What STOMP Header to Close a Subscription? - websocket

Is there a standard way for a server to indicate to a STOMP (web socket) client that it should close the connection? (i.e. 'kick' them from a room).
From what I can tell, there is:
a standard frame for a client to UNSUBSCRIBE
no frame for kicking or force "unsubscribing" from a topic, at the server's initiative.
Use cases include: closing a topic when all other members have unsubscribed, closing a topic when its temporary use has ended (e.g. fetching a large document).

The STOMP specification has no way to tell a client it needs to unsubscribe from a destination. In my view, if the server deems it necessary that the client should unsubscribe the server should simply disconnect the subscriber and perform the necessary server-side clean-up. STOMP supports certain "server" frames (i.e. MESSAGE, RECEIPT, & ERROR). An ERROR frame might be suitable here. Such a frame could include details about why the client was disconnected.
Also, it's worth noting that STOMP only specifies support for generic destinations without regard for delivery semantics so speaking about a STOMP "topic" isn't technically accurate. Of course, implementors are free to provide the kinds of delivery semantics they want and if those semantics fit with traditional "topic" (i.e. publish/subscribe) semantics that's certainly permissible.


Is AMQP's DistributionMode analogous to autoacknowledge in Tibco?

We are migrating from Tibco to start using ActiveMQ Artemis. There are several ack settings that are available on Tibco, but we haven't found anything that's simply similar to this in Artemis. We are using the amqpnetlite .NET library to interface with Artemis, and as part of our code using DistributionMode to either move or copy based on the boolean value we are assigning to a configuration flag that we are calling as UseAutoAcknowledge. I haven't found much documentation about DistributionMode but for one that isn't very clear here - http://docs.oasis-open.org/amqp/core/v1.0/amqp-core-messaging-v1.0.html.
My question is if DistributionMode is set to move - does Artemis send an acknowledgement to the client and doesn't when it is set to copy?
I can't talk to Tibco but I can try to explain AMQP DistributionMode. Essentially the DistributionMode is a setting as to the behaviour of the receiver - a receiver with a move mode is expecting the messages to be sent only to it, not to other receivers - this is the normal behaviour of a consumer on a queue. A receiver with a copy mode is expecting other receivers to also receive the message (like a queue browser, or - sort of - like a subscriber to a topic). In a traditional Client-Broker topology, the DistributionMode is only really interesting when receiving messages from the Broker, and is unlikely to have effect when sending messages to the Broker.
Acknowledgement is separate from the DistributionMode. AMQP has the concept of Disposition which is similar to but not the same as Acknowledgement. Disposition is ultimately the action that the sender will apply at the completion of the message transfer (and so interacts with DistributionMode for messages sent by the Broker). Conceptually for each message transfer a Broker might decide that the transfer has completed successfully; that it has failed - but in a way that retrying might succeed; that it has failed in a way that will not succeed on retry; or some other more subtle outcome. Here the behaviour at the Broker is probably different depending upon whether the DistributionMode was move or copy (the specification left this vague to allow flexibility in implementations). If the receiver is asking for messages to be moved, and it declares that the transfer was unsuccessful, a broker is likely to make that message available for all competing consumers. If the receiver was asking for copy, then it never held an exclusive lock on the message, and so the choice is only whether to retry sending the copy to that same consumer.
Perhaps the simplest thing here is if you can describe the behaviour that you desire, and experts on Apache Artemis can weigh in on if/how that can be achieved.

ZeroMQ - Multiple Publishers and Listener

I'm just starting understanding and trying ZeroMQ.
It's not clear to me how could I have a two way communication between more than two actors (publisher and subscriber) so that each component is able both to read and write on the MQ.
This would allow to create event-driven architecture, because each component could be listening for an event and reply with another event.
Is there a way to do this with ZeroMQ directly or I should implement my own solution on top of that?
If you want simple two-way communication then you simply set up a publishing socket on each node, and let each connect to the other.
In an many to many setup this quickly becomes tricky to handle. Basically, it sounds like you want some kind of central node that all nodes can "connect" to, receive messages from and, if some conditions on the subscriber are met, send messages to.
Since ZeroMq is a simple "power-socket", and not a message queue (hence its name, ZeroMQ - Zero Message Queue) this is not feasible out-of-the-box.
A simple alternative could be to let each node set up an UDP broadcast socket (not using ZeroMq, just regular sockets). All nodes can listen in to whatever takes place and "publish" its own messages back on the socket, effectively sending it to any nodes listening. This setup works on a LAN and in a setting where it is ok for messages to get lost (like periodical state updates). If the messages needs to be reliable (and possibly durable) you need a more advanced full-blown message queue.
If you can do without durable message queues, you can create a solution based on a central node, a central message handler, to which all nodes can subscribe to and send data to. Basically, create a "server" with one REP (Response) socket (for incoming data) and one PUB (Publisher) socket (for outgoing data). Each client then publishes data to the servers REP socket over a REQ (Request) socket and sets up a SUB (Subscriber) socket to the servers PUB socket.
Check out the ZeroMq guide regarding the various message patterns available.
To spice it up a bit, you could add event "topics", including server side filtering, by splitting up the outgoing messages (on the servers PUB socket) into two message parts (see multi-part messages) where the first part specifies the "topic" and the second part contains the payload (e.g. temp|46.2, speed|134). This way, each client can register its interest in any topic (or all) and let the server filter out only matching messages. See this example for details.
Basically, ZeroMq is "just" an abstraction over regular sockets, providing a couple of messaging patterns to build your solution on top of. However, it relieves you of a lot of tedious work and provides scalability and performance out of the ordinary. It takes some getting used to though. Check out the ZeroMq Guide for more details.

