I'am using clion with lots of sub project(exe or lib), it's structure like below:
As to exe(core CMakeList as below), I can click the button run, then it runs as below:
add_executable(cv_knn_demo knn_kdtree_demo.cpp)
But as to library(core CMakeList as below), I can't create library by click the run button(I have to create it like normal cmake project: to mkdir build, and then cmake ..), I know library can't run(just show create exe it convenient by clion, but create library is not)
add_library(demo5 SHARED ${SRC_LIST})
How to create library by clion convenient(no need to do mkdir build; cmake.., just by a click)? my question is not like this: CLion and CMake: only building a library without an executable?
I have know how to create it, for example the project demo5 is used to create library.
First, choose demo5(the right rectangle in the below image)
Second, Run->build
Output as below:
I'm writing a CPython extension using Jetbrain's CLion IDE and I was hoping to get code-completion working for functions and variables inside of Python.h.
I looked through the preferences and I can't find anything relevant. How do I add code completion and inspection for included libraries?
CLion uses the CMakeLists.txt in your project to control the lookup paths for code completion and other features -- because your library includes are build specific, it makes sense in a way to put this here.
To the specific question of how to get the Python.h library signatures into autocomplete, your CMakeList file should have something like the following:
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -I/usr/local/Cellar/python3/3.4.3/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/include/python3.4m")
Where -I/path/to/file.h is the local path to the directory that contains the header files that you want to include in your build (and by proxy, your autocomplete lookup for the project).
I working with Firebreath 1.7, MacOSX 10.8.3, Xcode 4.6.3.
I want add boost::chrono as static library to my plugin.
After running prepmac.sh i have my_plugin bundle target. I choose my_plugin target in project/targets tab and don't see option "Link binary With Libraries".
How i can add boost::chrono library to my_plugin by another method?
Changing things manually there is not the correct way to do it; you should never change the project files without changing the cmake files, because eventually you'll need to rerun the prep script.
First of all, are you using system boost? boost::chrono is not part of the boost that firebreath includes, which is a subset of the boost features to keep size down for those who don't want to deal with it. If you are using part firebreath boost and part your own, you could have problems.
If you've configured system boost correctly, you should be able to just add this to the end of your PluginConfig.cmake file and rerun the prep script:
Barring that, you could also just do it using cmake directly, which would mean adding a target_link_libraries command to your CMakeLists.txt or Mac/projectDef.cmake file at the end, something like:
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} boost_chrono)
(you'd need to find out for sure what the library name is; you might even need to use find_library to locate it).
I've written a small library as a Qt project using Qt Creator, now I want to create a small GUI application that can be used to test it as part of the development process, so it could be like this:
Project root at:
Library project and associated code:
GUI test tool and associated code:
So far I've only been able to make things work by setting up LIBS+= in the GUI project's .pro file, manually building the library, copying the library's .a file to the GUI directory, and rebuilding the GUI project. A tedious process. Worse: I'm developing the project now on Linux but need to make it build on Linux and Windows, and this manual build style will probably make that harder.
I suppose there's a way to do make Qt Creator aware of the relationships between the projects, so for example building the GUI tool in debug mode use the debug version of the library, or making changes to the corelib would necessitate a build in the GUI, building on some OS would use the libraries OS-configuration...etc
This kind of thing is a couple of clicks away in Eclipse and Visual Studio, but I can't seem to get it working in QtCreator. I've tried "Add library->Internal library" and creating a 'subdirs' project but neither seems to work. I feel it's probably a simple step that I'm missing somewhere, any help?
Try again to use subdirs feature. It have own wizard "Project with subdirectories", but in your case it's easier to write it manually (in example I've added "ordered" to ensure that order of compilation is always correct).
TEMPLATE = subdirs
CONFIG += ordered
SUBDIRS = corelib guitool
Than you can add libary to your GUI application with wizard (accessible from context menu inside .pro).
How to build a .bundle from source code?
