Nested graphviz trees? - graphviz

TL;DR: Is there some short-notation in graphviz for creating trees, that doesn't require re-typing the node names?
I am trying to create a mindmap with graphviz's twopi tool. In order to avoid rewriting the same labels over and over (or using obscure shorthands), I was trying to use nested braces.
Essentially I expected the two subgraphs here to have the same structure:
digraph example {
subgraph AA {
root -> {a b c}
a -> {a1 a2 a3}
b -> {b1 b2 b3}
c -> {c1 c2 c3}
subgraph XX {
_root -> {
_a -> { _a1 _a2 _a3 }
_b -> { _b1 _b2 _b3 }
_c -> { _c1 _c2 _c3 }
but instead, the first one has the hierachical structure I wanted, while the second has unintended connections from the root node. Compiled with twopi -Tpng -o example.png:
The first form is fine with such short symbolic names, but when the labels contain actual text, the text file quickly becomes hard to read.
The second form would help, but obviously I understood the effect of grouping in graphviz.
Is there some syntax, that would allow to avoid repeating node names as I tried in subgraph XX?

I'm pretty sure there isn't. From
An edge statement allows a subgraph on both the left and right sides of the edge operator. When this occurs, an edge is created from every node on the left to every node on the right.
This means that you have to repeat something in order not to have edges from a branch (including the root) in the tree to everything on that branch. I usually resort to repeat the nodes that are easiest to write.
I don't think this will make you much happier, but here's an approach where only the root node is repeated:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src=""></script>
<script src="" type="javascript/worker"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="graph" style="text-align: center;"></div>
var dotSrc = `
digraph example {
subgraph AA {
root -> {a b c}
a -> {a1 a2 a3}
b -> {b1 b2 b3}
c -> {c1 c2 c3}
subgraph XX {
_root -> _a -> { _a1 _a2 _a3 }
_root -> _b -> { _b1 _b2 _b3 }
_root -> _c -> { _c1 _c2 _c3 }


Make a Graphviz plot more square

I am trying to make plot of several disconnected graphs.
digraph {
// rankdir=RL
subgraph template {
node [shape=square]
edge [color=black]
subgraph top {
node [group=1]
subgraph bottom {
node [group=2]
C -> c
F -> f
subgraph s1 {
edge [color=red]
A -> a
B -> b1
D -> d1
E -> e1
G -> g1
H -> h1
subgraph s2 {
edge [color=blue]
A -> b1
B -> a
D -> d2
E -> e2
G -> g2
H -> h2
subgraph s3 {
edge [color=green]
A -> a
B -> b1
D -> d2
E -> e3
G -> g3
H -> h1
subgraph s4 {
edge [color=purple]
A -> b1
B -> a
D -> e1
E -> e2
G -> g4
H -> h1
subgraph s5 {
edge [ color=orange]
A -> b1
B -> a
D -> d5
E -> e1
G -> g5
H -> h1
subgraph s6 {
edge [ color=brown]
A -> a
B -> b1
D -> d1
E -> e6
G -> g6
H -> h1
subgraph s6 {
edge [ color=tan]
A -> a
B -> b2
D -> d2
E -> e6
G -> g6
H -> h1
This creates a short, wide graph.
I would like to have a taller, narrower graph. For example, moving the F, G and H trees under the A-E nodes would be good.
I tried size, which just made the nodes bigger or smaller.
I tried ratio, which stretched the graph but did not move nodes around.
I tried using group and/or rankdir, but neither did what I wanted.
I have mostly tried using fdp, but also tried dot.
I am happy with a solution that either automatically moves the nodes around or requires me to manually move them.
Any suggestions on how to achieve this?
Here are two ways:
make each top-level cluster a stand-alone graph.
run each graph through dot -Tdot myfileX.gv >
use gvpack ( to combine the individual files into one combo graph
run the combo graph through neato -n2 -Tpng >mycombo.png (see
gvpack -array_ib1 myfiles*.dot |neato -Tpng -n2 >oooo.png
use invisible edges to connect the nodes from one cluster to another a->C. Unfortunately, this quickly becomes tedious, trying to get all the nodes to line up as you want.

