Displaying user avatar foreach post in Laravel 5.5 - laravel

I'm actually working in a little forum project, everything is fine till I was stuck in a problem.
I want to display the user Image in front of every post he creates.
I have a table called discussion and another called users and each one of them contains the "user_id" column, but I couldn't figure out how to link them.

firstly you need to know about relation ship between the database table. then you need to learn about eloquent relationship on laravel docs.


How to resolve Not unique table/alias error in laravel?

I am very new to the laravel,i am using l5-repository package for orderBy and sortedBy to sort columns ,while hitting API i am getting following error please help me to resolve the issue
my API URL :-http://localhost.com/v1/domain?limit=250&page=1&orderBy=users|name&sortedBy=desc
You probrably have an error in your table name. For default, laravel will look for cards table name for a model named Card. Also, take a look in your models name. I espect you misstype card.php because it should be Card.php. Laravel uses a lot of psr convention and Eloquent (who deal with relationships and that stuff). If you are not well versed into it, take a look in how to name classes. As Alireza said, take a look in the Laravel's documentation, it is awesome and complete. When you have a one to many realtionship, one of they should have a hasMany(...) instead belongsTo(....)

How to list related blog posts in OctoberCMS

I am building an App with OctoberCMS and wanted to list related blog posts at the bottom of each post page basing on categories. I figured out rainlab_blog_posts table does not have a foreign key pointing to blog categories table. To achieve what wanted I thought of extending the blog_posts table and added category_id as foreign key using a plugin. I defined foreign key constraints in table migration. Everthing seem to be fine. My challenge is, How can I insert category id in posts table each time a new post is created. OctoberCMS create post backend has an option where the author assigns a category to a new blog post by selecting from list. Just don't understand how to pass this category id and insert into rainlab_blog_posts table in category_id field.
This is what I want to achieve in my API:
use Rainlab\Blog\Models\Post;
$post = Post::where('id',$id)->first();
$posts = Post::where('category_id',$post->category_id)
return $posts;
Or if there is a better way of achieving this will appreciate. Cheers!
Hmm seems something wrong here,
As first I can see from Blog Plugin that Blog <=> Category it is MM relation so you will not find category_id in rainlab_blog_posts table as all relation is maintained by this mm-relation table rainlab_blog_posts_categories.
So I think you will select only one category for blog so you can get related blogs for only that category. [ assuming from your code and description ]
we can utilize relationships for that.
So your code can look like this
use Rainlab\Blog\Models\Post;
Route::get('apiv1/related-posts/{postid}', function($id)
$post = Post::where('id',$id)->first();
// we need this because there will be mm relation so
// we fetch first category and this will be based on
// [ name sorting - does not matter as there will be only one cat. ]
$firstCategory = $post->categories()->first();
// now we fetch only that post which are related to that category
// but we skip current post and sort them and pick 5 posts
$posts = $firstCategory->posts()
->where('id', '!=', $id)
->limit(5) // use limit instead of take()
// use limit instead of take() as we don't need extra data so
// just put limit in sql rather fetching it from db then
// putting limit by code - limit() is more optimised way
return $posts;
Good thing now you don't need to add that category_id field on rainlab_blog_posts. So, I guess now you Also don't need to worry about adding it during post insertion.
if any doubts please comment.
Incase you simply want to display related blog posts without having to customize the blog database, there is an OctoberCMS plugin called Related Articles
that requires rainlab blog plugin. It will display all the other articles belonging to the post's category.
On your Backend menu, go to settings,on System, go to Updates and Plugins.
Go to Install plugins. Search for plugin Related articles. The creator is Tallpro. Install it.
Go to CMS. On the page you want related articles, go to components and drag Related articles. Save and preview it. You can also fork the component to edit how you want your related articles to be displayed. You will find more information on the documentation.
If you encounter any problems feel free to inquire or you can check out the plugin reviews for problems faced and their solution.

Laravel: What are models?

I'm confused as to what models are and do in Laravel. I've tried to find some explanations but couldn't find any.
Can someone briefly explain what models are, when I would use them, and why I should use them?
More so, what are fillable and guarded attributes? I don't find they're very well explained in the docs.
For example, I have a table in my database, called login_log, that contains all login attempts. Would I create a model for this? Why?
Model is represented by M when you talk about MVC which stands for Model, View and Controller.
In Laravel Model is simply your database table object. This allows you to interact with your database tables as if they are PHP objects or classes.
Fillable property is used to tell laravel to allow mass assignment for the listed fields
while Guard property is the opposite of fillable
Laravel documentation is the best documentation so far.
See this Links to Understand well : Mass Assignment in Eloquent ORM for Laravel 4.2
If you are newbie in Laravel, as I am Android Application Developer
i've find solution and understood too.
You have to learn documentation before putting question.
As MVC stands for Model View Controller, Model Deals with Database for example controller ask to Model to give me the first names of Students from the student table an d then controller pass it to the view.

Help with Codeigniter and MVC model pattern

I am creating a site much like a wordpress blog whereby the front page will display a post loop: with the post_summary, author info, and tags.
I have four tables:
posts | users | tags | tag relationships
to display all the results i would need to do multiple JOINs for in the SELECT statement
However, to stay with the MVC pattern, there should be a model for each table ( or object ?). So my question is: If I were doing a SELECT all, how would I do this and still keep with the MVC pattern?
To get all the required info for the post, I need the author_id to get my info from the users table AND I need the post_id to get the tags (and so on). If all of my queries are in different Models, what is the best way to perform the query?
Do I make one Model that does all of the JOINS and just use it? Should I load Models from the view? Or should I do additional query work in the Controller?
I think you have a misunderstanding of the purpose of Models. Models are to deal with data in your database and are not limited to 1 table per model. If you are creating a blog, you will really just need one model. Take a look at the tutorial on the codeigniter website, http://codeigniter.com/tutorials/watch/blog/, and reread the user guide for models, http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/general/models.html .
You may be getting MVC confused with an ORM
Do not make a model for the joins. As answered by #Johnny already, a Model and a table do not need to have a one-to-one relationship. In this case you are displaying blog entries, so you could have a Model named "Blog", with a method "GetList()". It is not relevant whether that query reaches out to multiple tables.
Think about it conceptually. Your are displaying blog entries, and each blog entry has other objects associated to it (such as a user id). Try to think domain-driven, not table-driven.
Make a model for the JOINS. It can include post_summary, recent_comments, etc.
Just use it in the front_page controller, the side_bar controller (for recent_comments, etc).
It would be better not to put query work directly in views or controller and views should not need to access the models IMO.

Dynamic table names in Doctrine

If I have tables in doctrine for user_1, user_2, etc. is there a way to dynamically set the table name in Doctrine for a single User model?
It's weird, I know. I'm trying to create an interface to a WordPress database (because WP has little to no API for directly accessing posts), and WP creates duplicate tables for each site, so there's a wp_posts, wp_comments, wp_2_posts, wp_2_comments, etc.
Here's what I ended up doing:
$post = new WordPressPost();
If it could, you would have to run migrations for each added/deleted user.
I am curious; why would you EVER need something like that?
I don't know how WP works, but here is the thing; each site should use it's OWN database, not to share it with others.
