Internationalize element with inner <span> - spring

I'm working with Spring Boot + Thymeleaf. I want to internationalize something like this:
<p>Already registered? <span class="link">Log In</span></p>
If I add th:text="#{prompt}" to the <p> tag, the inner span will be replaced by the property value.
Is there any way to internationalize the whole text of <p> element with just one property in my resource bundle? (maybe with placeholders or I don't know)

You could add placeholders for the html tags inside the property value
prompt = Already registered? {0}Log In{1};
<p th:utext="#{prompt('<span class=link>', '</span>')}"></p>
Note: I am using th:utext instead of th:text because it doesn't escape html.
But it would be clearer if you would just have two different properties. E.g.:
<th:block th:text='#{prompt1}'></th:block>
<span class='link' th:text='#{prompt2}'></span>


Scraping text within several span tags (Ruby & Nokogiri)

I am trying to scrape "Description" from this HTML structure
<div class="menu-index-page__item-content">
<h6 class="menu-index-page__item-title">
<span> Item title </span>
<p class="menu-index-page__item-desc">
Each tag has an element with it that I don't know how to handle:
Each data-reactid is different. So if I target this attribute I will scrape stuff I don't want.
I've tried .search .xpath, using tags and classes but nothing seems to work.
Is there a way to say: give me the p tag that has a class="menu-index-page__item-desc" and scrape the 3rd span from there?
You can get the required value via xpath
You code and xpath:

xpath retrieving text inclusive of tag

I trying to parse a webpage and get all the content inside a div tag named div1. I tried ('div[#class="div1"]') which gives me the content below
<div class="div1">
something something <br>
However, I am trying to get everything that is inside the div tag, not including the div tag as shown below
something something <br>
Try changing your xpath to
Quote from
child::* selects all element children of the context node
For one thing, you're looking for #id when it's #class

xpath - pick based on another child of parent node

I have page that looks something like this:
<span class="span class one">
some text
<span class="span class two">
span i want to pick
I want to pick <span class="span class two"> by text thats in <span class="span class one">. I am not sure if it is even possible. Number of elements is not same in each tree part.
Following could be the alternative answer -
//span[normalize-space(text())='some text']/../../following-sibling::div//span
Explanation :-
//span[normalize-space(text())='some text'] is used to find the span tag with required details
/../.. will move to parent element of context node
/following-sibling::div//span will locate the span tag which in sibling element of parent div
You can select the element by the value of the class attribute with:
//span[#class='span class two']
//span[contains(., "some text")]/following::span
Element='<span class="span class two">
span i want to pick
I might've understood it differently but I'll try to give out a different answer:
//span[contains(text(),(//span[#class='span class one']/text())) and not(#class='span class one')]
which means:
//span[contains(text(), - you're looking for a span element that contains a certain text
(//span[#class='span class one']/text()))- that text is whatever is the text in span class one
and not(#class='span class one')] - but the span element should not be span class one
of course you can replace text() with a different property such as class or name or whatever... e.g. //span[contains(#class,(//span[#class='span class one']/text()))]
Try this way, as you were mentioned that you want to create xpath along with span class one
//span[text()= 'some text']/following::span[#class='span class two']
Explanation of xpath:- Use text method along with <span> tag and move ahead with another <span> tag using following keyword.

Spring thymeleaf adding th:text into data-def-val

I able to parse th:text value but I need to add that parsed value inside another html tag for jquery processing purpose.
HTML code
<div class="cal-tbl text-center pzero col-xs-3">
<br> <span>Calories</span></br>
<h4 id = "calories" data-def-val ="th:text=${food.calories}"> 309 </h4>
you can use
this is generic way to populate non standard tag with dynamic data

How do I get the text within HTML tags?

I want to get the text within a certain HTML tag. It looks like:
<div id="data123">data1: value1<br>data2: value2<br> data3: value</div>
My code looks like:
html_page = Nokogiri::HTML open 'my_url'
who_is_raw = html_page.css('div#data123')[0] #.text
I get either the text within the <div> tag without <br> tags or the whole <div> with all <br> inside. But, I want only the text within that <div> tag and <br> tags inside it.
How do I do that?
Try with inner_html
who_is_raw = html_page.css('div#data123')[0].inner_html
