Spring #Scheduled, how to run once at time (not concurrently) - spring

I have an annotated method width #Scheduled with an cron of */15 * * * * ? (run each 15 seconds).
Sometimes this process take more than 15 seconds to run.
Is there any way to avoid the call of the #Scheduled if it's already running?
My workaround currently is a flag field in the class to signal if the process is running, and if it is marked the code exits before execute the main code.

I think it's already the case, if the first job has'nt finished, the second will not start.
See :
How to prevent overlapping schedules in Spring?
If it isn't working, you can also use an AtomicBoolean to check if you must start the process or not.


Spring Batch: Terminating the current running job

I am having an issue in terminating the current running spring batch. I wrote
Set<Long> executions = jobOperator.getRunningExecutions("Job-Builder");
in my code after going through the spring documentation.
The problem I am facing is at times the termination of the job is happening as expected and the other times the termination of job is not happening. In fact every time I call stop on joboperator it is updating the BATCH_JOB_EXECUTION table. When the termination happens successfully the status of the job is updating to STOPPED by killing the jobExecution in my batch process. The other times when it fails it is completing the rest of the different flows of the batch and updating the status to FAILED on BATCH_JOB_EXECUTION table.
But every time I call stop in the job operator I see a message in my console
2020-09-30 18:14:29.780 [http-nio-8081-exec-5] INFO o.s.b.c.l.s.SimpleJobOperator:428 - Aborting job execution: JobExecution: id=33058, version=2, startTime=2020-09-30 18:14:25.79, endTime=null, lastUpdated=2020-09-30 18:14:28.9, status=STOPPING, exitStatus=exitCode=UNKNOWN;exitDescription=, job=[JobInstance: id=32922, version=0, Job=[Job-Builder]], jobParameters=[{date=1601504064263, time=1601504064262, extractType=false, JobId=1601504064262}]
My project has a series of flows and steps with in it.
Over all my batch process looks like this:
JobBuilderFactory has 3 flows
Each flow has a stepbuilder and two tasklets.
each stepbuilder has a partitioner and a chunk(size is 100) based itemReader, itemProcessor and itemWriter.
I am calling the stop method when I am executing the very first flow in my jobBuilderFactory. The over all process to complete takes about 30 mins. So, it has close to around 20-25 mins from the time I call the stop method and the chunk size is 100 with in each and every flow and I am dealing with more than 500k records.
So, my question is why is jobExecution stopping at times when called stop methos(which is what I wanted) and why it isn't able to stop the jobExecution the remaining times.
Thanks in advance
So, my question is why is jobExecution stopping at times when called stop methos(which is what I wanted) and why it isn't able to stop the jobExecution the remaining times.
It's not easy to figure out the reason for that from what you shared, but I can give you a couple of notes about stopping jobs:
jobOperator.stop does not guarantee that the job stops, it only sends a stop signal to the job execution. From what you shared, you are not checking the returned boolean that indicates if the signal has been correctly sent or not, so you should be doing that first.
You did not share your code, but you need to use StoppableTasklet instead of Tasklet to make sure the stop signal is correctly sent to your steps.

Laravel Scheduler and Cron - how does Laravel know not to run the scheduled jobs based on daily(), hourly() etc

In Laravel, in my Kernel, I have:
protected $commands = [
* Define the application's command schedule.
* #param \Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule $schedule
* #return void
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
// $schedule->command('inspire')
// ->hourly();
The said function renew:emails, works as intended if I run this manually trough Artisan.
And in my crontab I have:
* */8 * * * cd /path-to-my-project && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
I have this to run every 8th hour, instead of every minute at * * * * *, since this is live for testing, and just to ensure that the task wasnt run every minute.
So how does Laravel know, when to run the daily job on the kernal, and when does this happen?
From this setup (which seems to be the basic setup for cronjobs in Laravel, but to run every minute instead of every 8th hour), there is no logs (that I can see), and no table in DB to keep track of this.
So if I where to set my cron to * * * * *, how does Laravel know not to run the scheduled job every minute, just because I have put ->daily(); at the end of the job?
And when I have daily();, at what specific time is that? And at specific what time is hourly();?
How does Laravel know not to run the same jobs again if it is not supposed to, for example with daily(); rule? Where is this information stored? How can I be certain that a job with rule daily(); wont run every minute if my cronjobs std:out's php artisan schedule:run every minute?
Under the hood, the Laravel Scheduler uses https://github.com/dragonmantank/cron-expression to determine if a command or job is scheduled to run at the given minute the schedule:run is called.
Each task you schedule translates to a cron expression, which is then passed into the package. A method called isDue is then run against that expression to determine whether or not it should run. So, if you set a task to run hourly, then isDue will yield true at the top of the hour, and Laravel will execute to the task within the cron cycle.
As such, the information does not need to be stored anywhere, as determination is done on the fly.
This might also lead you to wonder what might happen if you have a long-running task that might take longer than the interval. This is where withoutOverlapping comes into the picture. When called, it creates what is known as a mutex, which is similar to a 'lock' of sorts (see What is a mutex? for more information), when the task is initially run. If a mutex already exists for a particular task on subsquent cycles, it means that task is currently running in another cycle, and should not be triggered again in this one.
Where are mutexes stored? Simple: Laravel stores them in a cache, and when a mutexed task is finished, the mutex is removed from the cache. And so the cycle continues.
I could go into much further detail here, but I think this answers your question for the most part.

