React-apollo + material-ui: server side rendering not work with express - graphql

I have a big problem to make a boilerplate for a complete react application using graphql (react-apollo) and material-ui.
I trying a lot of shit, but i always as the same problem:
Warning: Prop "className" did not match. Server: "MuiSvgIcon-root-60 MuiListItemIcon-root-127" Client: "MuiSvgIcon-root-60 MuiListItemIcon-root-123"
if i'm logged (problem is come from the Drawer component visibly), and:
Warning: Did not expect server HTML to contain a <h1> in <div>.
if i'm logout (the Drawer is not showing).
You can found the complete example here:
This is my server.js file:
Thx a lot man.

I solved my bug:
Just using this in your bash works fine: sed -i 's/material-ui\/core\/SvgIcon/material-ui\/core\/es\/SvgIcon/' 'node_modules/#material-ui/icons/es/utils/createSvgIcon.js'
And be sure to ALWAYS use /es versions of material-ui, particulary for the SvgIcon coming with #material-ui/icons/... => #material-ui/icons/es/...


How to solve No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' in polymer-project?

I am exploring Polymer-project 1.0 and the task is to get the JSON and print output repeatedly.
But no matter what I tried, the error below is coming. I even tried with Github pages, but this also gives me same error response in terminal.
XMLHttpRequest cannot load No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access.
Not into theming and designing the material design. All I want is for the functionality to work first. So I wrote below code:
<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{ajaxResponse.responseData.results}}">
<paper-material elevation="1" class="paper-font-body2">
<iron-image src="[[item.image.url]]" style="width:800px; height:450px; background-color: lightgray;" sizing="cover" preload fade></iron-image>
For debugging I installed Google Chrome app named Allow-Control-Allow-Origin: *. Then the above code started working.
Even if I tried with iron-ajax demo will give the same result. What's happening here? Am I the one person receiving this error in the universe?
You can solve this problem using byutv-jsonp. It a Polymer 1.0+ element that allows for making JSONP requests. The Google API you are using supports JSONP. I have tested the code below and get back the proper response.
<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{lastResponse.responseData.results}}">
<paper-material elevation="1" class="paper-font-body2">
<iron-image src="[[item.image.url]]" style="width:800px; height:450px; background-color: lightgray;" sizing="cover" preload fade></iron-image>
It is important to add the query parameters to the params attribute instead of the url attribute with the current version (1.2.0) of byutv-jsonp.
You will need to use jsonp -- more info about it here
url: "",
jsonp: "callback",
// Tell jQuery we're expecting JSONP
dataType: "jsonp",
// Work with the response
success: function( response ) {
console.log(response); // server response
However i dont see an option in Polymer iron-ajax handleAs for jsonp but try the available options
I had a look around and there is byutv-jsonp
The byutv-jsonp element () exposes network request
functionality. It is a Polymer v1.0+ element that facilitates making
JSONP requests. It uses Polymer behaviors (Byutv.behaviors.Jsonp). It
is patterned after Polymer's iron-ajax element (). It has
been tested using unit tests. It is part of the BYUtv Elements group
of elements.
I tried JSONPbut it did not work for me. Then I ran my Chrome browser in web security disabled mode and Access-Control-Allow-Origin issue for 3rd party URL being invoked via AJAX requests got resolved for me.
Please note, this is a temporary fix in development environment and it will only work for Chrome.
Create a shortcut of Google Chrome on your desktop or somewhere else
Right click on it > Select Properties
Change target like this:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disable-web-security
When you run Chrome you will receive a warning that it is running in unsafe mode, but you can ignore it for the time being and continue with development.
Hope this works!
UPDATE: Commands you can try for OSX and Linux/Ubuntu
Being a Windows user I am not very sure about the solutions but but you can give it a try.
$ google-chrome --disable-web-security
Command line approach:
chromium-browser --disable-web-security
$ open -a Google\ Chrome --args --disable-web-security
To access local files like AJAX or JSON, you can use this flag too. Again, this is strictly for dev purpose.
NB: You should be careful if you are browsing internet with web security disabled. This will make your PC more vulnerable to attacks!
Remember, you need to close all instances of Chrome and its background apps before you run it in --disable-web-secutiry mode.
Let me know if this resolves your issue.

