Run code in sinatra after the response has been sent - ruby

I'm pretty new to Ruby and Sinatra and I'm trying to set up a basic sinatra server to listen for HTTP post requests, and then process the data.
I need to send the response within 5 seconds or the server (shopify) which sends the POST thinks that the request has failed and sends it again. To avoid that, Shopify advises to defer processing until after the response has been sent.
I'm not sure how to trigger my processing once Sinatra has sent the response.
Will this work ?
require 'sinatra'
require 'json'
webhook_data =
post '/' do
data =
webhook_data.parsed_json = JSON.parse(data)
puts "My response gets sent here, right ?"
after do
Is there any better way to do this ?

You can use any solution for background jobs processing. Here is example for Sidekiq usage with Sinatra.
You can try to use Threads as well:
set :threaded, true
post '/' do
data = do
# data processing staff goes here
# here goes response


How to make async http request in rails

In my rails app, I need to make a http request to 3rd party service, since http request is synchronous, sometimes it takes more than 20 seconds to get response back from them.
I just push some data to that service, I don't care about what the response will be, so I want to make the request asynchronous, so my code will continue execution and not been blocked.
How could I do it in ruby?
I need to make a http my code will continue execution and not been blocked.
def some_action do
uri = URI('http://localhost:4567/do_stuff')
Net::HTTP.post_form(uri, 'x' => '1', 'y' => '2')
puts "****Execution continues here--before the response is received."
Here's a sinatra app you can use to test it:
1) $ gem install sinatra
require 'sinatra'
post '/do_stuff' do
puts "received: #{params}" #Check the sinatra server window for the output.
sleep 20 #Do some time consuming task.
puts "Sending response..."
"The result was: 30" #The response(which the rails app ignores).
$ ruby my_sinatra_app.rb
== Sinatra (v1.4.6) has taken the stage on 4567 for development with backup from Thin
Thin web server (v1.6.4 codename Gob Bluth)
Maximum connections set to 1024
Listening on localhost:4567, CTRL+C to stop
received: {"x"=>"1", "y"=>"2"}
<20 second delay>
Sending response... - - [11/Nov/2015:12:54:53 -0400] "POST /do_stuff HTTP/1.1" 200 18 20.0032
When you navigate to some_action() in your rails app, the rails server window will immediately output ****Execution continues here--before the response is received., and the sinatra server window will immediately output the params hash, which contains the data sent in the post request. Then after a 20 second delay the sinatra server window will output Sending response....
You need to use Event Machine and Fibers in ruby.
Github: em-http-request

Ruby Web Server Hanging When Trying To Parse HTTP Request

I am working on an assignment which requires me to implement a web server in Ruby without using any libraries. I have a basic server setup to return a "Hello World" response and I am ready to move onto the next step.
The next step is to generate HTTP Responses based on the HTTP Requests. This is where I am having trouble, it seems that the while loop in my program causes the server to hang.
The code for the web server:
require 'socket'
server ='localhost', 2345)
http_request = ""
loop do
socket = server.accept
request = socket.gets
while line = socket.gets
puts line
http_request << line
response = "Hello World!\n"
socket.print "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" +
"Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" +
"Content-Length: #{response.bytesize}\r\n" +
"Connection: close\r\n"
socket.print "\r\n"
socket.print response
puts "DONE with while loop!"
In the code above, I am trying to put the HTTP request into a the string http_request and parse that to determine which HTTP response I want to generate. I have tested my code without the while loop and was able to reach the Hello World page in my browser using localhost:2345/test. However, with the addition of the while loop, I am no longer able to load the page and the string "DONE with while loop!" is never printed into the console.
Does anyone know why my web server is hanging? Am I approaching the problem entirely wrong?
Your call to socket.gets will continue to wait for more data after all the request has been sent, blocking any further progress. It has no way of knowing that this is a HTTP call and the the request has finished.
A HTTP request consists of the headers and then a blank line indicating the end of the headers. Your code needs to look out for this blank line. You could do this by changing your loop to something like this:
while (line = socket.gets).chomp != ''
This will work for requests that don’t have a body, such as GETs, but things are more difficult when processing requests with bodies. In that case you will need to parse the headers for the Content-Length in order to know how much data to read from the socket. It is even more complex still for chunked requests, you may not need to go that far in your assignment.

