Using Gate between Mac and Windows via - windows

I'm trying to collaborate with with a colleague on a Gate app. He uses a Mac, while I am on Windows. We are both on Gate 8.5.1. He has uploaded the current project to a account.
My method is to download the entire folder from - username/our project name/downloads/ - save it across to my Gate folder in Program Files, and then open the GAPP file. This opens GATE, but with none of the configuration (Gazzateers, JAPE rules etc), just a standard unmodified version of GATE.
I'm not sure if the File paths which he has chosen are not mapping across to my system, or there is some other element of his set it up which is different.
Is there an easy way to drag and drop a configured Gate application from one operating system (OSX) to the another (Windows)?

You should check the gate manual on "Saving Applications and Language Resources". I think for beginners it's best to export the whole pipeline and resources in a zip file using the method described here.
In general, you don't need the GATE installation and binaries in your bitbucket project. You only need the configuration and code, specific to your application.
Keep in mind that if you use / edit any of the GATE PRs, like ANNIE gazetteers, japes, etc., you need to make sure they're all properly exported / updated within your team and working environments. (That's why I recommend the export for cloud option, because it exports all resources and updates paths so that they're all put in a common folder).


How to provide singularity images where users can add a custom set of software from a catalogue provided by us

We want to improve the reproducibility of the analyses at our institute. To this effect, we contemplate on implementing a system based on Singularity. The idea is that at the beginning of the analysis, the user can choose a machine configuration (later amendments must be possible) that sticks with them until the project is complete. Then, the image is archived with the analysis. Ideally, the user doesn't have to issue system admin commands (install packages etc.) in the process.
She just makes a request like "I need R with tidyverse and Python 3 and this and that in-house packages" and she gets a command that she can use to ssh into a singularity container that has those features. When she makes a new request, she gets the newest version of the programs but once the container has been deployed those versions don't change anymore.
It gets tricky when I think of the fact that multiple users will need different combinations of software. Do I need to provide an image for every combination of Software and software extension packages? If I only think of a scenario where users can choose of an arbitrary combination of {R, Julia, Python, r-tidyverse, r-data.table, r-whatever-genomic-analysis-package-on-bioconductor, python-...}
Is there a feature selection method in the veins of
singularity pull library://alpine:3.7 +r:3.2.1 +python3:3.7 +r-package:1.2.3
such that the user can
ssh cluster01 -- singularity shell project-abc.simg
and start/continue working?
If not, is there an alternative approach to supplying custom machine configurations to users using singularity?
I could find Singularity Compose, but this seems to just run multiple containers as services next to each other. So the images can stay separate. I have to merge them.
Yes, with Singularity, a dedicated image must be provided for each possible combination of packages.
Selecting a set of applications per-user is possible by changing your server configuration to the package managers Nix or GUIX, a fork of nix. The concept here is that each application/library lives within its own directory, whose name is a hash of the app! Therefore, multiple application versions can coexist and each application can link to another version of the same library.
A user can select a set of those directories as a user profile. This is a folder of symlinks into binaries in the proper application folders. From the Nix manual:
So, each user can setup their environment as they like, down to bitwise reproducability.
After the analysis, the profile can be turned into an image. I know its possible with GUIX using guix pack (tar, Docker, Singularity).
For Nix, I'm not sure. There is a project on GitHub, datakurre/nix-build-pack-docker, but it's dormant since 2015. Maybe it's enough to copy the needed subset of /nix/store into a folder, pull a NixOS image, and bind /nix/store of that image to your own folder?

Detecting file modification with install4j

We ship a config file as a part of our installation that we create via install4j. Suppose the user is doing an upgrade installation when we ship a new version of the product. Is there any way to determine if the user has manually modified the file after last installation ??
We need to detect if the user has modified this file, and then merge the changes that the user has done with the new changes that we are introducing by the update.
Any pointers / ideas would be greatly appreciated.
As of 5.1.11, install4j does not support this kind of content-based modification detection. Modification detection only takes file modification times into account.
Windows installer compares a file's create and modify dates. If they are different the file has changed.
I believe you can solve this in a better way by writing the config file using the main application executable using "internal defaults" in your application instead of a base config file delivered via your setup. You can then re-apply all internal defaults to the existing file, add any new updates whilst keeping user changes where possible (sometimes you want to override what has been changed?).
The more intelligent an application is in its configuration and maintenance of settings, the less deployment problems you will see.

