error parsing string to int -java.lang.NumberFormatExceptiont - numberformatexception

I'm parsing a String to an Integer and I get the following error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input
string: "9887666881"
long accountNo=0;
can you please advise?

Java's int size is 32 bits wide. The maximum value for a (signed) 32-bit integer in Java's format is 2,147,483,647. The input string is 9,887,666,881. The input is larger than the maximum value for a Java int, so it throws a NumberFormatException (since you're using the Integer method for parseInt, not a method to parse a long).
Solutions include using smaller numbers (if this is a wild test case, not real data), or using a Java long (via Long.parseLong(accountNo_p)).


How do you determine the length of the string in an OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING_INFO?

The documentation for the OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING_INFO structure doesn't explain, how to determine the length (or size) of the string value it points to. Specifically, the documentation for nDebugStringLength is confusing:
The lower 16 bits of the length of the string in bytes. As nDebugStringLength is of type WORD, this does not always contain the full length of the string in bytes.
For example, if the original output string is longer than 65536 bytes, this field will contain a value that is less than the actual string length in bytes.
As I understand it, the true size can be any value that's a solution to the equation:
size = nDebugStringLength + (n * 65536)
for any n in [0..65536).
How do I determine the correct size of the string? Unless I'm overlooking something, the documentation appears to be insufficient in this regard.
initially the debug event comes in the form DBGUI_WAIT_STATE_CHANGE
if use WaitForDebugEvent[Ex] api - it internally convert DBGUI_WAIT_STATE_CHANGE to DEBUG_EVENT by using DbgUiConvertStateChangeStructure[Ex]
the DbgExceptionStateChang ( in NewState) event with DBG_PRINTEXCEPTION_WIDE_C and DBG_PRINTEXCEPTION_C (in ExceptionCode) converted to OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING_INFO. the nDebugStringLength is taken from Exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionInformation[0] or from ExceptionInformation[3] (in case DBG_PRINTEXCEPTION_C and api version without Ex ). but because nDebugStringLength is only 16 bit length, when original value is 32/64 bit length - it truncated - only low 16 bit of ExceptionInformation[0] (or [3]) is used.
note that ExceptionInformation[0] (and [3] in case DBG_PRINTEXCEPTION_WIDE_C ) containing string length in characters, including terminating 0.
in contrast nDebugStringLength in bytes (if we using WaitForDebugEventEx and DBG_PRINTEXCEPTION_WIDE_C exception - nDebugStringLength = (WORD)(ExceptionInformation[0] * sizeof(WCHAR))

Kotlin Convert long String letters to a numerical id

I'm trying to find a way to convert a long string ID like "T2hR8VAR4tNULoglmIbpAbyvdRi1y02rBX" to a numerical id.
I thought about getting the ASCII value of each number and then adding them up but I don't think that this is a good way as different numbers can have the same result, for example, "ABC" and "BAC" will have the same result
A = 10, B = 20, C = 50,
ABC = 10 + 20 + 50 = 80
BAC = 20 + 10 + 50 = 80
I also thought about getting each letters ASCII code, then set the numbers next to each other for example "ABC"
so ABC = 102050
this method won't work as having a 20 letter String will result in a huge number, so how can I solve this problem? thank you in advance.
You can use the hashCode() function. "id".hashcode(). All objects implement a variance of this function.
From the documentation:
open fun hashCode(): Int
Returns a hash code value for the object. The general contract of hashCode is:
Whenever it is invoked on the same object more than once, the hashCode method must consistently return the same integer, provided no information used in equals comparisons on the object is modified.
If two objects are equal according to the equals() method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce the same integer result.
All platform object implements it by default. There is always a possibility for duplicates if you have lots of ids.
If you use a JVM based kotlin environment the hash will be produced by the
String.hashCode() function from the JVM.
If you need to be 100% confident that there are no possible duplicates, and the input Strings can be up to 20 characters long, then you cannot store the IDs in a 64-bit Long. You will have to use BigInteger:
val id = BigInteger(stringId.toByteArray())
At that point, I question whether there is any point in converting the ID to a numerical format. The String itself can be the ID.

Why converting the same value in two ways, the results are different?

