How to add more Intervals Response Time Overview for JMeter - jmeter

Currently I am generating graph for Jmeter Results using Jtl by
Jmeter -g <jtfile> -o <Location>
When I look Response Time Over View It has the following intervals.
X- Axis -> Response time Ranges
Y- Axis -> Number of response
X- Axis has range
- Request having <= 500ms,
- b/w 500ms to 1500ms,
- > 1500 ms and
- Request in Error
Y- Axis --> Number of responses.
Now I need more intervals on X-Axis to present it in report.
Need Like
- < 2000 ms,
- b/w 2000 - 5000,
- b/w 5000-1000ms
- >10000ms and
- request in error..
Is it configurable??

You can change these 500 and 1500 defaults by amending the following JMeter Properties:
There is no way to add more thresholds without patching JMeter source code, however you can play with jmeter.reportgenerator.apdex_per_transaction property to set custom values on per/transaction basis.
More information:
Configuring JMeter
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide
JMeter HTML Reporting Dashboard: General Settings
JMeter Properties Reference: Reporting Configuration


Strange labels with suffix -0, -1 in jmeter results

We recently updated apache jmeter from v4.0 to the latest v5.4.3.
The tests are running fine, but we have strange results.
The requests appear with 3 different labels (without suffix or -0 / -1 appended).
timeStamp, label, responseCode, threadName
1643834640785, API call, 200, Load Group 1 1-1
1643834640785, API call-0, 302, Load Group 1 1-1
1643834641189, API call-1, 200, Load Group 1 1-1
1643834640785, API call, 200, Load Group 1 1-2
It seems to me this happens, when the same thread calls the API multiple times.
I am not a jmeter and I am not sure why this happens and how to fix it. Also I don't know what information is needed to analyze the problem correctly.
Thanks in advance!
I'm seeing HTTP Status 302 which means redirection (for example from HTTP to HTTPS or from global website to country-specific website), in that case JMeter generates additional Sub-Result.
The "strange" labels is how JMeter calculates throughput for embedded resources and the cumulative execution time of the parent sampler in case of redirects as well.
The question is what do you want to do with this.
The options are in:
Take it for granted given the above explanation
If you want the "strange" labels to be resolved into real URLs - tick "Functional Testing" box in the Test Plan
or add the next line to file:
If you want to get rid of these subresults completely - add the next line to file:
More information:
Configuring JMeter
JMeter Properties Reference

How to log "server exec time" = (latency - connect time)

How can I log (by using sample_variables=...,...) jdbc/server exec time which we define as (latency - connect time)?
We would like to use the metric for a custom graph in the Jmeter Reporting module.
Add the next line to file:
See Sample Variables user manual entry for more information
Add JSR223 PostProcessor as a child of the request which "exec time" you want to measure or put it at the same level as other JDBC Request samplers (see JMeter Scoping Rules - The Ultimate Guide article for details)
Put the following code into "Script" area:
vars.putObject('execTime', prev.getLatency() - prev.getConnectTime())
it will subtract connect time from latency and store the value into execTime JMeter Variable
Now you should be able to follow instructions from Generating customs graphs over time JMeter user manual chapter

JMeter - Count requests with responses below defined time

Can you recommend plugin or report for Jmeter 4.0 which count number of requests with responses lower than < define time (eg, 200ms, 500ms, etc.)
I would like get answer on below question:
How many requests per sec can be sent that response time of 90% responses is lower than 200ms
How many responses is below 200ms from Total
% of responses to the response below 200 ms from Total
I'm not aware of any existing plugin which implements your requirement, however you can achieve this using JSR223 Listener
Add JSR223 Listener to your Test Plan
Put the following Groovy code into "Script" area:
if (prev.getTime() < 200) {
prev.setSampleLabel(prev.getSampleLabel() + " < 200")
That's it, if your Sampler response time will be below 200 the JSR223 Listener will amend its label and add < 200 postfix to it.
You can view total number of samplers with response time below 200 ms and 90% percentile using "normal" Aggregate Report listener
You can use "Duration Assertion". It will fail all the requests which take more than the expected time and with the "View Result Tree" or "Simple Data writer" listener you can get all the required data and count from the csv/jtl file generated by them.
Hope this help.
Unless you will need absolute numbers, I would recommend the Response Times Percentiles listener (
This listener will paint a graph of response times and this will clearly show in percentiles below any response time within the range

