Can a count of a KGroupedTable be negative? - apache-kafka-streams

My code is applying a groupBy on a KTable, followed by a count:
KStream<AggregationFields, Long> theCounts = theTable
.groupBy((key, value) -> {
AggregationFields af = new AggregationFields(
return KeyValue.pair(af, 1L);
}, Serialized.with(AggregationFields.getSerde(), Serdes.Long()))
In my production environment I sometimes see the count producing negative numbers upon starting this application, even though I am using the app reset tool to make sure no internal topics are left over, as well as deleting any local stream state. Is there any circumstance where the count can be negative? Did I do it wrong?
I am on kafka-streams 1.0.1 (however, the server is running a pre-1.0 version, not sure if that matters).

Each time, the base table is updated, Kafka Streams needs to send two record downstream to update the count, because in general, with multiple partitions, the two update record might be processed on different machines. One record is a "negative" subtraction record and the second is as "positive" addition record to the counts of potentially different keys.
If the update on the base table does not result in a key change for the count(), both records will be processed after each other and if the current count is zero, we would first decrease the count by one while processing the subtraction record and afterward increase the count again. For this special case, you might see a negative intermediate result.

Turns out I had my Streams app in a bad state, even though (I thought) I cleaned it up. Once I deployed it again with a new app ID, the counts looked good.


Camel + CassandraQL : Process a table without putting all in memory

Goal: read a big Cassandra table, process line by line in parallel
not all rows in memory
no Spark, we have to use Camel
One shot, no need polling the table
I did a first working version with CassandraQL but this Component seems to be limited to one query with all in memory, I did not find mechanics like fetSize/fetchMoreResult. I looked CassandraProducer class, PollingConsumerPollingStrategy, ResultSetConversionStrategy... See nothing.
Could it be possible to read a table by chunks of 1000 elements for example, each chunk would generate an exchange lately split in different threads ?
I think that maybe the ProducerTemplate injecting first exchanges in the route could be the answer. But I don't undertand how I could manage the production exchange rate to avoid to have too many rows in memory (to do so, we would need for example to check the size of the next blocking queue, if more than X no consumed elements, wait before producing more messages).
Maybe there are other options to do something like this ?
Maybe I did not see the magic parameter in CassandraQL ?
Maybe we can override some parts of CassandraQL ?
Thank you
This is not going to be answer to be a your question but hope to kick off some discussion. But as someone learning Cassandra and spending bit of time, it made me thinking. And mainly targets fetSize/fetchMoreResult part of the question
First of all, two of your constraints are contradicting
Not all rows in memory
I don't want all them fetched at once
One shot, no need polling the partition
I don't want to go back to db more than once.
Unless what you actually you meant is
Not all rows in memory
I don't want all them fetched at once
You can go back to partition many times, as long as you go back straight to where you left it last time.
As long as the time it takes for the first page is same as time it takes for the second page. And the time it takes for the 19th Page is same as the time it takes for the 20th page.
i.e Not starting from the first row
So I am going to assume that what you meant is Second Scenario and go with it.
Queries for Cassandra are going to satisfy the following two:
They are going to have a restriction on clustering columns
They are already ordered by clustering columns
Now Consider the following table
department(partition key), firstName(clustering_key), personId(clustering_key), lastname, etc as normal cols
First query
select department, firstName, lastname, etc
from person
where department = 'depart1`
order by firstName ASC
limit 25;
Second query (lets say last record in the page had userId=25 and firstName=kavi)
select department, firstName, lastname, etc
from person
where department = 'depart1` and firstName='kavi' and userId > 25
order by firstName ASC
limit 25;
As you can see, we can easily construct a Cassandra query that brings each chunk with certain size in constant time.
Now back to integration framework
I remember this concept called watermark in mule where the endpoint can store and remember so that they can start from there next time. In this case, value of userId and firstName of the last record of the last page is the watermark. So they can issue the second. I am sure we should be able to do the same with camel
I hope I have convinced that polling is not an issue where each chunk is retrieved in constant time

