I came across this problem at a coding site and I have no idea on how to solve it. The editorial is not available nor was I able to find any related article online. So I am asking this here.
You have a graph G that contains N vertices and M edges. The vertices are numbered from 1 through N. Also each node is colored either Black or White. You want to calculate the shortest path from 1 to N such that the difference of black and white nodes is at most 1.
As obvious as it is, applying straight forward Dijkstra's Algorithm will not work. Any help is appreciated. Thank you!
We can consider a modified graph and run Dijkstra on this one:
For each node in the original graph, the modified graph will have multiple meta vertices (theoretically, infinitely many) that each correspond to a different black-white difference. You only need to create the nodes as you explore the graph with Dijkstra. Thus, you won't need infinitely many nodes.
The edges are then pretty simple (you can also create them while exploring). If you are currently at a node with black-white difference d and the original graph has an edge to a white node, then you create an edge to the respective node with black-white difference d-1. If the original graph has an edge to a black node, you create an edge in the modified graph to the respective node with black-white difference d+1. You don't necessarily need to treat them as different nodes. You can also store the Dijkstra variables in the node grouped by black-white difference.
Running Dijkstra in this way will give you the shortest paths to any node with any black-white difference. As soon as you reach the target node with an acceptable black-white difference, you are done.
Although we can check a if a graph is bipartite using BFS and DFS (2 coloring ) on any given undirected graph, Same implementation may not work for the directed graph.
So for testing same on directed graph , Am building a new undirected graph G2 using my source graph G1, such that for every edge E[u -> v] am adding an edge [u,v] in G2.
So by applying a 2 coloring BFS I can now find if G2 is bipartite or not.
and same applies for the G1 since these two are structurally same. But this method is costly as am using extra space for graph. Though this will suffice my purpose as of now, I'd like know if there any better implementations for the same.
Thanks In advance.
You can execute the algorithm to find the 2-partition of an undirected graph on a directed graph as well, you just need a little twist. (BTW, in the algorithm below I assume that you will eventually find a 2-coloring. If not, then you will run into a node that is already colored and you find you need to color it to the other color. Then you just exit saying it's not bipartite.)
Start from any node and do the 2-coloring by traversing the edges. If you have traversed every edge and every node in the graph then you have your partition. If not, then you have a component that is 2-colored and there are no edges leaving the component. Pick any node not in the component and repeat. If you get into a situation when you have a few components that are all 2-colored, and there are no edges leaving any of them, and you encounter an edge that originates in a node in the component you are currently building and goes into a node in one of the previous components then you just merge the current component with the older one (and possibly need to flip the color of every node in one of the components -- flip it in the smaller component). After merging just continue. You can do the merge, because at the time of the merge you have scanned only one edge between the two components, so flipping the coloring of one of the components leaves you in a valid state.
The time complexity is still O(max(|N|,|E|)), and all you need is an extra field for every node indicating which component that node is in.
While I was in the shower today, I had a thought - How difficult would it be to write an algorithm to traverse a weighted di-graph and find the shortest path while allowed to skip a fixed number of edges s. I started thinking about even one skip, and for the brute force method it seems to multiply the problem by the number of edges in your graph, as you have to find the shortest path for each case where an edge is set to 0 cost and then compare across all graphs. I don't know if there are any algorithms that do this, but a cursory search of google didn't show any.
My first question would be for skipping the most costed edge(s), but it's also an interesting problem to examine having to find a path assuming you skip the least costed edge(s).
This is just to satisfy my curiosity, so no rush.
What follows is the logic of how to solve this problem. The way to solve this type of problem is to consider a graph composed of two copies of the original graph you want to traverse, which I'll describe how to create. For your sake, draw a small graph, and then draw it topologically sorted (which helps with the visualization, but is not necessary in the program.) Next, draw a copy of that graph a few inches above the original. You're in the bottom section of this graph when you have not yet used your skip, and you're in the top part when you have used your skip. Let's call the nodes in the bottom graph A1, A2, A3 ... and the nodes in the top graph B1, B2, B3 ... If, in your original graph, node 1 is connected to nodes 2, then your new graph has edges A1->A2, B1->B2, and a free connection, A1->B2 (with edge cost 0).
Consider the following original graph, where you start at the black node, and desire to end up at the blue node.
Your new graph will look like the following, where you again start at black and wish to go to the blue node.
At each location in the bottom half of the graph, you have not used your skip, and thus can either skip (moving to the top part of the graph) or can move normally, going to another node in the bottom graph.
You can then use any of the standard graph traversal algorithms.
I have a non-directed graph that represents the connectivity between regions of a map. I'd like to identify groups of nodes (regions) that could be removed without creating graph partitions.
