Location Accuracy Plugin Nothing happens when I call the function - location

I built the following code in my phone,no errors anywhere,But when I click on the button i need to check either device location enable or not but using below code nothing happens i am using android 7.0 version can some one help me please and i just follow this link How to programatically enable and disable GPS in Ionic Framework or Cordova
this.locationAccuracy.canRequest().then((canRequest: boolean) => {
if(canRequest) {
this.locationAccuracy.request(this.locationAccuracy.REQUEST_PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY).then(() => {
console.log('Request successful.')
error => {
console.log('Error requesting location permissions', error)

Below code resolved my issue
this.platform.ready().then((readySource) => {
(isAvailable) => {
console.log('Is available? ' + isAvailable);
alert('Is available? ' + isAvailable);
}).catch((e) => {


Blank page after running Cypress tests

Whenever I run a new cypress test, the page that is supposed to show the UI is blank. Even when I click on each part of each test it remains blank. Please see image below.
Cypress package version: 10.4.0
Node v16.16.0
describe("home page", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
context("Hero section", () => {
it("the h1 contains the correct text", () => {
"Testing Next.js Applications with Cypress"
it("the features on the homepage are correct", () => {
cy.get("dt").eq(0).contains("4 Courses")
cy.get("dt").eq(1).contains("25+ Lessons")
cy.get("dt").eq(2).contains("Free and Open Source")
context("Courses section", () => {
it("CourseL Testing Your First Next.js Application", () => {
.contains('Get started')
/// <reference types="cypress" />
Cypress.Commands.add('getByData', (selector) => {
return cy.get(`[data-test=${selector}]`);
I faced the same issue in Cypress version 12.0.0 and I solved it by adding this configuration to cypress.config.js
testIsolation: false,
Try adding 's' to http; this might solve that else here is similar issue reported which might give you clue to your problem https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/issues/4235
You might have put the it() describe() statements in the wrong place. Try creating the most simple test file possible or better still use an example test that cypress provides strip it down and continue to test it until it is barebones.
I have a "solution" in my tests - it seems that the it steps lose the URL.
Remove all the it steps:
describe('Register Native', () => {
// it("Verify1", () => {
: a
// })
// it("Verify2", () => {
: b
// })
Now I have a structure like this (only one it step):
describe('Registrer Native', () => {
it('Whole test- Without IT parts', () => {
: a
: b
: c
It is not an optimal solution as I now have a long test without intermediary it sections.

MS Teams - getAuthToken API failing on iOS

msTeams.authentication.getAuthToken is returning failure Callback with Error message- Auth Library Error. It is working fine for Android and Desktop. The issue only occurs on iOS.
Following is the code snippet for the reference,
getClientToken() {
return new Observable<any>(subscriber => {
resources: ['https://graph.microsoft.com/openid',
successCallback: clientToken => {
subscriber.next({ clientToken, type: this.authType });
failureCallback: reason => {
enter image description here

Cypress - How can I verify if the downloaded file contains name that is dynamic?