Smart pagination algorithm that works with local data cache

This is a problem I have been thinking about for a long time but I haven't written any code yet because I first want to solve some general problems I am struggling with. This is the main one.
A single page web application makes requests for data to some remote API (which is under our control). It then stores this data in a local cache and serves pages from there. Ideally, the app remains fully functional when offline, including the ability to create new objects.
Assume a server side database of products containing +- 50000 products (50Mb)
Assume no db type, we interact with it via REST/GraphQL interface
Assume a single product record is < 1kB
Assume a max payload for a resultset of 256kB
Assume max 5MB storage on the client
Assume search result sets ranging between 0 ... 5000 items per search
The challenge is to define a stateless but (network) efficient way fetch pages from a result set so that it is deterministic which results we will get.
In traditional paging, when getting the next 100 results for some query using this url:
the search result may look like this:
"totalResults": 2458,
"firstResult": 100,
"pageSize": 100,
"results": [
{"some": "item"},
{"some": "other item"},
// 98 more ...
The problem with this is that there is no way, based on this information, to get exactly the objects that are on a certain page. Because by the time we request the next page, the result set may have changed (due to changes in the DB), influencing which items are part of the result set. Even a small change can have a big impact: one item removed from the DB, that happened to be on page 0 of the result set, will change what results we will get when requesting all subsequent pages.
I am looking for a mechanism to make the definition of the result set independent of future database changes, so if someone was looking for shoes and got a result set of 2458 items, he could actually fetch all pages of that result set reliably even if it got influenced by later changes in the DB (I plan to not really delete items, but set a removed flag on them, for this purpose)
Ideas so far
I have seen a solution where the result set included a "pages" property, which was an array with the first and last id of the items in that page. Assuming your IDs keep going up in number and you don't really delete items from the DB ever, the number of items between two IDs is constant. Meaning the app could get all items between those two IDs and always get the exact same items back. The problem with this solution is that it only works if the list is sorted in ID order... I need custom sorting options.
The only way I have come up with for now is to just send a list of all IDs in the result set... That way pages can be fetched by doing a SELECT * FROM products WHERE id IN (3,4,6,9,...)... but this feels rather inelegant...
Any way I am hoping it is not too broad or theoretical. I have a web-based DB, just no good idea on how to do paging with it. I am looking for answers that help me in a direction to learn, not full solutions.
Versioning DB is the answer for resultsets consistency.
Each record has primary id, modification counter (version number) and timestamp of modification/creation. Instead of modification of record r you add new record with same id, version number+1 and sysdate for modification.
In fetch response you add DB request_time (do not use client timestamp due to possibly difference in time between client/server). First page is served normally, but you return sysdate as request_time. Other pages are served differently: you add condition like modification_time <= request_time for each versioned table.
You can cache the result set of IDs on the server side when a query arrives for the first time and return a unique ID to the frontend. This unique ID corresponds to the result set for that query. So now the frontend can request something like next_page with the unique ID that it got the first time it made the query. You should still go ahead with your approach of changing DELETE operation to a removed operation because it would make sure that none of the entries from the result set it deleted. You can discard the result set of the query from the cache when the frontend reaches the end of the result set or you can set a time limit on the lifetime of the cache entry.

