Spring MockMvc not taking roles into account - spring

I have API endpoints which require a user to hold a specific role. Therefore, in some of my tests I attempt to reach these endpoints and expect a 401 error, however I get 200. I am using MockMvc to perform the calls.
The following are some snippets of the controller class with one of the methods that I am testing:
public class MyController {
public User getCurrent() {
The following is my test class (only showing the respective test method and variables):
#ContextConfiguration(classes = MyController.class)
public class MyControllerTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
public void testGetCurrentFailedDueToIncorrectRole() throws Exception {
I have also have a spring security config class, however I'm not sure if it's being brought into context in this test (sorry I'm still fairly new to spring and unit testing). Inside this class I have the following line of code:
.antMatchers("/api/**").hasAnyRole("ADMIN", "READ_ONLY")
The test showed previously fails, as I said I get 200. Now at this point I think that I'm doing something wrong in the configuration of this test and that is why roles are not being accounted for. Or maybe I am confused on how the ".with" part works.
Any form of help would be appreciated.

If you are using Spring Boot, you might want to try using #SpringBootTest and #AutoConfigureMockMvc.
Exact opposite problem (may be useful to go off of)


Unit Testing Spring Boot API RESTful endpoints generated by Open API 3 YAML files

I have an application that is using Spring Boot (latest version) and creating a back-end that has RESTful api's. Traditionally, I have created controllers like:
public class ContactController {
private ContactService service;
#RequestMapping(value = "/contactId/{contactId}",
method = RequestMethod.GET, headers = "Accept=application/json")
public #ResponseBody ContactEntity getContactById(#PathVariable("contactId") long contactId) {
ContactEntity contactEntity = service.getContactById(contactId);
return contactEntity;
And an integrated test has always been like:
#SpringBootTest(classes = ServiceContextConfiguration.class)
public class ContactControllerTest {
public void testGetContactById() throws Exception {
MockHttpServletRequestBuilder requestBuilder =
MockMvcRequestBuilders.get(BASE_URL + "/contactId/6");
This has always worked normally for years as a 'code first' api. Now, I am dealing with a contract-first API using OpenAPI 3 and a YAML file. The API is generated in the same location as before, and I would expect the test to work as it did before, but it does not.
So one resource:
is suggesting I use the assertj-swagger for the OpenAPI / Swagger contract testing.
Is this the only way to go? Is there no way for me to use my old traditional testing which I find extremely useful as an integrated test.
There is a third method I am also looking into:
Which I am going to try also, and I am sure it will work.
I'm also wondering if there is code out there to auto-generate the Test just like there is to generate the API endpoint and the model, it would make sense if the Open API 3 also had the ability to generate the test was well.
Ultimately, I'd like to use my old way of testing if I could, but if not, then I'll try the other ways.
We had the same issue after switching to open api contract first with auto-generated controllers/delegate interfaces. The fix was to import the delegate impl in addition to the controller itself. Example:
public class FeatureContractTest {
private MockMvc mvc;
private BusinessService businessService;
FeatureController is the controller generated by open-api, which typically will be in a generated-sources folder within target. FeatureDelegateImpl is our own implementation of the delegate interface, which lives in the src/main folder.

Junit 5 doesn't see controllers URL when using #WebMvcTest - Mockito and Spring Boot

I created a test class for SystemAuthorityController, as i only need part of the context to be loaded.
I've used #WebMvcTest annotation and I`ve specified which controller I want to test (I also tried with all controllers but that didn't work either).
public class SystemAuthorityControllerTest
When I try to call any endpoint from this controller I get 404, because the endpoint wasn't found.
After some research I found the solution - that is to add #Import annotation with the controller which I need and everything worked after that, the URL was found.
public class SystemAuthorityControllerTest
My question here is why I need to explicitly import the controller I want to test as I never seen this annotation being used for this purpose (neither do I think that I should be used like this). From my understanding WebMvcTest should load all controller beans.
There is no need to explicitly import controller if working in same module.
If you are getting 404, it's probably due to some other reason. [Need to see logs]
This is the basic working example of ControllerTest. [In case you miss anything]
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class AControllerTest {
AController aController;
MockMvc mockMvc;
AService aService;
public void setUp() {
this.mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(aController).build();
public void aTest() throws Exception {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
ADetails user = new ADetails();
this.mockMvc.perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders.post("/a/signin").header("Referer", "test")