How to get Angular UI Router to respect "non-routed" URLs

This is my first experience with AngularUI Router, so I guess I'm making a newbie error and hope somebody can guide me.
I've configured a single-page application to use Angular UI Router in HTML5 mode and it all seems to work as expected.
"$stateProvider", "$urlRouterProvider", "$locationProvider",
function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $locationProvider) {
$stateProvider.state("concept", {
url: "/concepts/:conceptKey",
templateUrl: "/templates/concept-view.html",
controller: "conceptViewController",
resolve: {
concept: [
"$stateParams", "conceptsApi",
function ($stateParams, conceptsApi) {
return conceptsApi.getConcept($stateParams.conceptKey);
However, the same page also contains some links to other static pages on the same site, using relative URLs. Prior to installing Angular routing, these links worked correctly, but now they are broken. Specifically, clicking any one of these links correctly changes the browser address bar, but does not trigger navigation to that destination page.
I assume I need to add something to tell the routing configuration to ignore certain URL patterns, but I haven't found any information that shows me how to do this. Any suggestions please?
After some investigation I discovered that this issue is not specifically related to Angular UI Router. The same behavior is also present in the native AngularJS routing mechanism and is caused by the link rewriting logic implemented by $location, as described in this documentation.
Further discussion of the problem is here.
I found two possible solutions, both of which seem to work well:
Explicitly target links to static pages: By including the attribute target="_self" in any links to static pages (i.e. pages that fall outside the defined Angular routing scheme) they will be ignored by AngularJS and thus rendered correctly.
Disable link re-writing: When configuring Angular routing in HTML5 mode, two syntax formats are supported. The simplest format ...
... enables HTML5 mode with the default configuration. However, the long-form syntax provides access to additional configuration properties, one of which solves the above problem by disabling Angular's default behavior of intercepting and re-writing link URLs:
enabled: true,
requireBase: false,
rewriteLinks: false
I used the 2nd solution and it appears to have no adverse effect on the behavior of URLs defined in the routing scheme. This solution appears to work equally well with Angular UI Router and with native AngularJS routing.

WebAPI SignalR Negotiate response different on different browsers

The main problem about Access-Control-Allow-Origin I think. But when I configure the Web API project as defined in the given documentation, it still not working in chrome and firefox but working in IE well (it is about IE thinks localhost is not cross domain, AFAIK). I tried different ways to make it work but no result.
I put the example project to github repository. Project is very simple. There are two applications working on cross domains. It is very simple chat application like in signalr examples.
You must change the value of api host in client javascript file:
When you open the Chat page in mvc project, there will be two requests to api application
1- Regular ajax request (which is working fine)
2- Signalr negotiate request (cancelled)
And also I don't think browser disables the CORS because of if it disables there would not be an hit to server. So I think it is about browser but not about browser disables (something else).
Details are in repository
Fiddler Results:
The bad part about it also is server returning 500 with this error:
System.InvalidOperationException: 'chat' Hub could not be resolved.
Which hub name is chat also.
You can enable CORS for Web Api in project with different ways for test purposes. Each one is giving different errors all about XMLHttpRequest Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
I commented them, so you can uncomment and make test for each one:
So what is going on here?
After I talked with David Fowler in JabbR, he mentioned the thing about using CORS with SignalR. My signalr startup code was wrong. So after changing the startup code like in his advice it worked well.
He also mentioned SignalR and Web API are working with different CORS definitions. So enabling or disabling one doesn't affect other.
Here is the new startup code:
app.Map("/signalr", map =>
map.RunSignalR(new HubConfiguration()
EnableDetailedErrors = true,
EnableJavaScriptProxies = true
The old one:
app.MapSignalR(new HubConfiguration()
EnableDetailedErrors = true,
EnableJavaScriptProxies = true
Hope it helps to somebody out there.

