So I am trying to do something like:
%DECLARE Variable `cat src/documents/item.json`;
Filter BY field = Variable;
But I am getting an error saying:
ERROR org.apache.pig.Main - java.lang.RuntimeException: Error executing shell command: Command exit with exit code of 1
Can someone suggests what's wrong? Thanks!
Most likely "src/documents/item.json" doesn't exist and failing.
Interesting that I fixed
just today that would have shown proper error message in addition to the exit code.
With that change, it should print out something like
"cat: src/documents/item.jsonl: No such file or directory"
Any help is appreciated:
I am running a simple java currency converter application and trying to test it using conditional bash statements. For this test I am seeking to test when the user doesn't enter any value into the application what the resulting output is. Here is the bash script:
expectedOuput="Please enter correct input"
actualOutput=$(java CurrencyConverter $input)
if [ $expectedOutput == $actualOutput ]; then
echo "Test 1 Passed"
echo "Test 1 Failed"
I am aiming for the test to fail and echo this, however the script just returns the java error instead of echoing, like this:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0
at CurrencyConverter.main(
I am newer to bash scripting so have been changing the syntax, I just cant seem to stop the java error being printed
The exception message is printed to stderr, so if you want to get it in actualOutput (perhaps misleading name now):
actualOutput=$(java CurrencyConverter "$input" 2>&1)
you can also check the exit status of the java command.
Also check misspelled expectedOuput and use of quotes.
And the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException it's definitely something you should fix in your java code.
I have the following bash code in a script file:
if [ 'false' == 'true' ]
write_map() >> 'groups.txt'
When I try to run the script, I get this message from bash, and nothing is run:
syntax error near unexpected token `>>'
Why is >> an "unexpected token?
Why is bash failing on code that is inside an "if" that won't be run?
This bash code was created by Cromwell wdl. write_map is a wdl function, not a bash function. Could that be what's breaking bash?
So, there were two issues
write_map was being called wrong in the wdl code that was the source for this bash code
When called correctly, write_map is turned into a file, and you can't >> a file (you have to cat it then >>)
I am executing a kubectl command in a bash script and storing the output in a variable. When the kubectl command executes successfully I am getting the correct output in the variable, but when it does not execute successfully the variable is empty and the error message is not available in the variable. I want the error values to be stores in the variable.
GET_PODS_COMMAND="$(kubectl get pods -n mlsh-$JOBNAMESPACE --selector app=$POD_SELECTOR --template '{{range .items}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}')" #kubectl command. Please assume mlsh-$JOBNAMESPACE and $POD_SELECTOR have correct values
echo $GET_PODS_COMMAND_OUT #Printing command result
When the command execution is successful I get the pod name in GET_PODS_COMMAND_OUT but when the command output is "No Resources Found" value for GET_PODS_COMMAND_OUT is blank.
I read that I have to redirect the stderr to stdout as stated in below articles:
Bash how do you capture stderr to a variable?
Still struggling to understand how exactly to achieve this.
Here is what I have tried:
GET_PODS_COMMAND_OUT="$(GET_PODS_COMMAND 2>&1)" #gives the error: GET_PODS_COMMAND: command not found
New to linux so any help is appreciated. Thank you.
I have a CI CD pipeline where I use a bash task to execute some script.
I want the build to fail if the script fails. So now I implemented an exit code where the bash script needs to fail. All good except for the error message.
I want to use a exit code whereby I can set an error message something like:
exit "script failed because alerts were found"
But I found online that you can only pass integers to your exit code.
Tried to fix it with:
echo "fail message"
exit code 2
But on my pipeline I got the Bash exited with code '2'. message and after i open the task output i can see my echo message.
Don't know if this is a Azure DevOps issue or I can fix this in bash. Anyone has any ideas?
[EDIT] Tried it with trap inside my local machine, and the custom error message works. But the same thing didn't work in Azure DevOps. I might think this is not possible in Azure DevOps -_-. Is there someone who already tried this ?
Perhaps the console in the screenshot shows only the script's standard error?
I would try something like:
echo "fail message" 1>&2
exit code 2
I'd suggest you have a look at "trap" command :
and try something like :
trap 'your_function' EXIT
I'm building a script that uses a while loop like the following:
while [ $sync -eq 0 ];
body of the loop where $sync get changed sevaral times
The probleme is when I execute the script it gives me an error saying:
enter code hereline 53: 0=0: command not found
Please help me, thanks in advance
Change $sync=0 to sync=0. bash is not perl, so don't use the $ when assigning to a variable.
PS, the error message is useful: what is on line 53 in your script?