Windows Azure Paging Large Datasets Solution

I'm using Windows Azure Table Storage to store millions of entities, however I'm trying to figure out the best solution that easily allows for two things:
1) a search on an entity, will retrieve that entity and at least (pageSize) number of entities either side of that entity
2) if there are more entities beyond (pageSize) number of entities either side of that entity, then page next or page previous links are shown, this will continue until either the start or end is reached.
3) the order is reverse chronological order
I've decided that the PartitionKey will be the Title provided by the user as each container is unique in the system. The RowKey is Steve Marx's lexiographical algorithm:
which when converted to javascript instead of c# looks like this:
pad(new Date(100000000 * 86400000).getTime() - new Date().getTime(), 19) + "_" + uuid()
uuid() is a javascript function that returns a guid and pad adds zeros up to 19 chars in length. So records in the system look something like this:
TEST 0008638662595845431_ecf134e4-b10d-47e8-91f2-4de9c4d64388
TEST 0008638662595845432_ae7bb505-8594-43bc-80b7-6bd34bb9541b
TEST 0008638662595845433_d527d215-03a5-4e46-8a54-10027b8e23f8
TEST 0008638662595845434_a2ebc3f4-67fe-43e2-becd-eaa41a4132e2
This pattern allows for every new entity inserted to be at the top of the list which satisfies point number 3 above.
With a nice way of adding new records in the system I thought then I would create a mechanism that looks at the first half of the RowKey i.e. 0008638662595845431_ part and does a greater than or less than comparison depending on which direction of the already found item. In other words to get the row immediately before 0008638662595845431 I would do a query like so:
var tableService = azure.createTableService();
var minPossibleDateTimeNumber = pad(new Date(-100000000*86400000).getTime() - new Date().getTime(), 19);
tableService.getTable('testTable', function (error) {
if (error === null) {
var query = azure.TableQuery
.where('PartitionKey eq ?', 'TEST')
.and('RowKey gt ?', minPossibleDateTimeNumber + '_')
.and('RowKey lt ?', '0008638662595845431_')
.and('Deleted eq ?', 'false');
If the results returned are greater than 1000 and azure gives me a continuation token, then I thought I would remember the last items RowKey i.e. the number part 0008638662595845431. So now the next query will have the remembered value as the starting value etc.
I am using Windows Azure Node.Js SDK and language is javascript.
Can anybody see gotcha's or problems with this approach?
I do not see how this can work effectively and efficiently, especially to get the rows for a previous page.
To be efficient, the prefix of your “key” needs to be a serially incrementing or decrementing value, instead of being based on a timestamp. A timestamp generated value would have duplicates as well as holes, making mapping page size to row count at best inefficient and at worst difficult to determine.
Also, this potential algorithm is dependent on a single partition key, destroying table scalability.
The challenge here would be to have a method of generating a serially incremented key. One solution is to use a SQL database and performing an atomic update on a single row, such that an incrementing or decrementing value is produced in sequence. Something like UPDATE … SET X = X + 1 and return X. Maybe using a stored procedure.
So the key could be a zero left padded serially generated number. Split such that say the first N digits of the number is the partition key and remaining M digits are the row key.
For example
PKey RKey
00001 10321
00001 10322
00954 98912
Now, since the rows are in sequence it is possible to write a query with the exact key range for the page size.
Caveat. There is a small risk of a failure occurring between generating a serial key and writing to table storage. In which case, there may be holes in the table. However, your paging algorithm should be able to detect and work around such instances quite easily by specify a page size slightly larger than necessary or by retrying with an adjusted range.

Can you sort a GET on a Cassandra column family by the Timestamp value created for each column entry, rather than the column Keys?

Basically I have a 'thread line' where new threads are made and a TimeUUID is used as a key. Which obviously provides sorting of a new thread quite easily, espically when say making a query of the latest 20 threads etc.
My problem is that when a new 'post' is made to a thread I want to be able to 'bump' that thread to the front of the 'thread line' which is where the problem comes in, how do I basically make this happen so I can still make queries that can still be selected in the right order without providing any kind of duplicates etc.
The only way I can see this working is if rather than a column family sorting via a TimeUUID I need the column family to sort via the insertion Timestamp, therefore I can use the unique thread IDs for column keys and retrieve these in the order they are inserted or reinserted rather than by TimeUUID? Is this possible or am I missing a simple trick that allows for this? As far as I know you have to set a particular comparitor or otherwise it defaults to bytes?
Columns within a row are always sorted by name with the given comparator. You cannot sort by timestamp or value or anything else, or Cassandra would not be able to merge multiple updates to the same column correctly.
As to your use case, I can think of two options.
The most similar to what you are doing now would be to create a second columnfamily, ThreadMostRecentPosts, with timeuuid columns (you said "keys" but it sounds like you mean "columns"). When a new post arrives, delete the old most-recent column and add a new one.
This has two problems:
The unit of replication is the row, so having this grow indefinitely could be problematic. (Using expiring columns to age out no-longer-relevant thread information might help.)
You need a lock manager so that multiple posts to the same thread don't race and possibly leave multiple entries in this row.
I would suggest instead creating a row per day (for instance), whose columns are the thread IDs and whose values are the most recent post. Adding a new post just updates the value in that column; no delete/re-add is done, so the race is not a problem anymore. You don't get sorting for free anymore but that's okay because you're limiting it to a small enough set that you can do that sort in memory (say, yesterday's threads and today's).
(Finally, I would add that I can say from experience that having a cutoff past which old threads don't get bumped to the front by a new reply is a Good Thing.)

