Everywhere I look, I see the following as the list of formulas for converting metric to SI:
C * 1.8 + 32 = F
Km / 1.609344 = Mi
mm / 25.4 = in
m/s * 2.236936 = mph
However, the first and the 3rd do not seem very precise. Are there more precise formulas available? If so what are they?
Places I have looked: Google, MathOverflow (not sure if this question belongs there, as no related questions I could find there matched this, but some exist here), wikipedia.
All of these proposed the same set of formulas, but all of them also described the C->F conversion as the "Easy" conversion formula.
According to Wikipedia Fahrenheit, the Fahrenheit scale places the freezing point of water at 32 and the boiling point at 212. This is 180 degrees apart. In Celsius it is 0 and 100 respectively 100 degrees apart. 180/100 = 1.8 which is why the conversion factor is exactly 1.8. As such the temperature conversion is accurate based on the arbitrary points chosen for the freezing and boiling of water.
As for the 1 inch = 25.4 mm, this was set as the standard inch in 1930 by the British Standards Institution, and adopted by the American Standards Association in nearly all matters in 1933. The exception was in Survey Data when measuring deeds. This means that the standard inch is 25.4 mm and the survey inch is 1/39.37 meters. Wikipedia Inch
This leads me to the conclusion that the reason why the conversions for temperature and length use numbers that appear imprecise is simply by engineering when they designed the systems. As such there is no need for extra digits of precision in these two cases.
I want to develop a game where the universe is a maximum 65536 x 65536 grid. I do not want the universe to be random, what I want is for it to be procedurally generated according to location. What it should generate is a number from 0 to 15.
0 means empty space. Most of the universe (probably 50-80%) is empty space.
1 - 9 a planet of that technology level
10-15 various anomalies (black hole, star, etc.)
Given an address from 0x8000-0xFFFF or 0 or 1-0x7fff for the X address, and the same range for the Y address, returns a number from 0 to 15. Presumably this would place planets nearer to 0,0 more plentiful than those at a distance of
The idea being, the function is called passing the two values and returns the planet number. I used to have a function to do this, but it has gotten lost over various moves.
While the board could be that big, considering how easy it would be to get lost, I'll probably cut the size to 1200 in both directions, -600 to +600. Even that would be huge.
I've tried a number of times, but I've come to the conclusion that I lack the sufficient math skills to do this. It's probably no more than 10 lines. As it is intended to be multiplayer, it'll probably be either a PHP application on the back end or a desktop application connecting to a server.
Any help would be appreciated. I can probably read any commonly used programming language you might use.
Paul Robinson
See How to draw sky chart? for the planetary position math. Especially pay attention to the image with equations you can use it to compute period of your planet based on its distance and mass to system central mass... for simple circular orbit just match the centripedal force with gravity like I did in here:
Is it possible to make realistic n-body solar system simulation in matter of size and mass?
So for example:
G = 6.67384e-11;
v = sqrt(G*M/a); // orbital speed
T = sqrt((4.0*M_PI*M_PI*a*a*a)/(G*(m+M))); // orbital period
pos = (a,0,0); // start position
vel = (0,sqrt(G*M/a),0); // start speed
The distribution of planets and their sizes complies specific (empirically obtained) rules (that is one of the reasons why we are still looking for 10th planet). I can't remember the name of the rule, however from quick look on Google Image from here can be used too:
Distribution of the planets in solar system according to their mass
and their distances from the Sun. The distances (X-axis) are in AU and
masses (Y-axis) in Yotta (10^24)
Jupiter mass is M=1,898e27 kg so mass units are in 10^24 kg.
So just match your PRNG generation to such curve and be done with it.
I want to write an image enhancement algorithm which is similar to photoshop's highlight and shadows alteration feature. Can you help me regarding what does this feature of photoshop do internally to an image?
Simple approach
To begin with, you can already find already some clue in their documentation: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/adjust-shadow-highlight-detail.html
It's quite hard to guess from those documents which algorithm they use exactly. Below I will only try to explain some approaches I would use if I was facing this problem. Don't expect there a clear algorithm, but use my answer as pointers to drive you at least to a path.
