JavaFx Android Application would not display correctly - javafxports

My Javafx app does not display anything, it displays a blank screen on the android device. What can i do? Thank you I have created the android apk, and also Installed it on an android device, but it still does not display anything. What have i not done?


UI Binding not working in xamarin forms for Android device

I have 6-7 properties in ViewModel. When page load first, values's of some properties not appear. but when I do Hot reload on xaml while debugging, that propertie's value does appear. Issue is happening on release version also. But in emulator, it working fine. This issue comes in Real android device only.
All that properties is made with Inotifypropertychanged. I don't know why this happening. I don't need iOS app so not tested on iOS

Xamarin Forms App crashes after splash screen on iOS device

My Xamarin Forms App works fine in Android devices, but when trying do deploy on a real iOS device it crashes after the splash screen, I said real because I can run without any problem on the simulator.
I try to debug the App on a real iOS device, and I found that the crash happen when the App try to load the XAML file on:
private void InitializeComponent() {
global::Xamarin.Forms.Xaml.Extensions.LoadFromXaml(this, typeof(LoginPage));
Please take a look at the debug steps:
I found the problem. The [XamlCompilation(XamlCompilationOptions.Compile)] was missing on the code behind C# file, and because of that some methods used by click events of controls on the XAML were not available. But still can't find explanation for this not happening on the simulator!
In case it is a help to anyone, I had the same symptom for a different reason. I am using single page simple navigation in the app in question setting MainPage to the current page in the app. After few days of troubleshooting, happened to notice the checkbox in Application section of info.plist, "Supports Multiple Windows" was checked. Unchecking this restored my app to working condition. There were no diagnostic messages that seemed related, just a crash after splash in release mode, and a black screen in debug mode.

Not getting Ios application tab in properties of IOS project, How to set Splash Screen in IOS without this using storyboard - Xamarin

I am using Xamarin Forms and want to set splash screen for ios project and followed these steps provided in this link.
but i'm not getting the Ios Application tab in properties of ios project. i am getting options as in below image as in recent release they have removed the option.
can anyone explain me step by step process for setting the splash screen in ios with some other way?
i am new to xamarin, any help is appreciated, thank you so much.

xamarin studio - android emulator not launching application

I am trying to launch a simple application with some labels and images on the content page, but when the android emulator starts it opens the application and shows only a white page with nothing on it. However, if I run the iOS simulator it shows the label and images. So I wonder if there is something that is preventing the page from loading? I am using Xamarin Forms in Studio on Mac.
Can you try it in a fisical device ?
Just to know if your emulator has an error...
Are you sure you have an StackLayout or another container for the label and entry ?
Hope you solve it...

Titanium Alloy Pull-to-refresh widget not scrolling properly on Android devices

I am working on Titanium SDK and need to implement that Pull-To-Refresh widget. This widget works perfect while on iOS devices but when I try to run the same on Android devices, it doesn't even scroll the controller.
I have placed code on Google Drive.
Let me know if anyone has used this and encountered the same issue.
