I am running hazelcast members and clients with below context:
As depicted in above diagram:
I want the clients to control the (de)serialization, and onboard new clients without hazelcast members being involved in serializtion business.
Want to make Hazelcast Map persistent based on naming conventions, e.g. All maps with "*Store" matching pattern, needs to be persisted to cassandra db.
Since i chose to persist in binary format, I would like same byte[] stored in hazelcast to be supplied to the mapstore interface.
My problem is - hazelcast seems to apply deserializer before calling the mapstore .store() method and looks for the serializer class with originally stored typeId on the server side. The logical solution is either hazelcast does not apply deserializer for mapstore if my mapstore type is byte[], or have let me define deserializer which would work regardless of typeId. Looks like both does not seem to be possible.
Any idea to tackle the problem is greatly appreciated.
Some addition to #wildnez s answer:
Normally, if you have a Pojo & using MapStore, members also need to know the Pojo. But in your case, since you're OK with byte[], you can store entry as byte[] from the client side, meaning your IMap must be IMap. Then members won't be dealing worth any deserialization. So you'll do the serialization manually & store the byte[] to Hazelcast IMap. As alternate, you can define different serializers/deserializers for members & clients and for those classes, you can always return byte[] on the member. I personally prefer the first solution.
Define a wildcard IMap config for *Store maps & put a generic MapStore implementation. By implementing MapLoaderLifecycleSupport, you can get the map name in your MapStore as well if needed. Please see http://docs.hazelcast.org/docs/latest/manual/html-single/index.html#storing-entries-to-multiple-maps
If your Map is IMap then you'll get byte[] in your MapStore as well, as described in 1.
In default case (in-memory-format set to BINARY) Serialisation and Deserialisation happens only on client side. However, you are using MapStore that requires Hazelcast to provide the actual entry object to the MapStore.store method, hence the deserialisation on server. Otherwise you would only be receiving a byte[] in MapStore.
I want to write some Rest(ful) application with Spring Boot and Spring Data JPA.
Let's assume that for business reasons I have a database with the following tables:
customer(id number, first_name text, last_name text, type text);
customer_type(type text, description text);
id is generated by the database at inserion time
type column in customer table is a foreign key to type column in customer_type table and it is immutable from a microservice point of view, just a lookup table.
Assuming I want to create APIs for CRUD operations on a customer but want to minimize api calls when just reading, I suppose I need the following operations:
GET /customer/{id}
POST /customer
PUT /customer/{id}
DELETE /customer/{id}
How the body should be structured?
For GET operation the response should be
"description":"Premium Customer"
But for POST I imagine I need to avoid sending the id and send just the customer type since the description is immutable and the client needs the description only for visualizing the information on screen, but this leads to different request body from the one returned in the GET operation.
For the PUT operation is the same but also should the id field be sent? How to handle the case where the id in the API path is different from the id in the request body if sent?
DELETE should not be a problem since it just deletes the row in customer table.
Thank you
How the body should be structured?
Let's make a step back first and let us discuss quickly what you basically try when following a REST architecture and why and how REST installs those mechanisms.
REST is an architectural style that helps in decoupling clients from servers by introducing indirection mechanisms which may seem odd at first but in the end allow you to achieve the required level of decoupling which allows clients to introduce changes which clients will naturally adept to. Such indirection mechanisms include attaching URIs to link-relation names, using form-based representation formats to tell a client how to create requests, content-type negotiation to return representations supported and understood by others and so forth. If you don't need such properties, i.e. as client and servers always go hand in hand in regards to changes and communicate on predefined messages, REST is probably not the best style to follow. If you though have a server that is contacted by various clients not under your control or a client that has to contact various servers, also not under your direct control, this is where REST truly starts to shine if all parties adhere to these concepts.
One of RESTs premise is that a server will teach clients everything they need to know in order to construct requests. If you look at the Web, where HTML is basically used everywhere, you might see that HTML defines HTML forms which basically allow a server to explain to a client what properties of a resource the server expects as input. On top of that the form also tells you client which HTTP operation to use, which target URI to send the request to and which media-type to represent the state in. In HTML this is usually implicitly given as application/x-www-form-urlencoded which chains properties together i.e. like this:
or the like. This is in essence what HATEOAS or hypertext as the engine of application state is all about. You use in-build controls of the media-type exchanged to allow your client to progress its task instead of having to consult external documentation to lookup the "API" of some services. I.e. a form could state that an input only allows numeric values, that a sub-portion of the form represents a date/time picker widget which a client could render to a user accordingly, or an element represents a slider with a given range of admissible values and the like.
