Install & configuring Kafka connect in google cloud - apache-kafka-connect

I had installed Kafka in google cloud and need help to install and configure Kafka connect in google cloud.


java project deployed on Google Cloud

I have deployed a java project on Google Cloud. I am using MongoDB and I have created MongoDB cluster and finished with the installation of the db. However, the db is not working.Can you guide me how to fix it?

Download logs from Pivotal CloudFoundry metrics API

Is there a API to download PCF logs from PCF metrics? I don't like the way that PCF metrics present to me, I would like to use splunk or other tools to analyzing logs.
I could use download button in metrics but I it's too manual.
Any application running on Cloud Foundry can stream it's logs to any syslog comptabile service. Splunk has a syslog collector so you can follow the instructions here app log streaming Details for configuring this on PCF are at enter link description here

WSO2 Identity Server 5.3.0 & API Manager 2.1.0 same ports?

Currently I configure WSO2 Identity Server 5.3.0 and API Manager 2.1.0 in one same server. For Identity server 5.3.0 run as "9443" and API Manager run as "9444" ports.
Is there any way to make both of this WSO2 products using "HTTPS" which is run in same "443" ports?
I have already try to config the proxy based on this link and also other WSO2 documentation and it unsuccessful.
If can, is there any proper configuration guide on how to config?
Kindly required a guidline.
You can refer WSO2 Documentation for this.

Running Apache Ignite Cluster on Pivotal Cloud Foundry environment

I am trying to build a Apache Ignite Cluster on Pivotal Cloud Foundry environment as follows.
Created a Spring-Boot app that starts a new Ignite node, Deployed it on on Cloud Foundry ( ex. Ignite-Node1)
Created another Spring-Boot app which will also starts a new Ignite node, Deployed it on on Cloud Foundry ( ex. Ignite-Node2)
Now, even though both the apps are running in a same CloudFoundry Env, they are not forming the Ignite Cluster as they are not able to discover each other.
Apache Ignite documentation provides examle configuration details for AWS, Google cloud , however there are no examples for Pivotal Cloud Foundry.
Can somebody provide me with an example configuration on how to get the Ignite Cluster running on Cloud Foundry environment.
Container-to-container (app-to-app) networking is not supported on Pivotal Cloud Foundry, although it is possible to enable.
By default all communications must be made 'via the front door' through Cloud Foundry's router, either via HTTP or on a TCP port. One cannot choose which instance of an application to hit. This is due to change with the Container Networking initiative, the progress of which you can check on Pivotal Tracker. There is a detailed design document which is publicly available.
An alternative approach which is more appropriate for data services is to deploy them using BOSH. As a PCF user, you may wish to consider creating a PCF Tile for Apache Ignite.
My company has been helping Hazelcast create a PCF Tile that will create dedicated-VM clusters on-demand. Perhaps you could consider making use of Hazelcast instead?

How to deploy Spring Boot (1.3.6) or any Spring Boot project (connection to cloud database) to Google App Engine?

I want to deploy spring boot application (connect to cloud sql and return result) on Google App Engine, please share what are the steps to deploy it.
You can try jenkins auto deployment feature to deploy the application on to the server
Refer this link to get more Idea on jenkins.
please share more info on what is the server and how do you set up connection with database for more info.