Maven reads user configuration from wrong location

I just discovered why Maven doesn't work properly on my machine. For some reason it reads the user configuration from the completely wrong location. And I don't understand why. When I run maven with the -X switch I get the following output in the beginning:
[DEBUG] Reading global settings from D:\dev\maven\active\conf\settings.xml
[DEBUG] Reading user settings from D:\.m2\settings.xml
[DEBUG] Using local repository at D:\dev\maven_repo
Why is it reading user settings from D:\.m2 and not my actual user directory like it normally should? It worked fine on my old computer. Does it have something to do with me having installed maven on a different drive this time? On my old computer it was installed on the C drive.
Where does it get this D:\.m2 from? How can I make it read the user settings file from the actual default location, %userprofile%\.m2?
Finally figured it out. Found the solution in this blog post. To find the home directory in Java you do this:
Problem is, for some dumb reason, Java isn't using Windows environment variables or anything like that to find this path. It actually uses the parent directory of the Desktop directory. Since I like to keep certain main folders in my user directory on a separate drive (documents, downloads, music, desktop, etc) I had moved the desktop directory to D:\Desktop. Java then takes that directory, goes one level up and makes Maven and other java applications think D:\ is my home directory.
Gotta say the more I use Java the more i hate it... anyways, hopefully this might help save some hours of head scratching for someone else too.
The original blog post is gone, but found on the WaybackMachine (the URL has been updated), but here's the gist from that post in case that goes too...
The issue: So how does Java play into all of this? Well, Java
developers sometimes want to store settings for their applications in
a folder within the user’s profile directory. It’s the Linux way, and
Java tends to do things the Linux way. (As mentioned earlier, Windows’
“AppData” folder servers the same purpose, with some extra separation
for data dependent on whether or not it should roam with the user’s
profile.) For some reason, Java does not use the Windows environment
variable to determine the location of the user’s profile, but instead
access a registry key that references the user’s desktop folder. It
then takes the parent directory of the desktop and assumes that is the
user’s profile folder (assuming the user makes use of the default
setup Windows chooses).
Essentially, when a programmer calls the Java command:
Java uses the following idea to determine where my user profile folder
This breaks down when the desktop folder has been modified.
So, with my setup, instead of saving settings at:
Java apps tend to save data to:
In reality, Java apps should save settings to:
or something like that.
To add insult to injury, the Java apps continue to follow the Linux
way and use a period at the beginning of the folder name in an attempt
to “hide” the folder (as is done on Linux). For Windows users, this
simply ensures these folders are listed first in directory listings.
(Hiding a folder on Windows is achieved through setting the hidden
attribute for the file.)
It looks like NetBeans has addressed the issue for their application,
but the root issue remains an unresolved, low priority bug. Somehow
I’d bet it would get fixed a lot faster if the mechanism for
determining the user’s home path on Linux was wrong.

How to tackle machine-dependant configuration with SVN and VS2010?

