Visual Studio go to tab by number - visual-studio

There is a question about going to a certain tab by number for Visual Studio Code but I couldn't find for Visual Studio. In the browsers usually you can go to a tab by pressing Ctrl + num. Is there similar shortcut in VS or a way to assign it?

Recommend an extension by Justin Clareburt, HotTabs:


Is there a way to select a specific tab in Visual Studio with Keyboard Shortcuts?

I'd love to be able to press CTRL+1, CTRL+2, etc. to select open tabs in the editor by index. Does anyone know if this is possible in Visual Studio 2019?
Apparently this is possible in Visual Studio Code, but I haven't been able to find anything for Visual Studio. The best I could find is an extension that lets you select previous / next, but not by index.

How can I select a word on Visual Studio 2017 with a shortcut

I remember I can do that in the previous version of Visual Studio, but now I can select a word using a shortcut. It helps me to be more productive.
My Keyboard setting looks ok, but the shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+W doesn't work.
I have Resharper (version 2018.1) installed, but it doesn't look is affecting the shortcut:
I really don't know what happened to my Visual Studio, but to solve this problem I had to go to Tools > Options > Keyboard and chose all the keyboard mapping scheme and made sure the command was set correctly. After that, the command CTRL+SHIFT+W starts to work.
I hope it can help someone in the future.
Have you tried using: CTRL+SHIFT+W
In Visual Studio 2017 15.7.6, the shortcut is: Ctrl + W.
Here's a link that I've found it useful which list all Visual Studio 2017 shortcuts Visual Studio shortcuts

What happened to VSFileFinder.Connect.ShowVSFileFinder in Visual Studio 2010?

I wanted to mimic the functionality in Eclipse where you can press CTRL + SHIFT + R to open a file, I read that this is possible but when I opened my own Visual Studio 2010 instance, I noticed that it was not contained in the Show Commands Containing search of the Keyboard options menu.
Has the name of this functionality changed in Visual Studio 2010?
I found Sonic File Finder which does the same thing:

SQL Server Management Studio shortcuts in Visual Studio 2010?

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 with Team Foundation Server for my DB Project. I'v been using SSMS with VSS and gotten used to all the shortcuts. For example Ctrl + R to hide result of a query. Ctrl + T for output in text format. Also assigning custom shortcuts to system stored procedures such as sp_helptext.
My Question is that, has anyone found or know of a way to use the shortcuts in Visual Studio 2010 in a similar fashion as SQL SMS?
In VS Tools>Options>Environment>Keyboard select command from the list, focus on "Press shortcut keys" textbox and set your desired shortcut for any VS command...
In VS2010, we can use ctrl+shift+alt+R to toggle the results for query to ON/OFF.

Visual Studio Navigation Short Cuts

In the Visual Basic 6.0 IDE, it was possible to navigate to the start of the next (previous) subroutine or function by pressing CTRL + Down Arrow (Up Arrow). This does not work in VS2010.
Is there another key combination for this?
Can it (has it) be (been) implemented?
look on the Visual studio keyboard shortcuts released by Microsoft