How the actual representation format you have to send to the server has to look like depends on the instructed media-type. I.e. HAL forms uses application/json by default and also specifies that application/x-www-form-urlencoded needs to be supported. Other media-types have explicitly negotiated between client and server. Ion states that application/json or application/ion+json have to be negotiated via the Content-Type request header.
In plain application/json the url-encoded payload from above could simply be expressed as:
"firstName": "Roman",
"lastName": "Vottner",
"role": "Dev"
and this is OK as the server basically instructed you to send this data in that format.
There are further media-types available that are worth a closer look whether they could fit your need or not. I.e. Hydra has a bit of a different take on this matter by connecting Linked Data to REST and its affordances called operations and allows to describe resources and its properties through LD classes. So the presence of an affordance for a certain resource tells you what you can do with that resource, like i.e. updating its state, and therefore also which class it belongs to and therefore which properties it has.
This just should illustrate how a negotiated media type finally decides how the actual representation needs to look like that has to be sent to the server.
In regards of whether to put in resource identifiers in the payload or not it depends. Usually resources are identified by the URI/IRI and this, as a whole, is the identifier of the resource. In your application though you will reference related domain objects through their ID which does not necessarily need to be, and probably also should not be, part of the IRI itself. I.e. let's assume we retrieve a resource that represents an order. That order contains the users name and address, the various items that got ordered including some meta data describing those items and what not. It usually makes sense in such a case to add the orderId which you use in your application even though the URI may contain that information already. Users of that API are usually not interested in those URIs but the actual content and might also never see those URIs if they are hidden behind automated processes or user interfaces. If a user now wants to print out that order s/he has all the information needed to file complaints later on via phone i.e. In other cases, i.e. if you design a resource to be an all-purpose clipboard like, copy&paste location, an ID does not make any sense unless you grant the user to explicitly reference one of that states directly.
The reason why IDs should not be part of the URI itself stems from the fact that a URI shouldn't change if the actual resource does not change. I.e. we have a customer who went through a merge a couple of years ago. They used to expose all their products via own URIs that exposed the productId as part of the URI. During the merger the tried to combine the various different data models to reduce the number of systems they had to operate while serving each of their customers with the same data as before as the underlying products didn't change. As they tried to stay "backwards" compatible for the purpose of supporting legacy systems of their customers, they quickly noticed that exposing those productIds as part of the URI was causing them some troubles. If they had used a mapping table of i.e. exposed UUIDs to internal productIds (again an introduction of indirection) earlier they could have reduced their whole data model and thus complexity by a lot while being able to change the mapping from internal prodcutId to UUID on the fly while allowing their clients to lookup the product information.
Long story short, as hopefully can be seen the structure of a representation depends on the exchanged media type. There are loads of different media-types available. Use the ones that allow you to describe resources to clients, such as HAL/HAL forms, Ion, Hydra, .... In regards to URIs, don't overengineer URIs. They are, as a whole, just a pointer to a resource and clients are usually interested in the content, not the URI! As such, make use of indirection-features like link-relation names, content-type negotiation and so forth to help remove the direct coupling of clients to services but instead rely more on the document type exchanged. The media-type here becomes basically the contract of the message. Through mappings on the client and server side resources of various representations can be "translated" to an object which you can use in your application.
As you've tagged your question with spring-boot and spring-data-jpa, you might want to look into spring-hateoas. It supports HAL out of the box, HAL forms can be used via affordances though the media-type needs to be enabled explicitly for it otherwise you might miss out on the form-template in the responses. Hydra support in spring-hateoas seems to be added through hydra-java which implements the Spring HATEOAS SPI. While Amazon provides implementation for Ion for various programming languages, including Java, it does not yet support Spring HATEOAS or Spring in general. Here a custom SPI implementation may be necessary.