Two kinds of conversion of the same constant to float64 return the same value, but when I try to convert these new values to int, the results are different.
const Big = 92233720368547758074444444
func needFloat(x float64) float64 {
return x
func main() {
I'd expect the two first Println return the same type of value
fmt.Println(needFloat(Big)) // 9.223372036854776e+25
fmt.Println(float64(Big)) // 9.223372036854776e+25
so when I convert them to int, I expect the same output, but:
fmt.Println(int(needFloat(Big))) // -2147483648
fmt.Println(int(float64(Big))) // constant 92233720368547758080000000 overflows int
If your real question is why one attempt to convert to int produces a compile-time error message, but the other produces a very negative integer, it's because one is a compile-time conversion, and the other is a runtime conversion. I think it helps in these cases to be explicit about what you are expecting, and what can be run and what can't. Here's a Go Playground version of your code, where the last conversion is commented out. The reason for commenting it out is of course that it doesn't compile.
As Adrian noted in a comment, Big is a constant, specifically an untyped one. As Uvelichitel answered, a constant x (of any type) can be converted to a new and different type T if and only if
x is representable by a value of type T.
(The quote part is from the section Uvelichitel linked, except that mine adds the inner link for the word "representable".)
The expression float64(Big) is an explicit type conversion, with a constant as its x, so the result is a float64-typed constant with the given value. So far, that's fine: now we have 92233720368547758074444444 as a float64. This chops off some of the digits: the actual internal representation is 92233720368547758080000000 (see variant with %f directives). The low digits, ...74444444, have been rounded to ...80000000. See the link for "representable" for why the rounding occurs.
The expression int(float64(Big)) is an outer explicit type conversion surrounding an inner explicit type conversion. We already know what the inner type conversion does: it produces the float64 constant 92233720368547758080000000.0. The outer conversion tries to represent this new value as int, but it does not fit, producing an error:
./prog.go:18:17: constant 92233720368547758080000000 overflows int
if the commented-out line is uncommented. Note again that the value has been rounded, due to the inner conversion.
On the other hand, needFloat(Big) is a function call. Calling the function assigns the untyped constant to its argument (a float64) and obtains its return value (the same float64, value 92233720368547758080000000.0. Printing that prints what you'd expect, given the default or explicit formatting directive. The returned value is not a constant.
Similarly, int(needFloat(Big)) calls needFloat, which returns the same float64 value—not a constant—as before. The int explicit type conversion tries to convert this value to int at runtime, rather than at compile time. For such conversions between numeric types, there is a list of three explicit rules at, plus a final caveat. Here, rule 2 applies: any fractional part is discarded. But the caveat also applies:
In all non-constant conversions involving floating-point or complex values, if the result type cannot represent the value the conversion succeeds but the result value is implementation-dependent.
In other words, there is no runtime error, but the int value you get—which in this case was -2147483648, which is the smallest allowed 32-bit integer—is up to the implementation. This particular implementation chose to use this particular negative number as its result. Another implementation might choose some other number. (Interestingly, in the playground, if I convert directly to uint I get zero. If I convert to int, then to uint, I get the 0x80000000 I expected.)
Hence, the key difference in terms of whether you get an error is whether you do the conversion at compile time, via constants, or at runtime, via runtime conversion.
int(float64(Big)) //illegal because
A constant value x can be converted to type T if x is representable by
a value of T
int(needFloat(Big)) //is non-constant expression because of function call
A non-constant value x can be converted to type T in any of these
- x's type and T are both integer or floating point types.

Generating integer within range from unique string in ruby

I have a code that should get unique string(for example, "d86c52ec8b7e8a2ea315109627888fe6228d") from client and return integer more than 2200000000 and less than 5800000000. It's important, that this generated int is not random, it should be one for one unique string. What is the best way to generate it without using DB?
Now it looks like this:
did = "d86c52ec8b7e8a2ea315109627888fe6228d"
min_cid = 2200000000
max_cid = 5800000000
cid = did.hash.abs.to_s.split.last(10).to_s.to_i
if cid < min_cid
cid += min_cid
while cid > max_cid
cid -= 1000000000
Here's the problem - your range of numbers has only 3.6x10^9 possible values where as your sample unique string (which looks like a hex integer with 36 digits) has 16^32 possible values (i.e. many more). So when mapping your string into your integer range there will be collisions.
The mapping function itself can be pretty straightforward, I would do something such as below (also, consider using only a part of the input string for integer conversion, e.g. the first seven digits, if performance becomes critical):
def my_hash(str, min, max)
range = (max - min).abs
(str.to_i(16) % range) + min
my_hash(did, min_cid, max_cid) # => 2461595789
[Edit] If you are using Ruby 1.8 and your adjusted range can be represented as a Fixnum, just use the hash value of the input string object instead of parsing it as a big integer. Note that this strategy might not be safe in Ruby 1.9 (per the comment by #DataWraith) as object hash values may be randomized between invocations of the interpreter so you would not get the same hash number for the same input string when you restart your application:
def hash_range(obj, min, max)
(obj.hash % (max-min).abs) + [min, max].min
hash_range(did, min_cid, max_cid) # => 3886226395
And, of course, you'll have to decide what to do about collisions. You'll likely have to persist a bucket of input strings which map to the same value and decide how to resolve the conflicts if you are looking up by the mapped value.
You could generate a 32-bit CRC, drop one bit, and add the result to 2.2M. That gives you a max value of 4.3M.
Alternately you could use all 32 bits of the CRC, but when the result is too large, append a zero to the input string and recalculate, repeating until you get a value in range.

Get int from boost::gregorian::date_duration

I have date_duration variable and i want to convert it to int, I found the same topic here, about how to convert for output by <<, but i don't want it. I have to use integer value for arithmetic operations. How to convert it to string or integer? I can write it to file and then fscanf but it's idiot method.
You can use the days() method to get the number of days (as a value, not an object).
