Lerna cannot find peer dependency of symlinked module - apollo-server

Hmm, not sure if this is a bug in lerna or if I am doing it wrong. I have a case where I have a lerna monorepo package that has a peerDependency that it is supposed to find in the "consuming" monorepo package:
| - #red/app
| - #red/gql
#red/app has a dependency to #red/gql and to graphql
#red/gql has a peerDependency to graphql
#red/gql makes use of graphql (actually it is one of its dependencies that makes use of it and also requires it as a peer dependency) and when I call it from #red/app it cannot find graphql.
If I do bootstrap with the hoist option it does work so it appears to me that it cannot find the graphql package from #red/gql because it is symlinked and it it searching for graphql in the wrong folder.


Yarn installing wrong version of jest in workspace

I have a project with yarn (v1) workspaces.
package.json has this:
"workspaces": {
"packages": [
note that there's a nested workspace in there.
Top-level has jest#27.4.7 in its package.json.
pkgA has jest#24.9.0 because one of its dependencies requires that version; its package.json has no entry for jest.
pkgA/subPkgA1 has jest#27.4.7 in its package.json, BUT it actually gets 24.9.0 installed in its node_modules/.bin/jest, presumably because its parent workspace has that.
My main question is how to get jest#27.4.7 in the nested package subPkgA1? I tried adding an entry in pkgA's package.json, but that didn't help.
BTW, I know nested workspaces aren't fully supported until Yarn v2, but I can't upgrade right now, and I can't easily move my subpackage out of its parent, so any hacky solution would be better than nothing.

How to load modules from gitlab subgroup?

I wrote a program and want to encapsulate some logic.
So I did new module and pull it in my git. Link for git looks like
but when I tried to get it with go get, I got error
fatal: «https://xxx.ru:#gitlab.xxx.ru/group/subgroup.git/» unreachable: URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL
Go tried to load subgroup instead project.
I made folder gitlab.xxx.ru/group/subgroup/ in $GOPATH/src/ and clone my project.
And now it wrote
could not import gitlab.xxx.ru/group/subgroup/proj (no required module provides package "gitlab.xxx.ru/group/subgroup/proj")
So, if I understand correctly, in Golang 1.16 I can't just put my project in the correct directory and I can't use local packages.
How to fix loading from my GitLab and load it with ssh?
Thank you.
UDP go.mod in my proj.
module gitlab.xxx.ru/group/subgroup/proj
go 1.16
require (
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20210608053332-aa57babbf139
golang.org/x/text v0.3.6
You may be hitting the intended behaviour from Gitlab which will prevent go from fetching the list of subgroups while trying to compute project dependencies. Since go get requests are unauthenticated, existing projects not under the root group are invisible and cannot be found.
To overcome this limitation, which Gitlab has yet to provide a solution, you can use one of the following two approaches:
Have the project located at the root and not in a subgroup (not always possible)
Leverage the .git extension as well as the replace directive in the project which imports your module (see below)
Go is able to fetch the project living under a subgroup if it knows the version control qualifier (.git). To indicate this, make sure you import the project using the following format gitlab.xxx.ru/group/subgroup/proj.git
While this alone works, it would force you to have all those .git in your imports. To overcome this, you also need a replace directive in your go.mod so you can use the original import path.
In the end, the project which imports your module should have a go.mod that look like this:
gitlab.xxx.ru/group/subgroup/proj v1.7.0
gitlab.xxx.ru/group/subgroup/proj => gitlab.xxx.ru/group/subgroup/proj.git v1.7.0

How to update a go dependency with different module name than src path?

