How to read distance from Elasticsearch response - elasticsearch

I am using Elasticsearch V6, NEST V6.
I am searching ES as below and I am using ScriptFields to calculate the distance and include it the result.
var searchResponse = _elasticClient.Search<MyDocument>(new SearchRequest<MyDocument>
Query = new BoolQuery
Must = new QueryContainer[] { matchQuery },
Filter = new QueryContainer[] { filterQuery },
Source = new SourceFilter
Includes = resultFields // fields to be included in the result
ScriptFields = new ScriptField
Script = new InlineScript("doc['geoLocation'].planeDistance(, params.lng) * 0.001") // divide by 1000 to convert to km
Lang = "painless",
Params = new FluentDictionary<string, object>
{ "lat", _center.Latitude },
{ "lng", _center.Longitude }
Now, I am trying to read the search result and I am not sure how to read the distance from the response, this is what I have tried:
// this is how I read the Document, all OK here
var docs = searchResponse.Documents.ToList<MyDocument>();
// this is my attempt to read the distance from the result
var hits = searchResponse.Hits;
foreach (var h in hits)
var d = h.Fields["distance"];
// d is of type Nest.LazyDocument
// I am not sure how to get the distance value from object of type LazyDocument
While debugging I can see the distance value, I am just not sure how to read the value?

I found the answer here
To read search document and distance:
foreach (var hit in searchResponse.Hits)
MyDocument doc = hit.Source;
double distance = hit.Fields.Value<double>("distance");
And if you are only interested in distance:
foreach (var fieldValues in searchResponse.Fields)
var distance = fieldValues.Value<double>("distance");


ElasticSearch NEST 5.6.1 Query for unit test

I wrote a bunch of queries to elastic search and I wanted to write a unit test for them. using this post moq an elastic connection I was able to preform a general mocking. But When I tried to view the Json which is being generated from my query I didn't manage to get it in any way.
I tried to follow this post elsatic query moq, but it is relevant only to older versions of Nest because the method ConnectionStatus and RequestInformation is no longer available for an ISearchResponse object.
My test look as follow:
public void VerifyElasticFuncJson()
var elasticService = new Mock<IElasticService>();
var elasticClient = new Mock<IElasticClient>();
var clinet = new ElasticClient();
var searchResponse = new Mock<ISearchResponse<ElasticLog>>();
elasticService.Setup(es => es.GetConnection())
elasticClient.Setup(ec => ec.Search(It.IsAny<Func<SearchDescriptor<ElasticLog>,
var service = new ElasticCusipInfoQuery(elasticService.Object);
var FindFunc = service.MatchCusip("CusipA", HostName.GSMSIMPAPPR01,
var con = GetConnection();
var search = con.Search<ElasticLog>(sd => sd
.Query(q => q
.Bool(b => b
**HERE I want to get the JSON** and assert it look as expected**
Is there any other way to achieve what I ask?
The best way to do this would be to use the InMemoryConnection to capture the request bytes and compare this to the expected JSON. This is what the unit tests for NEST do. Something like
private static void Main()
var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));
var connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(pool, new InMemoryConnection())
var client = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings);
// Act
var searchResponse = client.Search<Question>(s => s
.Query(q => (q
.Match(m => m
.Field(f => f.Title)
) || q
.Match(m => m
.Field(f => f.Title)
)) && +q
.Range(t => t
.Field(f => f.Score)
var actual = searchResponse.RequestJson();
var expected = new
query = new {
#bool = new {
must = new object[] {
new {
#bool = new {
should = new object[] {
new {
match = new {
title = new {
query = "Kibana"
new {
match = new {
title = new {
query = "Elasticsearch",
boost = 2d
new {
#bool = new {
filter = new [] {
new {
range = new {
score = new {
gt = 0d
// Assert
Console.WriteLine(JObject.DeepEquals(JToken.FromObject(expected), JToken.Parse(actual)));
public static class Extensions
public static string RequestJson(this IResponse response) =>
I've used an anonymous type for the expected JSON as it's easier to work with than an escaped JSON string.
One thing to note is that Json.NET's JObject.DeepEquals(...) will return true even when there are repeated object keys in a JSON object (so long as the last key/value matches). It's not likely something you'll encounter if you're only serializing NEST searches though, but something to be aware of.
If you're going to have many tests checking serialization, you'll want to create a single instance of ConnectionSettings and share with all, so that you can take advantage of the internal caches within it and your tests will run quicker than instantiating a new instance in each test.

Nest QueryContainer usage

Hi I am able to populate QueryContainer with DateRangeQuery array as shown below QueryContainer marriageDateQuerys = null;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty((item.marriage_date)))
DateRangeQuery query = new DateRangeQuery();
query.Field = "marriages.marriage_date";
query.Name = item.marriage_date;
query.GreaterThanOrEqualTo = item.marriage_date;
query.LessThanOrEqualTo = item.marriage_date;
marriageDateQuerys &= query;
But when I use QueryContainer to use MatchQuery/TermQuery to populate data it is not happening.
QueryContainer marriageSpouseFirstNameQuerys = null;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty((item.spouse_first_name)))
MatchQuery query = new MatchQuery();
query.Field = "marriages.spouse_first_name";
query.Name = item.spouse_first_name;
marriageSpouseFirstNameQuerys &= query;
Query object is created in last if condition but marriageSpouseFirstNameQuerys is not populated with the same. I even tried marriageSpouseFirstNameQuerys += query; but without any success
Didn't try it but you can try something like this
Query = new QueryContainer(new BoolQuery
Must = new List<QueryContainer>
new MatchQuery
new TermQuery
Field = field
Value = value
Below code worked for me after making changes with eyildiz answer
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty((item.spouse_last_name)))
marriageSpouseLastNameQuery = new QueryContainer(
new MatchQuery
Field = "marriages.spouse_last_name",
Query = item.spouse_last_name