How can I cross out a node in Graphviz?

I would like to indicate that a node should be there, but is currently lacking in the process.
Intuitively I would like to cross it out as shown in below image (now done manually in Paint):
Is there a node attribute in Graphviz that I can use for this?
I can't find an attribute or node shape to do what you want, but here are two ways to do it:
build an image outside of Graphviz (with the text and the X) and use the image attribute to use the image as the node (yes, a pain if you want to do this frequently):
b [image="myB.png"]
For every X'd out node, add 2 new edges from .ne to .sw and .nw to .se (see below) Each with this (new) attribute: straightline=1. Then run this command:
dot -Tdot Xout2.gv |gvpr -f straightline.gvpr -c | neato -n2 -Tpng >out.png
Where this is straightline.gvpr:
int i, n;
string pt[int];
double x1, y1, x2, y2, xI1, yI1, xI2, yI2;
n=split($.pos, pt, " ");
for (i=0;i<=1;i++){
if (match(pt[i],"e,")>=0){
print ("// BEFORE: ", pt[i]);
print ("// AFTER: ", pt[i]);
for (i=0;i<=1;i++){
if (match(pt[i],"s,")>=0){
sscanf (pt[0], "%f,%f", &x1, &y1);
sscanf (pt[n-1], "%f,%f", &x2, &y2);
$.pos=sprintf("%s %.3f,%.3f %.3f,%.3f %s", pt[0], xI1, yI1, xI2, yI2, pt[n-1]);
From this input:
digraph X{
graph [outputorder=edgefirst]
b [ label="X me"]
a -> b -> c
a -> d
d -> c
e -> f
g -> i -> k
edge [color="#ff000080" penwidth=2] // note translucent color
b:ne -> b:sw [straightline=1]
b:se -> b:nw [straightline=1]
edge [color="green" penwidth=2]
e:n -> e:s [straightline=1]
f:w -> f:se [straightline=1]
edge [color="orange" penwidth=2]
g:n -> g:se [dir=back straightline=1]
edge [color="blue" penwidth=2]
g:n -> g:sw [dir=back straightline=1]
i:e -> i:w [dir=none straightline=1]
k -> k:s [dir=both straightline=1]
Sorry, convoluted, but it works.
While the answer of sroush gives me the exact output I need, it requires that I understand how to introduce gvpr in my workflow which will take a bit of time.
In the meantime I came up with a dot only approach, which approximates crossing out a node sufficiently for my purpose.
In below graph I would like to cross out the node Some process:
digraph graphname {
node [fillcolor="lightblue3", style="filled"]
b [label="Some\nprocess"]
a -> b -> c
a -> d -> c
{rank=same a;d}
To do so I change:
the nodestyle of the Some process node to have a diagonal hard gradient
use a HTML-like label to strikethrough the text
Make the fontcolor and node outline a shade of gray
digraph graphname {
node [fillcolor="lightblue3", style="filled"]
node [fillcolor="lightblue3;0.5:white", style="filled", fontcolor="gray50", color="gray50", gradientangle=100]
b [label=<<s>Some<br/>process</s>>]
a -> b -> c
a -> d -> c
{rank=same a;d}

How to dynamically increase the distance between two nodes in GraphViz?

