Ordered list of redux-form fields - redux-form

Do you know how can I get the ordered list of field names from given form? Instance API has a property called "fieldList" and it's an array but it's not in correct order. (ordered list = [firstFieldName, secondFieldName, ...] so what I need is a list of field names in order they appear in my form - top to bottom)
Also the redux-form' action '##redux-form/REGISTER_FIELD' is dispatching out of correct form order so I guess it's not what I need here...
(My redux-form version: 7.3.0)

I have experience with redux-form and also have checked its API, but didn't find a documented way for getting the fields in the way they appear in the form.
However, here's how I would do it:
I'll create a Reducer, that will keep track of the fields in the order,
they are registered (appear in the form).
We have very detailed action. As you already mentioned - ##redux-form/REGISTER_FIELD action is dispatching out all the fields in process of being registered in the correct order. This action has the following payload:
type: '##redux-form/REGISTER_FIELD',
meta: {
form: 'user'
payload: {
name: 'firstName',
type: 'Field'
Create a reducer. So I'll just create a Reducer, that will listen for all ##redux-form/REGISTER_FIELD actions. Something like that:
// The reducer will keep track of all fields in the order they are registered by a form.
// For example: `user` form has two registered fields `firstName, lastName`:
// { user: ['firstName', 'lastName'] }
const formEnhancedReducer = (state = {}, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case '##redux-form/REGISTER_FIELD':
const form = action.meta.form
const field = action.payload.name
return { ...state, [form]: [...state[form], field] }
return state
Usage. In order to get ordered fields by a form, you just have access the Store (state) formEnhancer property with the form name: state.formEnhanced.user.
Keep in mind that you have to consider some cases as ##redux-form/DESTROY, but I think it's a pretty straightforward implementation.
I would prefer to keep things simple and just subscribed to ##redux-form/REGISTER_FIELD and just change the reducer implementation a little bit, in order to prevent form fields duplication. So I will just validate if the form field is already registered and won't care for supporting ##redux-form/DESTROY.
Hope it helps.

One way that I have been able to retrieve an ordered list of form field names from a given form is via the registered fields stored in the redux form state using the connect HOC (Higher Order Component) from 'react-redux':
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import _ from 'lodash';
class Foo extends Component {
render() {
const {
} = this.props;
const mapStateToProps = (state, props) => {
// retrieve the registered fields from the form that is stored in redux state; using lodash 'get' function
const registeredFields = _.get(state, 'form.nameOfYourForm.registeredFields');
// creating an object with the field name as the key and the position as the value
const registeredFieldPositions = _.chain(registeredFields).keys().reduce((registeredFieldPositions, key, index) => {
registeredFieldPositions[key] = index;
return registeredFieldPositions;
}, {}).value();
// registeredFieldPositions will now be passed as a prop to Foo
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Foo);


How to create Strapi component data in a lifecycle

I want to add content to a repeatable component in my beforeUpdate hook. (adding a changed slug to a “previous slugs” list)
in v3, I could just push new data on the component array and it would save.
in v4, it doesn’t work like that. Component data now holds __pivot: and such. I do not know how to add new data to this. I’ve tried adding a component with the entityService first, and adding that result to the array. It seemed to work, but it has strange behavior that the next saves puts in two entries. I feel like there should be an easier way to go about this.
It seems like the way to go about this is to create the pivot manually:
// create an entry for the component
const newRedirect = await strapi.entityService.create('redirects.redirect', {
data: {
from: oldData.slug,
// add the component to this model entry
data.redirects = [...data.redirects, {
id: newRedirect.id,
__pivot: { field: 'redirects', component_type: 'redirects.redirect' },
But this feels pretty hacky. If I change the components name or the field key, this will break. I'd rather have a Strapi core way of doing this
the way strapi currently handles components is by providing full components array, so in case you want to inject something, you have to read components first and then apply full update, if it makes it clear.
So after few hours of searching, had to do few hours of trail and error, however here is the solution, using knex:
module.exports = {
async beforeUpdate(event) {
// get previous slug
const { slug: previousSlug } = await strapi.db
.findOne({ where: event.params.where });
// create component
const [component] = await strapi.db
// this name of components table in database
.insert({ slug: previousSlug })
// append component to event
event.params.data.previousSlugs = [
id: component.id,
// the pivot, you have to copy manually
// 'field' is the name of the components property
// 'component_type' is internal name of component
__pivot: {
field: "previousSlugs",
component_type: "components.previous-slugs",
So, seems there is no service, or something exposed in strapi to create component for you.
The stuff that also required to be noted, on my first attempt i try to create relation manually in tests_components table, made for me after i added a repeatable component, to content-type, but after an hour more i found out that is WRONG and should not be done, seems strapi does that under the hood and modifying that table actually breaks logic...
so if there is more explanation needed, ping me here...
You can update, create and delete component data that is attached to a record with Query Engine API, which is provided by Strapi.
To modify component data you just need the ID.
const { data } = event.params;
const newData = {
field1: value1,
await strapi.query('componentGroup.component').update({
where: { id: data.myField.id },
data: newData
When you have a component field that equals null you need to create that component and point to it.
const tempdata = await strapi.query('componentGroup.component').create(
{ data: newData }
data.myField = {
id: tempdata.id,
__pivot: {
field: 'myField',
component_type: 'componentGroup.component'
Se the Strapi forum for more information.

