Windows socket completion routine callback after closesocket - windows

While busy working with Windows Sockets in overlapped mode and using Completion routines (so no IOCP) for feedback I found the following curious case:
Open a server socket using listen and AcceptEx.
Connect a Client socket on said port using ConnectEx
We now have (at least) 3 sockets: 1 listing socket, a client connected socket and a server connected socket.
after transferring some data we close both the server and client connected sockets with shutdown. After this step both sockets are closed with closesocket.
Currently: just to be sure we have no pending completion routine I issue the following (pseudocode):
while SleepEx( 0, TRUE ) == WAIT_IO_COMPLETION do ;
I thought now it would be save to free the memory of the OVERLAPPED structures used by WSARecv and WSASend.
After this moment when the thread becomes in an alertable state again another completion routine callback is done for the server connected socket with an error 10053 but using the OVERLAPPED structure we just freed. This is use of memory after free.
When can you be sure no completion callbacks are issued anymore for a socket using overlapped IO using completion routines?

You need to wait for the I/O completion (closing the socket will cancel outstanding requests and you will get a completion callback).
The OS has ownership of the OVERLAPPED structure and associated buffer until you synchronize on event completion (by waiting for the hEvent or receiving an APC). You cannot do anything with the buffer until you receive this callback, and you definitely must not free it. Wait for the OS to tell you it is no longer needed.
Note that cancellations don't necessarily cause completion immediately, because the driver may be synchronizing with hardware requests and only mark the IRP complete when the hardware state changes. (This would be necessary if DMA is in use but might be done for other operations just for consistency) So the SleepEx loop you showed is not guaranteed to collect all cancellations.
Keep track for each socket of the pending operations, and use WaitForSingleObjectEx instead of SleepEx, to wait explicitly for each one.


Is it granteed the FD_CLOSE event are only posted when there is no data buffered in socket?

We using the WSAEventSelect to bind an socket with an event. And From the MSDN
The FD_CLOSE network event is recorded when a close indication is
received for the virtual circuit corresponding to the socket. In TCP
terms, this means that the FD_CLOSE is recorded when the connection
goes into the TIME WAIT or CLOSE WAIT states. This results from the
remote end performing a shutdown on the send side or a closesocket.
FD_CLOSE being posted after all data is read from a socket. An
application should check for remaining data upon receipt of FD_CLOSE
to avoid any possibility of losing data. For more information, see the
section on Graceful Shutdown, Linger Options, and Socket Closure and
the shutdown function.
Seams the first highlight sentence means the FD_CLOSE will only been posted after all data is read from socket. But the second sentence require an application need to check if there is data in socket when received FD_CLOSE.
Isn't it conflict? How to understand it?
Unfortunately there is a lot of speculation and very little official word. My understanding is the following:
FD_CLOSE being posted after all data is read from a socket.
Edit: My original response here appears to be false. I believe this statement to be referring to a specific type of socket closure, but there doesn't seem to be agreement on exactly what. It is expected that this should be true, but experience shows that it will not always be.
An application should check for remaining data upon receipt of FD_CLOSE to avoid any possibility of losing data.
There may be data still available at the point your application code receives the FD_CLOSE event. In fact, reading around indicates that new data may become available at the socket after you have received the FD_CLOSE. You should check for this data in order to avoid losing it. I've seen some people implement recv loops until the recv call fails (indicating the socket is actually closed) or even restart the event loop waiting for more FD_READs. I think in the general case you can simply attempt a recv with a sufficiently large buffer and assume nothing more will arrive.

Does an IO completetion port spawn a new thread before or after the completion port has something to report?

I am a bit confused as to what actually happens when an IO completion port completes.
I presume that the Win API allows access to an IOCP queue that somehow is able to queue (or stack) a callback reference with a specific handle (let's say a socket).
When windows receives an interrupt from the NIC, then it at some point gets to the IOCP queue for the NIC and executes the callbacks on its own (IOCP) thread pool.
My question is, is this thread from the thread pool spawned upon the interrupt being received, or is it in fact spawned when the call to the Win API is made, effectively having the thread in a wait state until it is then woken by the IOCP queue?
I found this: where is states: "Whenever that operation completes, it will queue a packet on that I/O completion port. The port will then proceed and use one of the thread pool’s thread to run the callback you’ve specified."
It's probably easier to think of an I/O completion port simply as a thread safe queue that the operating system places the results of overlapped operations into for you when they have completed.
You create the IOCP, you then create some threads and these threads call a function to remove items from this queue. Generally this is GetQueuedCompletionStatus(). This function essentially blocks your thread until there's something in the IOCP (queue) and then allows your thread to retrieve that something and run.
You associate file handles and sockets with the IOCP and this simply means that once associated their overlapped completions will be placed in the IOCP (queue) for you.
It's more complex than that, but that's the way you should be thinking.

