Activating GWT Dev Mode on a GWT application built using Maven - maven

TL;DR: In order to debug the client-side, I ran gwt:run goal, launched the application on Chrome, and after login in, it threw the exception below, and GWT dev mode didn't launch (none of the client-side breakpoints worked)
javax.el.ELException: /pages/common/gwt/commonLayoutGWT.xhtml: setAttribute: Non-serializable attribute with name sessionBean
at com.sun.faces.facelets.compiler.TextInstruction.write(
at com.sun.faces.facelets.compiler.UIInstructions.encodeBegin(
at com.sun.faces.facelets.compiler.UILeaf.encodeAll(
at javax.faces.component.UIComponent.encodeAll(
at javax.faces.component.UIComponent.encodeAll(
at com.sun.faces.application.view.FaceletViewHandlingStrategy.renderView(
What should I do, or what should I check to get my GWT Dev mode working properly?
Some background: previously, our team used some ant scripts for compiling, debugging (server and client code), running and deploying our main application. It worked without a problem, although the process was really cumbersome and manual. We decided to make it a Maven application some months ago, and we were able to successfully execute all actions/goals after using
Maven. Compiling, running and deploying the application became fast and convenient, which was our goal.
But up until now we didn't notice that at some point in the process, our client side debugging stopped working. Only after we got some bug reports and started trying to debug them, we did notice the issue. So now I need to set the GWT Dev Mode, and haven't been able to do it no matter what I've tried.
I'm working with:
SmartGWT 4.0
JDK 1.8.0_121
GWT Eclipse Plugin 2.8.0
GlassFish 4.1
Maven 3.3
I tried to follow some instructions from gwtproject, using the default linker xsiframe into gwt.xml file.
But when I executed the gwt:compile goal, this error showed up:
[INFO] Linking into D:\Development\Repos\Git\Java\MyApp\myApp\target\classes\..\..\..\myApp\WebContent\pages\module\gwt\com.myapp.client.gwt.MyAppClient
[INFO] Invoking Linker Cross-Site-Iframe
[INFO] [ERROR] The Cross-Site-Iframe linker does not support <script> tags in the gwt.xml files, but the gwt.xml file (or the gwt.xml files which it includes) contains the following script tags:
To solve this, I used one of the recommended solutions by the error itself:
"...add this property to the gwt.xml file: <set-configuration-property name='xsiframe.failIfScriptTag' value='FALSE'/>"
I ran the gwt:compile again, and it finished successfuly

I suggest running your server-side code in a separate server (could be mvn jetty:run), and run GWT Dev Mode only for the clientside code (use <noserver>true</noserver>).
That solves so many problems (with running webapps inside DevMode's embedded server) that's it's the recommended setup nowadays.


Quarkus xml Parser DocumentBuilderFactory cannot be found, but only when using quarkus-run.jar

When packaging our app with mvn package everything works fine. Then when we start our app with java -jar target\quarkus-app\quarkus-run.jar the app silently crashes. While debugging we found that it crashes while parsing an xml InputStream. It happens while initialising some classes.
This is the stacktrace that we had to dig out ourselves:
Exception occurred in target VM: Provider for javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory cannot be found
javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError: Provider for javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory cannot be found
at javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at org.optaplanner.core.config.solver.SolverConfig.createFromXmlReader(
at org.optaplanner.core.config.solver.SolverConfig.createFromXmlInputStream(
at org.optaplanner.core.config.solver.SolverConfig.createFromXmlInputStream(
When packaging the app in an uberjar this problem does not occur. Same when using dev.
We use graalvm-ce-java17-22.2.0, together with the 2.11.2.Final version of quarkus and the 8.29.0.Final version of optaplanner.
We tried to verify that there aren't any xml exclusion in the dependencies. Also we checked if quarkus and the quarkus maven-compiler-plugin are of the same version. Also we looked into the compiled jarfiles, if the xml we want to read is present. If it wouldn't be present, the code would crash even earlier. The class javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory is not listed in the quarkus-app-dependencies.txt
Adding the quarkus-optaplanner extension helped to identify the logger issue. So the problem with the silent crash is resolved. Adding quarkus-jaxp to the dependencies gets rid of the FactoryConfigurationError and everything works as expected.

cannot access to /q/dev on quarkus from an uber-jar despite being in dev

I recently start deploying my quarkus project utilising a jar build by uber-jar
now each time I try to acces to /q/dev or anything like that, I have this error :
RESTEASY003210: Could not find resource for full path:
Any idea?
I'm running in profil dev.
Running in dev-mode and running from an uber-jar are mutually exclusive. If you're running an uber-jar, you are not in dev mode, and so the dev mode facilities are unavailable. Perhaps you mean that you compiled the uber-jar with quarkus.profile=dev, but that is a bad idea to do (it will probably only affect the set of used configuration values, but won't activate dev mode). Dev mode is what you get by executing mvn quarkus:dev on the project (or an equivalent if you're using Gradle).

How to debug start of eclipse plugin?