To start with some background, I am a member of a small team developing an ASP.NET application. In addition to us, there are 2 other teams working on it, all from different countries. Source code is hosted on a shared SVN server but there is no central testing environment. Each developer runs the app on their own machine and data services are set up per team.
Unfortunately our SVN workflow has some gaps in it: annoyances arise when there is time for an SVN update.
It is mainly because each developer and team have slightly different environments in terms of disk directory structure and configuration (both IIS and app itself). Hence conflicts in configuration files and elsewhere that in essence are not conflicts at all - for runtime configuration (XML) and in *.suo.
How should we handle this if our objective is to keep checkout, app setup and update as painless as possible?
One option would obviously be master copies. Another one establishing uniformity in developer environments and keeping it. But what about a third alternative?
One thing to do is to not put the .suo files into SVN, there's no reason to do that.
For IIS configuration there should be no argument - uniform environment across the build team.
For app.config files and the like, I tend to keep them in a separate "cfg" directory in the root of the project and use pre-build events to copy in the relevant ones I need depending on the project and environment I'm working on.
You could have a separate build task to copy in user-specific config into your output directory. Add a new directory in your root project called "user.config or something, and leave it empty. Then configure your project build to check this for entries and copy them to the output directory. This is easy to do, and then each dev can have their own config without affecting the master copies. Just make sure you have an ignore pattern on that folder so you don't commit user-specific configuration. If you have svnadmin access to your source code repo, you could set a hook to prevent it from ever happening.
Also set ignore patterns on your root directory (recursively) for .suo, .user, _Resharper or any other extensions you think are pertinent. There are some So questions already on exactly this topic:
Best general SVN Ignore Pattern?
Ignore *.suo and *.user files in svn. It is easy. After that create two types of config files in subversion. Development and Server, if in use add Test also. See below example.
Server files would contain server information. Development files is not contained in svn and ignored there. Every new developer will start by copying server files and making changes according to his environment.
Look following example site
following lines are interest.
<appSettings configSource="appSettingsDevelopment.config"/>
<connectionStrings configSource="ConnectionStringsDevelopment.config" />
ConfigSource can be used almost everywhere in web.config therefore you will be able to change every config to every developer. Only make use of following naming convention. ignore *Development.config in subversion. This way no developer config will be added to subversion.
Its not a perfect solution (and should only be used if there are not many of those special files), but what I do is to add fake files for each case, and switch the real file locally to it.
In detail: I have a file foo that creates the problem. I also create foo_1 and foo_2 and then locally switch foo to foo_1 (I use tortoisesvn, so I cant really give you the command line to do that). Then I am working on foo on my machine, but actually commit to foo_1. Other parties could then switch to foo_2...
(I admit this is basically a variant of the master-file approach you suggested yourself; but if there are not many actual changes to those files this at least reduces the numer of conflicts you have to think about)

Best strategy for automating multiple builds from a single white-label xcode project?

I'm researching the best approach to automating our build process. I've got my own ideas (through experience on a previous non-iOS project) but need good arguments for and against various possibilities.
Objective: A single xcode project with a single target (think white-label) needs to be built in 1..N different flavours (concrete brandings) with minimum user interaction and minimum technical knowledge. For AdHoc and/or AppStore.
Essentially, that will mean specifying per build; a folder containing Icons + Splashscreen, a bundle containing brand specific resources and (presumably?) the Info.plist, specifying appname, bundle-id, etc.
Issues that need to be respected or clarified;
Manual build of a single brand via Idiot-Proof GUI (choose a git
branch/tag, specify a certain brand, configure the app e.g.
IAP-enabled, server-domainname, etc - will be written to the
In previous manual tests, setting the executable name in
the plist didn't work? Sorry, have forgotten the exact problem..
perhaps was only an Xcode Debug buildconfig problem, not relevant to
a distribution build?
Code-Signing?!? Can the profile be specified
on-the-fly? Some brands need to be built with the customer's own
My personal feeling: Hudson or CruiseControl + Xcode plugin.
There seems to be plenty of documentation around for an Xcode solution and I've seen this in action on a Flex project I worked on, with almost exactly the same white-label/branding requirements. Of course that was using Ant script though and there was NO behavioral config to respect. That's my only uncertainty here... I suspect it would have to be hardcoded somewhere, but that's not the answer that's going to please some people. There is a wish to be able to specify the various app-config settings (server url, is function Foo supported, is the view X displayed, etc, etc) via a GUI form, when building manually. I'm not sure how easy it would be to shoehorn that into a typical Hudson or CC config?
And hence one suggestion that has been made is to write an OSX app for building our clients. The theory being, nice clean non-tech UI for entering all the necessary meta data & app setting and a big shiny green button labelled "Build". But personally I'm skeptical that this approach is any more flexible or easier to implement than a classic CI solution.
So the question is basically, what's preferable; a classic server based, version control integrated, CI approach or a custom OSX utility?
Whichever we go for it'll almost certainly be a requirement to get it up and running in 2 or 3 days (definately less than one week).
IMHO you can resolve all issues using different targets of XCode.
Every target will share the code but it could:
be signing with diferent profiles
use diferent plist: this implies having different names..
use diferent brand images. You only have to name the image with the same name and select the correct target in file inspector.
Build with one click in XCode.
I hope this helps
An extremely later reply, but the approach I would take would be to create the white label IPA, and then create a script to:
1. Unzip it (change the .ipa file extension to .zip).
2. Change assets.
Update the info.plist (using Plistbuddy command)
Zip it again.
Resign the code.
See this script as a starting point:
Very late answer. But I would go with different .xcconfig files and multiple schemes. The scheme names could be a combination of target/brand.
