Fullpage.js v3 - Slide reset bug - fullpage.js

I have updated to v3 with all v3 plugins. i have been informed there is a bug with the reset slider plugin. This site also uses parallax plugin and scrolloverflow plugin. all latest versions.
The bug:
Say your on section 2, you scroll to section 2 slide 2. Then slide up to section 1, then slide back down to section 2. then slide back to section 2 slide 2. The background will now be 75% offset and out of place.
Fault goes if plugin is disabled.
I am on the road atm. can anyone confirm this?


Ckeditor HTML output show in responsive UI screen

I am using CkEditor 5 within my angular 11 project. And trying to display CkEditor's HTML output in responsive UI screen, but observed there are alignment issues in responsive UI as Ckeditor HTML output having inline CSS with it.
added screen shot for reference, here I have added image in CkEditor at center position but in view mode large screen it tends to left direction.
Is there any way to fix this issue.
Thankyou in advance.

iOS 15 safari toolbar now hides when scrolling within an element

On iOS 15 scrolling within an element causes the window to resize / toolbar to disappear, regardless of if you have the top or bottom toolbar. On iOS 14 this would only happen when the body scrolled. See gifs below, note - the yellow area is a div with overflow scroll and the body is not scrolling.
iOS 15
iOS 14
Code example here:
Is this new behaviour intended or a bug? Is there any way to disable it as it makes quite a few websites look a little strange now!
I solved this problem for my case. Perhaps it will help you too.
body-scroll-lock library https://github.com/willmcpo/body-scroll-lock
Video examples of work
Before using the library (pain): https://truewebstories.ru/sites/default/files/0my_files/blog/2022/scroll-safari-15/before.MP4
After: https://truewebstories.ru/sites/default/files/0my_files/blog/2022/scroll-safari-15/after.MP4
I block everything except the "burger menu" (side menu) from scrolling after that menu is opened. When the menu is closed, all scroll locks are released.
Thanks willmcpo https://github.com/willmcpo and google translate...
PS: Read this issue https://github.com/willmcpo/body-scroll-lock/issues/236 It says that if you install the library through NPM, the problem will not be solved. You need to download it from GitHub - then it will be OK.

fullpage.js swipe on mobile scrolls through multiple sections

On mobile when you swipe up slowly fullpage.js jumps ahead multiple sections like a fast forward or something (my site for example). Is there any way to turn off that feature? What I want is slow swipe up to reveal the lower section and animate to that section when you release. The demo on the main website here has this behaviour, but I can't see any option for it.
You can do that by using the Drag And Move extension for fullpage.js.
This will allow you to scroll like in the demo page.

Nativescript style limitations

I started to develop a mobile app using nativescript, everything was going well until I realized I cant customize the style as I want. Just for example I cant set the border to a button like border-width: 1 0 0 1.
There is a way to extend the styling behavior?
I'm considering to start using ionic :(
As of NativeScrtip version 2.4.0 (the next release), this functionality will be available, which means that you will be able to create a border with
border-width:0 2 2 0;
border-color: red;
If you want to test it now (before the release of 2.4.0) then remove tns-core-modules and install the #next version.
tns plugin remove tns-core-modules
tns plugin add tns-core-modules#next
You can also take a look at this issue to see what you can do with the new borders implementation
As of right now per side borders are not available with the css subset NativeScript exposes. They are a PITA to do on iOS, the good news is the core team knows this and I believe it's been prioritized in recent weeks. So I expect it will be possible in a release coming up.
With all that said, if you have a specific case you want you can still achieve it with NativeScript but it's not as easy as the css border styling. Just remember the css stylers in NativeScript are being mapped to the native methods/properties to style native components, so it's awesome to be able to use css even though its not 1-1 with the vast css that browsers have, it does get better every release
If you want to do a per side borders right now you can use a stacklayout with a height of 1 and set the background color. So for a 4 sided object you would use a grid layout and put a stack on the first and third row, your component on the middle (2nd) row and then a stack on the first and 3 columns (0 & 1 values). Again, I know it's not ideal but it's just a limitation for now that its not exposed in the css subset for NativeScript. I haven't checked the source or issues for any updates on this in a while but its possible something is being worked on now to enable this functionality. Hope this helps some. If you have some code and need help please share and I can help more.

Kendo Mobile Q3 2013 - Modal view ignoring height and width

I've upgraded to the latest Kendo UI Mobile (Q3 2013 release) and am noticing that the modal views in my Kendo Mobile application all extend to the height and width of the screen.
Is this by design, or is it a bug that got through? I am very curious because I will need to make some minor adjustments if modal views now extend the height and width of the screen.
This is a last minute regression. I've just pushed a fix and it will be available through an internal build tomorrow. You can also download the styles from this sticky post in our forums.