Using Config.skip with a React-Apollo Query

I'm having some trouble making use of the Config.skip property inside of my graphql() wrapper.
The intent is for the query to be fired with an argument of currentGoalID, only after a user has selected an item from the drop-down (passing the associated currentGoalID) , and the (Redux) state has been updated with a value for currentGoalID.
Otherwise, I expect (as per Apollo documentation) that:
... your child component doesn’t get a data prop at all, and the options or props methods are not called.
In this case though, it seems that my skip property is being ignored based upon the absence of a value for currentGoalID, and the option is being called because the webpack compiler/linter throws on line 51, props is not defined...
I successfully console.log the value of currentGoalID without the graphql()
wrapper. Any idea why config.skip isn't working? Also wish to be advised on the proper use of this in graphql() function call. I've excluded it here, but am unsure of the context, thanks.
class CurrentGoal extends Component {
constructor(props) {
render (){
return( <p>Current Goal: {null}</p>
const mapStateToProps = (state, props) => {
return {
currentGoal: state.goals.currentGoal,
currentGoalID: state.goals.currentGoalID,
currentGoalSteps: state.goals.currentGoalSteps
const FetchGoalDocByID = gql `
query root($varID:String) {
goalDocsByID(id:$varID) {
const CurrentGoalWithState = connect(mapStateToProps)(CurrentGoal);
const CurrentGoalWithData = graphql(FetchGoalDocByID, {
skip: (props) => !props.currentGoalID,
options: {variables: {varID: props.currentGoalID}}
// export default CurrentGoalWithState
export default CurrentGoalWithData
See the answer here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/47943253/763231
connect must be the last decorator executed, after graphql, in order for graphql to include the props from Redux.

How do I create a generic reducer plugin, that fires on all forms?

Currently my code works, but only for the forms specified specifically in the combine reducer function. But, I would like to have my code work generally for all forms loaded in my single page app.
Here is the relevant code:
import { reducer as formReducer } from 'redux-form';
export default combineReducers({
form: formReducer.plugin({
specificFormId: (state, action) => { // <-- I don't want this only for specificFormId, I want this to happen for all my forms,
// or at least have a dynamic way of adding more forms
const {type, payload} = action;
switch(type) {
return {
registeredFields: {
// Do some custom restting here based on payload
return state;
So, anytime my <Field ..of a certain type/> fires off this the RESET_LINK_TYPE_FIELDS action, I want the correct form to respond to it.
In the action payload, I can specifically the form identifier or anything else I would need to make this work.
In fact, if the .plugin let me do my own form state slicing, I could easily do this, but because it forces me to pass an object, with a hardcoded form identifier it doesn't work.
Is there a way to have the plugin give me the WHOLE form state, and then I will slice as needed, and return state as needed based on payload?
There is currently no way to do this with the existing API.
You could jury rig a solution by wrapping the redux-form reducer in your own thing.
export default combineReducers({
form: resetHack(formReducer)
function resetHack(formReducer) {
return (state, action) => {
// manipulate slice somehow
} else {
return formReducer(state, action)

Submitting empty values in redux-form

Is it anyway possible to submit also the empty values on a form? If not how do you properly initialize the form from state?
If it is not possible do I really need to do aField: this.props.data.aField || '' for every field I want to initialize? This seems like a lot of typing and repeating especially on forms which have FormSections and nesting.
If it would be possible I could just do something in the lines of this.
handleInit() {
const { patient, initialize } = this.props;
// Other fields
Not sure if this is applicable to your scenario, but you can specify initial form values in the mapStateToProps phase:
const mapStateToProps = state => {
return {
initialValues: { ...state.patient } // Use this property to set your initial data
This is also explained here: http://redux-form.com/6.6.1/examples/initializeFromState/

How to properly update nested data in redux

This is my current object which i need to update:
{ id: q1,
{ id: a1,
answered: false
I can't figure out how to update this object and set for example answered = true.
Is there any better way saving this kind of object? I tried to use the update addon from React but can't get it to work properly.
You can update the answers list this way, in your reducer:
function update(state, action) {
// assuming you are passing an id of the item to be updated via action.itemId
let obj = state.whatever_list.filter(item => item.id === action.itemId)[0]
//assuming you are passing an id of the answer to be updated via action.answerId
//also, assuming action.payload contains {answered: true}
let answers = obj.answers.map(answer => answer.id === action.answerId ?
Object.assign({}, answer, action.payload) : answer)
obj = Object.assign({}, obj, {answers: answers})
return {
whatever_list: state.whatever_list.map(item => item.id == action.itemId? Object.assign({}, item, obj) : item)
Here is what your action might look like:
function updateAnswer(itemId, answerId, payload) {
return {
itemId: itemId,
answerId: answerId,
payload: payload
In your react component class, assuming there is an event handler for monitoring whether if a question is answered:
export default class Whatever extends React.Component {
// assuming your props contains itemId and answerId
handleAnswered = (e) => {
this.props.dispatch(updateAnswer(this.props.itemId, this.props.answerId, {answered: true}))
So basically what happens is this:
Your event handler calls the action and pass the updated data to it
When your action is called, it returns the updated data along with a type parameter
When your reducer sees the type parameter, the corresponding handler will be triggered (the first piece of the code above)
The reducer will pull out the existing data from the list, replace the old data with the new one, and then return a list containing the new data
You can create a sub-reducer for the answers key. Look at this example:
You could use dot-prop-immutable and an update would be as simple as:
return dotProp.set(state, 'quiz.0.answers.0.answered', true);