For PUT operations you need to send the id of the entity that you want to update.
If you want to generate the same response as you would get in GET, then you need to write a DTO and map details accordingly.
I'm building a web application with Spring, and I'm at the point where I have an Entity, a Repository, a RestController, and I can access endpoints in my browser.
I'm now trying to return JSON data to the browser, and I'm seeing all of this stuff about DTOs in various guides.
Do I really need a DTO? Can't I just put the serialization logic on the entity itself?
I think, this is a little bit debatable question, where the short answer would be:
It depends.
Little longer answer
There are plenty of people, who, in plenty of cases, would prefer one approach (using DTOs) over another (using bare entities), and vice versa; however, there is no the single source of truth on which is better to use.
It very much depends on the requirements, architectural approach you decide to stick with, (even on) personal preference and other (project-related) specific details.
Some even claim that DTO is an anti-pattern; some love using them; some think, that data refinement/adjustment should happen on the consumer/client side (for various reasons, out of which, one can be No Policy for API changes).
That being said, YES, you can simply return the #Entity instance (or list of entities) right from your controller and there is no problem with this approach. I would even say, that this does not necessarily violate something from SOLID or Clean Code principles.again, it depends on what do you use a response for, what representation of data do you need, what should be the capacity and purpose of the object in question, and etc..
DTO is generally a good practice in the following scenarios:
When you want to aggregate the data for your object from different resources, i.e. you want to put some object transformation logic between the Persistence Layer and the Business(or Web) Layer:
Imagine you fetch from your database a List<Employee>; however, from another 3rd party web-service, you also receive some complementary-to-employee data for each Employee object, which you have to aggregate in the Employee objects (aggregate, or do some calculation, or etc. point is that you want to combine the data from different resources). This is a good case when you might want to use DTO pattern. It is reusable, it conforms to Single-Responsibility Principle, and it is well segregated from other layers;
When you don't necessarily combine data received from different sources, but you want to modify the entity which you will be returning:
Imagine you have a very big Entity (with a lot of fields), and the client, which calls the corresponding endpoint (Front-End application, Mobile, or any client), has no need of receiving this huge entity (or list of entities). If you, despite the client's requirement, will still be sending the original/unchanged entity, you will end up consuming network bandwidth/load inefficiently (more than enough), performance will be weaker, and generally, you will be just wasting computing resources for no good reason. In this case, you might want to transform your original Entity to the DTO object, which the client needs (only with required fields). Here, you might even want to implement different DTO classes, for one entity, for different consumers/clients.
However, if you are sure, that your table/relation representations (instances of #Entity classes) are exactly what the client needs, I see no necessity of introducing DTOs.
Supporting further the idea, that #Entity can be returned to the presentation layer without DTO
Java Persistence with Hibernate, Second Edition, in §3.3.2, even motivates it explicitly, that:
You can reuse persistent classes outside the context of persistence, in unit tests or in the presentation layer, for example. You can create instances in any runtime environment with the regular Java new operator, preserving testability and reusability;
Hibernate entities do not need to be explicitly Serializable;
You might also want to have a look at this question.
In general, it’s up to you to decide. If your application is relatively simple and you don’t expose any sensitive information, an response is y ambiguous for the client, there is nothing criminal in returning back the whole entity. If your client expect a small slice of entity, eg only 2-3 fields from 30 fields entity, then it make sense to do the translation or consider different protocol such as GraphQL.
It is ideal design where you should not expose the entity.
It is a good design to convert your entity to DTO before you pass the same to web layer.
These days RestJpacontrollers are also available.
But again it all varies from application to application which one to use.
If your application does a need only read only operation then make sense to use RestJpacontrollers and can use entity at web layer.
In other case where application modifies data frequently then in that case better option to opt DTO and use it at the UI layer.
Another case is of multiple requests are required to bring data for a particular task. In the same case data to be brought can be combined in a DTO so that only one request can bring all the required data.
We can use data of multiple entities data into one DTO.
This DTO can be used for the front end or in the rest API.
Do I really need a DTO? Can't I just put the serialization logic on the entity itself?