firebase sort reverse order

var playersRef = firebase.database().ref("team_mapping/");
playersRef.orderByChild("score").limitToFirst(7).on("child_added", function(data) {
Using this query, I can sort it in ascending order. But, I wanted to sort in descending order. Can any body suggest me with some way to do this. Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in Advance!!
just use reverse() on the array , suppose if you are storing the values to an array items[] then do a this.items.reverse()
ref.subscribe(snapshots => {
this.items = [];
snapshots.forEach(snapshot => {
You can limit to the last 7 which will give you the highest scores since the query is in ascending order. Then all you have to do is reverse the last 7 you get for them to be in descending order.
var playersRef = firebase.database().ref("team_mapping/");
var playersData = [];
var pageCursor;
playersRef.orderByChild("score").limitToLast(7).on("child_added", function(data) {
playersData = [data] + playersData;
Here is an example of how you could paginate by score.
const query = firebase.database().ref("team_mappings").orderByChild('score');
var snapshots = [];
function reversedChildren(snapshot) {
var children = [];
snapshot.forEach(function (child) { children.unshift(child); });
return children;
function addPlayerToLeaderBoard(snapshot) {
var key = snapshot.key;
var place = snapshots.indexOf(snapshot) + 1;
var score = snapshot.child('score').val();
$('#leaderboard').append(`<li><b>${key}: ${score}</li>`);
function parsePage(snapshot) {
var children = reversedChildren(snapshot);
children.forEach(function (child) {
pageCursor = children[children.length - 1];
function reloadPlayers() {
players = [];
pageCursor = null;
function loadMorePlayers() {
$('#reload').on('click', reloadPlayers);
$('#load_more').on('click', loadMorePlayers);
Unfortunatelly, there is not a shortcut for this yet. However, if you are using Listview or Recyclerview as UI, you could simply solve this issue by reversing the UI,by reversing Listview or Recyclerview
For Recyclerview you could reverse as follows:
LinearLayoutManager layoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(getActivity());
For Listview:

elasticsearch nest : get number results of SearchRequest

I am looking for how to do an elasticsearch _count for nest :
in elastic seatch it would be:
i am looking for the equivalent of:
var request = new SearchRequest<type>()
Query = new BoolQuery
//Should = ...
//Must = ...
MinScore = 1
var nbResult = client.Count(request);
If you know how to do it and if you have a tip for having a count of results with the fastest way it would help me a lot.
Use client.Count<T>( ... )
var request = new CountRequest<Document>
Query = new MatchAllQuery()
var nbResult = client.Count<Document>(request);
which yields the following request
POST http://localhost:9200/default-index/document/_count
"query": {
"match_all": {}
I found in sources. Its not solution because i cant test it locally but at least direction.
Look to this test and client source

elasticsearch nest stopword filter does not work

I am tiring to implement elasticsearch NEST client and indexing documents and SQL data and able to search these perfectly. But I am not able to apply stopwords on these records. Below is the code. Please note I put "abc" as my stopword.
public IndexSettings GetIndexSettings()
var stopTokenFilter = new StopTokenFilter();
string stopwordsfilePath = Convert.ToString(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Stopwords"]);
string[] stopwordsLines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(stopwordsfilePath);
List<string> words = new List<string>();
foreach (string line in stopwordsLines)
stopTokenFilter.Stopwords = words;
var settings = new IndexSettings { NumberOfReplicas = 0, NumberOfShards = 5 };
settings.Settings.Add("merge.policy.merge_factor", "10");
settings.Settings.Add("search.slowlog.threshold.fetch.warn", "1s");
settings.Analysis.Analyzers.Add("xyz", new StandardAnalyzer { StopWords = words });
settings.Analysis.Tokenizers.Add("keyword", new KeywordTokenizer());
settings.Analysis.Tokenizers.Add("standard", new StandardTokenizer());
settings.Analysis.TokenFilters.Add("standard", new StandardTokenFilter());
settings.Analysis.TokenFilters.Add("lowercase", new LowercaseTokenFilter());
settings.Analysis.TokenFilters.Add("stop", stopTokenFilter);
settings.Analysis.TokenFilters.Add("asciifolding", new AsciiFoldingTokenFilter());
settings.Analysis.TokenFilters.Add("word_delimiter", new WordDelimiterTokenFilter());
return settings;
public void CreateDocumentIndex(string indexName = null)
IndexSettings settings = GetIndexSettings();
if (!this.client.IndexExists(indexName).Exists)
this.client.CreateIndex(indexName, c => c
(m => m.Properties(ps => ps.Attachment
(a => a.Name(o => o.Documents)
.TitleField(t => t.Name(x => x.Name)
var r = this.client.GetIndexSettings(i => i.Index(indexName));
Indexing Data
var documents = GetDocuments();
documents.ForEach((document) =>
indexRepository.IndexData<Document>(document, DOCindexName, DOCtypeName);
public bool IndexData<T>(T data, string indexName = null, string mappingType = null)
where T : class, new()
if (client == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("data");
var result = this.client.Index<T>(data, c => c.Index(indexName).Type(mappingType));
return result.IsValid;
In one of my document I have put a single line "abc" and I do not expect this to be returned as "abc" is in my stopword list. But On Searching Document It is also returning the above document. Below is the search query.
public IEnumerable<dynamic> GetAll(string queryTerm)
var queryResult = this.client.Search<dynamic>(d => d
return queryResult;
Please suggest where I am going wrong.