Getting Phonegap app to communicate to Codeigniter Server in Android and Access-Control-Allow-Origin error

I am extremely new to using phonegap,codeigniter and jQuery Mobile (My first project) and have currently created an app with jQuery Mobile on the Client side and on the Server side I used the Codeigniter framework to create a RESTful API. Now when I am developing locally the app with in the browser (not yet using phonegap) communicates just fine with the API and no problems occur.
I placed the Codeigniter API on a server yesterday and I am now encountering 2 problems:
The App which was built using jQuery Mobile keeps getting the
following error:
Origin localhost is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
Now I have done some reading up and most people say to use jsonp instead of json and also to use the following on the Server Side:
$CI->output->set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
$CI->output->set_header("Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin");
Now my problem is I'm not entirely sure which one is used to fix the problem, weather it is both that need to be implemented etc. If they need to be fixed, how is it done? Is there a place that is well documented that can teach me how to deal with this problem, preferably I would like some where to read up on so I can learn?
The second problem is when I place the jQuery Mobile app into
phonegap and build it for Android. The app fails to get the
data from the server. Now is the reason for this because of the cross
domain error above or is this problem different? I also did some
reading up in this section as well and to my Android config.xml I
added the following code:
But I'm I still can't pull anything from the server. Like I said I'm a bit of a newbie but would really appreciate some help in this matter. Also I am aware that I haven't posted code but based on the comments I'll post which ever code the community needs to help solve this problem, just simply specify which code. Thank you for the help in advance!
About the Access-Control-Allow-Origin problem, I faced the same error and solved by placing this line <?php header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); ?> in the index.php which is in the root of the project.
This question hasn't been answered 100% but for now thanks to the help of #Niloy Saha, to fix the Access-Control-Allow-Origin error with with the Codeigniter RESTful frame work simply go to your controller in the Controller folder and right at the top paste;
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
This then should allow you to communicate from the browser to the server and be able to get a response. After a good for hours of trying I managed to fix my problem. With in the Android project in the res/xml folder there is a file called config.xml. In that file be sure to have the following code:
<access origin="*" subdomains="true"/>
and also make sure you have the following:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
in your AndroidManifest.xml. For me that seemed to get everything to work
I did similar thing as yours, Zend FW with API on server and jQuery Mobile App.
I've used JSONP, didn't use any Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers.
I have a method in my controller:
function returnData($data) {
header('Content-type: text/javascript');
echo $_GET['callback']. '('. json_encode($data). ')';
At the end of API call i use it to return data.
Getting data in jQuery:
dataType: "jsonp",
url: url,
data: {someparam: 'value'},
success: function(data) { /* ur data is here */ }

Can I use XMLHttpRequest on a different port from a script file loaded from that port?

I have website that use XMLHttpRequest (jQuery, actually). I also have another site running on the same server, which serves a script file that makes XHR requests back to THAT site, ie.
http://mysite:50000/index.html includes
<script src="http://mysite:9000/otherscript.js"></script>
and http://mysite:9000/otherscript.js includes
url: 'http://mysite:9000/ajax/stuff'
The problem is - this doesn't work. The AJAX requests from the loaded script simply fail with no error message. From what I've been able to find this is the old same origin policy. Given that I control both sites, is there anything I can do to make this work? The "document.domain" trick doesn't seem to do a thing for XMLHttpRequest.
Nope- can't do this with XHR. Same-domain policy is very restrictive there- same host, same port, same protocol. Sorry! You'll have to resort to other tricks (iframes, title manipulation, etc) to get it to work.
You can do this by adding Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.
If you are using PHP
or in Node.js
response.writeHead(200, {'Access-Control-Allow-Origin':''});
This should do the trick for you. It always works for me.
I just solved a similar issue with a PHP service I'm currently playing around with (not sure how relevant a PHP solution is to this directly, but...) by making a single line proxy PHP page, SimpleProxy.php:
echo file_get_contents('http://localhost:4567');
And in my XMLHttpRequest I use 'SimpleProxy.php' in place of 'http://localhost:4567', which effectively puts the request on the same domain as my .js code.