Spring Boot - Test for controller fails with 404 code

I want to write a test for controller. Here is test snippet:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = MockConfig.class)
public class WeatherStationControllerTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private IStationRepository stationRepository;
public void shouldReturnCorrectStation() throws Exception {
controller code snippet:
#RequestMapping(value = "stations")
public class WeatherStationController {
private WeatherStationService weatherService;
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public List<WeatherStation> getAllWeatherStations() {
return weatherService.getAllStations();
#RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public WeatherStation getWeatherStation(#PathVariable String id) {
return weatherService.getStation(id);
MockConfig class:
#ComponentScan(basePackages = "edu.lelyak.repository")
public class MockConfig {
//**************************** MOCK BEANS ******************************
public WeatherStationService weatherServiceMock() {
WeatherStationService mock = Mockito.mock(WeatherStationService.class);
return mock;
Here is error stack trace:
java.lang.AssertionError: Status
Expected :200
Actual :404
I can get what is wrong here.
How to fix test for controller?
HTTP code 404, means no resource found (on the server) for your request, which I think that your controller is not visible(let me say is not scanned) by spring boot.
A simple solution is scanning a parent package in MockConfig class, so spring can pick up all beans,
#ComponentScan(basePackages = "edu.lelyak") // assuming that's the parent package in your project
if you don't like this approach, you can add the controller's package name in basePackages
#ComponentScan(basePackages = {"edu.lelyak.controller","edu.lelyak.repository")
BTW, you don't have to manually set up WeatherStationService in MockConfig class, Spring boot can inject a mock for you and automatically reset it after each test method, you should just declare it in your test class:
private IStationRepository stationRepository;
On the other hand, you should mock weatherService.getAllStations() before calling get("/stations") in your test method (as you're not running integration test), so you can do:
List<WeatherStation> myList = ...;
//Add element(s) to your list
You can find more in :
Testing improvements in Spring Boot 1.4
Spring Boot features: Testing
I had the same issue. The controller was not getting picked up despite specifying it with #WebMvcTest(MyController.class). This meant all of its mappings were ignored, causing the 404. Adding #Import(MyController.class) resolved the issue, but I didn't expect the import to be necessary when I'm already specifying which controller to test.
I am not sure why your test is not working. But I got another solution which works for me.
public class ControllerTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
public void setup() {
this.mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(new TestController()).build();
public void shouldReturnCorrectStation() throws Exception {
After some debugging, it appears that the target controller is simply not registered as a method handler. Spring scans the beans for the presence of RestController annotation.
But the problem is that the annotation could be found only if the bean is proxied via CGLIB, but for the case when we use WebMvcTest it's proxied by JDK.
As a result, I searched for the configuration which is responsible for making the choice, and the one was finally found AopAutoConfiguration. So when SpringBootTest is used this one is autoloaded when you need WebMvcTest+PreAuthorize in your controllers, then simply use:
I import external configuration class by #ContextConfiguration(classes = MyConfig.class)
When I changed in MyConfig annotation #Configuration into #TestConfiguration it started to work properly.
I couldn't find a good answer but I could find one of the causes.
I was using in my tests the #PreAuthorize on the RestController.
You can mock the Oauth with this tip on the integration tests that use SpringBootTest. For SpringBootTest, this works very well too, but using SpringBootTest you load a lot of other resources (like JPA) that is not necessary to do a simple Controller test.
But with #WebMvcTest this not works as expected. The use of the WithMockOAuth2Scope annotation can be enough to stop the 401 error from authentication problem, but after that the WebMvcTest can't find the rest endpoint, returning the 404 error code.
After removing the #PreAuthorize on Controller, the test with WebMvcTest pass.
Based on the accepted answer, in my case I had copied and modified the file based on another test, but forgot to change the name for the controller on the top of the class, that being the reason why it was not finding the resource, as the error says.
public class AnswerCommandControllerTest {
Here is a different approach to the controller test that worked for me.
Assumption: The class WeatherStationService is a #SpringBootApplication
Then, the test class below should work for you:
public class WeatherStationControllerTest {
private WebApplicationContext context;
MockMvc mockMvc;
public void setup() {
mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(this.context).build();
public void shouldReturnCorrectStation() throws Exception {
With this test setup, you should no longer need the MockConfig class.
In my case it was about a missing starting slash /
I've appended / to both RequestMapping value and MockHttpServletRequestBuilder post urlTemplate parameters as first character.
In case anyone is wondering.
If we don't use #ContextConfiguration, #WebMvcTest annotation will load the REST controller class. Otherwise, when we use use #ContextConfiguration, seems ContextConfiguration clear the context REST controller config. We need to add the REST controller to ContextConfiguration such as:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {MockConfig.class, WeatherStationController.class})