As I understood, this algorithm improve the contrast in a local scale, meaning for each pixel it will adjust the value based on the neighborhood.
To do so you have several input parameters:
Neighborhood size (or Kernel)
Highlight Threshold: Everything above is considered as belonging to highlight
Shadow Threshold: Everything below is considered as belonging to shadow
Other ones are mentioned in the documentation, but they are not useful to understand the algorithmic concept.
1. Determine to which category the pixel belong: Highlight / Shadow / none.
For this part you might consider using either the grayscale image or the Value channel from HSV transformation.
I would take a look to the pixel and its neighborhood.
Compute statistics of the local distribution (mean and variance).
I will compare the mean to the thresholds value define previously, then use the variance to distinguish if the pixel is noisy or belonging to a contour, which on those case I'll expect a huge variance.
2. Apply the processing
In case the pixel is belonging to the shadow or highlight class you want to improve its contrast, not the "gray" but the "color" contrast.
Dumb approach:
Will be to weight your color channel according to their intra-variances.
Here is an example: Consider your pixel being: (32, 35, 50)(R,G,B) and belonging to shadow class. I will determine 3 coefficients Rc, Gc, Bc which are defined between 0.5 - 1.5 (arbitrary) which apply to the respective channel.
Since the Blue is dominant I would have a high coefficient for the blue like 1.3 and lower the importance of R and G channel with a coefficient about 0.8.
To compute these coefficients you can think to look at color variance, meaning differences between the color channels themselves and differences between each channels and the pixel mean.
Other (high-level) approaches
Laplacian Pyramids
Using the pyramids to distinguish the details in different scales and the laplacian to improve the contrast.
Those links could be really helpful for you, especially because the sources are available and the concept are well explained.
I would advise you to continue your quest to look deeper in darktable. It's a powerful free/open-source alternative to Lightroom.
I already find some interesting stuff just by looking at their blog.
Sorry for this incomplete answer, I'll probably come back there to improve it.
All comments and suggestions are more than welcome
You can follow the following technique. It is not accurate but imitates well.
lumR = 0.299;
lumG = 0.587;
lumB = 0.114;
// we have to find luminance of the pixel
// here 0.0 <= source.r/source.g/source.b <= 1.0
// and 0.0 <= luminance <= 1.0
luminance = sqrt( lumR*pow(source.r,2.0) + lumG*pow(source.g,2.0) + lumB*pow(source.b,2.0));
// here highlights and and shadows are our desired filter amounts
// highlights/shadows should be >= -1.0 and <= +1.0
// highlights = shadows = 0.0 by default
// you can change 0.05 and 8.0 according to your needs but okay for me
h = highlights * 0.05 * ( pow(8.0, luminance) - 1.0 );
s = shadows * 0.05 * ( pow(8.0, 1.0 - luminance) - 1.0 );
output.r = source.r + h + s;
output.g = source.g + h + s;
output.b = source.b + h + s;
I have two matrices, one containing 3D coordinates that are nominal positions per a CAD model and the other containing 3D coordinates of actual measured positions using a CMM. Every nominal point has a corresponding measurement, or in other words the two matrices are of equal length and width. I'm not sure what the best way is to fit the measured points to the nominal points. I need a way of calculating the translation and rotation to apply to all of the measured points that produce the minimum distance between each nominal/measured pair of points while not exceeding allowed tolerances on maximum distance at any other point. This is similar to Registration of point clouds but different in that each pair of nominal/measured points has a unique tolerance/limit on how far apart they are allowed to be. That limit is higher for some pairs and lower for others. I'm programming in .Net and have looked into Point Cloud Library (PCL), OpenCV, Excel, and basic matrix operations as possible approaches.
This is a sample of the data
X Nom Y Nom Z Nom X Meas Y Meas Z Meas Upper Tol Lower Tol
118.81 2.24 -14.14 118.68 2.24 -14.14 1.00 -0.50
118.72 1.71 -17.19 118.52 1.70 -17.16 1.00 -0.50
115.36 1.53 -24.19 115.14 1.52 -23.98 0.50 -0.50
108.73 1.20 -27.75 108.66 1.20 -27.41 0.20 -0.20
Below is the type of matrix I need to calculate in order to best fit the measured points to the nominal points. I will multiply it by the measured point matrix to best fit to the nominal point matrix.