In cypress, the xlsx file I am downloading always starts with lets say "ABC" and then some dynamic IDs. How can I verify if the file is downloaded successfully and also contains that dynamic name?
Secondly, what if the downloaded file is like "69d644353f126777.xlsx" then how can i verify that the file is downloaded when everything in the name is dynamic.
Thanks in advance.
One way that suggests itself is to query the downloads folder with a task,
const fs = require('fs');
on('task', {
downloads: (downloadspath) => {
return fs.readdirSync(downloadspath)
cy.task('downloads', 'my/downloads/folder').then(before => {
// do the download
cy.task('downloads', 'my/downloads/folder').then(after => {
expect(after.length).to.be.eq(before.length +1)
If you can't direct the downloads to a folder local to the project, provide a full path. Node.js (i.e Cypress tasks) has full access to the file system.
To get the name of the new file, use a filter and take the first (and only) item in the result.
const newFile = after.filter(file => !before.includes(file))[0]
Maybe this will works but this also requires a filename to be assert.Write this code in index.js
on('task', {
isExistPDF(PDFfilename, ms = 4000) {
`looking for PDF file in ${downloadDirectory}`,
return hasPDF(PDFfilename, ms);
Now add custom command in support/commands.js
Cypress.Commands.add('isDownloaded', (selectorXPATH, fileName) => {
//click on button
//verify downloaded file
cy.task('isExistPDF', fileName).should('equal', true)
Lastly write this code in your logic area
verifyDownloadedFile(fileName) {
//Clear downloads folder
cy.exec('rm cypress/downloads/*', {
log: true,
failOnNonZeroExit: false,
cy.isDownloaded(this.objectFactory.exportToExcelButton, fileName)
and call this function in your testcase
I ended up using something similar to #user14783414.
However I keep getting that the downloads' folder length was 0. I then added an cy.wait() which solved the issue.
cy.task('downloads', 'my/downloads/folder').then(before => {
// do the download
}).then(() => {
cy.wait(500).then(() => {
cy.task('downloads', 'my/downloads/folder').then(after => {
expect(after.length).to.be.eq(before.length +1)
Another approach is to leverage Nodes fs.watch(...) API and to define a plugin task which waits for a new download to be available and returns the filename:
const fs = require('fs');
module.exports = (on, config) => {
on('task', {
getDownload: () => {
const downloadsFolder = config['downloadsFolder'];
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const watcher = fs.watch(downloadsFolder, (eventType, filename) => {
if (eventType === 'rename' && !filename.endsWith('.crdownload')) {
setTimeout(reject, config.taskTimeout); // Or another timeout if desired
And then it is fairly easily used within a test spec as follows:
it('downloads a file', () => {
cy.task('getDownload').then(fileName => {
// do something with your newly downloaded file!
console.log('Downloaded file:', fileName);
Now technically there may be a bit of a race condition if the file is downloaded extremely quickly and the file exists on disk before the watcher begins, but in my testing - even with relatively small files and fast network speed - I have never observed this.
For the solution of Nicholas, in firefox, the '.crdownload' doesn't exist so we need to add a condition on the '.part' :
if (eventType === 'rename' && !filename.endsWith('.crdownload') && !filename.endsWith('.part'))

Office-JS Outlook Add-in

I am having trouble with using Office.EventType.RecipientsChanged for Outlook.
I've tested this on Windows and Outlook.com. Mac apparently does not support 1.7 yet.
This is the error I get when I use the following code block:
Function addHandlerAsync has invalid parameters.
$(document).ready(function () {
try {
if(Office.context.requirements.isSetSupported('MailBox', '1.7')) {
console.log('MailBox 1.7 supported');
Office.context.mailbox.addHandlerAsync(Office.EventType.RecipientsChanged, function(result){
if (result.status === Office.AsyncResultStatus.Failed) {
console.log("Error with event handler.");
else {
Since RecipientsChanged events occur in the item scoped, the call is Office.context.mailbox.item.addHandlerAsync. See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/dev/add-ins/reference/objectmodel/requirement-set-1.8/office.context.mailbox.item#addhandlerasynceventtype-handler-options-callback

How to commit to store within a SetTimeOut in VueJS

I am making an app in Laravel using Vue.js. I would like to wait two seconds when a method is triggered and then execute a store action. However, when I implement this I receive an error.
Here is my code:
.listen('TeamLeaving', e => {
setTimeout(function() {
axios.get('/api/team/' + e.team.id + '/pulse').then(response => {
if (response.data === 0) {
// here is where it messes up
this.$store.commit('team/REMOVE_TEAM', e.team)
}, 2000)
// this.$store.commit('team/REMOVE_TEAM', e.team);
However I get an error:
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'commit' of undefined
When I do the commit outside of the setTimeout it works just fine. So I am assuming there is a problem inside the setTimeout. Could someone help me maneuver this?
This post might help you: how to set timeout in a vueJs method
The important bit:
this in anonymous function is attached to that anonymous function
not to your main function
You can try this:
.listen('TeamLeaving', (e) => {
let vm = this;
setTimeout(function () {
axios.get('/api/team/'+ e.team.id + '/pulse')
.then(response => {
if (response.data === 0) {
//here is where it messes up
vm.$store.commit('team/REMOVE_TEAM', e.team)
}, 2000);
// this.$store.commit('team/REMOVE_TEAM', e.team);