Does #WebMvcTest require #SpringBootApplication annotation?

My goal is to migrate a Spring Boot application previously developed with Spring Boot 1.3 to the newest Spring Boot version 1.4. The application consists of several maven modules and only one of them contains class annotated with #SpringBootApplication.
One part of migration is to use #WebMvcTest annotation to efficiently test controllers, and here I get an issue.
Consider an example application from Spring Boot github page. #WebMvcTest annotation works perfectly, because, as far as I understand (after I did several tests), there is a class in the main package annotated with #SpringBootApplication. Note that I follow the same concept as shown in the example above for my own #WebMvcTest tests.
The only difference I see that in my application, controller classes are located in a separate maven module (without #SpringBootApplication annotated class), but with #Configuration and SpringBootConfiguration configurations. If I do not annotate any class with #SpringBootApplication I always get an assertion while testing controller. My assertion is the same as when SampleTestApplication class in the example above modified to have only #EnableAutoConfiguration and #SpringBootConfiguration annotations (#SpringBootApplication is not present):
getVehicleWhenRequestingTextShouldReturnMakeAndModel(sample.test.web.UserVehicleControllerTests) Time elapsed: 0.013 sec <<< FAILURE!
java.lang.AssertionError: Status expected:<200> but was:<404>
at org.springframework.test.util.AssertionErrors.fail(AssertionErrors.java:54)
at org.springframework.test.util.AssertionErrors.assertEquals(AssertionErrors.java:81)
at org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.StatusResultMatchers$10.match(StatusResultMatchers.java:664)
at org.springframework.test.web.servlet.MockMvc$1.andExpect(MockMvc.java:171)
at sample.test.web.UserVehicleControllerTests.getVehicleWhenRequestingTextShouldReturnMakeAndModel(UserVehicleControllerTests.java:68)
How should I deal with that? Should I always have class annotated with #SpringBootApplication in order to run #WebMvcTest tests?
EDIT 1: I did a small maven project with 2 modules and a minimal configuration. It is here. Now, I get NoSuchBeanDefinitionException exception for repository defined in another module. If I configure "full" #SpringBootApplication - everything is fine.
EDIT 2: I modified small test project from EDIT 1 to give an original issue. I was playing with different annotations and added #ComponentScan on configuration class, because I suspected that beans are not registered properly. However, I expect that only #Controller bean (defined in #WebMvcTest(...class)) shall be registered based on magic behind #WebMvcTest behaviour.
EDIT 3: Spring Boot project issue.
Short answer: I believe so.
Long answer:
I believe #WebMvcTest needs to find the SpringBootApplication configuration since WebMvcTest's sole purpose is to help simplify tests (SpringBootApplication would rather try to load the whole world).
In your specific case, since you don't have any in your non-test packages, I believe it also finds SampleTestConfiguration which is annotated with #ScanPackages and somehow loads every beans.
Add the following in src/main/java/sample/test
public class SampleTestConfiguration {
And change your test to this:
public class MyControllerTest {
private MockMvc mvc;
private MyService ms;
private ApplicationContext context;
public void getDataAndExpectOkStatus() throws Exception {
public void testMyControllerInAppCtx() {
assertThat(context.getBean(MyController.class), is(not(nullValue())));
public void testNoMyAnotherControllerInAppCtx() {
try {
fail("Bean exists");
} catch (BeansException e) {
// ok
#WebMvcTest finds the SpringBootApplication, then load only a limited number of beans (see documentation):
#WebMvcTest will auto-configure the Spring MVC infrastructure and
limit scanned beans to #Controller, #ControllerAdvice, #JsonComponent,
Filter, WebMvcConfigurer and HandlerMethodArgumentResolver. Regular
#Component beans will not be scanned when using this annotation.
WebMvcTest requires SpringBootApplication: WebMvcTest inherits many AutoConfiguration, so it needs SpringBoot to load them. Then it disables many other AutoConfiguration and your Controllers become easily testable.
The whole point of using WebMvcTest is when you have a SpringBootApplication and you wish to make it simpler to test by disabling all beans except Controllers. If you don't have SpringBootApplication, then why use WebMvcTest at all?
It's an old topic, but there is a solution which wasn't mentioned here.
You can create a class annotated with SpringBootApplication just in your test sources. Then, you still have a nice, multi-module structure of your project, with just one "real" SpringBootApplication.
Yes,according to the spring boot docs
The search algorithm works up from the package that contains the test until it finds a #SpringBootApplication or #SpringBootConfiguration annotated class. As long as you’ve structure your code in a sensible way your main configuration is usually found.
But after I started using #WebMvcTest,spring boot still try to load other beans, finally TypeExcludeFilter did the trick.
#WebMvcTest(controllers = {JzYsController.class} )
public class JzYsControllerTest {
private static final String REST_V4_JZYS = "/rest/v4/JzYs";
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private JzYsService service;
public void deleteYsByMlbh() throws Exception {
mockMvc.perform(delete(REST_V4_JZYS + "?mbbh=861FA4B0E40F5C7FECAF09C150BF3B01"))
#ComponentScan(excludeFilters = #Filter(type = FilterType.CUSTOM, classes = TypeExcludeFilter.class))
public static class config{
There is one more solution. You can not use #WebMvcTest, but configure MockMvc yourself through the builder
class TestControllerTest {
private MockMvc mvc;
public void setup() {
mvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(new TestController())
void test() throws Exception {
// When
var res = mvc.perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders.get("/test/test"));
// Then
But this solution may entail a number of other problems, such as problems with configurations, environment property injections, etc.