I'm using this Python project "Family Tree Maker" to generate a family tree. It works with GraphViz, creates a nice DOT file and then a PNG. "Minimum Viable Product" check. It works :D
Now I'd like to make it a bit nicer.
Is there a simple way (e.g. not having to increase the length of the edge per hand) to force the right-most vertical edge (between Father1-Mother2 and Franz) to be straight/vertical like displayed below?
Edit: as correctly stated by #albert in the comments, displays the correct output while doesn't.
PS: Here's the DOT code that generate this Graph:
digraph {
graph [splines=ortho];
node [shape=box, fontname = "calibri"];
edge [dir=none];
Child1[label="Child 1",style=filled,fillcolor=azure2];
Child2[label="Child 2",style=filled,fillcolor=bisque];
Child3[label="Child 3",style=filled,fillcolor=azure2];
Child4[label="Child 4",style=filled,fillcolor=azure2];
{ rank=same;
Mother1 -> h0 -> Father1;
Father1 -> h1 -> Mother2;
{ rank=same;
h0_0 -> h0_1 -> h0_2 -> h0_3 -> h0_4;
h0_4 -> h1_0 [style=invis];
h0 -> h0_2;
h0_0 -> Child1;
h0_1 -> Child2;
h0_3 -> Child3;
h0_4 -> Child4;
h1 -> h1_0;
h1_0 -> Franz;
{ rank=same;
Child1 -> Child2 [style=invis];
Child2 -> Child3 [style=invis];
Child3 -> Child4 [style=invis];
Child4 -> Franz [style=invis];
{ rank=same;
As expected after discussing with #Albert in the comments, using version 2.28 of GraphViz, I get the result I wanted.
I created an issue report on GraphViz's Gitlab:

How to draw nodes at different "levels" in dot?

I would like to draw the following graph in dot:
How can this be done?
Use rank=same; to force this layout:
digraph example {
A -> B -> C -> D -> E;
{ rank = same {A, C, E}}
{ rank = same {B,D}}

How can I reverse the direction of every edge in a Graphviz (dot language) graph?

I have a directed graph specified in Graphviz's dot language, e.g.
digraph G { A -> B [label="foo"]; A -> B [label="bar"]; B -> A; C; }
I want to automatically process this into a graph with its edges reversed, i.e.
digraph G { B -> A [label="foo"]; B -> A [label="bar"]; A -> B; C; }
I would like to use a robust solution (i.e. one that understands the graph and therefore probably doesn't use sed) that preserves any existing edge labels and other attributes. Note that I am not merely talking about getting dot to render my graph with the arrows pointing backward; I really need a graph whose edges are reversed. (In this case, I intend to reverse the edges, apply prune, then reverse the edges again.)
How can I reverse the direction of every edge in a Graphviz (dot-language) graph?
Easiest way is to include a graph-level dir statement where you reverse the direction of the arrows. By default, the direction is forward. If you reverse it at the top of your graph, then without changing a single other line, the graph will show up the way you want.
What you have now is this:
digraph G
edge [dir="forward"]; /* implied */
A -> B [label="foo"];
A -> B [label="bar"];
B -> A;
What you want is this:
digraph G
edge [dir="back"]; /* note the change to this line */
A -> B [label="foo"];
A -> B [label="bar"];
B -> A;
The best I've come up with so far is
graph_t g = graph($.name + " reversed", "D");
int edge_id = 0;
N {
clone(g, $);
E {
node_t newHead = clone(g, $.head);
node_t newTail = clone(g, $.tail);
edge_t newEdge = edge_sg(g, newHead, newTail, edge_id);
copyA($, newEdge);
$O = g;
which I then invoke with gvpr.
This does add a "key" attribute to all resultant edges, but I'm not sure how to avoid that and still preserve multiple edges between the same pair of nodes.
When I do echo 'digraph G { A -> B [label="foo"]; A -> B [label="bar"]; B -> A; C; }' | gvpr -f reverseAllEdges.gvpr, I get:
digraph "G reversed" {
A -> B [key=2];
B -> A [key=0, label=foo];
B -> A [key=1, label=bar];
I don't know how robust this will prove to be, but it looks promising.
The Python library NetworkX has a directed multigraph type, MultiDiGraph, which has a reverse() method. It also uses pydot for loading and writing DOT files.
