Ambari redirects to NiFi automatically - apache-nifi

I installed NiFi in my Hortonworks and whenever I start my session in Ambari I'm redirected to NiFi. Has anyone any idea how to change it so that my localhost:8080 does not automatically redirect to NiFi? I attached the image below.
Thanks in advance :)

You'll need to change the port that NiFi runs on since the default is 8080 which is also the port that Ambari runs on. The port is defined in with the property nifi.web.http.port=8080


Initiating Nifi GUI when installed on Google Cloud Compute Engine

I have reviewed this post but it is not helping:
Installing Nifi on Google Cloud Compute Engine
Here is what I have already done:
installed java 11 on ubuntu lts
installed nifi on ubuntu lts
This is what i have when i start the :
Java home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.11.0-openjdk-amd64
NiFi home: /usr/lib/nifi
Bootstrap Config File: /usr/lib/nifi/conf/bootstrap.conf
I have even tried to edit the by editing and nifi.web.port external ip from GCE
I have even adjusted the Firewall settings and added port 8080(tcp) any my ip in IPRanges.
When I try to start the NIFI GUI it just does NOT load.
Can you please help me with that?
As per this doc can you cross check whether it is installed properly . Seems to be the default port for nifi is 8443. As you said changed to 8080, make sure that this port is not running in any other service and also there is no firewall blocking for this port.
open a web browser and navigate to https://localhost:8443/nifi or replace the port that you have changed and give it a try.
As per this SO, cross check whether the logs are listening or not by using logs/nifi-app.log. Share the screenshot if you are getting any errors.
Refer to this similar kind of issue : link1, link2, link3

Apache nifi localhost login problem - cannot see login GUI after using for the first time

I'm using apache nifi on ubuntu 18.04 on virtualbox 6.1. I manage to use apache nifi once without any problems. The log in page using localhost:8443 works the first time, but after a while when I start apache nifi again (e.g. after a reboot of the machine) and when I goto localhost:8443 again I do not get a page to log into nifi anymore.
All that appears are some symbols and I cannot log into nifi like the first time. Basically I want to be able to log into apache nifi. I'm not sure why the symbols appear instead of the log in page.
Here's what I do:
I start apache nifi-1.16.3 from its installation with its start command:
bin/ start
bin/ status
Nifi looks to start correctly and the status command shows that nifi is running
I then enter localhost:8443/nifi/login in firefox web browser and I am presented a page that only contains symbols.
What i've tried:
I've downloaded nifi again and started another instance using the fresh download. This does the same i.e. it will show the login page correctly the first time I use it. Then when I try to access the login page after a time via the localhost it will show the symbols instead of the log in page.
I've checked to see whether the port 8443 is being used by something else but it seems free. When nifi is running I check the port, then I shut it down. Once it is shut down no other service etc. is using port 8443. When trying to access localhost:8443 instead of the symbols it shows "Unable to connect" when nifi is shutdown down.
Not sure what else to explore to solve this issue where I can't access the log in GUI through the localhost.
Just add a secure HTTP protocol like this: Local Host

Issue accessing NiFi UI

I've set up NiFi with homebrew and when it's up and running, I cannot access the UI. It looks like, by all means, NiFi is running fine according to "nifi status", but I can't access the UI in the browser. All that I see is this:
Any tips on how I might be able to remedy this?
NiFi is now HTTPS by default. You are trying to access via HTTP.
Accessing NiFi with HTTP on the HTTPS port (This will FAIL)
Accessing NiFI with HTTPS on the HTTPS port (This will SUCCEED)

Can't access ambari UI

I want to use Hadoop. Unfortunately, I cannot access the Ambari login. How do I fix this?
Looks like you have some other web server running on port 8080 for Apache + Postgres
Also, the link in the VM says 1080. Can you get there? Can you access the other UI's on the HDP quickstart dashboard? If so, then Ambari isn't the issue.

setup tomcat personal webserver

i hosted an apache server by changing few details in the httpd.conf file, used this tutorial. i also did port forwarding so that the server is able to respond behind the wireless router (firewall), it worked completely fine ( i checked by typing the ip and port number from some other host outside the network). now i am trying to run servlets for which i need tomcat server. i have installed tomcat but i am unable to access the server from another host that is not on the same network. could somebody please guide as to how can i achieve this.
I guess I would go with The Apache-Tomcat Connector and use it to connect your new tomcat instance to your Apache.
I did the same thing just as I for apache server, except that I changed the listening port to something else. added that entry in the router. incorporated tomcat in eclipse and then started the sample project. using, i got the ip address. i could access my webserver from elsewhere...
