The specified task executable location is invalid error - visual-studio

I have a project on TFS that is working on everyone else's machine, except mine. When building I get the error that can be seen in the image. "The specified task executable location csc.exe is invalid." currently trying to repair VS 2017 now.

Based on the message, seems the csc.exe is damaged.
Just try below things to narrow down the issue:
Navigate to the Microsoft.Net.Compilers package location, delete
the package folder, then rebuild. Generally the package will be
restored automatically during the build.
Uninstall and Re-install the Microsoft.Net.Compilers package:
Open Visual Studio
Go to Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Manage NuGet Packages for Solution
Go to Installed tab and find Microsoft.Net.Compilers package
Uninstall the package from your project
Try to build your project now. (Thus it will use the default compiler which lives in the .NET framework folder:
If you really need the Microsoft.Net.Compilers package then go ahead and find it in the Browse tab and install the latest stable
Build the project and if everything works, make sure you commit changes to your code repository.
You can also try to run below command to uninstall and reinstall the
Nuget packages from the Package Manager Console: See Microsoft.Net.Compilers
Uninstall-Package Microsoft.Net.Compilers -Version 2.6.1
Install-Package Microsoft.Net.Compilers -Version 2.6.1

Remove Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform and Microsoft.Net.Compilers Nuget Packages.

Installing MSBuild 2015 will resolve the issue.

I hit this question even though my error was "The specified task executable csc.exe could not be run" when pulling down existing web project with unit tests and trying to run it locally for the first time.
I was able to resolve this by building each project individually in my solution.


NuGet reinstall updates the package to newer version

I have cleared all the local NuGet caches and Visual Studio 16.9 is unable to restore the packages.
It says:
All packages are already installed and there is nothing to restore.
When I build the project, I get many errors as the NuGet packages are not restored.
The project has to contain the exact same packages as they are in the PackageReferences inside the csproj file and I've read that using the Package Manager Console can help by executing the Update-Package -reinstall command.
The Install-Package command does not provide an option to force a reinstall, so use Update-Package -reinstall instead.
I tried it and now I have this in my log:
No package updates are available from the current package source for project....
Updates? I don't want to update anything...
Restored D:\Dev\MyProject01\MyProject01.csproj (in 29 ms).
Successfully uninstalled 'Acr.UserDialogs' from MyProject01
Successfully installed 'Acr.UserDialogs' to MyProject01
How is this a reinstall? Seems more like updating the package to a newer version...
How could I reinstall the same packages?
When I use the Rebuild command in the Solution Explorer, this is what I see.
Actually, that right-click on the Solution-->Restore nuget packages is for the missing project packages folder with packages.config. And it cannot detect the global cache missing packets alone.
That is why Microsoft has enabled these two settings:
So you do not have to worry about restore step. Just click Rebuild button rather than Build button. The two restore settings are under Rebuild process.
The project has to contain the exact same packages as they are in the
PackageReferences inside the csproj file
update-package -reinstall command is for non-sdk style projects with packages.config nuget management format and always reinstall the same version. And I wonder if your solution has the non-sdk project that used packages.config and that project can use the command.
I have a non-sdk project with net framework 4.5.2. See:
But update-package -reinstall does not work on new-sdk projects.
ConsoleApp1 is a net core project.
So, I wonder if you use Update-Package under it. And that command is to update the old version to the new one which can works on both non-sdk projects and new-sdk projects.
When you face the problem next time, just click Rebuild button. It is more easier.
Try deleting your project's obj/ directory (this is where NuGet stores information about which packages it's decided to use), and then rerunning the restore.
If you have source dependencies (i.e. ProjectReference) you may need to delete their obj/ directories too

Removing a NuGet package that isn't in my project?

I keep getting this warning in my VS2015 solution:
Some NuGet packages were installed using a target framework different from the current target framework and may need to be reinstalled.
The thing is, there are no NuGet packages in my solution. I had one, but I removed it, but I still get this.
Any ideas?
Removing a NuGet package that isn't in my project?
It seems that you have not properly removed that NuGet package.
To resolve this issue, please try to reinstall this package, then uninstall it.
Open the the Package Manager Console by Tools->NuGet Packager Manager->Package Manager Console, and type following command line to reinstall nuget package:
Update-Package -reinstall
After the re-installation is complete, type following command line to uninstall the package in the Package Manager Console:
Uninstall-Package <PackageID>
With this way, the nuget package will be moved from your project. If you have installed that package for multiple project in the solution, please use the uninstall command line for different default project in the Package Manager Console window:
Hope this helps.

Is it possible to restore Nuget packages with a Xamarin.iOS build using TFS online?

