Elasticsearch Searching over large number of fields in a large index - elasticsearch

On Elasticsearch 5.6.
We've got a requirement to implement a context free search (a simple google like search anything) feature that could operate over an index with 1000 fields. The index itself can be big (1 million docs per day).
I was looking at the query_string query with a fields as '*'. I came across this section
where it says searching over multiple fields will slow down the search and a general pattern is to have an "all like field with all the values munged and run a search on it.
While this is perfectly possible, my requirement is a bit more complex that these 1000 fields are protected by document level security by using x-pack security. Therefore if I search only for the "all like" field, I might be bringing the top result as the one for which the user actually didn't have any fields relevant to their permission settings. Somewhere there's a gap here is what I foresee. Any thoughts and possible solutions?


Filter result in memory to search in elasticsearch from multiple indexes

I have 2 indexes and they both have one common field (basically relationship).
Now as elastic search is not giving filters from multiple indexes, should we store them in memory in variable and filter them in node.js (which basically means that my application itself is working as a database server now).
We previously were using MongoDB which is also a NoSQL DB but we were able to manage it through aggregate queries but seems the elastic search is not providing that.
So even if we use both databases combined, we have to store results of them somewhere to further filter data from them as we are giving users advanced search functionality where they are able to filter data from multiple collections.
So should we store results in memory to filter data further? We are currently giving advanced search in 100 million records to customers but that was not having the advanced text search that elastic search provides, now we are planning to provide elastic search text search to customers.
What do you suggest should we use the approach here to make MongoDB and elastic search together? We are using node.js to serve data.
Or which option to choose from
Denormalizing: Flatten your data
Application-side joins: Run multiple queries on normalized data
Nested objects: Store arrays of objects
Parent-child relationships: Store multiple documents through joins
Storing things client side in memory is not the solution.
First of all the simplest way to solve this problem is to simply make one combined index. Its very trivial to do this. Just insert all the documents from index 2 into index 1. Prefix all fields coming from index-2 by some prefix like "idx2". That way you won't overwrite any similar fields. You can use an ingestion pipeline to do this, or just do it client side. You only will ever do this once.
After that you can perform aggregations on the single index, since you have all the data in one-index.
If you are using somehting other than ES as your primary data-store you need to reconfigure the indexing operation to redirect everything that was earlier going into index-2 to go into index-1 as well(with the prefixed terms).
100 million records is trivial for something like ELasticsearch. Doing anykind of "joins" client side is NOT RECOMMENDED, as this will obviate the entire value of using ES.
If you need any further help on executing this, feel free to contact me. I have 11 years exp in ES. And I have seen people struggle with "joins" for 99% of the time. :)
The first thing to do when coming from MySQL/PostGres or even Mongodb is to restructure the indices to suit the needs of data-querying. Never try to work with multiple indices, ES is not built for that.

Elasticsearch - Autocomplete return word/term/token suggestions instead of whole documents

I am trying to implement a simple auto completion for query terms.
There are many different approaches but most of them do return documents instead of terms
- or the authors simply stopped explaining from that point and i am not able to adapt.
A user is typing in a query - e.g. phil
What i want is to provide a list of term completion suggestions like philipp, philius, philadelphia, ...
I am able to get document matches via (edge)ngrams, phrase_prefix and so on but i am am stuck at retrieving matching terms (completion suggestions).
Can someone give me a hint?
I have documents like this {"title":"...", "description":"...", "content":"..."}
All fields have larger string values but especially the field content contains fulltext content.
I do not want to suggest the whole title of a document containing e.g. Philadelphia. Just the word "Philadelphia".
Looking for something like that, myself.
In SOLR it was relatively simple to configure (although a pain to build and keep up-to-date) using solr.SpellCheckComponent. Somehow the same underlying Lucene functionality is used differently between SOLR and ElasticSearch, and in ElasticSearch it is geared towards finding whole documents (or whole field values, if you will) or so it seems...
Despite the profusion of "elasticsearch autocomplete" articles, none appears to deal with this particular issue. Like it doesn't exist. Maybe their use case is different and ElasticSearch works for them just fine, who knows?
At this point I think that preparing the exact field values to use with ElasticSearch autocomplete (yes, that's the input field values, not analyzer tokens) maybe the only way to solve the problem. Which is terrible, because the performance is going to be very low.
Try term suggester:
The term suggester suggests terms based on edit distance. The provided
suggest text is analyzed before terms are suggested. The suggested
terms are provided per analyzed suggest text token. The term suggester
doesn’t take the query into account that is part of request.