Spring integration inboundChannelAdapter stops polling unexpectedly

In our project we need to retrieve prices from a remote ftp server. During the office hours this works fine, prices are retrieved and successfully processed. After office hours there are no new prices published on the ftp server, so as expected we don't find anything new.
Our problem is that after a few hours of not finding new prices, the poller just stops polling. No error in the logfiles (even when running on org.springframework.integration on debug level) and no exceptions. We are now using a separate TaskExecutor to isolate the issue, but still the poller just stops. In the mean time we adjusted the cron expression to match these hours, to limited the resource use, but still the poller just stops when it is supposed to run.
Any help to troubleshoot this issue is very much appreciated!
We use an #InboudChannelAdapter on a FtpStreamingMessageSource which is configured like this:
poller = [Poller(
maxMessagesPerPoll = "\${ftp.fetch.size}",
cron = "\${ftp.poll.cron}",
taskExecutor = "ftpTaskExecutor"
autoStartup = "\${ftp.fetch.enabled:false}"
fun ftpInboundFlow(
#Value("\${ftp.remote.prices.dir}") pricesDir: String,
#Value("\${ftp.remote.prices.file.pattern}") remoteFilePattern: String,
#Value("\${ftp.fetch.size}") fetchSize: Int,
#Value("\${ftp.fetch.enabled:false}") fetchEnabled: Boolean,
clock: Clock,
remoteFileTemplate: RemoteFileTemplate<FTPFile>,
priceParseService: PriceParseService,
ftpFilterOnlyFilesFromMaxDurationAgo: FtpFilterOnlyFilesFromMaxDurationAgo
): FtpStreamingMessageSource {
val messageSource = FtpStreamingMessageSource(remoteFileTemplate, null)
messageSource.maxFetchSize = fetchSize
return messageSource;
The property values are:
poll.cron: "*/30 * 4-20 * * MON-FRI"
fetch.size: 10
fetch.enabled: true
We limit the poll.cron we used the retrieve every minute.
In the related DefaultFtpSessionFactory, the timeouts are set to 60 seconds to override the default value of -1 (which means no timeout at all):
Maybe my answer seems a bit too easy, bit is it because your cron expression states that it should schedule the job between 4 and 20 hour. After 8:00 PM it will not schedule the job anymore and it will start polling again at 4:00 AM.
It turned out that the processing took longer than the scheduled interval, so during processing a new task was already executed. So eventually multiple task were trying to accomplish the same thing.
We solved this by using a fixedDelay on the poller instead of a fixedRate.
The difference is that a fixedRate schedules on a regular interval independent if the task was finished and the fixedDelay schedules a delay after the task is finished.

quartz spring cron trigger fire immediately

I have a spring application that uses quartz cron trigger. I have given the following for frequency 0 0/20 * * * ?.....once every 20 min. But i want the first one to run immediately. Right now, when I start the application, it runs after 20 min. I was hoping it would run asap and then after 20 min.
Thanks in advance.
It sounds like you want to use an interval trigger (SimpleTrigger in Quartz can do the job).
The CronTrigger wants you to specify the minutes at which to run.
So your trigger schedule says: start at 0 minutes, and run every 20 minutes after that until the hour is over. Then start at 0 again.
But with the SimpleTrigger, you say - start now and run every 20 minutes.
Here is a tutorial on SimpleTrigger:
Here is a tutorial on CronTrigger:
You don't need CRON expression (and Quartz at all!) to run given code every 20 minutes. Just use fixed rate (Spring built-in):
#Scheduled(fixedRate=20 * 60 * 1000)
That's it! By default first invocation happens immediately, second after 20 minutes. Since Spring 3.2 you can even say initialDelay=10000 to run for the first time after exactly 10 seconds.
If you really want to use Quartz, check out SimpleTrigger.