How can i see the summary or aggregate values in jmeter jtl file

Am running recorded jmeter performance script (by adding summary and aggrgate listners), in non-gui mode using Maven. After running am getting .jtl file, but am not seeing the values for summary and aggregate values.
how can i see the summary or aggregate report in .jtl file, without opening Jmeter GUI.
We are planneing to run through jenkins on daily basis. Once jtl file is generated the other script has to look the values for summary / aggregate values and show it on the dashboard.
Can anybody please help me regarding this.
Typically I set the results file int the Summary Report Listener and select the fields I want to get back. When you run the test via non-gui (ie through Jenkins) you will get the summary results file and it should be in your workspace.
Here is my JMX file, testing some mobile APIs. JMeter Test Plan and Results
Also to note is the Generate Summary Results Listener. Per the docs
In Non-GUI mode by default a Generate Summary Results listener named "summariser" is configured,
This will not show up in the JTL but will show up in your log file and will generate lines such as
2015/08/28 15:14:33.305 INFO - jmeter.reporters.Summariser: summary = 2200 in 169s = 13.0/s Avg: 17 Min: 2 Max: 5129 Err: 0 (0.00%)
The values you're used to see in Aggregate Report / Summary Report listeners are being calculated from the following metrics:
For instance:
Average metric is sub of "elapsed" times for all the samplers divided by samplers count.
Median metric is a common statistical measurement basically 50% percentile
90%, 95%, 99% - are also percentiles like median
Depending on your skills set you can check i.e. class code to see how JMeter calculates averages, percentiles, throughput, etc. and implement some form of postprocessor, use MS Excel, LibreOffice Calc or equivalent on .jtl CSV results file.
If you need to get these results after JMeter run the easiest option are:
Vanilla Jmeter:
if you launch JMeter via Ant Task or Maven Plugin - you'll get HTML results file like:
For more information on configuring Ant and/or Maven integration refer above links or Five Ways To Launch a JMeter Test without Using the JMeter GUI guide.
Using JMeter plugins:
Console Status Logger - which prints quick stats information to stdout and jmeter.log file
0 Threads: 27/5000 Samples: 1 Latency: 5 Resp.Time: 5 Errors: 0%
1 Threads: 2350/5000 Samples: 142 Latency: 19 Resp.Time: 19 Errors: 0%
2 Threads: 4500/5000 Samples: 130 Latency: 51 Resp.Time: 51 Errors: 0%
3 Threads: 5000/5000 Samples: 153 Latency: 81 Resp.Time: 81 Errors: 0% Uploader - which uploads your test results to cloud service where you can perform analysis, see graphs, charts, export report as PDF, etc.

how to get the response time of web pages in jmeter?

How to generte csv file and load csv using response time graph listener?
Can any one help me in detail that how we find response time in jmeter ?
If you run JMeter in command-line non-GUI mode as follows:
jmeter -n -t /path/to/your/test_plan.jmx -l /path/to/results_file.jtl
your results_file.jtl content will look like:
1409124780902,182,Logon,200,OK,Thread Group 1-1,text,true,214,0
1409124781219,153,Logout,200,OK,Thread Group 1-1,text,true,110,0
where second column is page response time in milliseconds.
Other values are:
"1409124780902" - current time stamp in ms
"182" - page response time
"Logon" - sampler name
"200" - Response Code
"OK" - Response Message
"Thread Group 1-1" - Parent Thread Group name, thread number and iteration.
"text" - response data type
"214" - response data size in bytes
"0" - latency
Once your test run is done you can open JMeter GUI and load this results_file.jtl into the listener of your choice.
You might also be interested in JMeter Plugins Extras Set which is capable of generating nice looking and easy understandable response-time related graphs to wit:
Response Times vs Threads
Response Times Distribution
Response Times Percentiles
You can get it by adding Reporters.
Please keep in mind Reporters is cpu and memory intensive components and thus should not be used while actual load test.
But for sample testing you can use it and for load test run you can get response time, average,throughput etc by saving output to jtl file in JMeter.
For normal/sample run
Aggregate report gives Average response time, min, max, median etc.
Summary report also gives the same with less details,
While performing actual run you can save output of these reporters in a jtl file. After the test results can be analyzed from jtl files.