The location: github.com/elastic/beats
The mod file: github.com/elastic/beats/go.mod
The module name: github.com/elastic/beats/v7
The tag: v7.10.2
What LoTR incantation of go get to I have to run to get a little dependency update action?
This will update to latest minor.patch version of v7:
go get github.com/elastic/beats/v7
or if you want a specific version to update/downgrade to:
go get github.com/elastic/beats/v7#v7.10.2
Adding the -u flag will additionally update the dependencies of github.com/elastic/beats/v7:
go get -u github.com/elastic/beats/v7
The argument list passed to go get should generally be a list of package paths or patterns, not just a module path.
For example, you might invoke:
go get -d github.com/elastic/beats/v7/libbeat/beat#latest
in order to obtain the latest version of package …/libbeat/beat and also download any transitive dependencies needed for that package.
(You can pass just a module path, and that should also update the version of the dependency module overall, but it will not download source code or module checksums for transitive dependencies that may be needed in order to build the updated package. go get does not in general know which transitive dependencies will be relevant to the commands that you plan to invoke after it, and it does not do extra work to speculatively identify relevant dependencies.)

error while using google.golang.org/grpc from a vendor directory

I am having issues using google.golang.org/grpc from vendor directory and I get the below error
cannot use &metadata.HeaderMD (type *"google.golang.org/grpc/metadata".MD) as type *"project1/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/metadata".MD in argument to grpc.Header
I get the error though I am using the necessary version of the package which I copied from my gopath. But, when I delete the golang.google.org/grpc folder from vendor my project fetches the dependency from gopath and it works fine though the one gopath is a copy of when I have in vendor directory and every other library in vendor directory works fine except grpc.
When you created project1/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc, it means that for packages under project1/..., an import of google.golang.org/gprc/... will be transparently remapped to the vendor version.
Any packages outside of project1 will continue to import the non-vendored google.golang.org/grpc/... packages. While the vendored package might be a copy of the upstream, Go treats them as independent packages. So the types they contain are not equivalent.
What has most likely happened is that one of your non-vendored dependencies imports the grpc package and uses its types in its public API. When you make use of that API from project1, you get the upstream type which can't be assigned to variables using the vendored types.
There's two possible solutions to this problem:
Vendor all of your dependencies that make use of what you've already vendored.
If you're using Go >= 1.11, switch to the newer Go module build system. This will let you continue to control when you upgrade your dependencies without having the project1/vendor/... tree to confuse the type system.

How to find dependency causing "Sirupsen/logrus" vs. "sirupsen/logrus" unexpected module path error?

I am trying to convert https://github.com/appscode/voyager from glide to go mod.
I am getting an error like below:
go: github.com/Sirupsen/logrus#v1.4.1: parsing go.mod: unexpected module path "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
go: error loading module requirements
How do I find out the source of this old Sirupsen module?
How do I find out the source of this old Sirupsen module?
Use the Go 1.13 beta (go get golang.org/dl/go1.13beta1 && go1.13beta1 download) or even better, try the latest Go on tip / master (go get golang.org/dl/gotip && gotip download).
Go 1.13 has improved error messages in general. It should help in your case, including most likely showing the import chain leading up to the error.
For example:
$ gotip build .
go: example.com/temp/mod imports
github.com/docker/libcompose/docker imports
github.com/Sirupsen/logrus: github.com/Sirupsen/logrus#v1.4.2: parsing go.mod:
module declares its path as: github.com/Sirupsen/logrus
but was required as: github.com/sirupsen/logrus
In that example, you can see that docker/libcompose/docker is importing the old and now incorrect uppercase version of Sirupsen/logrus.
The most common reason people see a Sirupsen/logrus vs. sirupsen/logrus case mismatch is when importing github.com/docker/docker or one of the other docker repos. Importing docker repos is a bit confusing with modules, including because:
The docker/docker repo does not follow semver.
There is a very old v1.13.1 semver tag on the docker/docker repo.
Even though it is a couple years old, it is still the "latest" semver tag on that repo, and hence that old version is picked by default by the go command if you don't ask for a more specific version.
That old docker/docker version imports the old and not incorrect uppercase Sirupsen/logrus, which can then trigger the error reported in the question above.
The docker client package has had breaking changes after v1.13.1.
There is generally confusion about docker/docker vs. docker/engine repositories, and about what import paths to use.
The docker repos do not have go.mod files.
For the docker/docker repo, the import path remains github.com/docker/docker, but it needs to come from github.com/docker/engine, so the recommended approach is often for a docker importer to do import "github.com/docker/docker" and edit their go.mod to something like this:
require (
github.com/docker/docker v1.13.1
replace github.com/docker/docker => github.com/docker/engine <tag-or-commit-hash>
Docker issue #39302 tracks trying to document how to import docker repos when using modules.
