Matlab Toolbar GUI custo icon - matlab-guide

I want to add a ? icon on the toolbar of my gui that opens a new figure with some information about the tool that I've developed. I managed to implement it and when I push the icon, a new gui opens as I want it to be, but the ? icon remains "pushed". I mean that when I click it, the icon changes color (to let me know that I'm clicking on it), opens the new figure but it remains with the changed color, instead return with the default color.
What command do I need to get it back to the default color?
In the callback I just put it the name of the other gui,
function about_Clicked_Callback(hObject,eventdata,handles)


Why do my PyQt5-Windows flicker if a change the window?

I made a GUI with a few MainWindows's on my RaspberryPi. It contains a few buttons and if i click a button, i show the new window and close the old one. Unfortunately, the GUI flickers if i change the window. At every change of the window, there are a few miliseconds, where there is a black GUI and neither the old nor the new screen. What do i make wrong?

Xcode 6 open Assistant Editor in New Window

I feel like I have read every link on Google pertaining to this question, but none that I have read have helped.
All I want to do is view my Storyboard layout on the left monitor, and on my right monitor, in a new window, have the Assistant Editor open to "Preview" for my Storyboard so that I can preview the different devices sizes (clicking different storyboard views on the left screen should update the assistant editor preview on the right). This seems so simple, but has not proved to be.
Please tell me this is possible.
EDIT: This guy seems to have it working but following the steps didn't work for me.
It's possible.. and it's awesome:
I do have this working after following the instructions linked in the OP. I think the author left out that you need to click on the view controller that you're editing in BOTH instances of the story board window to see the changes update. Then as you're editing on your main window the changes will update to the open storyboard and thus the preview will update as well. I was able to test this and achieved a somewhat desired result.
In case the link goes dead here are the instructions lined out
Here’s how you can set this up…
In the Project Navigator pane, single-click a storyboard/XIB file to open it in the main Xcode window.
Now double-click that same file to open it in a new window.
Move the new window to another monitor and maximize it
(So now you have the story board on 2 windows)
Click on the new window to make sure it has input focus, then type Option+Command+Enter to open an assistant editor in that window.
In the assistant editor’s jump bar click on ‘Automatic‘ to open the drop-down menu (see the screenshot below if you don’t know what this means).
Click on the ‘Preview‘ menu item to open the preview editor.
Click and hold next to the assistant editor’s jump bar, then drag up or left (depending on which editor layout you prefer; vertical or horizontal), to maximize the preview’s screen real estate.
Lastly... the part the author left out is that you need to select the view controller you want to edit in BOTH story board windows and then just drag the preview window to cover more of the screen.
It's not pretty but it's effective.
Edit: wording and grammar :)
This is not currently possible (Xcode 6.3.1 at the time of writing). The best you can do is open your storyboard in one window, open it again in a new window, open the preview, and slide the assistant editor as far left as possible. The preview won't take up the entire window, but it'll be pretty close.

Is it possible to access the Diamond guide in Visual Studio from the keyboard only?

I have taken to participating in mouseless Monday's and Friday's. I have set my windows float and dock tabs to hotkeys that allow me to pull them out or put them back in; however, I want to be able to choose which location to put the tabbed document in. I operate in landscape mode so I regularly have a bottom and a top window in visual studio. I would like to press a hotkey and send the selected document to that part of the diamond guide. Anyone know a plugin or how I can do this?
There's an entire article dedicated to navigating the IDE using just the keyboard, with a section on docking windows and tabs using the diamond guide from the keyboard. So yes, it is possible, and you don't need a plugin for it:
To move and dock tool windows from the keyboard
Navigate to the tool window you intend to move and give it focus.
On the Window menu, click Dockable.
Press ALT + Space and then choose Move.
The docking guide diamond appears.
Use the ARROW keys to move the window to a new location.
The mouse pointer moves with the window as you use the ARROW keys.
When you have reached the new location, use the ARROW keys to move the mouse pointer over the correct portion of the guide diamond.
An outline of the tool window appears in the new docking location.
Press ENTER.
The tool window snaps into place at the new docking location.
Alternatively, you can cheat by simply controlling the mouse pointer with the keyboard, through a nifty system accessibility feature called MouseKeys.

How to force background color + how to change icon for "pin to startup"

I tried to submit my first wp7 application but it got rejected because of area 7.1 what apparently is something to do with some icon that is used to be pinned.
I don't know if their is anything else that is wrong with my app(I thought I had all the requirements down) and that they just stop testing after the first thing they fail.
I know from reading online that there is something that users can change the background color of an app that causes alot of people to fail as well.
How can I force them to not be able to do this. I don't know how how to change the background color myself.
About the icon that is used to be pinned the requirement is to disable this icon when item is pinned. You don't need to give user way to unpin icon from app, they can do that on main screen. So just check if item was already pinned and if yes, disable icon in application bar (I assume that you have it in application bar). You can check it using code:
((ApplicationBarIconButton)button).IsEnabled = ShellTile.ActiveTiles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.NavigationUri.ToString().Contains("?value=" + value)) == null ? true : false;
I don't quite understand second question but if you want your app to be fine with both white/black theme just set foreground colour for all items that you want to stay in one static color (like textblocks). If you will have it in XAML code, changing background theme will not affect your app.

Rgui - disable right click on plot window?

I've written a routine whereby a user is displayed an image (using grid.raster) and they click on it to define a region of interest (grid.locator).
I added in support for the user to right-click on the plot instead of left-click, which would undo their previously-clicked point.
This works by testing whether grid.locator() returns NULL (from the help file: "If the user did not click mouse button 1, the function (invisibly) returns NULL).
This works fine on Linux, but in Windows using Rgui, right-clicking the plot window brings up a context menu with 'Stop' and 'Continue' and continues waiting for you to click (i.e. the right click is not detected by grid.locator() since it's intercepted for the context menu first).
Is there some way to disable the right click context menu for the plot window in Rgui?
(The user is only going to use Rgui. For the moment I can tell them to use the middle click button to undo instead of right click and this works, but it is moot if they don't have a button with a scroll wheel/middle click button. Alternatively if there's some way I can listen for a keyboard event without having to load a UI package like gtk or tcltk I'm happy for that to happen too).
