for RHEL it has only Ubuntu 12.04 and Cent OS 6.3. Does that means it does not have support for RHEL?
Cloudera Manager only supports ubuntu and centos as of now. And please not whatever other instances, you might have created will not be used by the cloudera manager. It will automatically create new instances and you can check that in the management console of aws. So when you choose number of instances and type of instances( only supported type by cloudera manager is available), it will use your key and secret key to create them automatically.