I'd say you don't, but it is better to use them, according to SOLID principles, namely single responsibility one. Entities are ORM should be used to interact with database, not being serialized and passed to the other layers.
In my limited experience, I've been told repeatedly that you should not pass around entities to the front end or via rest, but instead to use a DTO.
Doesn't Spring Data Rest do exactly this? I've looked briefly into projections, but those seem to just limit the data that is being returned, and still expecting an entity as a parameter to a post method to save to the database. Am I missing something here, or am I (and my coworkers) incorrect in that you should never pass around and entity?
No. DTOs are just one means to decouple the server side domain model from the representation exposed in HTTP resources. You can also use other means of decoupling, which is what Spring Data REST does.
Yes, Spring Data REST inspects the domain model you have on the server side to reason about the way the representations for the resources it exposes will look like. However it applies a couple of crucial concepts that mitigate the problems a naive exposure of domain objects would bring.
Spring Data REST looks for aggregates and by default shapes the representations accordingly.
The fundamental problem with the naive "I throw my domain objects in front of Jackson" is that from the plain entity model, it's very hard to reason about reasonable representation boundaries. Especially entity models derived from database tables have the habit to connect virtually everything to everything. This stems from the fact that important domain concepts like aggregates are simply not present in most persistence technologies (read: especially in relational databases).
However, I'd argue that in this case the "Don't expose your domain model" is more acting on the symptoms of that than the core of the problem. If you design your domain model properly there's a huge overlap between what's beneficial in the domain model and what a good representation looks like to effectively drive that model through state changes. A couple of simple rules:
For every relationship to another entity, ask yourself: couldn't this rather be an id reference. By using an object reference you pull a lot of semantics of the other side of the relationship into your entity. Getting this wrong usually leads entities referring to entities referring to entities, which is a problem on a deeper level. On the representation level this allows you to cut off data, cater consistency scopes etc.
Avoid bi-directional relationships as they're notoriously hard to get right on the update side of things.
Spring Data REST does quite a few things to actually transfer those entity relationships into the proper mechanisms on the HTTP level: links in general and more importantly links to dedicated resources managing those relationships. It does so by inspecting the repositories declared for entities and basically replaces an otherwise necessary inlining of the related entity with a link to an association resource that allows you to manage that relationship explicitly.
That approach usually plays nicely with the consistency guarantees described by DDD aggregates on the HTTP level. PUT requests don't span multiple aggregates by default, which is a good thing as it implies a scope of consistency of the resource matching the concepts of your domain.
There's no point in forcing users into DTOs if that DTO just duplicates the fields of the domain object.
You can introduce as many DTOs for your domain objects as you like. In most of the cases, the fields captured in the domain object will reflect into the representation in some way. I have yet to see the entity Customer containing a firstname, lastname and emailAddress property, and those being completely irrelevant in the representation.
The introduction of DTOs doesn't guarantee a decoupling by no means. I've seen way too many projects where they where introduced for cargo-culting reasons, simply duplicated all fields of the entity backing them and by that just caused additional effort because every new field had to be added to the DTOs as well. But hey, decoupling! Not. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That said, there are of course situations where you'd want to slightly tweak the representation of those properties, especially if you use strongly typed value objects for e.g. an EmailAddress (good!) but still want to render this as a plain String in JSON. But by no means is that a problem: Spring Data REST uses Jackson under the covers which offers you a wide variety of means to tweak the representation — annotations, mixins to keep the annotations outside your domain types, custom serializers etc. So there is a mapping layer in between.
Not using DTOs by default is not a bad thing per se. Just imagine the outcry by users about the amount of boilerplate necessary if we required DTOs to be written for everything! A DTO is just one means to an end. If that end can be achieved in a different way (and it usually can), why insist on DTOs?
Just don't use Spring Data REST where it doesn't fit your requirements.
Continuing on the customization efforts it's worth noticing that Spring Data REST exists to cover exactly the parts of the API, that just follow the basic REST API implementation patterns it implements. And that functionality is in place to give you more time to think about
How to shape your domain model
Which parts of your API are better expressed through hypermedia driven interactions.
Here's a slide from the talk I gave at SpringOne Platform 2016 that summarizes the situation.
The complete slide deck can be found here. There's also a recording of the talk available on InfoQ.