This might sound like a simple problem but it has been hurdling me for a week...
Here is my problem:
I have a bunch of .c and .h files that are organized in a folder and its sub folders. The source code was written and compiled with gcc make and tested by many other make tools. The source code has some utilities and command line tools and it has more code that serve as library for those utilities and tools. It is the files that serve as libraries that I want to reuse. (By library I don't mean static library or something, I just mean that some .c and .h files in certain subfolders provide functions that can be called by some other .c files. I want to be able to call those functions, too)
Yet my problem is more complex than that: I need to build those .c and .h into a bundle to reuse it. I am not writing my application in C; I am developing in Unity and Unity can only take in .bundle files on Mac OS.
Here is my goal:
Organize the source code folder in a proper way so that I can build them into a bundle in Xcode 4.
Here is where I got stuck:
When building the project I got the following error:
Duplicate symbol _main in
for architecture i386
I can relate to this error because I can find lots of main entries in the source code. Most of them are test utilities.
Here is what I tried:
I tried removing all those utility .c files but with no luck. The error is still there. I delete and delete until some files cannot find the definition of the function they are calling. So I had to stop there.
Though I wasn't able to build a bundle I was able to build a C/C++ static library (with an .a extension). After I got the .a file I tried to put it into another Xcode project and tried to build it into a bundle. I could build a bundle in that way, but then I had problem accessing the content of the bundle. How do I call functions defined in a .a static library if that library is hidden in a bundle? I read about Apple's documentation which says:
Note: Some Xcode targets (such as shell tools and static libraries) do
not result in the creation of a bundle or package. This is normal and
there is no need to create bundles specifically for these target
types. The resulting binaries generated for those targets are intended
to be used as is.
(quoted from: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/CoreFoundation/Conceptual/CFBundles/AboutBundles/AboutBundles.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/10000123i-CH100-SW1)
Here is what I thought about:
I thought about replacing all main with something like main_sth. But the source code was not written by me so I didn't want to modify it. (It just doesn't feel like a proper way of doing things to me...)
I learnt that Xcode has gcc compiler built in. So I guess if gcc can make it, so can Xcode? It's just a wild guess - I am not familiar with Xcode and gcc.
Here is a summary of my questions:
Is there a way to properly organize a pile of code previously compiled and made by gcc make so that they can be built into an Xcode bundle?
Is it meaningful to put a .a library in an Xcode project and build it into a bundle? If it is meaningful, how do I call functions defined in .a after it is built into a bundle?
Is it proper to just replace all main() entries with something else?
Alright I think I have figured out at least one solution to the problem.
The duplicate main error was caused by a bunch of main entries in my source code. When the code was compiled by gcc make, I guess the author defined a sort of compilation order so that duplicate mains won't be an issue. (If you know how to do this, please let me know. I barely know make tools.) But when I just add the entire source code folder into my Xcode project, of course Xcode would complain during linking...
As I was unwilling to modify the source code (because the source code library is not developed by me), I decided to use another strategy to walk around this problem.
If your duplicate main error was reported from your own code, you can stop reading here. But if you are like me, with a bunch of gcc compiled source code and badly need a bundle yet don't know what to do, I may be able to help.
Okay here is what I did:
I set up an empty workspace.
I built a C/C++ static library project.
Import my entire source code folder into the static library project.
Set some header search path for the static library project.
Build the static library project. (Now I have a .a library which I could link against)
I set up another project, with a bundle target.
At the bundle project -> Build Phases -> Link Binary with Libraries, add the .a library that I just built.
At the bundle project -> edit scheme -> Build, add the static library project to the scheme and move it up the list so that it is built prior to my bundle project.
Then add .h files of my library project to my bundle project as references.
After that, add a .c file in my bundle project that basically functions as a wrapper. I picked a function that I want to call in Unity, wrote a wrapper function in the new .c file, and was able to build the bundle.
After several trial and error, I was able to import the bundle into Unity and was able to call the test function from Unity.