About JMS system structure

I’m writing a server/client game, a typical scenario looks like this: one client (clientA) send a message to the server, there is a MessageDrivenBean in server to handle such messages. After the MDB finished its job, it sends the result message back to another client (clientB).
In my opinion I only need two queues for such communication, one for input the other for output. Creating new queue for each connection is not a good idea, right?
The Input queue is relative clear, if more clients are sending message at the same time, the messages are just waiting in the queue, while there are more MDB instances in server, that should not a big performance issue.
But on the other side I am not quite clear about the output queue, should I use a topic instead of a queue? Every client is listening the output queue, one of them gets the new message and checks the property to determine if the message is to it, if not, it rollback the transaction, the message goes back to queue and be ready for other client … It should work but must be very slow. If I use topic instead, every client gets a copy of the message, if it’s not to it, just ignores the message. It should be better, right?
I’m new about message system. Is there any suggestion about my implementation? Thanks!
To begin with, choosing JMS as a gaming platform is, well, unusual — businesses use JMS brokers for delivery reliability and transaction support. Do you really need this heavy lifiting in a game? Shouldn't you resort to your own HTTP-based protocol, for example?
That said, two queues are a standard pattern for point-to-point communication. Creating a queue for a new connection is definitely not OK — message-driven beans are attached to queues at deployment time, so you won't be able to respond to queue creation events. Besides, queues are not meant to be created and destroyed in short cycles, they're rather designed to be long-living entities. If you need to deliver a message to one precise client, have the client listen on the server response queue with a message selector set to filter only the messages intended for this client (see javax.jms.Message API).
With topics it's exactly as you noted — each connected client will get a copy of the message — so again, it's not a good pattern to send to n clients a message that has to be discarded by n-1 clients.
You could stick one output queue (or topic) and simply tag the message with a header that identifies the intended client. Then, clients can listen on the queue/topic using a selector. Hopefully your JMS implementation has efficient server-side listener evaluation.

Messaging system design

I am looking for a way to send requests and receive call backs from another party.
The only gotcha is that we do not now how it will be designed/deployed on the receiver side.
We do have the text/JSON based messages defined and agreed upon.
Looked at RabbitMQ and others, but each requires a server that would need to be maintained.
RabbitMQ is pretty easy to maintain. You would use two queues, one for requests and the other for replies. Use the AMQP correlation_id header to tag requests and replies so that when a reply message is received it can be matched with the orginal request.
However, if a broker is not for you, then use ZeroMQ. It is a client library available for a dozen or more languages and it enforces messaging patterns over top of sockets. This means that your app does not have to do all the low level socket management. Instead you declare the socket as REQ/REP and ZeroMQ handles all the rest. You just send messages in any format you desire, and you get messages back.
I've used ZeroMQ to implement a memcache style application in Python using REQ/REP.
#user821692: You have to agree not only message format but also destination/transport protocol. For e.g. if both communicating parties has access to same queue physically located anywhere, then they can communicate pre-defined messages. You may also look of sending messages over HTTP..

Messaging Middleware - how to avoid reentrance with wildcard subscription?

Messaging middleware solutions (JMS, Tibco, etc.) allow publish/subscribe with "topic" filtering using wildcards to subscribe to all messages of a certain "topic", e.g. SUBSCRIBE("ACCOUNT.*") topic allows you to subscribe to both "ACCOUNT.WITHDRAW" message and "ACCOUNT.CHECKBALANCE" message.
The problem is that such subscription also receives my own published messages.
I'm looking for a mechanism, similar to, say, UDP multicast loopback which can be turned ON or OFF by the transport layer without messing with the data being sent.
Is there a common, declarative (no custom code, configuration only) way to configure the middleware not to receive messages which that very same service instance has published? Ideally, this should also be able to filter out everything published by ALL servers (nodes) of the same "kind".
Thanks in advance.
The JMS API contains this option for TopicSubscribers, e.g. TIBCO EMS let's you create a consumer with the "noLocal" property. That means no messages published over the same connection, get consumed by clients on the same connection.
e.g. take a look here how to create a topic subscriber with the "noLocal" option:
No one is answering, so I'll chime in (in a hand-wavey way).
I believe there's nothing in the JMS spec around controlling whether you get your own sent messages back on a topic receiver. So any capability like this would be a non-portable vendor feature. Especially for your second requirement (based on "kind" of JMS client versus some control based on the same connection doing the sending/receiving).
If you've got no flexibility to modify code or message content (properties), I think you've got no portable solutions. And likely no solution at all for that second "kind" requirement.
If you want to investigate vendor-specific options, you'll need to tell us which vendor you're interested in. You may get nothing, but there's no way to know without asking.