Spring Data REST exists for you to be able to focus on the underlined circles. By no means we think you can build a great really API solely by switching Spring Data REST on. We just want to reduce the amount of boilerplate for you to have more time to think about the interesting bits.
Just like Spring Data in general reduces the amount of boilerplate code to be written for standard persistence operations. Nobody would argue you can actually build a real world app from only CRUD operations. But taking the effort out of the boring bits, we allow you to think more intensively about the real domain challenges (and you should actually do that :)).
You can be very selective in overriding certain resources to completely take control of their behavior, including manually mapping the domain types to DTOs if you want. You can also place custom functionality next to what Spring Data REST provides and just hook the two together. Be selective about what you use.
A sample
You can find a slightly advanced example of what I described in Spring RESTBucks, a Spring (Data REST) based implementation of the RESTBucks example in the RESTful Web Services book. It uses Spring Data REST to manage Order instances but tweaks its handling to introduce custom requirements and completely implement the payment part of the story manually.
Spring Data REST enables a very fast way to prototype and create a REST API based on a database structure. We're talking about minutes vs days, when comparing with other programming technologies.
The price you pay for that, is that your REST API is tightly coupled to your database structure. Sometimes, that's a big problem. Sometimes it's not. It depends basically on the quality of your database design and your ability to change it to suit the API user needs.
In short, I consider Spring Data REST as a tool that can save you a lot of time under certain special circumstances. Not as a silver bullet that can be applied to any problem.
We used to use DTOs including the fully traditional layering ( Database, DTO, Repository, Service, Controllers,...) for every entity in our projects. Hopping the DTOs will some day save our life :)
So for a simple City entity which has id,name,country,state we did as below:
City table with id,name,county,.... columns
CityDTO with id,name,county,.... properties ( exactly same as database)
CityRepository with a findCity(id),....
CityService with findCity(id) { CityRepository.findCity(id) }
CityController with findCity(id) { ConvertToJson( CityService.findCity(id)) }
Too many boilerplate codes just to expose a city information to client. As this is a simple entity no business is done at all along these layers, just the objects is passing by.
A change in City entity was starting from database and changed all layers. (For example adding a location property, well because at the end the location property should be exposed to user as json). Adding a findByNameAndCountryAllIgnoringCase method needs all layers be changed changed ( Each layer needs to have new method).
Considering Spring Data Rest ( of course with Spring Data) this is beyond simple!
public interface CityRepository extends CRUDRepository<City, Long> {
City findByNameAndCountryAllIgnoringCase(String name, String country);
The city entity is exposed to client with minimum code and still you have control on how the city is exposed. Validation, Security, Object Mapping ... is all there. So you can tweak every thing.
For example, if I want to keep client unaware on city entity property name change (layer separation), well I can use custom Object mapper mentioned https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/rest/docs/3.0.2.RELEASE/reference/html/#customizing-sdr.custom-jackson-deserialization
To summarize
We use the Spring Data Rest as much as possible, in complicated use cases we still can go for traditional layering and let the Service and Controller do some business.
A client/server release is going to publish at least two artifacts. This already decouples client from server. When the server's API is changed, applications do not immediately change. Even if the applications are consuming the JSON directly, they continue to consume the legacy API.
So, the decoupling is already there. The important thing is to think about the various ways a server's API is likely to evolve after it is released.
I primarily work with projects which use DTOs and numerous rigid layers of boilerplate between the server's SQL and the consuming application. Rigid coupling is just as likely in these applications. Often, changing anything in the DB schema requires us to implement a new set of endpoints. Then, we support both sets of endpoints along with the accompanying boilerplate in each layer (Client, DTO, POJO, DTO <-> POJO conversions, Controller, Service, Repository, DAO, JDBC <-> POJO conversion, and SQL).
I'll admit that there is a cost to dynamic code (like spring-data-rest) when doing anything not supported by the framework. For example, our servers need to support a lot of batch insert/update operations. If we only need that custom behavior in a single case, it's certainly easier to implement it without spring-data-rest. In fact, it may be too easy. Those single cases tend to multiply. As the number of DTOs and accompanying code grows, the inconsistencies eventually become extremely burdensome to maintain. In some non-dynamic server implementations, we have hundreds of DTOs and POJOs that are likely no longer used by anything. But, we are forced to continue supporting them as their number grows each month.