Client to server connection only sending not receiving

This is my case, I have a server listening for connections, and a client that I'm programming now. The client has nothing to receive from the server, yet it has to be sending status updates every 3 minutes.
I have the following at the moment:
sock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0);
sa.sin_family = AF_INET;
sa.sin_port = htons(PORT_NET);
sa.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
send(sock,(const char*)buffer,128,NULL);
How should my approach be? Can I avoid looping recv?
That's rather dependant on what behaviour you want and your program structure.
By default a socket will block on any read or write operations, which means that if your try and have your server's main thread poll the connection, you're going to end up with it 'freezing' for 3 minutes or until the client closes the connection.
The absolute simplest functional solution (no multithreadding) is to set the socket to non-blocking, and poll in in the main thread. It sounds like you want to avoid doing that though.
The most obvious way around that is to make a dedicated thread for every connection, plus the main listener socket. Your server listens for incoming connections and spawns a thread for each stream socket it creates. Then each connection thread blocks on it's socket until it receives data, and either handles it itself or shunts it onto a shared queue.
That's a bulky and complex solution - multiple threads which need opening and closing, shared resources which need protecting.
Another option is to set the socket to non-blocking (Under win32 use setsockopt so set a timeout, under *nix pass it the O_NONBLOCK flag). That way it will return control if there's no data available to read. However that means you need to poll the socket at reasonable intervals ("reasonable" being entirely up to you, and how quickly you need the server to act on new data.)
Personally, for the lightweight use you're describing I'd use a combination of the above: A single dedicated thread which polls a socket (or an array of nonblocking sockets) every few seconds, sleeping in between, and simply pushed the data onto a queue for the main thread to act upon during it's main loop.
There are a lot of ways to get into a mess with asynchronous programs, so it's probably best to keep it simple and get it working, until you're comfortable with the control flow.

Multiple Socket client connecting to a server

I am designing an simulator application where the application launches multiple socket connection(around 1000 connections) to a server. I don't want to launch as many as threads to handle those connections, since the system cant handle that much clients. Using Select doesnt make sense, since i need to loop through 1000 connections which may be slow. Please suggest me how to handle this scenario.
You want to be using asynchronous I/O with an I/O Completion Port (IOCP).
It's too much to explain shortly, but any Windows application that needs to support a large number of concurrent sockets should be using an IOCP.
An IOCP is essentially an Windows-provided thread safe work queue. You queue a 'completion packet' to an IOCP and then another thread dequeues it and does work with it.
You can also associate many types of handles that support overlapped operations, such as sockets, to an IOCP. When you associate a handle with an IOCP, overlapped operations such as WSARecv will automatically post a completion packet to the associated IOCP.
So, essentially, you could have one thread handling all 1000 connections. Each socket will be created as an overlapped socket and then associated with your IOCP. You can then call WSARecv on all 1000 sockets and wait for a completion packet to become available. When data is received, the operating system will post a completion packet to the associated IOCP. This will contain relevant information, such as how much data was read and the buffer containing the data.
Looping through 1000 handles is still significantly faster than sending 1000 packets, so I wouldn't worry about performance here. select() is still the way to go.

How to find out when CancelIo() is done?

CancelIo() is supposed to cancel all pending I/O operations associated with the calling thread. In my experience, CancelIo() sometimes cancels future I/O operations as well. Given:
ReadFile(port, buffer, length, &bytesTransferred, overlapped);
If I invoke CancelIo(port) immediately before the read, GetQueuedCompletionStatus() will block forever, never receiving the read operation.
If I invoke CancelIo(port) immediately after the read, GetQueuedCompletionStatus() will return 0 with GetLastError()==ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED
If I invoke CancelIo(port) and there are no pending or subsequent reads, GetQueuedCompletionStatus() will block forever.
The key point here is that there is no way to detect when CancelIo() has finished executing. How can I ensure that CancelIo() is done executing and it is safe to issue further read requests?
PS: Looking at and it sounds like CancelIo() is not really usable. Must customer requires Windows XP support. What are my options?
NOTE: I am reading from a serial port.
CancelIo() works fine. I misunderstood my code.
Upon further investigation it turns out that the code was invoking CancelIo() followed by ReadFile() with a timeout INFINITE. The completion port was never getting notified of the read because the remote end was never sending anything. In other words, CancelIo() did not cancel subsequent operations.
I found some eye-opening documentation here:
Be careful when coding for asynchronous I/O because the system reserves the right to make an operation synchronous if it needs to. Therefore, it is best if you write the program to correctly handle an I/O operation that may be completed either synchronously or asynchronously. The sample code demonstrates this consideration.
It turns out that device drivers may choose to treat an asynchronous operation in a synchronous manner if the data being read is already cached by the device driver. Upon further investigation, I discovered that when CancelIo() was being invoked before ReadFile() it would sometimes cause the latter to return synchronously. I have no idea why the completion port was never getting notified of ReadFile() after a CancelIo() but I can no longer reproduce this problem.
The completion port is signaled regardless of whether ReadFile() is synchronous or asynchronous.
Wait on (possibly with zero timeout) overlapped.Handle. It will be set whether the operation is completed or cancelled.
If you're already using overlapped operations, why do you need to cancel I/O at all? The entire concept of 'cancelling' an in-flight I/O operation is really race-prone, and totally subject to the underlying device stack you're trying to write to; really the only time you'd want to do this is to unblock another thread who is waiting on the completion of that I/O.
It is possible to write asynchronous I/O code without CancelIo function. The question depends on the scenario you are using CancelIO. Let's say that you need to implement file reading thread. Thread pseudo-code:
ReadFile(port, buffer, length, &bytesTransferred, overlapped);
WaitForMultipleObjects( overlapped event + stop event);
if ( stop event is signaled )
if (overlapped event is signaled )
handle ReadFile results
Such thread reads file (socket, port etc.) using overlapped I/O. Most of the time it waits on WiatForMultipleObjects line. It wakes up when new data is available, or stop event is signaled. To stop this thread, set stop event from another thread. CancelIO is not used.