Quartz.NET: Need CronTrigger on an iStatefulJob instance to *delay instead of skip* if running job while schedule matures

Greetings, your friendly neighborhood Quartz.NET n00b is back!
I have a Windows Service running iStatefulJob instances on a Quartz.NET CronTrigger based schedule scheme... The CRON String used to schedule the job: "0 0/1 * * * ? *"
Everything works great. However, if I have a job that is set to run, say, at the X:00 mark of every minute, and that job happens to run for MORE than a minute, I notice that the subsequent job runs IMMEDIATELY after the job is finished executing, rather than waiting until its next scheduled run, effectively "queuing" up instead of merely skipping the job till it's next scheduled run.
I put in the trigger a CronTrigger MisfireInstruction of DONOTHING, but the exact same thing happens when a job overruns its next scheduled execution schedule.
How do I get an iStatefulJob instance to merely SKIP a scheduled execution trigger if it is currently running, rather than have it delay it until the first execution completes?
I explicitly set the trigger.MisfireInstruction = MisfireInstruction.CronTrigger.DoNothing;
...But instead of "doing nothing", for a job scheduled to run every minute that takes 90 seconds to complete, I experience the following execution log:
Job runs at 9:00:00am, finishes at 9:01:30am <- job runs for 1:30
Job runs at 9:01:30am, finishes at 9:03:00am <- subsequent job that should have run at 9:01:00
Job runs at 9:04:00am, finishes at 9:05:30am <- shouldn't this one have run at 9:03:00?
Job runs at 9:05:30am, finishes at 9:07:00am <- subsequent job that should have run at 9:05:00
Job runs at 9:08:00am, finishes at 9:09:30am <- shouldn't this have run at 9:07:00?
... it seems like it runs correctly the first time, on the minute... delays for 30 seconds as the 90 second job execution time expires, and then, instead of waiting till the NEXT full minute, EXECUTES IMMEDIATELY at the 30 second mark... Doubly odd, is that it then finishes the SECOND job on the minute mark, but waits till the NEXT minute mark to execute instead of running it back-2-back...
Pretty much seems like it works correctly EVERY OTHER RUN, when it is not running on the :30 marks...
What's the best way to get a job not to delay/queue, but to just SKIP until it is idle and the next schedule matures?
EDIT: I tried going back to iJobs instead of iStatefulJobs using the same DONOTHING trigger misfire instruction, but the job executes EVERY MINUTE despite the prior execution being still active. I can't seem to get it to skip a scheduled run if it is currently running with either iJob or iStatefulJob...
EDIT#2: I think that my triggers are NEVER misfiring, which is why DoNothing as a misfire instruction is useless... Given that's the case, I guess I need another mechanism to detect if a job instance of a schedule is running to ensure the job SKIPS its next execution until its following scheduled time rather than delaying it until first instance completion...
EDIT3: I tried adding an element to the iStatefulJob jobdatamap called "IsRunning"... I set it to TRUE when the execute sequence starts, and then return it to false after job completion. Before executing, it checks the element, which is apparently persisted between jobs, and prematurely quits the execution (logging "JOB SKIPPED!") if it detects it to be true... This unfortunately doesn't work, for probably obvious reasons: If the jobs are running following the bulleted schedule above, then the job is never SIMULTANEOUSLY running along with itself, as it is delaying the run till the job ends, so this check is useless. According to documentation, returning to iJob from iStatefulJob would not help here as the jobdatamap is only persisted between jobs in the Stateful job type...
I still haven't solved how to SKIP a scheduled job instead of delaying it till it's current iteration completes... If anyone has ideas, you're a lifesaver! :)
It should be caused by misfireThreshold of RAMJobStore (http://quartznet.sourceforge.net/apidoc/topic2722.html).
The time span by which a trigger must
have missed its next-fire-time, in
order for it to be considered
"misfired" and thus have its misfire
instruction applied.
It is 60 seconds by default. So job isn't considered as "misfired" until it is late for more than misfiredThreshold value.
To resolve the problem just decrease this threshold (below code sets to 1 ms):
properties["quartz.jobStore.misfireThreshold"] = "1";
schedulerFactory = new StdSchedulerFactory(properties);
It should resolve the issue.