I am trying to automate my build process for my Xamarin.iOS application. I have managed to get a Xamarin.Android and UWP build working find on my on site Windows build agent.
I am now trying to build a Xamarin.iOS application using my On Site Mac build agent.
I have added the Restore Nuget packages as the first step in this build definition but keep getting the error:
MSBuild auto-detection: using msbuild version '4.0' from
MsBuild.exe does not exist at
Error: /usr/local/bin/nuget failed with return code: 1 Return code: 1
But I'm not sure what it's trying to do here at the nuget installer stage.
So is this possible to do?
There is a known issue with nuget restore command on non-Windows operating systems:
Restore - Restore works with packages.config and project.json files
but will not yet work with *.sln solution files
So you can try to update the "Restore Nuget Packages" step to restore the packages.config file instead of solution file. If it still does not work, then try to change the "Installation type" from "Restore" to "Install".
NuGet 3.2
With NuGet 3.2, the following commands have been tested to work:
Refer to this link for details: NuGet Compatibility.
I was having a similar issue. My log said:
Unable to find version '2.1.0' of package 'Acr.Support'.
[error]Error: /usr/local/bin/nuget failed with return code: 1
After some digging in the logs I tried to restore the nuget packages on my local mac. I opened the terminal and typed :
sudo cd /usr/local/bin
[enter password]
Your nuget executable should be located there.
I executed:
To see my nuget version, which was
I noticed that this is an old version so I updated it by:
sudo su
[enter password]
nuget update -self
I noticed that it updated to 3.4.4 rtm final, I started my Visual Studio Online flow again and it worked! Hopefully this helps anyone.

Could not find a part of the path AjaxMin.dll for AjaxControlToolkit

I created a brand new "ASP.NET Web Application" project in VS2013. Then trying to add AjaxControlToolkit from Nuget Package Manager. When I try to install the package I get following error:
Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\Chirag\AppData\Local\Temp\nuget\r25qb1tx.wpx\lib\net20\AjaxMin.dll
I tried to re-install Nuget package manager but it says its up-to-date. Please help!
Just realized that I was running VS2013 as normal mode and did not have enough permissions to copy files to target folder. When you "Run As Administrator", I was able to download/install the packages successfully.

Nuget versioning issue with package restore

I am unable to install a package (using package restore) due to some kind of versioning issue with Nuget. Here are the steps I took:
build project:
error : The schema version of 'MagicalUnicorn.MvcErrorToolkit' is incompatible with version 1.6.21205.9031 of NuGet. Please upgrade NuGet to the latest version from
Extension manager says version is: 2.0.30619.9119.
Ok, restart VS as administrator, extension manager uninstall nuget.
restart VS as administrator again, search for nuget and install.
Extension manager again says version is: 2.0.30619.9119.
rebuild project:
error : The schema version of 'MagicalUnicorn.MvcErrorToolkit' is incompatible with version 1.6.21205.9031 of NuGet. Please upgrade NuGet to the latest version from
Ok, so restart VS as administrator, extension manager uninstall nuget again.
This time download from
Run the installer, all seems ok.
Extension manager again says version is: 2.0.30619.9119.
rebuild project:
error : The schema version of 'MagicalUnicorn.MvcErrorToolkit' is incompatible with version 1.6.21205.9031 of NuGet. Please upgrade NuGet to the latest version from
Grr! Any ideas?
It looks like problem in nuget command line tool. When you enable 'Nuget package restore' feature it adds .nuget folder to you solution with nuget.exe. And when you compile project this tool is using to download missing packages, not VS extension is used here. So try update this tool from command line:
cd .nuget
nuget.exe update -Self
Procedure screenshot:
The following worked for me in Visual Studio 2012:
Run VS 2012 as Administrator
Click Tools -- Extensions and Updates
In the left nav, Updates -- Visual Studio Gallery
Click Update on NuGet Package Manager
Install the update
Restart Visual Studio
None of the offered solutions worked for me (Visual Studio 2013, Nuget Package Manager Version 2.8.5).
I had same error but it was saying I had version 2.5.4.
I fixed it by going to Tools > Nuget Manager Console > Nuget Package Console. This open's up a command line window. At the top of the window was a prompt to download missing packages for my project.
Pressed the download button and errors went away upon build.
I was facing the same issue. I resolved it by selecting Tools on VS 2010 Menu --> Library Package Manager --> Package Manager Settings --> Check "Automatically check for updates". After that I restarted VS and was prompted for Nuget Update Installation. Once the update was installed, the Nuget package, HTTP Client in my case, got installed smoothly.
I faced to this problem and I checked all answers that were this page and at the end my problem did not solved. After lot of search on web I could update my nuget from original site
and for example for vs2010 :
At this site select your version of VS and then update it .
Note : before installing nuget,close all Visual Studios and after install,Open your project.
This above did not work for me, completely. There is one last step that is IMPORTANT to note. After downloading the latest nuget version, you may notice that the same error prints in the output window. The reason is due to the .nuget folder containing a NuGet.exe which specifies a version number.
The solution (for me and perhaps to those of your that did not resolve your issue with the above directions), is to
Delete the .nuget folder from you solution.
Right click your web project and click Enable Nuget Restore.
The directions above should cause a NEW .nuget folder to be added, this time the NuGet.exe should be the newest version of nuget that you downloaded.
