Jmeter encoding of URL path - jmeter

I have an URL path
path=mcat official mcat critical analysis and reasoning skills question pack volume 1 online.html
I want to encode with - in place of spaces.
e.g-mcat-official-mcat-critical-analysis-and-reasoning-skills-question-pack-volume 1-online.html
How will I do this in jmeter?

You can use __strReplace function which is available via Custom Functions bundle of the JMeter Plugins project. You can install it using JMeter Plugins Manager. The syntax would be
${__strReplace(${path}, ,-,)}
If you don't want (or cannot use) the plugins you can achieve the same using __groovy() function, in this case the syntax will be:
${__groovy(vars.get('path').replace(' '\, '-'),)}
Both examples assume that your URL is stored in ${path} JMeter Variable.


Multipart/related API request using JMeter

How to copy a pdf file content into a variable and then upload it as a multipart/related API request using JMeter??
In order to read the file inline or save it into a JMeter Variable people normally use __FileToString() function however it might not work for PDF files because they're binary so you might want to additionally convert it into Base64, the __base64Encode() can be found in Custom JMeter Functions bundle which in its turn can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager
In general I would suggest recording your file upload request using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder, just remember to copy the PDF file you will be uploading to "bin" folder of your JMeter installation otherwise JMeter will fail to capture the request properly.

Any option to change the name of the file which is on disk during runtime to execute upload functionality in Jmeter

I have a scenario where one of the test REST API returns a transaction_Id, this transaction Id I need to pass in my next request(API Request), also upload the file as well. This upload file has name format like ${transaction_Id}_1_1_bkg.raw,without correct format backend server may not be able to analyze the data.
Since I have to run a load test, these transaction Ids will generate at run time and the same I have to change the file name and upload it as well.
Did any one had face this challenge before in Jmeter to change the file name at run time and upload it, if yes, what was the solution.
You could copy the file to a new one with the desired name using JSR223 PreProcessor like File('template_bkg.raw'), new File(vars.get('transaction_Id') + '_1_1_bkg.raw'))
where vars stands for JMeterVariables class instance, see the JavaDoc for more information on all existing functions and Top 8 JMeter Java Classes You Should Be Using with Groovy article to learn more about JMeter API shorthands available for the JSR223 Test Elements.
Once upload is finished you can delete the file using JSR223 PostProcessor

JMeter embedded resources not named correctly

I'm using an HTTP sampler to download embedded resources. Here's is the example from I was expecting the the names of the embedded resources to match the actual request. But instead they're named the same as the parent sample. Could be by product of HTTPS? I'm using JMeter 5.3.
This is a part of enhancement introduced in JMeter 5.0, see Bug 62550 - Modify SubResult Naming Policy for details.
If the previous behaviour is really what you're looking for you can get it back in 2 ways:
Tick "Functional Test Mode" box at Test Plan level
Add subresults.disable_renaming=true line to file
when you record the transaction it should generate the sample names normally.
Are you using parallel controller ?
Actually you can tweak with settings of naming policy in jmeter properties.

JMeter: url encoded embedded resources

I'm setting up some tests with JMeter, and I've seen that it's throwing out an error where trying to download embedded resources inside a web page, that have a path like the following:{someID}
The problem is that the characters need to be URL-encoded, so the following URL should follow this pattern:
Now, how could instruct JMeter to replace these characters, when found on URLs from embedded resources in the web page? I've been looking at BeanShell PreProcessors, but I'm not sure how's the best way to handle this scenario.
You are facing this bug:
Until bug is fixed, your option is to disable embedded download and use :
CSS/ JQuery Post Processor to extract URLs
Use ForEach Controller to iterate over urls
This will only simulate serial download not parallel one.
Update 15th july 2015:
Bug has been fixed yesterday night, you can give nightly build a try:
Installing JMeter runtime
Download the _bin and _lib files
Unpack the archives into the same directory structure
The other archives are not needed to run JMeter.
What about this built in Jmeter function?

How to transfer data among APIs

We have tried everything could someone please help us for the solution
I am sending a Get Request and getting this response {"UserID":"123456","SecurityApp":"123456"}
I want to save "UserID" content to a variable and also "SecurityApp" content to a variable and then use it in multiple POST request content
You have to use Regular Expression Extractor component of JMETER...
You will get both the UserID and SecurityApp using Regx Extractor.
and you can use those variables in subsequent requests...
There is a test element designed for extraction of data from JSON structures - JSON Path Extractor. It's available via JMeter Plugins - a set of custom extensions which make working with JMeter (and especially reporting) much more easier.
See Using the XPath Extractor in JMeter guide (scroll down to "Parsing JSON") for installation and usage instructions.
For particular your case detailed steps will be:
Download Extras with Libs Set bundle to your JMeter installation root and unpack it.
Restart JMeter if it is running - plugins are not being picked up dynamically
Add a JSON Path Extractor as a child of the request which produces that UserID/SecurityApp response
Configure it as follows:
Variable Name: anything meaningful (i.e. UserID)
JSON Path: $.UserID
Repeat step 4 but this time provide $.SecurityApp as JSONPath and SecurityApp as a Variable Name.
After Post Processor's execution you will be able to refer extracted values as ${UserID} and ${SecurityApp} wherever required in current Thread Group.
