Bypass IP restriction SSH - laravel

I have a Laravel app with CI/CD setup at BuddyWorks which lets you create deployment pipelines.
I want to use SSH action to run some config scripts (artisan...) after uploading the source code.
Unfortunately, it turned out that SSH connectivity to the hosting server is restricted to my home country, ergo can’t use BuddyWorks to do the job for me. The hosting company refused my request to whitelist BuddyWorks IP’s.
So here am, looking for a solution to bypass restriction.
Currently, I’m investigating SSH reverse for , but not sure I’m on good path.
Any help would be appreciated!

I ended up writing a small http->ssh proxy server with basic authentication which receives commands from pipeline via post requests and connects to the host server via ssh, executes the commands and logs to slack.


Azure DevOps Pipeline connect to VPN using command line

We have CD pipelines set up in Azure to deploy to App Services and all works well but we want to add a stage to automate out Cypress test process. The problem we have is our test environment is only accessible via VPN which is fine from local machines as we run the VPN client.
Does anyone know how to include a command within the Yaml pipeline to establish a VPN connection from the pipeline host which would allow our Cypress tests to run? I'm assuming this would require a command line connection script.
We are using a Pritunl VPN server which accepts OpenVPN connections.
This opens up a conversation around storing the secret and the infrastructure you have to allow that VPN client in. Azure pipelines can run arbitrary commands, but you'll need to inject the VPN secrets/key, which without strong security oversight you can have some major issues down the line.
I'd take a step back and revisit your options here, maybe build the test/ environment in azure, so you don't have to worry about this?

How to login to Jenkins from any network

I’m an absolute beginner when it comes to setting up a Jenkins environment but I have just installed Jenkins on a MAC v10.15.5 using home-brew and would like the capability to:
Open a web browser
Login to Jenkins from any machine on any network
Trigger a job.
I’m able to do this using a different machine on the same network but unable to do this using a machine on a different network. I changed the "httpListenAddress" value within the jenkins-lts.plist file to to allow the web interface to be accessible from anywhere as mentioned at but apart from that I’m not sure where to go from here.
I’ve heard about Apache Tomcat but not sure if it's necessary for what I need to do. If anyone can provide instructions / safe approaches about how to login to the Jenkins environment on my MAC from any network that would be appreciated.
To get jenkins web interface use $JENKINS_HOST_IP:8080 (by default jenkins uses port 8080) and then make first-run-configure.
Login to Jenkins from any machine on any network - it depends on network topology, what is used in your organisation. So, to reach jenkins host from any network where should be allowed traffic from/into network where jenkins host is placed.
Trigger a job - where are a lot of triggers you can use. Take a look at official documentation here

Square v2 Server Error

I am testing with the v2 C# payment example.
When i run locally everything works properly and i can actually create a payment.
When i try to run on my website (1and1 hosted), i get
error calling charge: unable to connect to the remote server
Does anyone know what has to be done to allow this connection?
Have you tried pining the server you are connecting to? That's a good place to start. Try:
To see if you can connect at all. If you can't ping the server, it might be a firewall issue on your server.
1&1 has information about setting firewall rules on their hardware firewalls for their dedicated linux servers here:
and information on setting firewall rules for their cloud servers here:
Hope this helps!

Set up a simple go server in a webhost

I wanted to set up a simple go server in a webhost. I acquired a domain and hosted it using Bluehost. Now, going through the Go tutorial, I went through this example and it works fine on my machine. Now, instead, I want to make the HelloWorldServer work when I call or some other port.
What I did was ssh to my server at bluehost, install go there, then compile the server and run. But then I try to access and it is not found. I also tried to change "localhost:4000" to just ":4000". any ideas how to make it work ?
Any help or pointers are appreciated. (some more details: it is a shared-hosting account)
This is due to the firewall on your BlueHost server not having ports (including 4000) open on a shared hosting account, Firewall Port Restrictions
If you want to do some simple (and not so simple) web hosting, why don't you look at Google App Engine

how to use ftp on amazon aws

Today is my second day of trying to use amazon and i have started to pull my hairs. I want to set up ftp with amazon. I have signed up with them and and created an instance with amazon EC2. I have downloaded the key and I am able to login with ssh using the through Terminal in my mac. I can create files in the instance through terminal.
The instance is something like following:
Public DNS:
I have created a index.html file at this location via terminal. But I am not able to view it in the browser using following url:
I just want to create web services here which I will be using in iPhone.
Also I am not sure how to go forward. How will I get to my local files and upload them to server. In other ftps I could do it using lcd, get, put etc but these commands are not working here. can some one please help me how should I go ahead because at this moment I am just banging my head to wall. Someone please help me.
Use scp to copy files over ssh:
scp -i key-pair-file file-to-upload ec2-user#instance-public-DNS:
Notice the colon at the end!
With plain EC2 instances, you also need to install some sort of Web server software to power your Web service, and open the HTTP port in the firewall.
Just in case you plan to write your Web service in Java, I have put together a series of articles (Part I, Part II, Part III) guiding through the basics of installing Apache Tomcat on an Amazon Linux EC2 instance.
EDIT 2014/11/20
Dmitry Leskov is actually the better one. You should use his approach.
Answer from 2012
You first have to setup a LAMP (Linux, Apache, mySQL, PHP) stack on your EC2 instance to run any kind of web service.
This means you have to go trough the following steps:
Create an EC2 instance
Setup EBS Storage for mySQL data
Install mySQL
Configure mySQL
Install Apache
Configure Apache
Install PHP
Configure PHP
If you need a detailed instruction, I'd recommend you to take a look at this: Building EC2 with LAMP.
To transfer files to your EC2 instance you can use any FTP client, which supports SFTP and key pairs (you can also enable PasswordAuthentication for SSH to login with credentials). I'm using Transmit with no problems.
On a related note, I encountered a strange problem where I could not FTP from a PHP script running under apache - but I could if I ran the PHP script as root from the command line. After a day of googling, I found this, which solved the problem.
Disable SELinux. (Security Enhanced Linux)
The temporary solution is:
echo 0 >/selinux/enforce
..which will prove the concept, but will not survive a reboot. There are plenty of resources out there that describe how to permanently disable SELinux.