I try to migrate an eclipse plugin from Java8 to Java9. If I start a debug session (Run as Eclipse Application...) all works fine.
However, after installing my plugin I am not able to use it. If I use ss in the OSGI console I get following status for my plugin:
1102 STARTING org.treez.core_1.0.0.201712191435
and if I manually try to start it I get
osgi> start 1102
gogo: BundleException: Error loading bundle activator.
I tried to start a remote debug session, as suggested here:
Debugging Eclipse plug-ins
I set a break point in the constructor of my Activator but that break point is never reached.
=> How can I get additional information about why the loading of the bundle activator fails? Is there some log file? Can I somewhere set a logging level to TRACE?
I assume that the issue might be that a resource can be found while debugging the Eclipse Application but not when using the bundled jar. More info, e.g. the name of the resource that could not be found, would be very helpful.
Related questions:
Debugging Eclipse plug-ins
CQ5 OSGi bundle does not start:- Activator cannot be found
When plugins fail to start there is normally a message in the .log file in the workspace .metadata directory.
On Linux, Unix and macOS this file and directory are hidden so you may need to do something special to see them.

Alfresco SDK run seems stuck at "Processing overlay"

I use the Alfresco SDK with the following command:
mvn install -Prun
All is fine, except when it gets stuck at this step of Building Alfresco Share WAR Aggregator:
[INFO] --- maven-war-plugin:2.6:war (default-war) # share ---
[INFO] Packaging webapp
[INFO] Assembling webapp [share] in [/home/nico/aegif/projects/60_townpage/townpage-filing/townpage-filing/share/target/share-1.0-SNAPSHOT]
[info] Copying manifest...
[INFO] Processing war project
[INFO] Processing overlay [ id org.alfresco:share]
In such cases I just perform a clean and the problem is solved, but that takes time.
Is there anything I can do to avoid it getting stuck?
alfresco.version is 5.1.g
Ubuntu 2016.10 LTS
Given the parameters you are using, I assume you are on Alfresco SDK 2.2, and trying to use a more recent version of alfresco (5.1.f or newer) on a All In One project.
Using Alfresco SDK AIO projects always adds some overhead during restarts because the SDK is actually building your modules, fetching the wars, fetching additional modules referenced and applies the modules to the wars (as in unzipping the war and unzipping the amps on the same folder before re-packaging the wars), then it starts up an embedded tomcat with some special config from the runner project with the new wars! A complicated approach, if you ask me, and it is definitely expected to take a considerable amount of time and performance (especially on Disk IO), especially when you clean before you rebuild...
Back to your question, the step you are hanging on if when the SDK is trying to unzip the OOTB share war prior to applying amps to it, and there is a lot of reasons why things could go south there! And unless you rovide some more detailed steps (as in adding -X or -e to your mvn command) I doubt any one would be able to catch precisely what is going wrong !
Be careful with running your project without cleaning, as you might end up with some risidual files that give you a different behaviour from the one to be expected from final artifacts... I can imagine at least a couple of these scenarios !
Alternatively, may I suggest that you switch from AIO approach to seperate projects for Repo and Share ? You can install multiple tomcats on your machine: Let's say a tomcat for repo on port 8080 and a tomcat for share on 8081, then you can develop on one tier while having a tomcat service provide the other one (Stop the share tomcat service, and start up a share amp from the SDK pointing to the local Alfresco Repo service on the the other locally installed tomcat) that way you can rapidly always clean and run with this command for running share:
mvn clean install -PampToWar -Dmaven.tomcat.port=8081

Having trouble getting started with SonarQube

I installed SonarQube and sonar-runner, and the web server seems to work just fine as I can browse it. I tried to keep things as simple as I could, I put the "" file in my project's source folder and gave . as the sonar.sources path. After doing so, the console output reported success and the web page listed my project and last analysis date, but when I went into the "Compare" tool to look at statistics it showed all items as blank, except for issues for which is displayed the number 0.
I edited the file to give the full path (instead of a relative current directory path of .) to my project's source code, replacing backslashes with forward slashes, and ran the sonar-runner command again from the command line while the working directory was the path of my source folder. It again reported success and when I reloaded the web page, it gave an updated last analysis date, but again no issues were reported and the statistics were all blank.
I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, the Sonar log only reports the installation and starting of the Windows service, and it doesn't indicate any problems. The StartNTService script starts the service without error, but the StartSonar script reports "jvm 1 | WrapperSimpleApp: Encountered an error running main: org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: Failed to initialize component [StandardServer[-1]]". I don't know if that's relevant for the way I'm using SonarQube as a Windows service. I'm using pretty much all default configuration except I edited the file by un-commented these lines:
If anybody can help me figure out how to get this to work, I would greatly appreciate it. I am running Windows XP Pro x64 SP2 and Java 1.7.0_51 (32 bit). On my first attempt I did incorrectly use the 64 bit service install/launch scripts but when the console output indicated it didn't match the JVM architecture, I stopped and uninstalled the service and installed and launched the 32 bit service.
Edit: I'm using Sonarqube version 4.2 and Sonar-runner version 2.3.
By default, SonarQube is packaged with the Java ecosystem (Java, Checkstyle, PMD), but for C/C++ you will have to install one of the plugins that support analysis of these languages.
There is a commercial C++ plugin from SonarSource and a free Community Plugin.