Ruby and Celluloid

Due to some limitations I want to switch my current project from EventMachine/EM-Synchrony to Celluloid but I've some trouble to get in touch with it. The project I am coding on is a web harvester which should crawl tons of pages as fast as possible.
For the basic understanding of Celluloid I've generated 10.000 dummy pages on a local web server and wanna crawl them by this simple Celluloid snippet:
#!/usr/bin/env jruby --1.9
require 'celluloid'
require 'open-uri'
IDS = 1..9999
class Crawler
include Celluloid
def read(id)
url = "#{BASE_URL}/#{id}"
puts "URL: " + url
open(url) { |x| }
pool = Crawler.pool(size: 100) do |id|
pool.future(:read, id)
As far as I understand Celluloid, futures are the way to go to get the response of a fired request (comparable to callbacks in EventMachine), right? The other thing is, every actor runs in its own thread, so I need some kind of batching the requests cause 10.000 threads would result in errors on my OSX dev machine.
So creating a pool is the way to go, right? BUT: the code above iterates over the 9999 URLs but only 1300 HTTP requests are sent to the web server. So something goes wrong with limiting the requests and iterating over all URLs.
Likely your program is exiting as soon as all of your futures are created. With Celluloid a future will start execution but you can't be assured of it finishing until you call #value on the future object. This holds true for futures in pools as well. Probably what you need to do is change it to something like this:
crawlers = do |id|
pool.future(:read, id)
rescue DeadActorError, MailboxError
crawlers.compact.each { |crawler| crawler.value rescue nil }

EventMachine, Redis & EM HTTP Request

I try to read URLs from a Redis store and simply fetch the HTTP status of the URLs. All within EventMachine. I don't know what's wrong with my code, but it's not asynchronous like expected.
All requests are fired from the first one to the last one and curiously I only get the first response (the HTTP header I want to check) after the last request. Does anyone have a hint what's going wrong there?
require 'eventmachine'
require 'em-hiredis'
require 'em-http' do
#redis = EM::Hiredis.connect
#redis.errback do |code|
puts "Error code: #{code}"
#redis.keys("domain:*") do |domains|
domains.each do |domain|
if domain
http ="http://www.#{domain}", :connect_timeout => 1).get
http.callback do
puts http.response_header.http_status
I'm running this script for a few thousand domains so I would expect to get the first responses before sending the last request.
While EventMachine is async, the reactor itself is single threaded. So, while your loop is running and firing off those thousands of requests, none of them are being executed until the loop exits. Then, if you call EM.stop, you'll stop the reactor before they execute.
You can use something like EM::iterator to break up the processing of domains into chunks that let the reactor execute. Then you'll need to do some magic if you really want to EM.stop by keeping a counter of the dispatched requests and the received responses before you stop the reactor.

How to prevent "The connection was reset" error?

I have a very basic TCP server implemented in Ruby. In general it does what it's supposed to, but every once in a while I get "The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading" error. I have a feeling that it has something to do with close terminating the connection too soon. If so, how do I wait for all the data to be sent? Or is it something else?
require 'socket'
server ='', 80)
loop do
session = server.accept
I'm not an expert in this area, but here is what I believe is happening....
The browser sends a GET request with the header field "Connection: keep-alive". So the browser is expecting to keep the connection alive at least until it receives a complete chunk of the response. Under this protocol, the server response must include a header specifying the length of the response, so that the browser knows when it has received the complete response. After this point, the connection can be closed without the browser caring.
The original example closes the connection too quickly, before the browser can validate that a complete response was received. Curiously, if I run that example and refresh my browser several times, it will load about every 1 in 10 tries. Maybe this erratic behavior is due to the browser occasionally executing fast enough to beat my server closing the connection.
Below is a code example that executes consistently in my browser:
require 'socket'
response = %{HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 12
Hello World!
server =
loop do
client = server.accept
client.puts response
sleep 1
I suspect it's because the browser is expecting an HTTP response with headers &c. Curiously, you can make the "reset" error happen every time if you put before the "ensure" a sleep of, say, one second.
How to fix it depends upon what you are after. If this is not to be an HTTP server, then don't use the browser to test it. Instead, use telnet or write a little program. If it is to be an HTTP server, then take a look at webrick, which is built into Ruby MRI >= 1.8. Here's how:
require 'webrick'
# This class handles time requests
class TimeServer < WEBrick::HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet
def do_GET(request, response)
response.status = 200
response['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
response.body =
# Create the server. There are many other options, if you need them.
server =>8080)
# Whenever a request comes in for the root page, use TimeServer to handle it
server.mount('/', TimeServer)
# Finally, start the server. Does not normally return.
Also, should note that including Connection: close in the response header doesn't seem to help me at all with this connection reset error in my browser (FFv3.6). I have to include both the content-length header field, and include the sleep method to put some delay in the connection closing in order to get a consistent response in my browser.