With spring-data-rest, we pay the cost of customization early. With our multi-layer hard-coded implementations, we pay it later. Which one is preferred depends on a lot of factors (including the team's knowledge and the expected lifetime of the project). Both types of project can collapse under their own weight. But, over time, I've become more comfortable with implementations (like spring-data-rest without DTOs) that are more dynamic. This is especially true when the project lacks good specifications. Over time, such a project can easily drown in the inconsistencies buried within its sea of boilerplate.
From the Spring documentation I don't see Spring data REST exposes entities, you are the one doing it.
Spring Data projects intend to ease the process of accessing different data sources, but you are the one deciding which layer to expose on Spring Data Rest.
Reorganizing your project will help to solve your issue.
Every #Repository that you create with Spring data represents more a DAO in the sense of design than a Repository. Each one is tightly coupled with a particular Data source you want to reach out to. Say JPA, Mongo, Redis, Cassandra,...
Those layers are meant to return entity representations or projections.
However if you check out the Repository pattern from a design perspective you should have a higher layer of abstraction from those specific DAOs where your app use those DAOs to get info from as many different sources it needs, and builds business specific objects for your app (Those might looks more like your DTOs).
That is probably the layer you want to expose on your Spring Data Rest.
NOTE: I see an answer recommending to return Entity instances only because they have the same properties as the DTO. This is normally a bad practice and in particular is a bad idea in Spring and many other frameworks because they do not return your actual classes, they return proxy wrappers so that they can work some magic like lazy loading of values and the likes.
The ActiveMQ docs state:
Although ObjectMessage usage is generally discouraged, as it
introduces coupling of class paths between producers and consumers,
ActiveMQ supports them as part of the JMS specification
Having not had much experience with message busses, I have been approaching them as conceptually similar to SOAP web services, where you specify the service interface contract for consumers, who then construct equivalent class proxies.
What I am trying to achieve is:
Publishers in some way indicate the schema of the message
Subscribers in some way know the schema of the message
ObjectMessage solves this problem, although not in the nicest way given the noted classpath coupling. As far as I can see the other message types provide minimal guidance to the consumer as to the expected message format (e.g. consumers would have to assume that a MapMessage contained certain keys with certain value types).
Is there another reasonable way to accomplish this, or is this not even something I should be pursuing?
Since the idea is for publishers/subscribers to know about the schema. The first step is to definitely have a structure to the payload using JSON/ protobuf. (Not a big fan of XML personally). And then we pass the data as either TextMessage / BytesMessage.
While the idea is for publishers/subscribers to communicate the schema. Couple of ways to achieve this:
Subscriber knows about the schema via publishér's javadoc or sample invocations . (Sounds fine for simple use-cases)
Have a centralized config to publish both the publisher and for the subscriber to pick up from. This config could lie in a database/ application that serves out configurations. An effective implementation would ensure neither publisher/subscriber will break if there are modifications.
Advantages of this approach over the Object message approach:
No tight coupling of payload (i.e jar upgrades/attribute changes etc)
Significant performance improvement - Here's an example where a Java class with string and int takes 3.7x times more than directly storing int and string as bytes.
We are using infinispan and in our system we have a big object in which we have to push small changes per transaction. I have implemented the DeltaAware interface for this object and also the Delta. The problem i am facing is that the changes are not getting propagated to other nodes and only the initial object state is prapogated to other nodes. Also the delta and commit methods are not called on the big object which implements DeltaAware. Do i need to register this object somewhere other than simply putting it in the cache ?
It's probably better if you simply use an AtomicHashMap, which is a construction within Infinispan. This allows you to group a series of key/value pairs as a single value. Infinispan can detect changes in this AtomicHashMap because it implements the DeltaAware interface. AHM is a higher level construct than DeltaAware, and one that probably suits you better.
To give you an example where AtomicHashMaps are used, they're heavily used by JBoss AS7 HTTP session replication, where each session id is mapped to an AtomicHashMap. This means that we can detect when individual session data changes and only replicate that.