I was really excited about this! Though it's not completed yet I think this gives me hope and I am confident I can use the source code now! And the best thing about this solution is that I don't have to modify the library code developed by others. Whenever they update their code, I just update my .a library and that's it!
Though I have listed 11 steps I still feel that there are lots of details that I missed. So here are my references:
I followed this tutorial to build my source code into a static library: http://www.ccnx.org/?post_type=incsub_wiki&p=1315
I followed this blog to link static library against my bundle code and twist build phases and search headers: http://blog.carbonfive.com/2011/04/04/using-open-source-static-libraries-in-xcode-4/
I followed this doc to import my bundle to Unity3D Pro as a plugin: http://unity3d.com/support/documentation/Manual/Plugins.html
I strongly recommend the second reference because that's what solved my problem!
Though the problem is almost solved there are still a few things that I haven't figured out:
I don't know if a wrapper function is at all necessary. I will try this out tomorrow and come back to update.
-- I am coming back to update: the wrapper function is NOT necessary. Just make sure you have all the headers in your bundle project and you will be able to use all the data structures and call functions defined in your headers.
I haven't used NSBundle class though I read a few docs about it. Previously I was thinking about using that class to access my .a library encapsulated in my bundle, but as I found the solution I wrote above, I didn't try the class out.
Lastly, if you have better solution, please don't hesitate to let me know!
I tried to follow the steps in the accepted answer, but had no luck. In the end, I realised step 10 needed to be modified slightly:
Create a dummy.c under (.bundle) project and the dummy.c can just be totally empty.
Remove the setting for the library you want to link inside Link Binary With Libraries
Instead use -Wl,-force_load,$(CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR)/libYourLib.a or -all_load to Other Linker Flags
PS: And also can use sub-project instead of workspace. and use Target Dependencies instead of Edit Scheme to achieve the same effect.
I have a Xcode project for library arith.
I could build it with debug configuration, and I need to debug it. How can I do that?
The ideal method would be to set up a test code to build an execution in a project file, and then set a breakpoint in a source code in arith library.
However, it seems that Xcode arith project doesn't allow to add another use_arith project that uses the arith library.
What method people use to debug a dynamic library in Xcode?
I googled and found some ways to debug dll. Attaching to a running process can be one way of debugging dynamic library. And, for iPhone/iPad programming dynamic library is not allowed, so static library is used.
Attaching to a Running Process - http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gnat_ugn_unw/Attaching-to-a-Running-Process.html
Debugging a library with Xcode - Debugging a library with Xcode
Easy, Modular Code Sharing Across iPhone Apps: Static Libraries and Cross-Project References - http://www.clintharris.net/2009/iphone-app-shared-libraries/
I could find a way to debug dynamic library in Xcode.
Make a library, I'll call this arith library. Debug build to make libarith.dylib.
Make a project to use the library, I'll call this usearith.
For userarith, Project->Add To Project, and add the arith library.
Open Project info, and open the Build tab.
Go to Search Paths/Library Search Paths, drag and drop the arith library. You should remove the library name as you need only specify the path. Specify the header directory with 'Header Search Paths'.
Go to Linking, set Other Linker Flags, add -larith
Now, you should be able to link the execution binary to the library.
For running, you need to copy the dynamic library to the directory where the execution binary is located.
You need to set the breakpoints both arith/usearith.
You can run debugger in arith and use the step into to debug the code in a arith project.
I faced the same problem and no one of the previous answer worked for my case so I share my solution (for Xcode):
If you need to debug a c/c++ dylib which is loaded by an external (executable) program:
First be sure that your dylib is build with the same architecture as your external program.
Then Go to --> Product —>Scheme—>Edit scheme
Got to Tab Run(Debug) and check "Debug Executable" , then select into the dropdown button your external program as executable. Then check "Launch Automatically"
Additionally if you program needs extra argument you can add it into the
"Arguments" tab.
Finally you set some breakpoints to your c source file and finally click run.