Oracle (PL/SQL): Is UPDATE RETURNING concurrent?

I'm using table with a counter to ensure unique id's on a child element.
I know it is usually better to use a sequence, but I can't use it because I have a lot of counters (a customer can create a couple of buckets and each of them needs to have their own counter, they have to start with 1 (it's a requirement, my customer needs "human readable" keys).
I'm creating records (let's call them items) that have a prikey (bucket_id, num = counter).
I need to guarantee that the bucket_id / num combination is unique (so using a sequence as prikey won't fix my problem).
The creation of rows doesn't happen in pl/sql, so I need to claim the number (btw: it's not against the requirements to have gaps).
My solution was:
UPDATE bucket
SET counter = counter + 1
WHERE id = param_id
RETURNING counter INTO num_forprikey;
PL/SQL returns var_num_forprikey so the item record can be created.
Will I always get unique num_forprikey even if the user concurrently asks for new items in a bucket?
Will I always get unique num_forprikey
even if the user concurrently asks for
new items in a bucket?
Yes, at least up to a point. The first user to issue that update gets a lock on the row. So no other user can successfully issue that same statement until user numero uno commits (or rolls back). So uniqueness is guaranteed.
Obviously, the cavil is regarding concurrency. Your access to the row is serialized, so there is no way for two users to get a new PRIKEY simultaneously. This is not necessarily a problem. It depends on how many users you have creating new Items, and how often they do it. One user peeling off numbers in the same session won't notice a thing.
I seem to recall this problem from many years back working on of all things an INGRES database. There were no sequences in those days so a lot of effort was put into finding the best scaling solution for this problem by the top INGRES minds of the day. I was fortunate enough to be working along side them so that even though my mind is pitifully smaller than any of theirs, proxmity = residual affect and I retained something. This was one of the things. Let me see if I can remember.
1) for each counter you need row in a work table.
2) each time you need a number
a) lock the row
b) update it
c) get its new value (you use returning for this which I avoid like the plague)
d) commit the update to release your lock on the row
The reason for the commit is for trying to get some kind of scalability. There will always be a limit but you do not serialize on getting a number for any period of time.
In the oracle world we would improve the situation by using a function defined as an AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION in order to acquire the next number. IF you think about it, this solution requires that gaps be allowed which you said is OK. By commiting the number update independently of the main transaction, you gain scalability but you introduce gapping.
You will have to accept the fact that your scalability will drop dramatically in this scenario. This is due to at least two reasons:
1) the update/select/commit sequence does its best to reduce the time during which the KEY row is locked, but it is still not zero. Under heavy load, you will serialize and eventually be limited.
2) you are commiting on every key get. A commit is an expensive operation requiring many memory and file management actions on the part of the database. This will limit you also.
In the end you are likely looking at three or more orders of magnitude drop in concurrent transaction load because you are not using sequences. I base this on my experience of the past.
But if you customer requires it, what can you do right?
Good luck. I have not tested the code for syntax errors, I leave that to you.
create or replace function get_next_key (key_name_p in varchar2) return number is
pragma autonomous_transaction;
kev_v number;
update key_table set key = key + 1 where key_name = key_name_p;
select key_name into key_name_v from key_name where key_name = key_name_p;
return (key_v);
show errors
You can still use sequences, just use the row_number() analytic function to please your users. I described it here in more detail:
I'd figure out how to make sequences work. It's the only guarantee, though an exception clause could be coded The benefit to sequences (and they could be dynamically created, is you can specify nocache and guarantee order)