Alternatives for real time score by popularity with elasticsearch

I would like boost a document's score by popularity. I'd like it to be as real-time as possible.
In order to meet the real time requirement, it seems I have to re-index each document each time it's popularity changes (per view). This seems highly inefficient.
An alternative is to run a batch process that periodically re-indexes documents that have been recently viewed, but this becomes less real-time, and still requires re-indexing entire documents when only one field (the popularity) has changed.
A third approach (which we have implemented) is to use a plugin to grab a document's popularity from an external source and use a script to include it in scoring. This works as well, but slows down search for large document spaces. Using rescore helps, but it only allows us to sort a subset of the documents returned.
Is there a better option (a way to add popularity to the index without reindexing the entire document or a better way to integrate external data with elastic search)?
You can try the following to have realtime popularity field.
Include a popularity field as part of your index.
Increment popularity every time a document is retrieved. You can do this using partial update scripts.
Use function score query to boost the document.
Java API:
new FunctionScoreQueryBuilder(matchQuery("canonical_name",
We implemented a hybrid of your second and third approach. We had an external source (in our case a DB) that stored popularity values for a doc id and all queries regarding popularity where served from there. Additionaly we had a cron that updated all documents every hour by reindexing. The reason we reindexed is because we had other analysis done on the document that needed the new popularity but technically you can only have the db as it serves all request purposes.
DB are genearly faster when it comes to number retrieval for a doc id than eelstic search/lucene/solr. Hope this helps.
I know this is a old question, but Elasticsearch has released a experimental feature where you can provide ranks per document in the search query:
Basically, if you believe that some documents will be returned from a certain search query, you can provide those documents (their ids) along with a rank (per document) in the search query. If a provided document id is within the search result, its rank will be used to boost itself.
Since you have to provide an array of document ids and their ranks in the search query, you need some way to determine (beforehand) if these documents are expected in the search result.
This feature just seems the wrong way around at first, since you need to figure out potential results before you execute the actual search. But maybe it's something. It's real time at least.

Elasticsearch questions: search, performance and caching

I'm new to elasticsearch, have been reading their API and some things are not clear to me
1) It is said that filters are cached. what does that mean? if i send a query with a filter on it, what gets cached? The results of that query? If i send a different query with the same filter, will the cache help me somehow?
I know the question is kinda vague, but so is ElasticSearch's documentation for this.
2) Is there a real performance difference between a query matching a term X to the "_all" field or to a specific field? As far i understand, both queries will be compared against all documents that contain X in one of their fields, and the only difference is in how many fields will be matched against X, in these documents. is that correct?
1) For your first question take a look at this link.
To quote from the post
"Filters don’t score documents – they simply include or exclude. If a document matches a filter, it is represented with a one in the BitSet; otherwise a zero. This means that Elasticsearch can store an entire segment’s filter state (“who matches this particular filter?”) in a single, compact BitSet.
The first time Elasticsearch executes a filter, it parses Lucene segment data structures to determine what matches your filter. Instead of throwing away this information, it caches it inside a BitSet.
The next time the same filter is executed, Elasticsearch can reference the compact BitSet instead of the Lucene segments. This has huge performance benefits."
2) "The idea of the _all field is that it includes the text of one or more other fields within the document indexed. It can come very handy especially for search requests, where we want to execute a search query against the content of a document, without knowing which fields to search on. This comes at the expense of CPU cycles and index size."link
So if you know what fields you are going to query use specifics fields to search on.

How to write fast Elastic Search queries

Is there a guide to writing the ES queries - what to do, what to avoid, this sort of stuff. The official site describes all various ways to search, but provides little giudance as to when select what.
In my particular instance I have a list of providers, each one has a name an address and a number of IDs. I want to give the user a box he can type in anything he knows about the provider and run search based on whatever is provided. Essentially I would like to match every word from the box against the records (documents) in the index.
For the end user this should look like a simple keyword search.
Matching should cover exact matches, wild card matches, phonetic matches, synonyms (for names). Also some fuzziness should be included too.
The official site describes various ways to do that, but how to combine them together? For instance to support wild card search do I use wild card query, or do I index it with the NGram and do just text query?
With the SQL queries a certain way to get this sort of information is to check the execution plan for the query. If the SQL optimizer tells you that it will use table scan against a table of considerable size, you know you should change your query, or, may be, add an index. AFAIK there is no equivalent for this powerful feature in ES and I am not even sure if it is possible to build it.
But at least some generic considerations...? Pretty please...
There is not a best way to go about doing things, because a lot of times it depends on what you are indexing, and how you map your data into variables within Elasticsearch.
Some rule of thumb that you should look out for:
a. Faceted Queries in Elasticsearch work in sequences:
"query": {
// data will be searched from this block first //
}, "facets": {
// after the data is received, it will be processed into facets //
Hence if your query size is huge, you are going to slow down your query further by faceting. Monitor the results of your query.
b. Filters vs Queries
Filters do a subset of your queries, meaning it will take the entire result of what your query is, and then filter out what you do want or what you do not want.
Queries are usually direct searches for data.
Hence, if you can make your query as specific as possible before you do a filter, it should yield faster results.
c. Queries are cached; running them again and again will generally yield faster responses. The Warmers API should be able to make your queries even quicker if you are always going to use the same set of queries
Again, all these are rule of thumbs and cannot be followed strictly, because what you index into specific variables will affect processing times. A string is different from long types, and strings with analyzers are different from non-analyzers. What you need to do is probably to experiment with your queries to get a better judgement.
One correction from the above - Filters are cacheable by ES, and not queries. Queries does the extra step of relevance scoring & full text search. So, where ever full text search is not needed using filter is advised.
Also, design your mappings with correct index values (not_analyzed, no, analyzed)