0.999897324 -0.000587540 0.014317661
0.000632725 0.999994834 -0.003151567
-0.014315736 0.003160302 0.999892530
-0.000990993 0.001672040 0.001672040
This is indeed a job for a rigid registration algorithm.
In order to handle your tolerances you have a couple of options:
Simple option: Run rigid registration, check afterwards if result is within tolerances
Bit harder option: Offset your points in the CAD, where you have imbalanced tolerances
the rest the same as the previous option.
Hardest option: What you probably want to do is and have the offset as in the second option, and also add a weight function based on measured position and set tolerance. This weight function should effect the energy function in such a way, that the individual function vectors are larger when you have a small tolerance and smaller when you have a larger tolerence.
So now about implementation, for options 1 and 2 your fastest way to result would probably be:
Use PCL C++ version in a visual studio 2010 environment. There's lots of information about installation of PCL and VS2010 and get it running. Also PCL has a nice ICP registration tutorial that should get you going.
Use VTK for python, it has an ICP algorithm:
Installing VTK for Python
If your really want option 3 you can do:
Make the weight function in PCL library source code and compile it
Make the complete ICP algorithm yourself in .net:
Use math.numerics sparse matrix/vector algebra and solvers to create your own optimizer
Realize the Lev-Marq or Gauss-Newton optimizer from:
imm methods for non-linear least squares problems, K. Madsen, 2004
Generate your own function vector and jacobian matrix (with weight function)
Have quite some patience to get is all to work together :)
Post the result for the others on StackOverflow that are waiting for ICP in C# .net
In their paper describing Viola-Jones object detection framework (Robust Real-Time Face Detection by Viola and Jones), it is said:
All example sub-windows used for training were variance normalized to
minimize the effect of different lighting conditions.
My question is "What kind of tool did they use to normalize the images?"
I'm NOT looking for the specific tool that Viola & Jones used but a similar one that produces almost the same output. I've been following a lot of haar-training tutorials(trying to detect a hand) but not yet able to output a good detector(xml).
I've tried contacting the authors, but still no response yet.
One possible way is to apply plain and simple normalization assuming normal distribution to all elements.
First find the average (Mu) and standard deviation (S):
Mu = 1/N * Sum(a[i][j]) for each i,j
S = sqrt(1/(N-1) * Sum((a[i][j] - Mu)^2)) for each i,j
(in here N is the number of pixels, 20*20 in the viola jones case)
From this, we can normalize the value of each pixel using standard normal distribution formula (by standardizing all values):
a'[i][j] = (a[i][j] - Mu) / S
Another method is vector normalization, which basically says:
Find the length of the vector: |a| = sqrt(sum (a[i][j]*a[i][j])) for each i,j
Assign: a'[i][j] = a[i][j] / |a|
or "How I learned to stop worrying and learned to love measurement systems"
I wanted a central spot that I can refer to later to give me a quick low-down on various units of measurement used in programming. SO seemed the best place to put it, and while I could go ahead and answer the question myself, y'all are a much smarter bunch than I, so I might as well let you do it.
Please pick one unit that you're familiar with, use "#name" in the first line to give it as the heading (making it easy to find) and define it within your answer. Please do not duplicate - add comments or edit existing answers rather than adding a new answer. Similar units are still seperate - so please don't define em and en in the same answer. If a unit is exactly the same as another unit, add a line for "aliases" below the heading.
If it's a particularly obscure measurement type, please link to a second reference so people don't downvote you because they've never heard of it.
I'm seeing a lot of downvoting - I suppose people believe this doesn't add value to StackOverflow's community. Please consider commenting below if you feel this doesn't add to the community, or if you think this is a bad question. I'm interested in improving it if you have any suggestions.
The great thing about standards is there are so many to choose from!