How to dynamically load different class for JUnit tests?

I've written a couple of JUnit tests to test my REST functionality. Since I only want to test REST (and not the database, domain logic, ..) I made a stub filles with dummy data which stands for the rest of the backend.
[EDIT] For example I want to test /customers/all
A GET request will be responded to with an arraylist containing all names.
I therefore use MockMV.
.andExpect(jsonPath("$[0].name", is("John")));
When you normally perform a GET request towards /customers/all a request will be sent to the database. Now, to test my REST controller I made a stub which responds to GET /customers/all with a simple arraylist containing just my name (as you can see in the test). When I test this local I simply replace the real class with this stub. How is this done dynamically?
I don't think your approach is the good one. Just use your real controller, but stub its dependencies (using Mockito, for example), just like you would do for a traditional unit test.
Once you have an instance of the controller using stubbed dependencies, you can use a standalone setup and use MockMvc to test, in addition to the controller code, the mapping annotations, the JSON marshalling, etc.
Thias approach is described in the documentation.
Example using Mockito, assuming the controller delegates to a CustomerService:
public class CustomerControllerTest {
private CustomerService mockCustomerService;
private CustomerController controller;
private MockMvc mockMvc;
public void setup() {
this.mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(controller).build();
public void shouldListCustomers() {
Arrays.asList(new Customer("John"),
new Customer("Alice")));
.andExpect(jsonPath("$[0].name", is("John")));