What I have tried:
Walking the tree (BFS, DFS...), storing the depths and selecting the nodes with the higher depth (O(n)). Once calculated, I can update the depths in O(~1) on each removal-addition by checking the depth of neighbour nodes (connectivity does not exceed a certain threshold)
Is there a cheaper way to do this? Also finding graph literature is also very hard if you don't know the academical term for the problem. My graphs are between 200 and 500 nodes.
The problem you are solving can be reduced to bridge finding problem in graph.
Algorithm :-
calculate all bridges in the graph using tarjan's method.
then remove a node which does not have bridge as a edge.
Then re-evaluate the bridges in subgraph of the removed node partitioned by bridges.
Continue doing 2 & 3 until there is no node to remove.
You want to find nodes which are not articulation points. Cf. this Wikipedia page for some algorithms allowing to solve the problem of detecting articulation points. See also this page. Finally, note some of these algorithms are already implemented in tools such as igraph.
PS: this is very similar to the problem identified by Vikram, but not exactly the same thing, since the focus is on nodes, and not links.
Okay, so I found this a bit tricky.
Basically, you have a directed graph (let's call it the base graph), that has some leaves and a node with 0 indegree that is called root. It may contain cycles.
From that base graph, a tree has been made, that contains the root and all leaves, and some connection between them. The nodes and edges that are not needed to connect the root to the leaves are left out.
Now imagine one or more edges in the tree "break", and can no longer be used. The problem now is to
a) If possible, find an alternative route(s) to the disconnected node(s), introducing as few previously unused edges from the base graph as possible.
b) If not possible, select which edges to "repair", repairing as few edges as possible to get all leaves connected again.
This is supposed to represent an electrical grid, and the breaks are power outages.
If just one edge is broken, it is easy enough. But say you have a graph with 100 leaves, 500 edges, and 50 edges break. Now to find which combination of adding previously unused edges from the base graph, and if necessary repairing some edges, to connect all leaves, seems like a very hard problem.
I imagined one could do some sort of brute force, where ALL combinations of unused edges, from using 1 to all of them, are tested. Or if repairs are needed, testing ALL combinations of repairs with all combinations of new edges. When the amount of edges get high, this seems to me very very inefficient.
My question is, does anyone have any smart ideas to how this could be done in a more efficient way? I hope I explained it well enough.
This is an NP-hard problem, and I'll explain why. Imagine that you have three layers of nodes: the root node, a layer of intermediate connecting nodes, and then a layer of leaf nodes. Edges go from root to intermediate nodes, and from an intermediate node to some subset of leaf nodes. Suppose you have some choice of intermediate nodes and edges to leaf nodes that gives you a connected tree graph, where each intermediate node has an edge to only one leaf node. Now imagine all edges in the reduced graph are removed. Then to find the minimum number of edges needed to add to repair the graph, this is equivalent to finding the minimum number of remaining intermediate nodes whose edges cover all of the leaf nodes. This is equivalent to the set cover problem for the leaf nodes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set_cover_problem and is NP-hard. Thus there is almost certainly no fast algorithm for your problem in the worst case (unless P = NP). Maybe if you bound the number of edges that are removed, you can come up with a polynomial time algorithm where the exponent in the polynomial depends (hopefully weakly) on how many edges were removed.
Seems like the start to a good efficient heuristic/solution would be to weight the edges. A couple simple approaches (not the most space efficient) as to how you could weight the edges based on the total number of edges are listed below.
If using any number of undamaged edges is better than using a single alternative edge and using any number of alternative edges is better than a single damaged edge.
Undamaged edge: 1
Alternative edge: E
Damaged edge: E^2
In the case of 100 vertices and 500 edges, alternative edges would be weighted as 500, while damaged edges would be weighted as 250000.
If using any number of undamaged edges is better than using a single alternative edge or a single damaged edge.
Undamaged edge: 1
Alternative/damaged edge: E
In the case of 100 vertices and 500 edges, alternative/damaged edges would be weighted as 500.
It seems like you then try a number of approaches to find either the exact solution or a heuristic result. The main suggestion I have for an algorithm is below.
Find the directed minimium spanning tree. If you use the weighting listed above, then I believe the result is optimum if I'm understanding things correctly.
Although, if you have intermediate nodes (nodes that are neither the root or a leaf), then this is likely to result in an overestimating heuristic. In which case, you might be able to get around it by running all pairs all shortest paths first and use the path costs for that as input for the directed minimium spanning tree algorithm, but that's probably a heuristic as well.
There is an undirected graph in which every node is assigned some color. I have to find the shortest path from any blue colored node to any red colored node. (Other colors may also exist in the graph and although it doesnt matter but it is not known how many colors are there.) How can I do it in polynomial time?
As a hint, add two new nodes to the graph- call them s and t. Connect s to each blue node with an edge of cost 0 and each red node to t with an edge of cost 0. Then find the shortest path from s to t.
Hope this helps!