I recommend to ammend the above answers using the following descriptions
Pica Typographic unit of measurement in the anglo-american point system. One pica is 1/72 Inch (0,351 mm) and equals 12 pica points. The didot equivalent of a pica is a cicero. A standard unit of measure in newspapers. There are 6 picas in one inch, 12 points in one pica.
Pica Point 1/12 of a pica
996 points are equivalent to 35 centimeters, or one point is equal to .01383 inches. This means about 72.3 points to the inch. We in electronic printing use 72 points per inch
1 point (Truchet) = 0.188 mm (obsolete today)
1 point (Didot) = 0.376 mm = 1/72 of a French royal inch (27.07 mm)
1 point (ATA) = 0.3514598 mm = 0.013837 inch
1 point (TeX) = 0.3514598035 mm = 1/72.27 inch
1 point (Postscript) = 0.3527777778 mm = 1/72 inch
1 point (l’Imprimerie nationale, IN) = 0.4 mm
An old printing term for a square-shaped blank space that’s as wide as the type is high; in other words, a 10-point em space will be 10 points wide.
Half an em space; a 10-point en space will be 5 points wide.
The number of dots per inch a printer prints. The higher the dpi, the finer the resolution of the output.
The smallest dot you can draw on a computer screen
Counts per inch for Mouse properties and The number of horizontal characters that will fit in one inch for Printer properties
Pitch describes the width of a character. Pitch equals the number of characters that can fit side-by-side in 1 inch; for example, 10 pitch equals 10 characters-per-inch or 10 CPI. Pitch is a term generally used with non-proportional (fixed-width) fonts.
A twip (derived from TWentieth of an Imperial Point) is a typographical measurement, defined as 1/20 of a typographical point. One twip is 1/1440 inch or 17.639 µm when derived from the PostScript point at 72 to the inch, and 1/1445.4 inch or 17.573 µm based on the printer's point at 72.27 to the inch
Additional Units:
The number of vertical lines of text that will fit in one inch
Thickness of paper, expressed in thousandths of an inch or pages per inch.
or sometimes no of horizontal pixels closely printed or displayed per inch.
Font size or Type size is the baseline distance for which the font was designed. A font should normally be identified and selected by this size, because the intended baseline distance is much more relevant for practical layout work than the actual dimensions of certain characters.
Font height is the height in mm of letters such as k or H. Typically, the font height is around 72% of the font size, but this is of course at the discretion of the font designer.
x-height indicate typesize of lower-case letters excluding ascenders and descenders (from the height of the lower-case x)
h-height or cap height refers to the height of a capital letter above the baseline for a particular typeface. It specifically refers to the height of capital letters that are flat—such as H or I—as opposed to round letters such as O.
One of the little colored squares on your screen.
A typographical measure of 12 points, sometimes (incorrectly) called an Em. (in fact, an em is actually a horizontal distance the same as the point size of the type).
'Twentieth of an Imperial Point'. A measure used for marking up positions of widgets in Visual BASIC user interfaces. It was used this way so that positions could be specified precisely using integers. One Twip = 1/20 point = 1/1440 inch.
An old printing term for a square-shaped blank space that’s as wide as the type is high; in other words, a 10-point em space will be 10 points wide.
Dots per inch. A dimensionless number used to measure the resolution of something in space, i.e. with respect to real occupied physical size.
dds complexity and headache since the standard/default DPI of a computer screen varies with the operating system. Macintosh screens generally have 72 DPI, while Windows favors 96. If you don't compensate for this when displaying images (and text), you will get unexpected variations.
Always amusing when people start talking of "the DPI of this image", for digital images such as PNG or JPEG. To me, they only have absolute pixels in them, unconnected to any physical size. If you want to print the image on a (for instance) 300 DPI printer, then you need to adapt and scale to get it correct, but the image itself only has pixels.
Half an em space; a 10-point en space will be 5 points wide.
Counts per inch for Mouse properties and
The number of horizontal characters that will fit in one inch for Printer properties
Pitch describes the width of a character. Pitch equals the number of characters that can fit side-by-side in 1 inch; for example, 10 pitch equals 10 characters-per-inch or 10 CPI. Pitch is a term generally used with non-proportional (fixed-width) fonts.
PostScript Point
1/72th of an inch.