Oracle Apex IR can't display clob - oracle

I have a database table with the column txt as clob. Now I'm trying to display the table with an interactive report in oracle apex. But I get this error:
ora-06502 pl/sql numeric or value error character string buffer too small
What is the problem?

I can't find documentation to confirm this, but I suspect that under the covers the Interactive Report is loading the CLOB data into a PL/SQL VARCHAR2 variable, which will be limited to 32K bytes. As long as your CLOB data doesn't exceed that it's probably OK, but if bigger you will get the ORA-06502 error.
Rather than try to show the full CLOB contents in the report (which won't look good anyway for large amounts), you could show perhaps the first few hundred characters and have a link to display the rest in a modal page (for example). There you can read the CLOB data in chunks and use htp.p to write those chunks out in a PL/SQL region. Alternatively the link could download the CLOB data to a file.


How to Read/Convert Long RAW in Oracle

In an old application (no source code available) long texts with over 40.000 characters are stored in an Oracle database in a table column of type LONG RAW. We now want to transfer the texts into another Oracle database and want to display their content. Somehow the old application was capable to do so. However, we always run into a 4000 byte limit...
How can we export/import and display the content in a human readable VARCHAR2 (or multiple ones).
All convert functions we tried seam not to work. For example TO_LOB or TO_CLOB.
ORA-00932: Inconsistent datentype: - expected, LONG BINARY found
ORA-00932: Inconsistent datentype: CHAR expected, LONG BINARY found
From the documentation:
TO_LOB converts LONG or LONG RAW values in the column long_column to LOB values. You can apply this function only to a LONG or LONG RAW column, and only in the select list of a subquery in an INSERT statement.
So you can't do:
select to_lob(old_column) from old_table;
ORA-00932: Inconsistent datentype: - expected, LONG BINARY found
But you can move the data into a BLOB column in another table:
insert into new_table(new_column)
select to_lob(old_column) from old_table;
Once you have the data as a BLOB you can manage it as a binary value, or if it represents text then you can convert it to a CLOB - using the appropriate character set - with the dbms_lob package.

Insert CLOB into Oracle database from SQL Developer

I want to insert the same long string into all cells in certain column, which is CLOB type.
It said I should use "bind variables" to do it. So i Googled this:
variable xmlstuff CLOB;
exec :xmlstuff := '<?xml version="1.0"?> ... really long xml...';
Now it still says
The string literal is longer than 4000 characters.
What is the proper use of bind variable in this case?
If you are programming using C# or Java - just use the OracleCLOB object, and it will do all the necessary steps.
If you want to use a CLOB in SQL or PL/SQL,
you need to allocate it, and release it after for DBMS_LOB information.
Regarding the 4000 bytes limit - this is a varchar2 limit within SQL.
to bypass this - you can use PL/SQL - which limits you to a varchar of 32KB, which is not as near to the 4GB that you can hold in a CLOB, but that is the limit for "automatic" creation of a CLOB.
if your string is longer than 32K - you'll have to use a DBMS_LOB to load the data into the clog object, by using append on the clob object.
this is the fastest link I found about how to do it:
I wanted to answer fast, so please let me know if you cannot solve your issue after getting this information - and I'll try to explain it better.

Insert HEX string as IMAGE in Oracle

I want to update a blob column, containing images, with a HEX string (HEX representation of the image) in Oracle 10g. Unfortunately, the only thing I'm allowed to use is a simple Query, no procedures or anything else...
I've been trying with this query, but with no success (PLSQL says it's not an image):
update table t
set = (hextoraw('HEXSTRING'))
When used this way it works, but neither pl/sql recognises it as image, nor the program that should read from it. I guess it's some kind of type casting issue, but I'm not that familiar with OrSQL types and casting.
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!!!
your approach is right. its possibly the input HEX that is wrong? how are you getting it.
for example:
SQL> create table img (img blob);
Table created.
SQL> insert into img values (hextoraw('47494638396120002000f700000000000000330000660000990000cc0000ff002b00002b33002b66002b99002bcc002bff0055000055330055660055990055cc0055ff008
1 row created.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
then in my PL/SQL IDE (pl/sql developer) i see..

SSIS Oracle Data Load is Incomplete

I have a data flow task where the data from oracle source is fetched and stored in SQL Server DB after nearly 400k rows the data flow fails with following error.
ORA-01489 result of string concatenation is too long
I the Execution results the [Oracle Source [1543]] Error: what this exactly means.
I'm assuming you are using varchar2 datatype which limits to 4000 chars.
This error is because the concatenated string returns more than 4000 chars of varchar2 which exceeds the limit try using CLOB datatype.
use a derived column after your source to cut the strings to 4000 chars
Your data source (Oracle) is sending out strings that are larger than 4000 characters while your SSIS source expects something less than that. Check your source for any data that has a length > 4000.
After a long battle i decided to modify the package and it turns that deleting and creating the all the tasks again has solved the problem.
Real cause is still unknown to me.

PL/SQL to insert history row with long raw column in Oracle

I have a long raw column in an Oracle table. Insert with select is not working because of the long raw column which is part of my select statement as well. Basically I am trying to insert to insert history row with couple of parameters changed. Hence I was thinking of using PL/SQL in Oracle. I have no experience in PL/SQL neither I got anything after googling for couple of days. Can anyone help me with a sample PL/ SQL for my problem ? Thanks in advance !!!
LONG and LONG RAW datatypes are deprecated, and have been for many years now. You really are much better off getting away from them.
Having said that, if you're using PL/SQL, you will be limited to 32,760 bytes of data, which is the max that the LONG RAW PL/SQL datatype will hold. However, the LONG RAW database datatype, can hold up to 2GB of data. So, if any rows in your table contain data longer than 32,760 bytes, you will not be able to retrieve it using PL/SQL. This is a fundamental limitation of LONG and LONG RAW datatypes, and one of the reasons Oracle has deprecated their use.
In that case, the only options are Pro*C or OCI.
More information can be found here:
Hope that helps.
You can work with a LONG RAW column directly in PL/SQL if your data is limited to 32kB:
FOR cc IN (SELECT col1, col2... col_raw FROM your_table) LOOP
INSERT INTO your_other_table (col1, col2... col_raw)
VALUES (cc.col1, cc.col2... cc.col_raw);
This will fail if any LONG RAW is larger than 32k.
In that case you will have to use another language. You could use java since it is included in the DB. I already answered a couple of questions on SO with LONG RAW and java:
Copying data from LOB Column to Long Raw Column (will work with LONG RAW to LONG RAW too, just replace the UPDATE with an INSERT)
Get the LENGTH of a LONG RAW
In any case as you have noticed it is a pain to work with this data type. If converting to LOB is not possible you will have to use a workaround.
