How i can change text direction in Osclass script from ltr to rtl - right-to-left

I would like to move some elements in the publish form from right to left, already created and edited the rtl.css changing the all float from left to right, still some elements including the drop down menus didn't change as shown in the site:
here where script is installed

you can change header.php file in your theme in html tag
<html dir="rtl" lang="<?php echo str_replace('_', '-', osc_current_user_locale()); ?>">


Can aria-label be used on the title element

I have a page where the <title> tag contains some text (specifically: the department name) that screen readers do not pronounce very well (the department's name is ‘AskHR’ -- it’s the HR department’s helpdesk).
I want to provide screen readers with a more pronounceable version (‘Ask H R’) whilst keeping the more stylised version for visual display. I was thinking of using aria-label to achieve this, but I’m uncertain whether it can be applied to the <title> element in the <head>.
Can anyone confirm whether or not this is valid?
I don't think this is valid.
First not all screen readers are made equal!
What you're trying to do may work in some but not in others. For example VoiceOver reads out "AskHR" as you would expect. (And ignores the aria-label attribute.)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title aria-label="xxx">AskHR</title>
<button aria-label="close">X</button>
I think this is perhaps closer to what you're trying to do but support is limited:
.label {
speak-as: spell-out
If we inspect the example above in Chrome, you see this for the <button> element:
The aria-label attribute takes over the button content. VoiceOver reads out "close" instead of "x".
However this is what we see for <title>:

Do you have to insert an image into the DOM to get its dimensions?

Do you have to insert an image into the DOM to get its dimensions?
Yanick and many others say yes, add the img to the dom off screen to get its dimensions (after it is loaded).
Alex, Nickf and others say no, you can create an img element that is not added to the dom. Its image will then be loaded and sized.
Which opinion is right for "modern" browsers? Are there any tests which cover this question. Is this behavior by design for the browsers?
ADDED: I'm looking for a source / reference that confirms this behavior. I already have code examples a plenty.
Try this:-
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns="">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
var img = new Image;
img.onload = function(){alert(img.width);};
img.src = "image.png";
Which will alert the image width (assuming there is an image called image.png in the same folder as the file containint this htlm).
There's no need to add the element to the DOM to get those properties from it - just create the <img> element and the dimensions will be accessible in JS.

IPB shoutbox remove texteditor

I am really doubt that it is impossible to disable text editor in shoutbox (mode full or in popup window).
if i remove this (in shoutbox template):
{parse editor="shout_msg" content="" options="array( 'height' => 100 )"}
then editor is disabled, but i can't send any messages(no input fields).
The question is: how to disable any text editors in popup or full mode. ( for example in root mode only one text field and some buttons. but in full mode we have fully CKEditor or something else..). i want keep only one text input field and only..
I got it. just replace Popup template ( shoutbox ) with hookGlobalShoutbox template. and replace all $d with $data will work. (also the javascript is needed to be inserted at the top)
<script type='text/javascript' src='public/js/shoutbox.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='public/sounds/soundmanager2-nodebug-jsmin.js'></script>
save and go..
but after that any shout edit cannot be done ..

Trying to figure out why image thumbnail isn't showing up when shared on timeline

Why would an image thumbnail not show up when I share a post on a facebook timeline? It used to work perfectly, now I'm not getting an image. Here is a sample link. (
I'm not seeing any open graph tags on your page there. In order for the image to show up properly, and to be able to curate which image gets posted on Facebook, the og:image tag should be used in the head of the document. Before you do that, you'll want to include the the Open Graph name space in your html declaration.
An example is:
<html xmlns="" xmlns:og="" xmlns:fb="">
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
where the example url points to the actual image you want to appear.
Once you've got that in place, you can test the link here:
If you did it correctly, you should see the expected image show up in the debug validation results.

IE7 doesn't print full image?

i have an jpg where the height is larger than a regular 8.5x11 piece of paper (the height is around 2000px)
here is the link
so obviously when you try to print this picture its going to print on more than 1 piece of paper ....however when i try to print the page (or even go to print preview) only shows half the image on the first page....but there is no second page?...there should be a second page to show the rest (or even a 3rd page)
if i use FF there is no prints on 3 pages....but with IE 7 i'm limited to just printing 1 piece of paper.
i have right right clicking on the image itself within IE7 and clicking "print this image" and still no luck.
anyone have a solution for this?
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<title>Blank XHTML 1 Transitional Page</title>
#media print {
html { height: 100%; }
img { height: 100%; }
<img src="bigimage.jpg" />
EDIT: Sorry, didn't initially realize your image was too TALL rather than too WIDE. To reduce the image height whilst maintaining aspect ratio, use CSS to set both HTML and IMG to have a height of 100% - see modified example.
I know this probably isn't the answer you are really looking for, but if you are intending on the users printing the image, I would consider putting it into a PDF. That way it will always print the same, everytime for everyone.
Try wrapping the image in a div, in the div css apply the following:
image_wrapper {*height:1%; position:relative}
The star/* selector should limit to IE, this is a variant of the holly hack.
